We are currently accepting new applications for Elsewhere!

AL-AZMA, Nabih magical defense professor
AMBERGHAST, Indigo charms professor
AMBERGHAST, Persephone transfiguration professor
BARLOWE, Maddox care of magical creatures professor
BELLESTORM, Tala head nurse
BYRNE, Roisin head of hufflepuff house, spellbound coordinator
DRAGOMIR, Billie head of gryffindor house
FUCHS, Seaver Bob caretaker ♦︎
IVANSKO, Karina headmistress, duelling coordinator
KARA, Iris Cecelia divination professor
LAURENCE, Julia librarian
LEIGHTON, David head of slytherin house
OLIVEWOOD, Florence deputy headmistress
ORELLANA, Benjamin Sr. quidditch coordinator
PROUD, Pythagorea keeper of the keys, arithmancy professor ♦︎
THATCH, Barnaby conjuring and summoning professor
WALKER, Ellis muggle studies professor
WINCHESTER, Timothy head of ravenclaw house, potions professor