Ministry of Magic

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Ministry of Magic
HeadquartersWhitehall, London
Minister of MagicTomas Bellestorm
IntentionsGovern the Magical Community of Great Britain
AffiliationInternational Confederation of Wizards



Early Years

Some things happened.


Some other things happened. Girls wore long skirts.

Selwyn Era

Marilla Selwyn was appointed Minister for Magic following the shocking assassination of the former Minister, Elspeth Redgrave, during a speech at Hogwarts School. Minister Redgrave believed strongly in the concept of blood purity, and had sought to create a separate school for Muggleborns and those with significant Muggle ancestry. The new school, nearly complete in its construction, was destroyed in an explosion shortly after Regrave's assassination.

Minister Selwyn abandoned nearly all of the policies of her predecessor, supporting co-education of muggleborn and pureblood students, and continued the stance held by many past Ministers that certain magic was too dangerous to be allowed unrestricted use by Wizards.

During the later part of Selwyn's tenure, three students were witnessed to have been murdered with the use of a killing curse during a Quidditch game at Hogwarts School, and a break in occurred at Gringotts, long believed to be among the most secure banks in the world. An auror training programme for young people, The Advanced Guard, was instituted as a response to these event as well as to other reports of increasing criminal activity, and to counter-act a rising social and political movement agitating for looser restrictions on spells. During the Spring of 1933, aurors of the Advanced Guard and students engaging in a practice session by the Hogwarts Lake were said to have been attacked by persons unknown, which led to the death of another student and several arrests. The attack cast doubts in the minds of many on the Ministry's ability to protect the public from deadly harm. Some wondered if they wouldn't be better off protecting themselves...

St. Auxpris Era

During the Summer of 1974, vast and sweeping change began at the Ministry of Magic. Allegations of corruption and illicit activities arose surrounding Minister Selwyn, leading to her resignation at the behest of a majority of the Wizengamot. The then Head of the Department of International Cooperation, Pieter St. Auxpris, was quickly tapped to replace her. During the following months, Minister St. Auxpris, a supporter of the quickly growing political movement known as The Order, launched investigations into mishandlings of past criminal cases, replaced several Department Heads and other major officials, and lifted the ban on many spells once classified as illegal 'Dark Magic,' including allowing the Killing Curse to be used for self defence when the caster had reason to believe that his or her life was at grave risk.

The Ministry also created a new position to review the practices at Hogwarts School. Francis Turin was appointed as Head of Magical Education. The former Auror training programme, the Advanced Guard, was soon disbanded, but efforts to alter other aspects of the curriculum at Hogwarts met with resistance from much of the staff. Still, efforts continued, and the pressure on Hogwarts to bring itself in line with the current laws was increasing by the day...

Beauchamp Era

Hir Era

Rivera Era

Bellestorm Era


Ministers of Magic

Ministry of Magic

Minister's Office

  • Minister for Magic: Tomas Bellestorm
    • Senior Undersecretary: Harriet Grundy
      • Assistant to the Sr Undersecretary: NPC
    • Junior Undersecretary: NPC
      • Assistant to the Jr Undersecretary: NPC
    • Assistant to the Minister: NPC
    • Secretary of Social Affairs: NPC
    • Secretary of Highly Complicated Documents: NPC

Department of Magical Law Enforcement

  • Head of Department: Edward Amberghast
    • Head of Auror Office: Jack Greenberg
    • Head of Domestic Magical Law Office: Alden Boulstridge (NPC)
    • Head of Improper Use of Magic Office: William Jefferson (NPC)
    • Head of Magical Equipment Control Office: Bobby Oakley (NPC)
    • Head of Misuse of Magical Artifacts Office: Thomas Smiles (NPC)
    • Secretary: NPC

Hit Witch & Wizard Taskforce



Cold Case Taskforce


Domestic Magical Law Office

Other Offices

Department of Magical Accident and Catastrophes

  • Head of Department: William Thresher (NPC)
    • Head of Accidental Magic Reversal Squad: Nathan Hughes (NPC)
    • Head of Invisibility Taskforce: Septimus Argyle (NPC)
    • Head of Muggle Liaison Office: Clarissa Templeton (NPC)
    • Head of Obliviator Headquarters: Lucy Pepperworth (NPC)

Accidental Magic Reversal Squad

Obliviator Squad

Muggle-Worthy Excuse Committee

Invisibility Taskforce

Muggle Liaison Office

Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures

  • Head of Department: Lorraine Litesworth (NPC)
    • Head of Beast Division: Gordon Gravey (NPC)
    • Head of Being Division: Penelope Fringle (NPC)
    • Head of Spirit Division: Vikram Kumar (NPC)
    • Head of Pest Advisory Board: Patrick Moore (NPC)

Beast Divison

Being Division

Spirit Divison

Goblin Liaison Office

Centaur Liaison Office

Pest Advisory Board

Misinformation Office

Department of International Magical Cooperation and Magical Justice

  • Head of Department: Dorian Bramble (NPC)
    • Head of International Confederation of Wizards Office: Archibald Tranton (NPC)
    • Head of International Magical Law Office: Celine Thoreau (NPC)
    • Head of International Magical Trading Standards: Stephen Rutherford (NPC)

International Confederation of Wizards Office

International Magical Law Office

International Magical Trading Standards Body

Department of Magical Transportation

  • Head of Department: Maximilian Grayshire (NPC)
    • Head of Apparation Test Centre: Landon Maltrose (NPC)
    • Head of Broom Regulatory Control: Iain Rowles (NPC)
    • Head of Floo Network Authority: Harpreet Nagarajan (NPC)
    • Head of Portkey Office: Lawrence Armitage (NPC)

Apparation Test Centre

Broom Regulatory Control

Floo Network Authority

Portkey Office

Department of Magical Games and Sports

  • Head of Department: Gregory Matheson (NPC)
    • Head of British and Irish Quidditch League: Archibald Tranton (NPC)
    • Head of Official Gobstones Club: Tilly Gargoyle (NPC)
    • Head of Ludicrous Patents Office: Ludwik Vandersloot (NPC)

British and Irish Quidditch League

Official Gobstones Club

Ludicrous Patents Office

Department of Mysteries

  • Head of Department: Aaron Hayes (NPC)

Brain Room

Death Chamber

Love Room

Hall of Prophecy

Space Chamber

Time Room

Magical Social Affairs

  • Head of Department: Henry Hecklesworth (NPC)
    • Head of Magical Social Services Office: Jenny Redbird (NPC)
    • Head of Magical Youth Welfare Office: Grace Weatherfield (NPC)
    • Head of Multicultural Opportunities Office: Norman Ashe (NPC)

Magical Social Services Office

Magical Youth Welfare Office

Multicultural Opportunities Office


Heads of Families