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Application for Hogwarts School
→ CHARACTER INFORMATION.Name: Henry Spencer Reed
Birthday: 9th December
Hometown: Cheshire, England.
Bloodline: Muggleborn
Magical Strength (pick one):Divination
Magical Weakness (pick one): Conjuring & Summoning
Year (pick two): Third or fourth. Any will do, really.
Biography: If you are applying to be a first, second, or third year, your biography must be at least one hundred words long.
If you are applying to be a fourth year or above, your biography must be at least three hundred words long.Henry is a well-rounded individual. One of nine children, he's had to learn how to share, put his own opinion in and be the mediator. He's a "mummys-boy" and spends a lot of time reading with her or helping to make dinner. His eight siblings include two brothers and six sisters- He's the middle child. His parents hope to further expand the family but had to take a break after the difficult pregnancy of the youngest of the Reed Brood, Harriet who is five. Henry is muggleborn, meaning he was incredibly surprised when someone showed up at his front door claiming he was a Wizard, in the rural countryside farm where they lived. As guilty as it makes him feel, he's just glad that this makes him stand out from the crowds of his siblings as they all seem so much prettier, smarter, sportier than he is and this whole magic thing? That's purely his. As of right now, anyways.
Henry enjoys hiding away and having thinking time to himself to analyse his day and plan out his next. He isn't anything, if not organised. Despite his hectic surroundings, his mind is well structured and specific. He's slightly obsessive over wanting to know as much information as possible, though this is usually from his slight fear of being embarrassed at not knowing something everyone else does. Henry always has had friends because he's a friendly and loyal person, who would happily drop what he's doing to come and help another person. Sometimes, his loyalty gets him in trouble when he's being too nice to someone who takes advantage of it. Although, his number one priority is his family. And his guinea pigs- he has six. After all, they live on a farm with numerous animals to look after. This is something that Henry has always embraced, being an animal lover himself, and he's not embarrassed or awkward in the slightest in telling people when they ask about his family. He's happy to explain what it's like and shrugs off any weird comments as it's what he's grew up in and has all the people he loves in one place. They were all originally home schooled but went to church every Sunday where they had a youth club to meet others.
→ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION.Note: This section is optional, and is up to you to complete.House Request: Hufflepuff is my #1!! If that's not possible, I'd say Slytherin (the opposite, I know) as he just wants to prove himself.
Personality:Tell us a bit about your character’s personality (likes, dislikes, fears, etc.) What are they like on a good day versus a bad one? Is your character particularly cheerful? Do they hate sunlight?Henry loves reading. He's obsessed. He reads rather quick due to the fact that once he picks it up, he can't put it down until he's finished! Having a rather high IQ, and suspected autism, Henry's always curious and looking for new things to learn and explore. He really hates small spaces, which is ironic due to his small farm house and amount of siblings, though he puts it down to being so used to the massive fields that he spends a lot of his time in. He's not a fan of speaking in front of groups of people either, as he has a tendency to blush over his entire face and stutter. He's quite an optimistic boy who tries to be the one to cheer others up as he doesn't have a reason to be sad, so he ignores his own feelings somewhat. On his bad days, like when he misses his family, he'll try to socialise himself or eat a lot of food to perk himself up. If this isn't possible, he'll fake ill and sleep it off before someone can see him in his moody phase.
Appearance:Briefly describe your character's appearance (hair color, build, stature, etc.) What effect does it have on their personality? For example, does the shy Ravenclaw girl secretly dye her hair black because she hates her natural blonde? Does the curly-haired Gryffindor use charms to hide his freckles?Henry has dark blonde hair that comes to just under his ears, along with a fringe that typically needs to be cut as it always gets in his eyes. He's very skinny, probably due to the exercise he does at home on the farm and the activities between him and his siblings, but is a healthy weight. He's not very strong though, which he hates, and has an estimated height of 5'9, at which he hit his late growth spurt at 16. He's got hazel eyes that sometimes look more green in the light and pale skin. Henry does his eyebrows, funnily enough, or moreso he doesn't have a choice when his older sisters want to practice their skills. They look great, none the less.
→ SAMPLE ROLEPLAY.You come across one of these posts on the site. Please select one & reply as your character. Remember, you can only roleplay your own character's actions, not Evangeline's or Hugh's. Option I:The dungeons. A place eleven-year-old Evangeline had not yet travelled since her arrival at Hogwarts.
A place she really was just fine with not knowing; but it was too late. The dare had been accepted, even if it had been done in fear of being kicked out of Gryffindor, like the older girls had said she would because Gryffindors were supposed to be brave.
The air changed instantly when she hit the main corridor of the dungeons. The dampness was almost too much for her and she instinctively took a deep breath to avoid the sensation of being suffocated. There was also a sour burning smell which Evangeline assumed was from many, many Potions lessons.
Further and further she walked, her steps so slow and gentle they made no noise against the stone walls and floor. The feeling that she wasn't alone crept up her spine and raised the tiny hair on the back of her neck. Shivering, Evangeline wrapped her arms around herself. Suddenly, she missed the warmth and comfort of the Gryffindor common room. The fire was always going and it made her feel at ease.
Why had she let those girls talk her into this? She was only eleven, she didn't have to be brave. Surely the Headmistress would not kick her out of Hogwarts for not being brave.
If only she had these thoughts while being dared to search for the ghost of one Emma Birch, whom supposedly haunted the dungeons. It was not, Evangeline had learned, the place where the sixteen-year-old girl's life had ended but as she had been from the house with a snake as its mascot, it was the place her spirit had returned to. That common room was down here somewhere, she'd been told.
Something - the small blonde girl wasn't quite sure what - but something made her stop in her tracks suddenly. There was a low, dull thumping noise. Or maybe that was her heart beating so loudly she thought it was coming from outside her body.
"H-h-hello?" Her voice was barely above a whisper.
Remembering that she was supposed to be brave, Evangeline tried again.
"Hello! Is Emma Birch here?"
The sound of her own words bouncing back at her off the walls made her jump.
There was nothing more embarrassing, in Henry's eyes, than crying. Yet, here he was. Crying. In a storage room. Why was he even in the dungeons, you ask? That would be because he'd been helping the potions professor to clean up their classroom and was returning the broom to the closet that he had used to brush up spilt powdered roots. Perhaps he should have returned it when the hallway wasn't full of people going to dinner, and wasn't in the corridor of which someone either pushed the door shut as it was open, or deliberately shut it. Either way, he's going with the accident idea because that was the type of person he was.
It was dark and stuffy in the room. The room itself was only about five foot by three foot- just big enough to fit cleaning supplies and some old harmless potions ingredients. Why did they even have the cleaning supplies if everything could've been done with magic?
He was currently sat in front of the door, his forehead resting against the wood. Henry's cheeks had started to dry from his tears after around half an hour, once his panic had left and boredom kicked in. His fist was banging on the door every now and again, in hopes someone might have heard him. He hadn't a clue what time it is now as he swore he fell asleep at one point.
He was pulled out of his curious thoughts at the faint voice on the other side. They must have heard him banging! Immedietly, the lad was on his feet and banging on the door with both hands whilst shouting loudly:
"Hello? Hello! I'm locked in the supply room! Help!"
He didn't pause to think about who it could be that would find him in this state, but all he knew is that he really really needed the toilet.
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