Magical Easter Bunny
Please note, if you wish to use a Magical Easter Bunny in your threads/plots, a Special Request for an Unusual Pet must be submitted and approved by the admins first.
They look like ordinary bunnies, except that they discard chocolate. It appears that the bunny's system turns the nutrients they eat into chocolate that they then discard. They also never appear to look like adult rabbits.
Magical Easter Bunnies are very friendly creatures. They particularly love children.
The Magical Easter Bunny eats a normal diet for rabbits.
Distribution and Habitat
The Magical Easter Bunny is a very friendly creature that was discovered in Ireland in the 16th century. Originally, they were just kept in wizarding communities. They were mostly owned by chocolate makers. One escaped years ago which created the entire Easter Bunny myth among muggles. Now they are regulated to ensure that it does not happen again.
Classification and Regulation from Ministry of Magic
The Magical Easter Bunny has a rating of XX, meaning they are harmless and may be domesticated.
Even though they are harmless, Magical Easter Bunnies are regulated by the Ministry of Magic for secrecy reasons. The last time one of them escaped into the Muggle world it started the entire tradition of the Easter Bunny. While it turned out well, it created an entire debacle in the Ministry of Magic. So, to prevent any more escaping and risking the exposure of the wizarding world, they regulated these creatures to ensure that owners were responsible.