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Author Topic: Keller Myles Battersea + Special Request  (Read 226 times)

Keller Myles Battersea

    (01/01/2025 at 05:25)
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E L S E W H E R E   A D U L T


Character Name: Keller Myles Battersea
Gender: Male
Age: 70 (Pre-Timewarp... if I did the math correctly).
Blood Status: Pureblood

Character Education & Experience:
1947-1953: Informal Home Schooling across the world (literally.)
1953-1960: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry- Graduated
1960-1964: Edinburgh Institute for Higher Learning: Castle Battersea- Graduated
1969-1971: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry: Professor, Defense Against the Dark Arts
1971-1974, 1938: Edinburgh Institute for Higher Learning: Castle Battersea- Post Graduate Studies into Advanced Magic and  Metamagic Theory & Application
1939-1969: Instructor of Conjuring & Summoning Magic at Castle Battersea, with Post Graduate Studies Into the Application of Magic and Metamagic Theory
1969-1973: Law & Political Science in the Wizarding World: Post Doctoral Studies.

County Sligo, Ireland

Academic, Instructor, Researcher…

Do you plan to have a connection to a particular existing place (for example: the Ministry, Shrieking Shack) or to take over an existing shop in need of new management?
Elsewhere in the World, the Ministry of Magic (as requested by the Patriarch of the Battersea Family, Charles Stellus Battersea),   

Requested Magic Levels:
-   The character was a DADA Professor on the old Yuku board.
-   Levels approved by Roisin Byrne

Do you wish to be approved as a group with any other characters? If so who and for what IC reason?
None at this time.

Please list any other characters you already have at the site:
Liam Finnian Battersea

We’ve boarded a ship on its way to Egypt, and while I’m excited, I think I’m also a little seasick. I don’t know why I feel like this, but I think it might have something to do with the lack of food in my stomach. Alexandra chided me about it, to which I rebutted with how I would finally see the Sphinx! Mom’s taken us across Europe and even Asia to sites where ancient rituals might have been conducted. However, I’ve never been to Egypt; Mom says it could have been home to some powerful Wizards in its day! Since we left, I’m currently doing a crash course in hieroglyphics that way I can understand what it is we’re looking for. Gotta go, it’s time for supper and I’ve just been threatened to within an inch of my life that I would eat or else. Ah well… ~ Journal Entry: Keller Myles Battersea- June 6, 1950

Life can be one big adventure, constantly shifting from one direction to another, always in change. You never know what’s going to happen next, which makes it all the more exciting. At least that’s how Keller Myles Battersea saw it all. The youngest of three, Keller was born to Peter and Julianne Margaret Battersea on August 14, 1942, in Galway, Ireland. Tucked away in the country outside the city limits was a large villa he lived in, due in part to three children, but also need for significant library space and room to store various artifacts. The result was two libraries, and a private museum comprised of rare and ancient relics collected across the world. For as their father worked at the Ministry of Magic as an Auror, their Mother was an Archeologist sponsored at times by various parties, but typically and preferably independent of any one particular group. It was through her, which came Keller’s spark for life and the unknown.

Mom wasn’t kidding when she said the jungle was hot, but what she didn’t say was that it was full of bugs! Luckily, Mom created an insect-repellant shield around us before we started on our journey. Of course, that’s not the half of it. Our objective is this Mayan Temple out in the middle of nowhere. The guide said we’d probably reach it by tomorrow. The party suggested that we could apparate, but Mom objected saying that getting there was only half the fun. I suppose she’s right, after all, it’s not every expedition you have a large snake staring at you hungrily… among other things. But I suppose that’s just part of the adventure. Well, we’re about to break camp, here’s hoping we make it! ~ Journal Entry: Keller Myles Battersea- July 28, 1951

His mother’s occupation, more than anything else drew Keller’s interest at an early age. Ever since he could read, the boy rigorously searched their libraries for any of his mother’s publications. What was even more exciting than reading was the chance to live those experiences with his mother. Unwilling to leave her children behind except in case of illnesses, she often brought them along with her. He quickly began to learn the ins and outs of her work. Having his father’s passionate affinity for learning, he often stayed by her side intently learning everything he could on these expeditions. Those bright, intelligent blue eyes gleamed when an old pot was found, or tablets were turned up. Sometimes he ventured off on his while at a site, carefully exploring the area, meanwhile making sure he didn’t touch anything that might look significant. Sometimes something turned up, sometimes not, but either way, he learned from it.

I’m actually going with Mom on one of her expeditions by myself! It seems Mom has done some back-digging on one of her former digs and uncovered a bit more information than she anticipated. Excited herself, she didn’t have time to explain, only told me to pack for Australia. I hope we get to stay with the same… Aboriginal Tribe, we stayed with last time! You know, that’s the best part about making these trips with mom. While I can’t deny that I like my bed, it sure feels good to… rough it sometimes, particularly if you’re having fun. I’ve already got my stuff packed and ready to go and it seems mom’s already charted us a plane. As she always likes to put it, apparate when you can save your magic for other things! After all, getting there is just part of the journey. Gabriel and Alexandra should be home by the time we get back- hopefully, I can find some souvenirs from the trip! Well, gotta go, mom’s waiting downstairs. Here’s to discovering what lies ahead! ~ Journal Entry: Keller Myles Battersea- April 7, 1952

Though his travels began at the age of four, he quickly matured becoming a fast learner and hanging on to everything that took place. Perhaps it was because of his travels that Keller developed an affinity for the Celtic Languages (Welsh, Cornish, Breton, Irish, Scots Gaelic, and Manx.) Possibly inherited from his Grandmother, or maybe just the Battersea Family as a whole was his affinity towards Conjuring and Summoning. Unfortunately, he lack major talent in Charms, for while he was able to pull off the most rudimentary of conjurations his father taught him, the Lumos Charm was uttered twenty times before he gave up. His dad was a tad disappointed that his son was unable to pull it off and feared he wouldn’t be able to join him in his work as an Auror. However, Keller neither realized nor cared about that little fact, his mother’s profession interested him more.   

We finally returned home from India, and I found my dad waiting in the living room with a smile on his face. In his hand, he held an unopened letter; the envelope, white, was addressed to me. Now, mind you, I’ve gotten mail before, but nothing that would give my dad such an expression as that. It was also one of the few times mom failed to ask dad how work was. The only other times I could remember this fact was when Gabriel and Alexandra got a similar letter and began to attend school. As I slowly began to open the letter and read the contents thereof, I felt both excited and sad at the same time. I guess, because everything was going to change… ~ Journal Entry: Keller Myles Battersea- August 14, 1953

It was the day that things would change, for not only did he have a birthday to celebrate, but an acceptance letter into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry lay before him. Up to this, he had gone everywhere with his mother even while his siblings were attending school. Now he would be doing the same, missing the digs his mother went on. Noticeably bothered by this revelation, his parents attempted to turn his dreariness around with stories of their time at school, catching one or two from his siblings. Feeling he could stand no more regalement, he went to his mother and asked a promise of her: that when the summer months set in they would go to some new, uncharted land and explore even if it was just for fun. Her affirmation turned his mood around. Keller settled into his situation somewhat, though his attempts at friends were a bit lacking as felt a little bit like an outsider, spending his time in the libraries or on the grounds exploring the area. However, the coming of the end of each term sent his excitement soaring as once more he would be out among the world once more prepared for another adventure…

After the antics of last term, heading to the Congo will be a breeze! If my Grandmother knew half the things that happened, she probably would have led an army of Aurors to Hogwarts. I can say this much, Dad got word of some things that happened and wasn’t the least bit amused. He mentioned something about upping the security at Azkaban to Mom, but I didn’t catch all of it. But enough about that, Mom and I are heading for the heart of Africa. She said there was a possible sight hidden deep within the jungle that she wanted to explore. She said it would be dangerous, as if that ever stopped me before! Oh, well, can’t wait for the journey to begin! ~ Journal Entry: Keller Myles Battersea- June 2, 1955

Things began to shift when in his third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, when in Defense Against the Dark Arts; an exercise did something it shouldn’t. A ring that appeared to seek out the darkest memories induced a rippling effect within a set of destabilized mental blocks and triggered the increased waning of their strength. The result brought forth a memory, half real-half/half-lie, leaving the boy to determine which was which. This slow, but steady process brought ranging from physiological to psychological upsets. First, was a coma after seeing his Grandmother perform an oddly familiar effect. His next major blow dealt with actions occurring at a Duel; the Confundus Charms performed better than expected.

Unfortunately, it also added further degradation to the Mind Blocks keeping his memories in check. The result allowed, for a brief instant, the memory of what was to take over just long enough to use the curse. A stranger development was the inexplicable feeling of a spell used under maximum power, leaving Keller with odd sensations as a result.  And perhaps the most famous thing this youth has ever done was during a duel. There, under the effects of a Confundus, and made to believe he was a Dark Wizard, attempted a Crucio; the curse would have been successful if not for the Wards and Guards protecting the area. Other blackening outs brought about inexplicable cases of amnesia, as his mind attempted to reconcile the truth from a lie. His body suffered periodic bouts of hemorrhaging, along with growing fevers and headaches. His argument with his sister held unnatural discourse in it, along with the beginnings of hallucinations that began to increase in intensity.

This continued into his Fifth Year, where his personality changed; it seemed just a moment ago he was sweet and innocent, but now he was darker, more withdrawn. Being overtaken with whatever it was he was being possessed by, Keller did a series of atypical things: he hexed Brayden Emerson with something dangerous, spat in Charlotte Anais Nin’s face, during the fiasco that took Evelyn away from Nigel, almost turned Derek Ross into an ice cube, and seemed to be doing his best to drive everyone he ever cared for away from him. This came to culmination by the summer, when Keller, totally possessed, returned to Iran, to be used as a vessel for whatever was trying to enter into this world. Fortunately, a ritual was interrupted by his Grandfather, and all came to a head when Keller was released was the grip of this thing, the Temple sunk into the mountain, and everyone was returned to Great Britain.   

Upon his Sixth Year, Keller returned; his personality had once again shifted into something more solemn. The softness in the voice, the essence of what was once Keller could be heard; he seemed calmer, thoughtful, and certainly far less immature than he was three years ago. Though hardly unaffected by the rules implemented by Headmaster Bilgewater, he wasn’t the least amused that his relatives were. For instance, he couldn’t enjoy a conversation in Gaeilge with his cousin Evelyn. By the end of term, in front of most of the student body, he encased suspicious men clothed in brown robes in blocks of ice; and was furious when the whole incident regarding Einar’s removal was nothing more than a set of happenstances. He also all but made a vow within himself; if anything else happened; if something was afoot and it didn’t smell right, he would play no part in helping or hindering the matter. As far as he was concerned, Keller was content to be rid of everything and just wanted to be left alone.

During that summer, Keller had stayed with his Great-Grandmother, Signild, allowing himself to be consumed in his passion for learning. Indirectly he sought a considerable amount of guidance from his Great-grandmother, in the ways of magic and life, particularly the hand he had been dealt. He remained mostly out of contact with everyone except for a select few Ravenclaw. Beyond this, he saw to his studies and when his seventh year came, Keller returned for his last year and in doing so, met the love of his life, Clara Edeson. It was slow at best; even the initial meeting was one of skipping rocks across the lake. However, things began to pick up from there. After Keller graduated, he returned to Castle Battersea to further his education and slowly accepted his part in the family legacy. In between all of this, he devoted every ounce of free time to Clara. With a bit of advice from his Grandparents, on December 31, 1961, Keller popped the question (with a nice ring to back it up,) concerning marriage, and got the answer that made him one of the happiest men alive.

On June 14, 1962, Keller Myles Battersea and Clara Edeson were married at Castle Battersea. Keller was not slacking in helping with the preparations of this wedding; much of it had been paid for by his family, which was insubstantial when you consider the assets they own. Moreover, a house was being built within several miles of Sligo, Ireland in County Sligo for the two of them, with land to spare. Everything felt right, which was probably why fate smiled upon them with a son, Nicholas, and soon after a daughter, Adeline. Though it was a cozy, relaxing existence, Keller wasn't entirely settled down. Therefore, when the kids could walk, the Ravenclaw Alumnus took his family on a five-year trip across the world. From the temples of Central America to the jungles of South America, down to Ayers Rock, and up through China, India, Russia, and into Africa, Keller took his family to see the places he had seen and showed them the life he had lived.

Unfortunately, all things must come to an end. After returning to Sligo, Keller realized he had not yet finished his adventures. Though he endeavored to be significantly closer to his children with a far more stable home life than what he had, the young Battersea realized that there were other adventures to take avenues to travel and experiences to share with others. With that thought he set his sights on Hogwarts once more, only this time, it was to teach. From 1967-1971, Keller taught Defense Against the Dark Arts, warming up and into it until that fateful day when Supra Mortalitas made their presence known at the castle. Angered by the incursion and his inability to protect those under his care, Keller stepped down as DADA Professor and returned back to Castle Battersea and its vaunted institute to begin an exhaustive study to improve his understanding of Magical and Metamagical Theory in the realm of Wandless and Wordless Magic where toward the end of this he was presented with the offer to instruct.

The chaos culminating from the Timewarp found a shuffling of teachers as resources were diverted elsewhere. With the decision that the Great Britain and Ireland branches of Battersea would be sending their children to the castle to learn away from the cacophony. The offer itself was a simple one in that he would teach Conjuring & Summoning, metaphorically tasking his grandmother’s place there as Etain Momhár Battersea did years ago at Hogwarts. There would be exclusive Floo Network access—something which he already had—allowing him to go back and forth as needed with little to no interruption. With this and a few other agreements in place—namely in the application of what he was originally studying—Keller took to work instructing his kin. As for the continuation of his studies, the Matriarch of the Battersea Family—his venerated Grandmother—saw to that. She taught and by extension trained him near-identically as she had done others in her current sixty-year service as an Auror throughout his entire tenure as a teacher there at Castle Battersea.

Early onward in this endeavor of learning and teaching, he fathered two more children—Killian and Alistair—who along with their older siblings would be there at the castle to learn. Perhaps then, it was equally fitting that in this time as a teacher he became a grandfather, causing him to reshuffle some of his priorities as a new chapter in his life began. He loved the teaching and the feeling that came from instruction and realized that it shouldn’t consume his entire existence. Slowly he began to make plans to retire and in doing so in 1969, was approached by his grandfather. It seemed the wily old Patriarch of the Battersea Family had a request for him, one that he felt unpleasant, but perhaps necessary in the long run. After all, no one liked politics, but if it was Grandfather making the request, who was he to turn it down? There was some consternation, namely as to why his Father or brother Gabriel couldn’t do the job, but it wasn’t as though this would take him away from the love of his life. It was merely another chapter in the life of an adventurous individual who had seen the world several times over.   
Special Request: Wandless and Wordless Magic.
In asking this, I didn’t want the request to be random, hence why it has been incorporated into the biography. Perhaps it’s the Ravenclaw in me, but I truly believe people don’t stop learning. Circumstances may come out way to alter and influence our path and plans, but learning will always be a lifetime experience. In the case of Keller, this is no different. A problem presented itself, and even if that problem is expunged without him, the important aspect is the process of learning and applying.

Though it might be cheesy, it felt logical for my old character and Keller’s grandmother, Etain Momhár Battersea (ultimately retiring as an Auror for 80 years and Retired Professor of Conjuring & Summoning and later DADA), would be the teacher for his tenure at Castle Battersea. Etain would have been an uncompromisingly thorough and exacting teacher, making sure he knew the ins and outs of Wandless and Wordless Magic in intimate and excruciating detail. In a deeper sense, it would have been one of her many ways of passing on the torch to the younger generation. 

I do promise if allowed, to be as responsible as I can, as I was with Etain. And who knows? It could even serve as some kind of tie-in for characters who may be seeking to learn or need advice themselves on the subjects… provided this, that they are aware.

Option Two:
The snow had been falling steadily all morning and it didn't look like it was going to stop any time soon. Joshua Campbell scrunched his face up in a frown as he lifted his gaze to look to the sky. Snow. It really was quite a bother.

And it certainly didn't make it better that Diagon Alley seemed to be getting more and more crowded. Joshua sighed and pointed his wand at the large box that was currently placed on the doorstep of his shop. He had to get going. He had an order to deliver.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" The elderly man muttered and watched the box hover in the air for a moment. Honestly, did St. Mungo's need that much tinsel? And with glitter of all things? He sighed again. If it hadn't been for the rather convincing stamp on the order, he would have been likely to believe it had been a prank by one of those orphaned rascals living up there.

Oh well, there was no point in waiting. Joshua deftly stirred the box down the doorstep and out onto the street, carefully levitating it above the heads of the crowd.

"Coming through! Coming through!" His voice sounded over the chatter of the crowd. "Keep out! Move ahead! Go on!" This was going way too slow. People were in the way and walking like they had all day! He huffed. Luckily, the road was downhill.

"Coming through! Coming th--- argh!" Joshua let out a loud shout as his feet suddenly slipped in the snow and sent him, the box, and several long strands of tinsel tumbling into the person who had been walking in front of him.

"For Merlin's sake!" Joshua muttered angrily as he hurried to his feet again, red and gold tinsel now decorating his black coat. "I am so sorry! This blasted snow!" He looked apologetic at the person he had crashed into.

Roleplay Response:

Keller was here for presents.

Blessed with twelve grandchildren, Keller and his wife, Clara, had come to Diagon Alley to do a bit of shopping. They’d already made a circuit across Ireland, and now here they were, listening to the hustle and bustle of everything around them. While Diagon Alley felt alive with the spirit of the season, for Keller it held deeper sentiments. It was here where he got his first wand. That feeling from the experience of being chosen by an extension of yourself was unforgettable. When he decided to do quidditch, this was where he got his broom, and subsequently the brooms of his children. Quite a few dates were also had here where Clara he dated. 

There were a lot more memories he had there and even more still to be had, such as the one today. There were presents for his grandchildren that needed purchasing. The older ones insisted they didn’t want anything, or at least that was what they claimed. Keller and Clara largely suspected it was their parents doing even if they insisted it wasn’t. Regardless, the pair would have none of it. All of them, from the youngest to the oldest were getting something—multiple something to be precise—whether everyone liked it or not. They had gotten everything from new brooms to chocolate frog cards, and books, there was a hint for an astrolabe—Keller suspected Divination was involved—rugs, clocks, a vase, candy—candy was always on the menu—and of course almost dreaded visit to the joke shop. It was his least favorite place, but if something in there was wanted, then they’d get it. Thankfully, his wife of fifty-one years was more than gracious enough to take one for the team.

This left a request for a pocket watch. Keller had an antique, silver watch that kept perfect time no matter what part of the world he was in. It was ornate with a stylized ouroboros etched intricately across its surface with the official coat of arms for House Ravenclaw on the back, the Battersea coat of arms on the inside, along his name. That certain grandson didn’t want something quite like that. However, something with the family coat of arms and his name would suffice.

“Watches…” He muttered. “The watchmaker is… I believe… over—” 

Unfortunately, he had heard the voice a little too late through the crowd. Turning around he found himself met with tinsel all over. A tad befuddled, he studied the strands of tinsel decorating him like some misbegotten tree. Nothing about it looked harmful in any way—no jinxes, hexes, or curses—just unexpectedly dropped upon him. Keller glanced out toward the crowd listening to the sounds of wifely giggling, and then over at the source of his newly found fashion with an understanding smile.

“Understandable,” he began, carefully removing the tinsel and placing it back into the box. “It’s a busy time of year; with this snow, you can’t be too careful with things.”

Keen blue eyes studied the immediate area for a moment in case there were any more straying strands before looking back toward the merchant thoughtfully. “Do you require assistants, sir, or is everything okay?”


How did you find us? Other, old member of the site.
If you hate something thoroughly without knowing why, you can be sure there is something of it in your own nature. -- Friedrich Hebbel

Keller Myles Battersea

    (03/01/2025 at 05:37)
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I'll have the Special Permissions Write-up completed by tomorrow evening. I had placed a request in the bio as I couldn't see the template under this character, but could under Liam. It's being rectified; major apologies for that!
If you hate something thoroughly without knowing why, you can be sure there is something of it in your own nature. -- Friedrich Hebbel

* Roisin Byrne

    (04/01/2025 at 01:16)
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Hi Keller!

Be sure to submit a special ability app by sending it to any or all of the Admins.

♥ ♥ ♥ sometimes love is not enough

and the road gets tough
