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Author Topic: Septimus Xanaru  (Read 1526 times)

Septimus Xanura

    (08/12/2011 at 02:56)
  • 3rd Year
  • C4D2T3S3
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Name: Septimus Xanaru
Nicknames: Septimus. Just Septimus. Nah, just kidding. He’s also known as Sep, Septy, Scepter, Xan, or, most commonly, Seth.

Former Character's Name: None


House Request: I think that Gryffindor would be the perfect House for Septimus. He can be very brave and selfless at times, and would do just about anything to protect his fellow students and to protect Hogwarts itself. He is very chivalrous, being quite kind to anyone, even his enemies, to a certain extent.
Year:  Third- or fourth-year

Bloodline: Unknown

Magical Strength: Charms

Magical Weakness: Divination

Septimus was alone. Very alone. He stumbled through the darkness, groping for something to catch hold of, something to steady himself on.
He had been walking for an unknown amount of time. It seemed to him like years, ambling around the dark streets, trying to find salvation, a sanctuary of sorts. He tripped and fell many times, but he did not notice. He simply got back up and continued on, going, and going, and going…. It just never ended.
Then, he stopped. He looked around to make sure no one was watching, then he slipped between two buildings and inconspicuously clambered over a wall and into the rear courtyard of some kind of inn, it seemed. He lay against the wall, glad for the rest. He sat there, panting, for at least an hour. He thought about going inside, but decided against it because he had no money and would probably get kicked out due to his scraggly appearance. He finally stood and turned to leave, uselessly dusting the snow off of his clothes and gathering his shaggy woolen stolen coat around himself. He set one hand and one foot on the brick wall surrounding the courtyard…
But suddenly, he stopped. He heard a rough grating sound, like stone on stone, behind him. He whirled around, trying to locate the noise.
He found it.
The rear wall of the courtyard was shifting. The bricks rearranged themselves, organizing into a completely different pattern. What was once a solid wall was turning into a hole. An entrance to… Somewhere?
When it had completed its rearrangement, a tall man stepped out. He wore a fine tweed coat, a top hat, and, of all things, an owl on his shoulder. An owl! Septimus exclaimed to himself. He also saw a stick jutting out from underneath his coat.
The man saw him, and turned, eyes wide, obviously surprised at his presence.
“Uh, hey?” said Septimus.

That was five years ago, when Septimus was only nine years of age. The man, who turned out to be one Mr. Xanaru, and his wife adopted him. He had no memory. He could remember nothing. He knew basic functions, and he knew about the world, but not the most important thing of all: himself. He only remembered one thing, which he decided must be his name: Septimus.
He was introduced into the wizarding world, which he accepted with profound ease, and became a wonderful student. He achieves excellent grades (some of the best in his year), and excels in most every class, especially Charms, although he struggles some in Divination.
However, Septimus is very anti-social. He talks very little to other students, unless necessary, and usually avoids big, loud, rambunctious groups when just hanging around.
Septimus is in his own little lonely world, all by himself, and he is content with keeping it that way.


Septimus can be very cheerful and happy with his friend, always smiling and laughing. But when it comes to an enemy or a challenge of some sort, he’s always up for it. He does not talk much, nor does he show much of his feelings. He prefers to keep himself to himself, though he is very keen to detail and is extremely introspective. Overall, the quite, ‘sit over there in the corner and be quiet’ kind of person.

Appearance:  My avatar shows an ‘almost’ visage of Septimus, but not quite, so: Septimus is taller than most, about six feet tall, and skinny. Not in the scrawny manner, though, but the lean, no-fat kind of skinny. He has a slightly muscular build, just enough to call him muscular at all. He has medium-length, dirty-blonde hair which he wears spiked up in all directions, and has deep, light grey eyes. He wears black sneakers, and black, hooded, zippered, robes, though he never wears it with the hood up or with the zipper zipped up.


Option II:

“Oh, come now!"

Astrid Bixby’s voice carried down the corridor, the tall blonde girl not far behind. Her interviewee – or victim, depending on perspective – turned a corner and she frowned. They were always soelusive when she needed them. Sure, they would talk as if there was no tomorrow during class, but once she actually needed them to say something, they were nowhere to be found. Gryffindors.

Flustered, Astrid stopped in the middle of the corridor and stared, her parchment hanging limply from her hand. She was a good reporter, really, and she always did her best to make sure that everything she wrote was accurate. She glanced down to the quill, eyeing it with disdain. It wasn’t her fault if her quill misquoted. How was she supposed to know? It made for interesting articles, at least, and if she had misquoted the Head Boy last term as saying he had a love for stuffed animals, then that gave him personality. Astrid sighed.

A pout formed on her lips as she turned away, discouraged. The corridor was mercifully empty, though the doors to The Spellbound – the school newspaper – were ominously closed. Corbridge was a mercifully sweet editor, but Astrid was terrified of disappointing her all the same. She hadto come back with quotes.
Her eyes, blue, trailed her surroundings before choosing a new path, and she turned down a new corridor. A figure was ahead, and her eyes lit up, an impossibly rosy smile blossoming across her lips.

“Hey!” Astrid called, her voice light and singsong. She trotted to catch the person, her shoes clicking on the stone floor. “Wait up! It’s for the paper!” Her legs aided her admittedly poor running, and Astrid gasped as she came closer. “What do you think about serving frog legs at lunch? Some say it’s a delicacy, but others think it’s plain gross.”

Sample Rolepay Response:

Septimus, for that's who the figure had been, spun around to face Astrid, surprised because not many people spoke to him often. He considered the question, then responded, "Well, I personally wouldn't eat it," he said. "But others would. I suppose the best approach would simply be to serve it, and whoever eats it, eats, and whoever doesn't, doesn't. There's so much other food that's served, it wouldn't really matter all that much. But, if you're asking my personal opinion, it's this: absolutely grotesque."
He glanced down the hall. "Is that all?" he asked. "I really gotta get to class, I don't wanna be late. Sorry."

Optional:  This site was recommended to me by a site member, though I don't know his name on here...

Also, I was wondering, would it be possible to have a pet dragon? Just a small one, about the size of an owl?

Timothy Vartan

    (08/12/2011 at 04:14)
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  • Gryffindor '70
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Hi Septimus,

Welcome! Thank you for your application. Before I can accept you, can you please edit the appearance section. It is highly unlikely for a thirteen or fourteen year old boy to be 6 feet tall. Would you please edit that to an appropriate height?

I understand that you would like to keep the character backstory as a secret for the time being, but would you please PM me some basic information about where Septimus really came from? What happened to his parents, family, etc?

And this is just a reminder: Students are required to dress up in uniforms on school days. Of course, Septimus is welcomed to not do so ICly, but that would get him in trouble.

Thanks. Looking forward to see your revised application.

PS: Dragons are not allowed as pets in the school, Septimus. Timothy cannot sleep if there is a dragon in his dormitory. You can have an owl, a cat, or a toad.  ;)
We are beautiful
We are doomed

Septimus Xanura

    (09/12/2011 at 03:35)
  • 3rd Year
  • C4D2T3S3
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Revised Appearance: My avatar shows an ‘almost’ visage of Septimus, but not quite, so: Septimus is taller than most, about five foot six, and skinny. Not in the scrawny manner, though, but the lean, no-fat kind of skinny. He has a slightly muscular build, just enough to call him muscular at all. He has medium-length, dirty-blonde hair which he wears spiked up in all directions, and has deep, light grey eyes. When not in normal uniform, he wears black sneakers, and black, hooded, zippered, robes, though he never wears it with the hood up or with the zipper zipped up.

And I sent you the PM with his background, too.

Timothy Vartan

    (09/12/2011 at 03:54)
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Hi Septimus,

The revised appearance section looks good. I've also read your PM. One thing: In the PM, you said he has no luck searching for his family but here, you mentioned that he has no memory at all. Would you please clarify what you want by reposting the application and I'll be happy to accept it.

Thank you!


We are beautiful
We are doomed

Septimus Xanura

    (10/12/2011 at 00:54)
  • 3rd Year
  • C4D2T3S3
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I meant that he can't find who his parents were, or where they are. If a child is orphaned, they can still search for their parents, even if they have no memory of them. He's been trying to find out who they were, but is having no luck.
Evil will always be beautiful to your eyes.  If it wasn't, would you go anywhere near it?

Timothy Vartan

    (10/12/2011 at 12:41)
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  • Gryffindor '70
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Hi Septimus,

Thanks for the clarification. Just to confirm, Septimus has memory of his past (his name, his family, etc) but he's unable to find his family. Is this correct?

If this is, please edit this part of your biography:

That was five years ago, when Septimus was only nine years of age. The man, who turned out to be one Mr. Xanaru, and his wife adopted him. He had no memory. He could remember nothing. He knew basic functions, and he knew about the world, but not the most important thing of all: himself. He only remembered one thing, which he decided must be his name: Septimus.

Thanks! Looking forward for your completed application.


We are beautiful
We are doomed

Septimus Xanura

    (10/12/2011 at 18:38)
  • 3rd Year
  • C4D2T3S3
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That was five years ago, when Septimus was only nine years of age. The man, who turned out to be one Mr. Xanaru, and his wife adopted him. He had very little memory. He could remember nothing clearly. Only flashes of who he used to be, his home, his family, his old life, but nothing clear. He knew basic functions, and he knew about the world, but not the most important thing of all: himself. He only remembered one thing clearly, which he decided must be his name: Septimus.

How's that?

Elizabeth Birch-Hurst

    (11/12/2011 at 03:53)
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Mr Xanura,

Congratulations, your application to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry has been accepted.

Term begins 01 January. Currently, students have gathered at the Summer Campus. Your admission is joint for both the school and the summer campus, and we encourage you to spend your summer there. Should you choose, you may also visit our Elsewhere board via the Floo Network to visit or purchase school supplies. We look forward to seeing you at the Castle.

Deputy Headmistress
"It seems most strange that men should fear,
seeing that death, a necessary end,
will come when it will come."
