The Daily Prophet

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The Daily Prophet
AffiliationDaily Prophet Writers


“Aesthetics, morals, justice, but above all; truth!”

This is the motto of the widest selling newspaper in Wizarding Britain, the Daily Prophet. Although the truth may be circumscribed and dictated by the favourite voices on the political, cultural and monetary stage, it is always there. In some form or another. The Prophet comes out in the mornings and evenings (called the Morning Prophet and "Evening Prophet") and on Sundays (called the Sunday Prophet). News is changeable throughout the day if updates happen, using a Protean Charm.


The Daily Prophet has existed since 1609, when Alfred Bugleby, then a senior official in the Wizengamot, decided that the Ministry of Magic needed a more sympathetic - and, more importantly, non goblin-run - news outlet. Quickly gaining ground, Bugleby was still Editor in Chief when the paper expanded its focus, adding a Style column, as well as its first photos. After his death, he handed down the paper to his most senior editor, from whom it was left to his most senior editor, who left it to his ruthlessly ambitious younger son. Said son was Tom Dummox, who proceeded to add Quidditch, accept bribes from several cabinet-level Ministry officials, and generally Do Bad Stuff.

Nevertheless, it was Dummox's hard work that made the Prophet what it is today.

After Dummox followed a long series of prominent editors, who have, one and all, been honoured, feared, loved, laughed at and hated, and today the newspaper has scrambled its way to a fairly reasonable standpoint. Proteus Peverall has recently been replaced by G.W. Oswald.



Taking up the first three floors of the warehouse, Domestic/Politics covers everything Ministry of Magic and Business. These three floors have their own separate floo station, and can also be accessed via Daily Prophet elevator, broom, and Muggle vehicle. Columnists are trained to quickly and effectively report on the latest news, and are kept busy appeasing the front office at the Ministry and trying to wheedle their way into exclusive interviews. Oldest - and largest - section of the paper.


Overseas correspondence! Located on the fifth floor, this bureau has an international floo station and the most up-to-date Owlery around. Keeping up with affairs around the world is difficult, but the Foreign staff are trained to do just that.. without ever stepping foot outside of England. Occasional in-office Happy Hours via the very useful and generally excellent wet bar.
