Ryan Ward

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Ryan E. Ward
Biographical Information
Born11 March, 1934
BirthplaceAlbany, New York
ResidenceFlat in Wizarding London, England
The Ward Estate in Wales (former)
The Ward Estate in Albany, New York (former)
NationalityWelsh & German-American
EducationHogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
ClassRavenclaw Class of 1952
Physical Information
Family Information
ParentsDwight Anderson and Melissa Ward-Anderson
SiblingsUnnamed siblings
Magical Characteristics
Wandsturdy 9.5" rosewood wand with a veela hair core
Special AbilityAura Reading (Wandless)
OccupationJunior Healer at St. Mungos - Spell Damages


Early Life

Ryan was born on March 11th, 1934 to Dwight Anderson and Melissa Ward-Anderson in Albany, New York on a cold March morning. He was the second of three sons, but the third child overall, and the only one of which that presented with ability to use magic like his mother could before she left the magical world behind her. Because of this development, Melissa had sent Ryan off to live with her family - The Ward’s - in New York City so that he could be raised in a household that understood what he needed. Or, in other words, a family that wanted anything to do with magic.

While Ryan was too young to really be bitter towards his mother for what she did, her sister - Lorelai - took Melissa’s place and raised Ryan as her own despite minor disapproval from the rest of the Ward family. She was a single mother with no steady partner, and in their eyes had no idea what it took to raise a child. There was a minor stigma attached to Ryan as well, seeing as how his father had been a Muggle, but Lorelai had been the only ones to look past it.

Ryan’s grandfather, Henry, accepted him in time too, but only because the boy proved to have a similar taste in hobbies as the elderly Ward had. The two would spend long afternoons in the summer playing magical chess with one another, until Ryan eventually conceded defeat since the older of the two had more experience even if Ryan proved to be a fast learner. He took to flying almost naturally, and had more love for the game than he did for Henry’s other passion - duelling. But, in an attempt to gain more favor from his grandfather, Ryan promised to try and enjoy duelling more when he eventually transferred to Hogwarts.

Learnt Spells


Created Spells


Observed Spells Not Used In Practice
