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Messages - Edmund Wolffe

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the family. perhaps it's because it took them far too long to finally end up together that Edmund and Irma, Hogwarts sweetheats, were so keen to start a family; a family which kept growing, and growing, and growing until they were the size of a quidditch team (though who plays what position is often a topic of debate over dinner).

Life in this happy family is not without obstacles: from blood prejudice still lingering within their not-so-distant extended family to the second-born, Bonnie, suffering a bite from a werewolf in the summer of 1960, they carry their struggles and secrets and triumphs the way they do most things--together. Amidst the chaos of their crumbling country manor, Irma's flourishing cosmetics business, seven siblings, and however many pets they have at the moment, the Wolffes thrive because of (and sometimes in spite of) their strong family bond.

These second-generation legacy characters come with a rich family canon, active players, a wide array of archetypes, and creative liberty for their adoptive writers.

moira sylvia wolffe / 21 december, 1949
fc: kathryn newton. headstrong. rebellious. bossy. textbook eldest child. slytherin or hufflepuff. taken!

bonnie juniper wolffe / 31 august 1950
fc: ciara bravo. sensitive. shy. passionate. people pleaser. werewolf! ravenclaw or hufflepuff. taken!

rosemary 'rosie' naimh wolffe / 24 may 1952.
fc: rue penelope holden. cheerful. bubbly. energetic. vivid imagination. gryffindor or hufflepuff. taken!

juliet hazel wolffe / 8 january 1956.
fc: tbd. persistent. practical. loud. gets what she wants. slytherin or hufflepuff. available!

connor lindon wolffe / 17 october 1956.
fc: tbd. idealistic. social. quick-witted. older by six minutes. hufflepuff. available!

colin mace wolffe / 17 october 1956.
fc: tbd. sneaky. opportunistic. prankster. good hearted. hufflepuff. available!

isabella sage wolffe / 13 july 1960.
fc: tbd. tbd. tbd. tdb. tbd. available!

please pm Edmund Wolffe with character inquiries!

coded by ojs

Archived Applications / Re: Edmund Wolffe | Librarian
« on: 02/04/2019 at 18:34 »
*note that I do in fact know the difference between whales and Wales but autocorrect apparently does not. Please disregard that error in my app.

Archived Applications / Edmund Wolffe | Librarian
« on: 02/04/2019 at 15:03 »

Character name: Edmund Wolffe

Previous and/or Current Character(s) if applicable: Cecelia Bramston

Character age: 26

Character education: Hogwarts Graduate, Class of 1949.

Strength and weaknesses (details please):
A credit to his house, this former Hufflepuff is no stranger to hard work. Perhaps not the most gifted student, certainly never the most talented Chaser on the quidditch team, Edmund found success not through god-given talent, nor through a life of privilege (quite the opposite, in fact), but through persistence and grit. What he lacks in social formalities he makes up for in approachability and an easygoing nature.

A tendency to procrastinate can land him in a tight spot from time to time but with an all-nighter and a pot of coffee he gets the job done (usually). ‘Leader’ is perhaps not the first word that comes to mind when thinking of Edmund Wolffe...or even the second, third, fourth, etc. He would never be described as authoritative and may look the other way a bit too much when rules are being broken.

In an environment like Hogwarts, filled to the brim with moody teenagers dealing with problems ‘nobody understands’ Edmund’s relaxed attitude and ability to connect sincerely will be a boon.

Physical description:
Edmund is of above average height with a slim build. Warm brown eyes and dark hair that is always a little bit unkempt - he tends to run his hands through it when he’s thinking. Large hands still carry the calluses of his quidditch years, maintained by the occasional pickup game with friends after work.

A smile sits easily on Edmund’s face, suiting his features more than a frown or any attempt at sternness.

Personality (nice, rude, funny etc. Paragraph please.):
Easygoing, procrastinator, hardworking, but above all - kind. Edmund Wolffe has a soft heart, made softer in both marriage and parenthood. Never one to throw the first punch (or any, if he could help it) the former Hufflepuff prefers to decompress a situation rather than escalate it.

Though he may tend to put off more tedious responsibilities until the last minute, he always follows through in his work. Proud is not a word he would use to describe himself, but he certainly is a proud man - reluctant to accept handouts, keen to prove himself on his own terms. His warm disposition makes him an easy person to talk to, open up to, and befriend.

Hopes and dreams. Why are you teaching at Hogwarts?:
Growing up in an orphanage Edmund was no stranger to the shortcomings of Ministry oversight in the lives of underprivileged children. His post-grad work as a community liaison for the Ministry of Magic further confirmed that there was plenty left to do. Joining the SRC and becoming more involved in grassroots community efforts helped, but he wanted the opportunity to do more.

In 1955 he and his wife relocated from London to Whales, after several months commuting back to the Ministry for work as well as working remotely when possible Edmund finally decided to quit his job, which had taken him no further than a desk full of paperwork in nearly five years time. The opportunity to work at Hogwarts is an opportunity to have an positive impact in a way that he wasn’t able to while working for the ministry or volunteering for the SRC.

Really, Edmund Wolffe is searching for his purpose, his calling, and perhaps this time he’s found it.

Biography (500 words minimum. There is never such a thing as too much.):
Born to Muggle parents in Aberdeen Scotland, Edmund was the unfortunate victim of strange events, culminating in his eventual relocation and subsequent childhood spent in a London Orphanage for magical children. Vague memories of his earliest years remain in flashes of light and color and scent, the occasional detail, but little else.

His years in the orphanage were lonesome, there was such rapid turnover of children that he never had the opportunity to make lasting connections or friendships. Perhaps this was why he was so keen to attach himself to as many people as possible the moment he stepped into Hogwarts School. Sorted into Hufflepuff house, the young boy flourished. Academics were a struggle at times, due less to a lack of intellect and more to things like friends and quidditch (and, of course, girls) being a higher priority.

In Edmund’s fourth year he was placed on academic probation from the quidditch team which was a wakeup call, and from then on he managed to maintain above-average grades for the duration of his years at Hogwarts.

Gaining the duties of Prefect, and eventually becoming both Quidditch Captain and Head Boy, Edmund ended his years at Hogwarts on a high note - academically, socially, and personally.

Married shortly after graduation to his school sweetheart, Irma, Edmund stepped into his post-grad years feeling confident. Their first daughter was followed by another, and another.  After graduating from Hogwarts Edmund had stayed in contact with most of his friends through the occasional  owl or drink at the pub. Most had gone in wildly different directions than Ed, whose life felt rather tame and domestic by comparison. In truth he had exactly what he’d always wanted more than anything - a family.

Having come up from nothing, with no money or status to speak of, Edmund had always been acutely aware of how Irma’s family felt about him. Despite her father and stepmother always welcoming him warmly it had always been a sticking point for the young man. As for Irma’s mother, he’d given up all hope of winning approval there. Edmund was old enough to have been a registered Muggleborn during the blood census, and the red badge still lays at the bottom of his sock drawer, a grim reminder of his early years and prejudices not so easily forgotten.

As their joy at home grew Edmund’s enthusiasm for his work dwindled. The slough of paperwork, the bureaucracy and processes that walled him in were compounded by the low pay and lack of growth opportunities in his position - Muggle Liaison - which had once felt like a dream job.   

In the meantime his wife’s cosmetics company took off like wildfire. That, and their ever-growing family necessitated their move to Whales where WandS Cosmetics continued to grow through his wife’s diligence. Though he was loathe to admit it aloud, Irma’s  enormous success oftentimes made him feel that he was inadequate as a provider for their family. 

Edmund continued going through the paces at his ministry job, still seeking some kind of professional awakening, waiting for a spark, an opportunity, a chance to make a difference.

(Please respond to to this in third person past tense. Do not write the other characters' reactions. Only your own.)

It was the largest office in Hogwarts and, perhaps to students and newcomers, the most intimidating. The shelves were filled with various odds and ends, with a place of honor for the Sorting Hat, and the walls held all the portraits of past Headmasters and Headmistresses.

In the middle of the room sat a large desk. Everything was in order, for the current occupant had always despised a messy desk. It was the sign of a messy mind, and she had always favored neatness.

A clock sat on the desk, which currently showed the time to be 2:05. The meeting was supposed to begin at 2:00 precisely.

Along with order, Anneka valued punctuality. She was a very busy woman these days. Even during the summer, she had a number of matters to attend to. Interviewing and hiring staff was only of those matters. The newest potential member of her staff wasn't making a good impression.

She paced the room, black heels clicking against the stone floor. When the door finally opened, Anneka turned, her expression reminiscent of a Russian winter. "You are late."

Explain yourself was what her face said.

Roleplay Response:
There was no time to stop and revel in this moment. The castle, still so familiar after all of these years; the quidditch pitch in the distance, practically calling his name; even the doors to the entrance hall still creaked in the same disgruntled way. No time! Edmund sprinted through the halls, his tie flying back over his shoulder as he ran through the halls he knew by heart. Up the stairs - skipping the trick step without a thought - and straight to the Headmistress' office.

Somehow, despite treating the rules less as law and more as a suggestion, Ed had never found himself in Anneka Ivanova's office during his years at Hogwarts.

Opening the door ('Should I have knocked?!' the thought ran through his mind, too late) Ed was met with the cool gaze and formidable presence of the Headmistress.

"You are late."

"I am." Ed shut the door behind him carefully and walked over to Ivanova's desk with a sheepish smile. "I'm really sorry about this, had to travel by Floo and just before I meant to leave one of my youngest decided to pour her cereal all over my jacket -- she's four, you know how it is -- and-" Ed caught himself before he continued rambling on and stood a bit straighter, clearing his throat. "Long story short, it won't happen again Headmistress." Oh hell, he wasn't a schoolboy anymore, she was just Anneka now wasn't she? Or should it be Miss Ivanova? He really didn't know what to call her...

Then Ed realized his tie was still flung over his shoulder.

Archived Applications / Edmund Wolffe
« on: 05/04/2016 at 02:47 »

Application for Hogwarts School


Edmund Andrew Wolffe

December 21, 1931

Aberdeen, Scotland


Magical Strength (pick one):
Conjuring & Summoning

Magical Weakness (pick one):

Year (pick two):
6th, 5th.

   Raised from a young age in a ministry run muggleborn orphanage, Edmund has only vague memories of his birth parents, who disappeared mysteriously on New Years Day of 1937. From age 6 to age 11 Edmund quietly persevered in an environment that could hardly be considered wholesome or loving for a child. Amiable by nature, the discrimination that muggleborns and those of ‘lower blood’ endured during this time period were simply the norm to the young boy, a fact that he accepted and didn’t dwell on at any length. In an orphanage children come and go constantly. Because of this, young Edmund was never able to develop any lasting friendships, but yearned for that sense of camaraderie.
   Upon his acceptance into Hogwarts at age 11 Edmund found in his friends and housemates a family that he had been missing. His first years at Hogwarts were a dream - surrounded by others his age, quidditch to pour his youthful energy into, classes to challenge his young mind, Edmund thrived. In building relationships however, his eyes were also opened to the realities of what his blood status meant outside of the vacuum of the muggleborn orphanage. Being a muggleborn was suddenly much more than just a badge he had to wear; it complicated, and even ended, relationships, it also marked him as a target for bullies.
   By his third year Edmund started to struggle academically, unable to prioritize classes over quidditch and friends - not an unusual problem for a thirteen year old boy to have, but difficult to manage without parents to help guide him. Suspended from quidditch for academic reasons and deeply embarrassed, Edmund withdrew from many of his close friendships.
   Now transitioning into a full-fledged teenager Edmund became more capricious, trying to establish himself as more than a blood status badge or his house colors. He sought ‘cooler’ friends, took up smoking, and quit quidditch. Poised to begin another year at Hogwarts, perhaps Edmund can find some of that stability and wonder from his first years at Hogwarts.


House Request:

Kind and gentle by nature, unsure and overcompensating by experience. Edmund is experiencing all of the moodiness, tension, and confusion that the teenage years bring with a vengeance. While he may try to appear bristly and ‘cool’, it’s a front that he isn’t able to keep up for long before his better self takes over.

Now nearly 6 feet tall, Edmund’s lanky frame is finally starting to fill out, though he is never destined to be anything close to burley or brawny. Dark brown hair and warm eyes to match, a mouth made to smile rather than scowl.

Response to option 2.
   Herbology. Not his best subject. Far from his worst though. And there were worse ways to spend an afternoon; if he had to be doing homework, being out of doors was better than holing up in the dim library. The heavy perfume of the umbrella flowers was not unpleasant, and there was something nice about being out here all alone-"You blasted rat! Where are you?" Ed glanced up from his parchment where he was sketching the parts of a bit of monkshood.
   The voice came from a few rows down from him, and with all of the foliage in the way he couldn’t see who it belonged to. Edmund stood up halfway, craning his neck. Friend or foe? Clearly not a girl, so his interest was already waning.
   A nearby flowerbed trembled. Standing up fully, Edmund could see better - but still hadn’t found the source of the annoyed voice. He walked down a few rows then jumped as the rustling planter sneezed violently. A ruffled looking student Ed didn’t recognize emerged, wiping his nose on his sleeve. "Can I help you with something? It is not polite to stare." The annoyance in the other boy’s voice was tampered by his snotty nose. “No, thanks mate, I’m all set - but it looks like you could use a hand.” Ed retorted, brows arched skeptically, a smirk playing at his mouth - his tone  less a taunt and more goodnatured ribbing.


Please list any characters you have on the site (current and previous):
Previously: RP’d Edmund from 1st-4th year in Hufflepuff, missed 5th year, so reapplying now. And Genevieve Woods from a million years ago.

Suggestions & Questions / Re: Questions on Muggleborns
« on: 23/08/2014 at 03:37 »
Thank you very much!

Suggestions & Questions / Questions on Muggleborns
« on: 22/08/2014 at 14:03 »
I have a few questions about how muggleborn children would have grown up after the time-warp; I understand that they would have been raised in orphanages but would they have had much exposure to magic? Would they have known they were witches and wizards? How much wizarding culture would they have been exposed to?
Just looking for some clarification so I can get the details right :) Thanks!

Archived Applications / Edmund Wolffe
« on: 02/08/2014 at 22:03 »

Application for Hogwarts School


Name: Edmund Andrew Wolffe

Birthday: December 21 1968 (1930)

Hometown: Aberdeen, Scotland

Bloodline: Muggleborn

Magical Strength (pick one): Conjuring & Summoning

Magical Weakness (pick one): Charms

Year (pick two): first or second

Her Winter Baby. That’s what Edmund’s mother Rose, always called him. Born on the winter solstice, the darkest day of the year. Wonder Boy. that’s what Edmund’s father Leonard called him. Prone to fantastic accidents from the get-go, coincidences and things that just couldn’t be explained.

Edmund grew up in Aberdeen, son of a ship builder and seamstress. Home was a shabby cottage made lovely with the gentle and thoughtful touch of his mother; the small Waterford crystal vase set on lace of her own making and filled with small white flowers from the garden. Home was the smell of the his Grandfather Andrew’s pipe smoke wafting through the sitting room, helped along by his mother waving a hand at it and admonishing “father - please not in the house!”. Home was the rough texture of his father’s laboring hands that would wrap around his mother’s small waist and lift her off her feet for a kiss every evening when he got home. “How’s my Wonder Boy!” Leonard would say with a ruffle of Edmund’s mop of dark hair “turn any of Mother’s potatoes blue today? hmm?” Six years old, happy, healthy, and well-loved, if only a bit strange.

His last birthday with his family, December 21, 1968, celebrated alongside the tree and tinsel and candles and stockings of Christmas. “Six years old - my Wonder Boy! Half a man already!” Leonard boomed, squeezing his sons shoulder affectionately. Rose swooped in for a kiss, she always smelled of the lavender she folded in to all of her mending, to keep the fabric smelling sweet. As an only child Edmund was a treasure to his parents, who had wanted more but been denied by age. Grandfather Andrew sat across the table smoking his pipe contentedly in the festive atmosphere.

December 31 1968. Edmund was tucked snugly into bed earlier than usual by his mother. “Grandfather Andrew will be here, your Father and I are visiting the Cornwell’s to celebrate New Years Eve.” Rose, his beautiful mother, pale and lovely, if a bit frail looking sometimes. She was as dressed up as the little boy had ever seen her, a lovely black knee-length dress and black stockings set off her pale skin, highlighted by the bright red lipstick she saved for special occasions. Rose leaned over and kissed his forehead then wiped away a smudge of lipstick with her thumb, the scent of lavender was comforting and familiar to Edmund. “Tomorrow will be a brand new year my darling, isn’t that thrilling?” Rose whispered to her son. “Mrs! Let’s be off!” Leonard called from down the stairs. “Goodnight Edmund, I love you, see you next year!” Rose blew a kiss to her son and closed the door.

January 1 1937. His family was gone. Gone where? And his home. . .his toys, his Grandfather’s pipe, his father’s work boots. . . And then he was taken away. First orphanage. Edmund, six and a half years old now, had given up asking, and had nearly given up crying. He sat with groups of other sullen children given paper and old dull pencils as entertainment. Edmund would draw, scribble designs, cover the page and stare at them until they moved - did they really move? Wonder Boy. Winter Baby.

Second orphanage. And this time a large red M affixed to his clothing. These children seemed more like him, and yet he didn’t know how. It was here that Edmund would remember most when thinking back on his childhood. His parents, his grandfather, their cottage, those were dream-like memories, especially clear in the moments before sleep or perhaps just waking up, but insubstantial. Here was where he read any book he could get his hands on, where he learned to make friends with the right kids - children who were charismatic enough to be seen as leaders but weren’t unintelligent enough to be cruel, as so many others were. If there was one thing Edmund could’t stand, it was cruelty for the sake of it.

Eleven years old. A young boy, working on becoming a young man, with only memories of his true home and experiences that could never replace what a home and family were ever meant to be. Despite it all he managed to thrive and grow in his own way; intelligent, watchful, compassionate, he managed to be exceptional among the throngs of forgotten children. The letter, the knowledge that there was something more out there for him, that he had potential above and beyond what he could have ever imagined, some freedom perhaps, was enough.

Note: This section is optional, and is up to you to complete.

House Request: No request

Personality: Reserved, watchful, calculating, and generous. Edmund’s personality has been shaped in part by a close and loving relationship with his parents and in part by his neglectful and often hateful treatment in the muggle-born orphanage. Edmund’s natural inclination towards gentleness is tempered by a learned caution from his years as a ward of the state. He is intelligent and quick to jump in with a fact or correction, unintentionally coming across as a know-it-all; a habit which landed him in many a scuffle with older, stupider children, at the orphanage.

Appearance: Edmund, at age 11, is just entering into that awkward stage of male adolescence that denotes limbs too long for ones body (poor coordination resulting), broad, sharp shoulders, and a slightly stretched look about him. At 5’5 he is on the verge of another growth spurt and shows promise to top 6 feet when all is said and done. Pale, with a smattering of freckles across his face he has dark eyes hidden somewhat beneath messy darker hair. His thick angled eyebrows give him a naturally broody expression to compliment his tendency towards pre-teen angst.

Please reply to one of the Sample Roleplays below.

Option 2.


“Hey! . . . Wait up! It’s for the paper!”

Edmund’s progress towards the great hall faltered as he glanced around searching for the source of the oddly cheerful voice demanding his attention. He shrugged his bag higher on to his shoulder and turned, stomach growling audibly, he was already late for lunch. . .he didn’t even realize Hogwarts had a paper. A blond haired, blue eyed girl hustled up to him, breathless and poised for what looked like note-taking. She seemed determined, and Edmund eyed her warily, not sure what to make of it.

“What do you think about serving frog legs at lunch? Some say it’s a delicacy, but others think it’s plain gross.”

Frog legs? What? His stomach rumbled again ‘if it meant eating frog legs I’d do it just to get some food right now’ he thought, shrugging his heavy bag back up on his shoulder yet again. “I. . .” Edmund shifted his weight, not sure what to make of her aggressive approach and obvious enthusiasm for frog-leg-related opinions. “I’m no food critic but don’t knock it ‘till you try it, right? I mean, eating snails is a thing so why not frogs?” Edmund reasoned aloud, less interested in giving quotes for the paper and more interested in getting a heaping plate of food in front of him ASAP.

“Now if you don’t mind. . .” He side stepped the girl and made to keep walking toward the great hall with the determination only an adolescent boy in need of a meal can display. “Oh and you can quote me on the frog legs! Wolffe’s the name!”


Previous Characters (if applicable): N/A

How did you find us?: Top RPG site

*Please let me know if I’ve messed up with continuity as far as the Time-Warp, I hope I understood it clearly.

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