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Author Topic: Eugene Bryce  (Read 915 times)

Eugene Bryce

    (10/08/2013 at 22:08)
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Application for Salem Institute

Name: Eugene Bryce

Birthday: Sept. 10th

Hometown: Chicago, IL

Muggleborn / Halfblood / Pureblood / Unknown

Magical Strength (pick one):
Divination / Transfiguration / Charms / Conjuring & Summoning

Magical Weakness (pick one):
Divination / Transfiguration / Charms / Conjuring & Summoning

Year (pick two): I, II

When the letters came, Mister and Misses Bryce were both none too surprised and quite enthusiastic. Their little Eugene was special and they knew he would go on to do special things. Misses Bryce was a petite woman, and halfblood; a great, great grandfather of some pureblood line having branched off, mingling with a muggle to the great disappointment of his family. Her husband was a muggle; a large, simple man who ran a bakery and had taken a fondness to her when she would come in once a week after running errands. He was surprised when he found out about her magical identity, but was more curious than anything. A few years later, they had gotten married and not long after, their son was born. No one had ever seen a couple beam so proudly.

Growing up, Eugene had been a good kid, rowdy and playful and easily making friends with the neighborhood children. Never getting into too much trouble, knowing when to back off or go home if he got uncomfortable with some of the nastier boys. Some times he would get picked on for his size or slowness, but it never got to him. He’d often help out at his father’s bakery, his dad letting him gather ingredients, or run around and clean, or feed the stay cats that hung around constantly. Misses Bryce never saw any sign of magical ability as he aged, but she knew – magical or not – she would love Eugene no matter what.

Now on his way to Salem, Eugene – though sad that he won’t be around his parents or their shop anymore – is ecstatic to meet new people and learn new things.

Note: This section is optional, and is up to you to complete.

Society Request: Knight's Society

Though still young and developing his personality as he grows, so far he likes to help and work with people, and doesn’t mind group activities and the company of others—prefers it even. He is generally in cheerful spirits, no matter the situation.  Though usually quiet and observant, he likes to make the best of things or find humor in a stressful situation to lighten the mood. Like any eleven year old, he make’s mistakes and learns and grows from it.

Wavy, warm blond hair falls to the back of his neck, bangs clawing over his eyebrows and pushing themselves just into his vision. Big blue eyes always seem watery, making the friendly spark in them seem to amplify. Nose straight and average, his cheeks round and rosy. He had always been a larger kid, always the tallest in the class by just so much, always the chubby friend in the group. Chubby, not fat, his mother would say. It wasn’t something that bothered him though. Sure it left him a little winded when he ran during tag, and sometimes he’d get picked on at lunch when he ate more than the others, but he learned that if he laughed with the bullies, or didn’t react at all, they’d eventually get bored and leave him be. His mom always said that one day if he worked hard, it would all turn into muscle, and he’d be taller and stronger than all the bullies. No one would mess with him then.

Please reply to the Sample Roleplay below.
Eugene was flipping the page of the huge text book before him, scratching down notes in his barley legible scrawl, when Simon finally huffed out the question. They had been silent for a while, only talking when they had begrudgingly agreed to meet in the library, and then only to ask one another simple questions like:

“What’s your book say on…?”

“Can you pass me that pen?”

“What time is it?”

How were two people supposed to write one report together, anyway?

Despite the stale air between them, Eugene wasn’t too bothered. He liked teaming up and meeting new people, liked the library and the comfortable feeling it held. Obviously Simon didn’t feel the same, huffing and slamming the books shut, so he wasn’t going to push the other boy. He sighed and sat back, using his hands to prop himself up.

“I… I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Eugene chewed on his chubby lip as he looked over Simon, and an idea struck him, “How’s about this. I stay in here, finish up the notes and write up a draft. You can go outside or whatever, I’ll find ya when I’m done. Then you can do the final bits, add or change whatever ya want.”

He pushed blond hair out of his face and grinned, “Sound good?”


Previous Characters (if applicable): N/A

How did you find us?: The lovely Charles Kedding

Ophelie Lecuyier

    (11/08/2013 at 21:08)

Mr. Bryce,

Congratulations, your application to Salem Institute has been accepted. Term begins 01 September, 2013. Currently, students have gathered at Camp Loki. Your admission is joint for both the school and Camp Loki, and we encourage you to spend your summer there. Should you choose, you may also visit our Elsewhere board via the Floo Network to visit or purchase school supplies. We look forward to seeing you at the School.

Ophelie Lecuyier,
President, Salem Institute
