Benson Lemayne

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Benson Lemayne
Biographical Information
Full nameBenson Lemayne
Born12 March 1959
BirthplaceNorwich, England
ResidenceNorwich, England
Title(s)Quidditch Beater (1970-)
Physical Information
Family Information
Magical Characteristics


Benson Lemayne was born to a witch and a muggle in the city of Norwich, England (located in Norfolk County) on 12 March 1959. His mother, a well-to-do witch, owned a small chocolate store in Norwich where she made all sorts of magical treats for both wizards and muggles alike (though truth be told, the muggles didn't fully understand the capabilities of her candies). It should come as no surprise, then, that Benson was a little on the large side. At the age of eleven, Benson could hardly fit into even the largest size that uniforms came in for Eaton School for boys. Lucky it was that a letter arrived by owl informing Benson that he would be able to attend a school that required airy robes rather than tight-fitting pants.

Though Benson's build was of the short, stocky variety, his personality was quite different. In his mind, Benson was tall, dark, and incredibly handsome. He loved his own reflection and knew that he would be an easy pick for the Quidditch team due to his "remarkable" athletic skill (though he may not realize that he was built for Beater rather than Seeker). Girls typically rolled their eyes in his presence, though he typically failed to notice. Vanity was not quite strong enough a word for his ego, but do not mistake him for being mean.

Even at a younger age, Benson was keen to help out in his community, offering to mow lawns and help with school upkeep for no wages. He completely understood that he was well-off in terms of money, and he knew that others were not quite so lucky. In fact, he was even more aware that others obviously didn't share his luck when it came to looks.