We are currently accepting new applications for Elsewhere!

Author Topic: Application Format  (Read 16445 times)

Esme Vartan

    (08/10/2011 at 01:58)
  • *
  • Lead Researcher, Supra Mortalitas
    • View Profile
Before you begin, please make sure you have created
an account in your character's full name, and make sure you have read and understand the following:

Site Rules | Magical Rules | Our Rating | FAQ

Should you have any questions, please contact an Administrator.

Character name:

Previous and/or Current Character(s) if applicable:

Character age:

Character education:

Strength and weaknesses (details please):

Physical description:

Personality (nice, rude, funny etc. Paragraph please.):

Hopes and dreams. Why are you teaching at Hogwarts?:

Biography (500 words minimum. There is never such a thing as too much.):

(Please respond to to this in third person past tense. Do not write the other characters' reactions. Only your own.)

It was the largest office in Hogwarts and, perhaps to students and newcomers, the most intimidating. The shelves were filled with paperwork, and lots and lots of books. A few of the shelves had various odds and ends that had been saved from previous owners. The sorting hat had a place of honour, but less of one than before. The walls held all the portraits of past Headmasters and Headmistresses, as well as her Russian portraits. Anneka Ivanova's was closest to Karina's desk.

In the middle of the room sat a large desk. Everything was in order. Almost a ruthless order. Important papers were closest to her, with her favourite quill. Then other documents further away. And at the edge is her favourite Venus flytrap and a picture of Vlad.

A clock sat on the desk, which currently showed the time to be 2:05. The meeting was supposed to begin at 2:00 precisely.

Karina was not always punctual. Yes, she was aware of the time, she would just deliberately come late. She valued control. And what better method of control than making people wait for you. But she expected others to be punctual to the second. Or early. So naturally Karina Ivansko was not happy.

"You have five minutes to assure me that you'll never be late again." Karina said to the applicant gesturing to the ancient and uncomfortable chair across from her. Her fingernails drummed irritably on the desk. And she had a look on her face that imitated a Russian winter.

(Yes, she had learned well from the great Anneka Ivanova).

Roleplay Response:

In addition to posting a completed application in this forum, we also ask that you submit a PM to Karina Ivansko with details of your class and with the lesson plans for that class (include at least a minimum of 4 lessons). Also, please be sure to check the Available Positions thread located in this forum to make sure the class you want is available before applying.

Code: [Select]
[center][b]Before you begin, please make sure you have created
an account in your character's full name, and make sure you have read and understand the following:

[url=http://hogwarts-school.net/sortinghat/index.php?page=site_rules]Site Rules[/url] | [url=http://hogwarts-school.net/sortinghat/index.php?page=magical_rules]Magical Rules[/url] | [url=http://hogwarts-school.net/sortinghat/index.php?page=site_rating]Our Rating[/url] | [url=http://hogwarts-school.net/sortinghat/index.php?page=faq]FAQ[/url]

Should you have any questions, please contact an [url=http://hogwarts-school.net/sortinghat/index.php?page=staff_directory]Administrator[/url].[/b][/center]


[center][img width=200]http://hogwarts-school.net/images/hogwartslogo.png[/img][/center]

[font=archer][size=20px]CHARACTER INFORMATION[/size][/font]
[b]Character name:[/b]

[b]Previous and/or Current Character(s) if applicable: [/b]

[b]Character age:[/b]

[b]Character education:[/b]

[b]Strength and weaknesses (details please):[/b]

[b]Physical description:[/b]

[b]Personality (nice, rude, funny etc. Paragraph please.):[/b]

[b]Hopes and dreams. Why are you teaching at Hogwarts?:[/b]

[b]Biography (500 words minimum. There is never such a thing as too much.): [/b]

[font=archer][size=20px]SAMPLE ROLEPLAY[/size][/font]
[i](Please respond to to this in third person past tense. Do not write the other characters' reactions. Only your own.) [/i]

It was the largest office in Hogwarts and, perhaps to students and newcomers, the most intimidating. The shelves were filled with paperwork, and lots and lots of books. A few of the shelves had various odds and ends that had been saved from previous owners. The sorting hat had a place of honour, but less of one than before. The walls held all the portraits of past Headmasters and Headmistresses, as well as her Russian portraits. Anneka Ivanova's was closest to Karina's desk.

In the middle of the room sat a large desk. Everything was in order. Almost a ruthless order. Important papers were closest to her, with her favourite quill. Then other documents further away. And at the edge is her favourite Venus flytrap and a picture of Vlad.

A clock sat on the desk, which currently showed the time to be 2:05. The meeting was supposed to begin at 2:00 precisely.

Karina was not always punctual. Yes, she was aware of the time, she would just deliberately come late. She valued control. And what better method of control than making people wait for you. But she expected others to be punctual to the second. Or early. So naturally Karina Ivansko was not happy.

"You have five minutes to assure me that you'll never be late again." Karina said to the applicant gesturing to the ancient and uncomfortable chair across from her. Her fingernails drummed irritably on the desk. And she had a look on her face that imitated a Russian winter.

(Yes, she had learned well from the great Anneka Ivanova).

[b]Roleplay Response:[/b]

In addition to posting a completed application in this forum, we also ask that you submit a PM to [b]Karina Ivansko[/b] with details of your class and with the lesson plans for that class (include at least a minimum of 4 lessons). Also, please be sure to check the Available Positions thread located in this forum to make sure the class you want is available before applying.
« Last Edit: 31/07/2024 at 00:51 by Dylan Duckheart »
I'm the opposite of moderate
immaculately polished.

