GENERAL MAGICAL RULES There are 4 categories of magic:
All other types of magic will fall under one or more of these categories. The codes under your name describe your levels in these abilities, as follows: C = Charms Level T = Transfiguration Level D = Divination Level S = Summoning/Conjuring Level When a character starts, their levels are decided upon the strength and weakness provided in their biography. The codes under your name define what you can and cannot do. Make sure you understand these rules - posts which break these rules may be removed or edited by staff. Level 0 - You cannot use this magic type successfully; you can try, but it generally wont work (roleplay it!). Levels 1 to 10 - These are typical of students. Please refer to the specific Rules for the magic type to find out what you can do. Levels 11+ - These are usually only found among teachers or other adults. Please refer to the specific Rules for the magic type to find out what you can do. Silent Casting You are able to cast any spell silently if you have at least six more levels than that normally required to cast it, e.g. at C7 you can cast Lumos and Nox silently, at C9 you can cast spells such as Rependo or Reparo silently. In our canon, silent casting is any casting where the caster does not give an indication of the incantation for the spell. If a character mouths the incantation to a spell but does not actually produce a sound, we would class this as a regular spell, as they have still made the mouth movements necessary for the incantation, they just haven’t produced the sound. This means that mute characters are still able to cast spells without the penalties applied to silent casting, as they can mouth the incantation. Other Spells Over the years, our professors have created original spells for use in taught classes. You can find these spells here. Please see the specific magical rules for each spell. A similar page for potions can be found here. Earning New Magic Levels There are currently 3 ways in which to earn magical levels:
SPELL REQUEST (If you would like to use a spell not found on this page, please PM the following to an admin for approval.) Code: [Select] [b]Name of Spell:[/b] CHARMS RULES The rules for charms work slightly differently than those for the other fields of magic. You can cast all charms whose year is equal to or lower than the number after the 'C' in your subbie. For instance, if you are fifth year, but have only C4, then you can only cast fourth year charms and below. On the other hand, if you are a fifth year with C6, then you can cast sixth year charms - but only with difficulty, and they may not be as fully effective as those cast by someone who has been properly trained. Roleplay it! CHARMS First Years Shoot sparks from your wand (no incantation) Write glowing letters in the air with your wand (no incantation) Hot-Air Charm - causes wand to emit hot air (no incantation) Lumos - causes a short beam of light to appear Nox - causes the light to go out Second Years Alohomora - causes locks to unlock (usually on doors) Anteoculatia - transforms the target's hair into antlers Colloportus - causes locks to lock (cancelled by Alohomora) Expelliarmus - causes the victim's wand to fly out of their hand Ferula - creates a bandage and splint Illegibilus - renders text illegible Incendio - starts a fire Locomotor Mortis - locks the victim's legs together Locomotor Wibbly - causes the victim's legs to collapse Petrificus Totalus - makes the victim's body become paralysed Wingardium Leviosa - causes an object to float Third Years Aparecium - makes invisible ink visible Caeruleus - creates a small quantity of blue flame which can be directed to a specific place Carpe Retractum - produces a retractable, magical rope of light from the caster's wand, which pulls the target toward the caster or the caster towards the target Colloshoo - sticks shoes to floor Densaugeo - causes victim's teeth to grow in size Extinguio - puts out fires Follicullus + colour spell or style spell - changes hair colour or style Inscribo - carves words or symbols into something Limax - makes the victim vomit slugs (ewww!) Mobiliarbus - moves a tree Oculatus + colour spell - changes yours or someone elses eyes Oculatus leoninus - changes colour of cat eyes Orchideous - produces a bouquet of flowers from the caster's wand Reparo - repairs an object Rependo - moves things rapidly through the air Rictusempra - makes the victim feel as if there were hands tickling him/her Salvio Hexia - provides protection against hexes Scourgify - cleans dirt from something Tergeo - removes dust or grease from something Fourth Years Avis - creates a flock of birds Cave Inimicum - cast on an area; warns the caster if somebody hostile enters the area Conjunctivitis - makes the victim see unclearly Diffindo - cuts an object open Erecto - erects a tent, or similar item Flagrante - makes an object burning hot Ictus - creates a scorch-like stinging welt on the subject Immobulus - renders living targets immobile and disables electronic devices Impervius - makes an object waterproof Melofors - encases the victim's head in a pumpkin Mucus ad Nauseam - gives the victim an extremely runny nose Relashio - gives out a jet of sparks, or boiling water if underwater Riddikulus - renders a boggart harmless by making it look silly Serpensortia - makes a snake come out of the victim's wand Steleus - causes the victim to sneeze for a short period of time Tarantallegra - makes the victim's legs dance uncontrollably Fifth Years Aguamenti - produces a jet of water from the wand Alarte Ascendare - shoots the target high into the air Ascendio - lifts the caster high into the air Confringo - wrecks something Confundus - confuses the victim temporarily Deprimo - creates a hole under something Descendo - pulls something downwards Dissendium - opens a secret door Engorgio - makes an object grow bigger or return to normal size (if used with Reducio) Furnunculus - Causes the victim's body to break out in boils Glisseo - causes a staircase to flatten into a slide Impedimenta - stops or slows down an object [that can move] Lacarnum Inflamarae - sends a ball of fire from the wand Langlock - glues somebody's tongue to the roof of their mouth Mimblewimble - ties victim's tongue in a knot Molliare - creates an invisible cushioning effect on the target area Obscuro - Puts an immovable blindfold on someone. Lasts 30 minutes. Point Me - makes the wand point north Protego - creates an invisible barrier that deflects spells and physical objects/entities Reducto - blasts a solid object into pieces Silencio - renders the victim temporarily mute Spongify - softens the target, making it bouncy Suppiantara - trips somebody up Ventus - shoots a strong blast of wind from the wand Waddiwasi - directs an object to some close location Sixth Years Anapneo - enables someone to breathe clearly (medical spell) Bulla - creates a bubble of breathable air around the caster's head Defodeo - digs a hole Episkey - stops minor bleeding Expecto Patronum - conjures a patronus Expulso - makes something explode Flipendo - knocks away a person or object Fumos - produces a defensive cloud of dark grey smoke Incarcerous - summons ropes to bind something Levicorpus - levitates a person, holding them helplessly in mid-air, dangling by an ankle Liberacorpus - cancels a Levicorpus or Mobilicorpus spell Locomotor + name of object - moves a moderately sized object Mobilicorpus - moves a body Muffliato - makes speech inaudible to those more than a few feet away Quietus - makes the caster's voice return to normal Oppugno - commands conjured creatures (e.g. Avis or Serpensortia) to attack a chosen target Reducio - causes an object to shrink or return to normal size (if used with Engorgio) Sonorus - makes the caster's voice louder Specialis Revelio - reveals the properties or ingredients of a magical item or potion Stupefy - stuns the victim Seventh Years Blaterus (Babbling Curse) - causes the victim to uncontrollably babble Brachiabindo - binds the target with invisible ropes Cheering Charm - a charm that cheers a person up (no incantation) Cistem Aperio - blasts open chests and boxes Everte Statum - throws the target backward and causes temporary sharp pain Germineo - creates a duplicate of something Gluten Perennis - permanently sticks one object to another Hominem Revelio - reveals the presence of hidden people Kamiflage (Disillusionment Charm) - causes a person or creature to perfectly match their surroundings, making them very difficult to see Mucus Chiropterhinus (Bat-Bogey Hex) - turns the victim's bogeys into large, black bats that fly out of their nose Obliviate - changes a person's memory Proteus - causes a number of specified objects to match the appearance of another single object. When that object is changed, the others change to match. Repello Muggletum - makes muggles avoid an area Above Seventh Year C8 Apparition - the ability to disappear and reappear at a different position. Please note that it is impossible to apparate into/out of/within Hogwarts. The one exception to this rule is during Apparition classes, where those participating can practise Apparition within a specified area of the castle. Deletrius - cancels effect of "Prior Incantato" Emancipare - frees the target from any bindings Ennervate - revives a stunned person Finite Incantatem - ends the effect of a spell Prior Incantato - makes a wand show its last spell used C9 Imperterbable Charm - renders an area spy-proof. (NB: This should prevent fellow students overhearing you - but professors are likely to know effective counter-charms!) Vulnera Sanentur - causes wounds and gashes to heal up and any blood to return to the victim C10: Brackium Emendo - mends broken bones C11: Unbreakable Charm - makes something unbreakable (no incantation) C12: Capacious Extremis (Undetectable Extension Charm) - increases a container's capacity without changing the object's external appearance or weight. If you cast this spell, you must PM an admin with a link to the thread. C14: Portkey Creation - Turns an object into an active portkey; Must be in conjuction with high Transfiguration and Summoning Levels. To find out about this, Read the Portkey FAQ. C15-19 Animagus** (When paired with comparable Transfiguration levels) C20+ Charms Spell Creation (Please submit a Special Requests Form to an admin explaining the spell, and be prepared to make a Wiki page). UNFORGIVABLES NOTE: Use of these spells may result in incarceration if caught and the Ministry determines the spell was misused. As in life, your character cannot control whether they are caught. Be aware that if your character is underage, they will always be caught because of the Trace, and they will likely be expelled from school. Quote C10: TRANSFIGURATION RULES Transfiguration lets you change objects from one form to another. You cannot change their actual substance (say, to make them come alive, or to make stone burn), only the way they appear. Your level determines what properties of an object you can change, according to the list below. The number after the property says how many properties you can change at the same time. Every level includes the abilities for the levels below it: for instance, at level 3 you can change any two of the colour, shape, and size of an object, while at level 4 you can change all three at once. level 1 - change the colouration (non-human) (1) level 2 - change the shape (non-human) (2) level 3 - change the size (non-human) (2) level 4 - change nothing new (non-human) (3) level 5 - change the texture (non-human) (3) level 6 - change the taste; change the colouration, size and texture (human traits) (3) level 7 - change the sound; change the basic shape (human traits-not into something entirely different) (3) level 8 - change nothing new (4) High-Level Transfiguration level 9 - change the smell (4) level 10 - change nothing new (5) level 11 - change nothing new (6) level 12 - change nothing new (7) level 13 - change the actual nature of a substance (7) level 14 - change nothing new (7) level 15 - animagus ** (with high Charms) level 16 - animagus ** (with high Charms) level 17 - animagus ** (with high Charms) level 18 - animagus ** (with high Charms) level 19 - animagus ** (with high Charms) level 20+ - permanent transfiguration. level 20+ - Transfiguration Spell Creation (Please submit a Special Requests Form to an admin explaining the spell, and be prepared to make a Wiki page). Transfiguration Reversals Incantation: Reparifarge Below level 1 - no effect levels 1-3 - reverse two changes levels 4-7: - reverse three changes levels 8-10 - reverse four changes level 11-13 - reverse five changes level 14-16 - reverse six changes level 17-19 - reverse seven changes level 20+ - reverse permanent Transfiguration (up to seven changes) Commands. Basic Command: Commutati Colour Auburn= rutilus Red= ruber Pink/Rosy= rosaceus Orange= aurantium Yellow= flavus Green= viridis Blue= caeruleus Purple= ostrinus Gray= ravus Black (dull)= ater Black (shiny)= niger Brown= fulvus Bronze= aeneus Silver= argenteus Gold= aureus White= albus Other Colour Words brighten- clarus dull- inclarus shiny- nitidus darken- opacus sparkly- scintillosus chequered- tessellatus striped- virgatus flowery- floridus starred- stellatus swirled- verticosus patterned- figuratus Shapes square..........................quadratus / quadratum spherical / sphere..........globosus / globum circular / circle...............rotundus / orbem diamond.......................rhombosus / rhombosum triangular/ triangle.........triangulus / triangulum rectangular / rectangle....rectangulus / rectangulum cubic / cube..................cubosus / cubum pyramidal / pyramid.......pyramidatus / pyramem conical / cone...............turbinatus / conum cylindrical / cylinder.......cylindrosus / cylindrum sharp..........................acutus blunt...........................hebes Sizes long= longus short= brevis tall= procerus deep= profundus shallow= vadosus wide= latus narrow= angustus Textures smooth= levis rough= asper soft= mollis furry= villosus metallic= metallus rubbery= heveus textus feathery= plumeus hard= durus woolly= lanatus solid= solidus sturdy= robustus liquid= liquidus gaseous= vaporus glassy= vitreus sticky= lentus wood-like= ligneus textus plastic-like= plasticus textus paper-like= chartus textus cotton-like= xylinus textus cold= frigidus warm= calidus Sounds Deeper pitch: Sonum Gravis Higher pitch: Sonum Acutus Discordant: Sonum Dissonum Hollow: Sonum Cavus Guitar: Sonum Kithara Violin: Sonum Violinum Harp: Sonum Fidem Flute: Sonum Tibiam Trumpet: Sonum Tubam Drum: Sonum Tympanum Tastes/Smells Sour: acerbus Salty: salsus Bitter: amarus Sweet: dulcus Fuller flavour: gustatus Bland: mitis DIVINATION RULES Divination permits you to do four things: 1) Use your muggle senses to tell if something is wrong ('danger sense') 2) Sense the emotions of others ('aura reading') 3) Tell the future 4) Communicate with the afterlife How good you are at each of these abilities depends on your Divination level. You can also perform any of the abilities listed for levels below your own.
Danger Sense A - If you try to sense it, you can detect something is wrong, but you don't know what it is. B - You no longer need to actively try to sense if something is wrong; you will get a tingling and a sense of unease automatically. Which muggle senses you can use with this ability are listed in the table above. Aura Reading A - Can see a gray outline only B - Can see bright colours in an aura - the strong emotion C - Can see the medium colours in an aura D - Can see the faint colours - the subtle emotions Note that this takes some preparation (so people may notice), and you will need to be holding your wand to do it. Predicting the Future To use this ability, you will need to use a fortune telling technique, such as tarot reading, crystal ball gazing, astrology, etc. A - Can see only whether the future is generally good or bad B - Can detect the general area of the future that is good or bad - for example, "money, health, love life" etc. C - Can get a general idea of what might happen with a little more detail - instead of general positive feeling about "travel", you might be able to predict that travel will happen within a few months to an exotic location (but not which exotic location). Sensing the Otherworld A - You can talk to invisible spirits (if you know they're there!), but you cannot see them, or hear what they say back B - You will know when spirits are near you, but not exactly where they are C - You will know what direction a spirit is in, but not how how far away it is D - You can hear general sounds made by spirits (groaning, etc.) but cannot understand their speech E - You will know exactly where a spirit is, but cannot see it F - You can see spirits, even when they are invisible Note that you do not need Divination Magic to see or talk to normal ghosts when they want to be seen - it is used for spirits that are not usually visible. High-Level Divination Divination permits you to do four things:
D14-19 Legilimency / Occlumency (With high level charms) ** D20+ Seer - Future Visions ** Seer - Communications ** D20+ - Divination Spell Creation (Please submit a Special Requests Form to an admin explaining the spell, and be prepared to make a Wiki page). Danger Sense B - You no longer need to actively try to sense if something is wrong; you will get a tingling and a sense of unease automatically. Which muggle senses you can use with this ability are listed in the table above. C - You receive more than a sense of unease, but now can gain at least some idea of the source and nature of the problem. Which muggles senses you can use with this ability are listed in the table above. Aura Reading E - You can see multiple colours in an aura, gaining a more all-round feel for the individual's personality and emotions, although some details will be too well-hidden or complex to interpret. Note that this takes some preparation (so people may notice), and you will need to be holding your wand to do it. F - Psychometry. You can use your wand to read the past history of an object, including magical enchantments or curses placed on it, a rough impression of the auras of people who have owned it for a long time, etc. Predicting the Future To use this ability, you will need to use a fortune telling technique, such as tarot reading, crystal ball gazing, astrology, etc. C - Can get a general idea of what might happen with a little more detail - instead of general positive feeling about "travel", you might be able to predict that travel will happen within a few months to an exotic location (but not which exotic location). D - Can see a single, specific event that might happen in the future. E - Can see multiple events that might happen in the future. Sensing the Otherworld G - You can understand the speech of incorporeal spirits. H - You can call spirits to you from the Otherworld. You cannot always be confident as to what sort of spirits will arrive... I - Astral Projection. You can leave your physical body behind and enter the Otherworld. Your body is helpless while you do this. The Otherworld is a dangerous realm, in which hostile spirits can attempt to overpower you, and if you travel too far there is always the danger of not coming back... CONJURING/SUMMONING RULES This permits you to do four things: Summoning (fetching items from a distance), and Conjuring (creating things from nearby matter or out of "thin air"); and their counter-actions, Banishing (sending items away to a specific location), and Vanishing (making an item disappear into "thin air"). Please note that you cannot conjure food. Incantation 1. Accio + object ("I call" or "I summon") 2. Arcesso + element/substance ("I call" or "I summon") 3. Creo + object/element ("I create") 4. Elicio + entity ("I conjure up [a spirit/divine power/etc.]") 5. Depulso + object/element/entity ("I banish") - counter-spell for Summoning 6. Evanesco + object/element/entity ("I vanish") - counter-spell for Conjuring Elements 1. fuoco = fire 2. acqua = water 3. aria = air 4. terra = earth Summoning/Banishing The following table describes the maximum size and intelligence of the objects or creatures you can summon/banish, and how far away you can summon them from/banish them to. None for intelligence means you cannot summon/banish creatures, only things (cups, tables, etc.) Low means a creature no more intelligent than an insect or worm. Note that you always have to know roughly where the target you are going to summon is located/where you wish to banish the target to (down to the nearest room, say).
Conjuring/Vanishing The following table indicates the maximum size and complexity of the objects you can create/vanish, and what material you need nearby to create them.
Material A - Same (same raw material nearby that is needed to create the new item) B - Similar (raw material nearby has most of the same chemical makeup as the new item) C - "Thin Air" (no raw material is used. There is also a time limit on how long such items last if before they vanish) Complexity Easy - solid, or shapeless objects (e.g. a glass marble, a blob of water) Medium objects with simple shapes (e.g. hollow like a straw) Hard - objects with an intricate shape, and/or made from multiple materials (e.g.: a feather quill with a gold point) You cannot create truly complex items, such as a working watch. High-Level Summoning/Banishing The following table describes the maximum size and intelligence of the objects or creatures you can summon/banish, and how far away you can summon them from/banish them to. Low means a creature no more intelligent than an insect or worm. Note that you always have to know roughly where the target you are going to summon is located/where you wish to banish the target to (down to the nearest room, say).
Intelligence Low - A creature no more intelligent than an insect or worm. Medium - A typical animal, not intelligent enough to speak. High-Level Conjuring/Vanishing The following table indicates the maximum size and complexity of the objects you can create/vanish, and what material you need nearby to create them. Note that this is the same as at level 8.
Material C - "Thin Air" (no raw material is used. There is also a time limit on how long such items last if before they vanish) Complexity Hard - objects with an intricate shape, and/or made from multiple materials (e.g.: a feather quill with a gold point) Complex - You can create truly complex items, such as a working watch. Note that electronics and the like are not amenable to magical conjuring, and so cannot be created by even the greatest wizards. Magical - You can create magical objects. Creation, Possession, and/or use of a Magical Object requires admin approval. Intelligent - You can summon intelligent objects or beings. Use of summoning at this level requires admin approval. S20+ Conjuring/Summoning Spell Creation (Please submit a Special Requests Form to an admin explaining the spell, and be prepared to make a Wiki page). ** Magic marked ** require Special Request Forms to be completed. |