D-Squad - For members of the D-Squad. Duelling - For students involved in the Duelling extracurricular activity, including the Duelling Coordinator and Duelling Referees. Gryffindor - For all students in Gryffindor House. Hospital Wing - For those involved in the Hospital Wing extracurricular activity, including the Head Nurse. Hufflepuff - For all students in Hufflepuff House. Prefect - For all Prefects, including the Head Boy and Head Girl. Professor - For all professors. Quidditch - For all students involved in the Quidditch extracurricular activity, including the Quidditch Coordinator and Quidditch Captains. Ravenclaw - For all students in Ravenclaw House. Slytherin - For all students in Slytherin House. Spellbound - For all students involved in the Spellbound newspaper extracurricular activity, including the Spellbound Coordinator, Spellbound Editors, and Spellbound Writers. ◆◆◆ - A mystery. ELSEWHERE Auror - For all Aurors. Halfblood - For those registered with the Blood Census as Halfblood. Ministry of Magic - For those employed at the Ministry of Magic, including Unspeakables, Obliviators, and more... Muggleborn - For those registered with the Blood Census as Muggleborn. Pureblood - For those registered with the Blood Census as Pureblood. St. Mungo's - For all employees of St. Mungo's, including Healers, cleaning staff, and administrative staff. OTHER Admin - Identifies administrators. Retired Admin - Identifies retired administrators. Global Moderator - Identifies global moderators. Mentor - Identifies mentors. Summer Counsellor - Identifies summer counsellors. Summer Teams - Identifies summer campers by team; there are three teams each summer, each with a different initial. |