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Author Topic: Viktoria Borovsky | Elsewhere Adult  (Read 1103 times)

* Viktoria Borovsky

    (09/06/2022 at 21:03)
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  • Owner of Séance
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E L S E W H E R E   A D U L T

Character Name:Viktoria Yuliana Borovsky (Виктория Юлиана Боровский)
Gender: Female
Age: 37
Blood Status: Pureblood

Durmstrang 1939-1945

Knockturn Alley, Wizarding London

Owner of Séance

Do you plan to have a connection to a particular existing place (for example: the Ministry, Shrieking Shack) or to take over an existing shop in need of new management?
Yes, I will be applying for a shop subscription to re-open Séance.

Requested Magic Levels:
  • Charms: 12
  • Divination: 5
  • Transfiguration: 8
  • Summoning: 7

Do you wish to be approved as a group with any other characters? If so who and for what IC reason?

Please list any other characters you already have at the site:
Keziah Zsofka

Biography: (300 words minimum.)
В экстренном случае
(In Case of Emergency)

Меня зовут Виктория Юлиана Боровский и если вы читаете this..then я мертв.
(My name is Viktoria Yuliana Borovsky and if you are reading this..then I'm dead.)

It was nineteen-thirty-eight when we absconded from Russia at the request of Grandmama. I was a scared ten-year-old child who knew nothing of the world and everything of the Mother Land; I was naive to think we would ever go back to the hallowed halls of Borovsky Castle. What I wouldn't give to go back to a time that was simpler and kinder than the one now.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Grandmama speaks often, and fondly, of my birth. I think she enjoys recalling the day her favorite grandchild became a reality; I mean, it's no secret how much she adores me. I've seen the disdain in their eyes, when Vlad and Ana and Valen bear witness to the change in Grandmama when I'm around. I have, and always will be, the favorite; it's my prerogative.

When we arrived in Buckinghamshire, I remember looking at our new home with the same disdain. England would never measure up to the Mother Land; where we once had forests of dark and enchanting secrets, we now had fields and an openness that I would never grow accustom to. The happiest moment of my life in England was the day Durmstrang sent for me.

I was, no I am, a Daughter of the Blood. It was always my destiny to attend the school of my line; like my very namesake, I am of the Purest. I left behind my beloved Grandmama; her words were like ice in my veins and I knew that no matter what happened, or where I went, I would always remember. Смерть Перед бесчестия

Durmstrang had become my new home and Eastern Europe was my playground. The war had gradually started to build around us; Japan unleashed hell on America at the end of nineteen-forty-one and in nineteen-forty-two I was summoned back to the Borovsky homestead in Buckinghamshire.

It was in nineteen-forty-three that I joined Vlad and Ana at Hogwarts; the war still raging all around us and I was in the Great Hall eating at a table clad in emerald and silver. Where I had excelled at Durmstrang, I was considered behind at Hogwarts. I can still see the smug looks on Vlad and Ana's faces when they realized I was officially the same year as them.

I started writing and reading poetry to keep their images out of my mind and the longing for the Mother Land and Durmstrang from my heart. I have never felt so alone, even among family, as I do here. I'll keep my head up though, and continue to write Grandmama as she requested, because I'm a Borovsky and the favorite. It's my prerogative.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Viktoria had left Durmstrang for Hogwarts but had never successfully made it. Instead she chose to open her own spot in Knockturn Alley but disappeared mysteriously for a few years. She is now back, taking back her business from her former manager.

You come across one of these posts on the site. Please select one & reply as your character:

Option One -
Amelia Nixon was many things, but she was never a pushover reporter that people could just usher away with a busy shuffle past. She was dedicated and eager to cut to the very middle of the current political tensions because she was Amelia Nixon and her articles would most certainly become front page material.

“Sir, please! It’s for the Prophet, how do you feel-“

Another one brushed passed her, the shuffling busy masses making their way through Diagon Alley for the lunchtime rush. This had been the best possible time to get people, but none of them were giving her anything to go with.

Only momentarily discouraged, the short red headed lady took a seat on a nearby bench. Her quill resting in her left hand and her notepad ready in the opposite hand. Amelia pouted, tapping the quill against her leg as she scanned the waves of people for somebody - anybody - who looked like they had something to say.

She had been dreaming of her name in bold print, Amelia Nixon: The Source of Today’s Tomorrow. She had been dreaming of the larger office and the secretaries that would fetch her the morning coffee and fetch her anything she needed. The VIP interviews and the most exclusive press passes. But all Amelia had was a page seventeen piece on the rising number of frogs in London.

Hardened by a day of no success, the reporter stood up and started to trod off down the alley. A loose stone on the cobble path caught her heel, sending the distraught girl toppling down to the ground.

“Merlin’s fog watch, my heel is broken! Help!” she yelled as she tried desperately to recover her shoe frantically in the middle of the Diagon Alley moving crowds.

Option Two -
The snow had been falling steadily all morning and it didn't look like it was going to stop any time soon. Joshua Campbell scrunched his face up in a frown as he lifted his gaze to look to the sky. Snow. It really was quite a bother.

And it certainly didn't make it better that Diagon Alley seemed to be getting more and more crowded. Joshua sighed and pointed his wand at the large box that was currently placed on the doorstep of his shop. He had to get going. He had an order to deliver.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" The elderly man muttered and watched the box hover in the air for a moment. Honestly, did St. Mungo's really need that much tinsel? And with glitter of all things? He sighed again. If it hadn't been for the rather convincing stamp on the order, he would have been likely to believe it had been a prank by one of those orphaned rascals living up there.

Oh well, there was no point in waiting. Joshua deftly stirred the box down the doorstep and out onto the street, carefully levitating it above the heads of the crowd.

"Coming through! Coming through!" His voice sounded over the chatter of the crowd. "Keep out! Move ahead! Go on!" This was going way too slow. People were in the way and walking like they had all day! He huffed. Luckily the road was down hill.

"Coming through! Coming th--- arrrgh!" Joshua let out a loud shout as his feet suddenly slipped in the snow and sent him, the box, and several long strands of tinsel tumbling into the person who had been walking in front of him.

"For Merlin's sake!" Joshua muttered angrily as he hurried to his feet again, red and gold tinsel now decorating his black coat. "I am so sorry! This blasted snow!" He looked apologetic at the person he had crashed into.

Roleplay Response:
The sun hung high above the horizon; golden-white beams of light permeated through the gaps of a spotted tree canopy, the trickle of leaves in the wind becoming shadow dancers on the pages of the book Viktoria had precariously balanced on the knobs of her knees. A gentle breeze whipped around the park and blades of grass carefully bent to the will of the wind as it passed over; tendrils of dark-chocolate-colored hair waved in the wind like the Soviet flag over war-torn Stalingrad. A pair of emerald green eyes peered up from a dusty tome to survey the area surrounding the Borovsky adolescent, as the scream of a child for her brother ricocheted off the trunks of oak trees through Godric Park.

Gently, two ivory hands clasped the front and rear cover of the book together, and stowed the worn novel away in the depths of a ebony bag. "YOU!" As quickly as she had been addressed, Viktoria looked up from her momentary distraction and towards the direction of the shrill-voiced child. "Me?" she inquired, her tone light as the young girl continued. "Do you want to play?" The question rolled around her mind as she seriously considered it; hadn't she come here to enjoy the simplicity and usual solidarity of Godric park? What interest did she have in playing with a mere child anyway?

Viktoria shook her head from side to side, in response. "I'm not interested in playing your games," she countered, a smile forming across her face. "I do have another idea though.." As she carefully rose from her seat against one of the many solid oaks, she used one hand to grab the bag that had been seated beside her. The feel of supple leather in her palms calmed her, even reminded her of the saddles back home; stringing it up and over her torso, she beckoned to the young girl. "Come.."

* Calypso Ross

    (11/06/2022 at 18:13)
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Hi Viktoria, welcome back!

Your application looks great, there's just one thing we'll need you to edit before we can get you accepted.

You responded to the roleplay sample in the Elsewhere Child application (perhaps a copy/paste from your previous application), but you need to respond to one of the Elsewhere Adult samples within this template instead. If you could amend your RP sample to respond to either Amelia or Joshua instead of Janey, that would be great.

Please also bear in mind the following site rule when posting with Viktoria:
2. Write in English. Do not use d00dsp34k, internet speak (U NO WHO U R) or L33+ 5P34| on our site. If you are writing specific words, dialogue, or phrases in another language, you must include a translation at the bottom of your post.

This is to ensure that all content adheres to the site rating and is able to be understood by all members reading the post.

Once you've made the required change, please repost your entire revised application below and we'll be more than happy to take another look. Thanks!

Daring, Determination, Drive

* Viktoria Borovsky

    (14/06/2022 at 16:03)
  • *
  • Owner of Séance
  • C12D6T8S7
    • View Profile

E L S E W H E R E   A D U L T

Character Name:Viktoria Yuliana Borovsky (Виктория Юлиана Боровский)
Gender: Female
Age: 37
Blood Status: Pureblood

Durmstrang 1939-1945

Knockturn Alley, Wizarding London

Owner of Séance

Do you plan to have a connection to a particular existing place (for example: the Ministry, Shrieking Shack) or to take over an existing shop in need of new management?
Yes, I will be applying for a shop subscription to re-open Séance.

Requested Magic Levels:
  • Charms: 12
  • Divination: 5
  • Transfiguration: 8
  • Summoning: 7

Do you wish to be approved as a group with any other characters? If so who and for what IC reason?

Please list any other characters you already have at the site:
Keziah Zsofka

Biography: (300 words minimum.)
В экстренном случае
(In Case of Emergency)

Меня зовут Виктория Юлиана Боровский и если вы читаете this..then я мертв.
(My name is Viktoria Yuliana Borovsky and if you are reading this..then I'm dead.)

It was nineteen-thirty-eight when we absconded from Russia at the request of Grandmama. I was a scared ten-year-old child who knew nothing of the world and everything of the Mother Land; I was naive to think we would ever go back to the hallowed halls of Borovsky Castle. What I wouldn't give to go back to a time that was simpler and kinder than the one now.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Grandmama speaks often, and fondly, of my birth. I think she enjoys recalling the day her favorite grandchild became a reality; I mean, it's no secret how much she adores me. I've seen the disdain in their eyes, when Vlad and Ana and Valen bear witness to the change in Grandmama when I'm around. I have, and always will be, the favorite; it's my prerogative.

When we arrived in Buckinghamshire, I remember looking at our new home with the same disdain. England would never measure up to the Mother Land; where we once had forests of dark and enchanting secrets, we now had fields and an openness that I would never grow accustom to. The happiest moment of my life in England was the day Durmstrang sent for me.

I was, no I am, a Daughter of the Blood. It was always my destiny to attend the school of my line; like my very namesake, I am of the Purest. I left behind my beloved Grandmama; her words were like ice in my veins and I knew that no matter what happened, or where I went, I would always remember. Смерть Перед бесчестия

Durmstrang had become my new home and Eastern Europe was my playground. The war had gradually started to build around us; Japan unleashed hell on America at the end of nineteen-forty-one and in nineteen-forty-two I was summoned back to the Borovsky homestead in Buckinghamshire.

It was in nineteen-forty-three that I joined Vlad and Ana at Hogwarts; the war still raging all around us and I was in the Great Hall eating at a table clad in emerald and silver. Where I had excelled at Durmstrang, I was considered behind at Hogwarts. I can still see the smug looks on Vlad and Ana's faces when they realized I was officially the same year as them.

I started writing and reading poetry to keep their images out of my mind and the longing for the Mother Land and Durmstrang from my heart. I have never felt so alone, even among family, as I do here. I'll keep my head up though, and continue to write Grandmama as she requested, because I'm a Borovsky and the favorite. It's my prerogative.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Viktoria had left Durmstrang for Hogwarts but had never successfully made it. Instead she chose to open her own spot in Knockturn Alley but disappeared mysteriously for a few years. She is now back, taking back her business from her former manager.

You come across one of these posts on the site. Please select one & reply as your character:

Option One -
Amelia Nixon was many things, but she was never a pushover reporter that people could just usher away with a busy shuffle past. She was dedicated and eager to cut to the very middle of the current political tensions because she was Amelia Nixon and her articles would most certainly become front page material.

“Sir, please! It’s for the Prophet, how do you feel-“

Another one brushed passed her, the shuffling busy masses making their way through Diagon Alley for the lunchtime rush. This had been the best possible time to get people, but none of them were giving her anything to go with.

Only momentarily discouraged, the short red headed lady took a seat on a nearby bench. Her quill resting in her left hand and her notepad ready in the opposite hand. Amelia pouted, tapping the quill against her leg as she scanned the waves of people for somebody - anybody - who looked like they had something to say.

She had been dreaming of her name in bold print, Amelia Nixon: The Source of Today’s Tomorrow. She had been dreaming of the larger office and the secretaries that would fetch her the morning coffee and fetch her anything she needed. The VIP interviews and the most exclusive press passes. But all Amelia had was a page seventeen piece on the rising number of frogs in London.

Hardened by a day of no success, the reporter stood up and started to trod off down the alley. A loose stone on the cobble path caught her heel, sending the distraught girl toppling down to the ground.

“Merlin’s fog watch, my heel is broken! Help!” she yelled as she tried desperately to recover her shoe frantically in the middle of the Diagon Alley moving crowds.

Option Two -
The snow had been falling steadily all morning and it didn't look like it was going to stop any time soon. Joshua Campbell scrunched his face up in a frown as he lifted his gaze to look to the sky. Snow. It really was quite a bother.

And it certainly didn't make it better that Diagon Alley seemed to be getting more and more crowded. Joshua sighed and pointed his wand at the large box that was currently placed on the doorstep of his shop. He had to get going. He had an order to deliver.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" The elderly man muttered and watched the box hover in the air for a moment. Honestly, did St. Mungo's really need that much tinsel? And with glitter of all things? He sighed again. If it hadn't been for the rather convincing stamp on the order, he would have been likely to believe it had been a prank by one of those orphaned rascals living up there.

Oh well, there was no point in waiting. Joshua deftly stirred the box down the doorstep and out onto the street, carefully levitating it above the heads of the crowd.

"Coming through! Coming through!" His voice sounded over the chatter of the crowd. "Keep out! Move ahead! Go on!" This was going way too slow. People were in the way and walking like they had all day! He huffed. Luckily the road was down hill.

"Coming through! Coming th--- arrrgh!" Joshua let out a loud shout as his feet suddenly slipped in the snow and sent him, the box, and several long strands of tinsel tumbling into the person who had been walking in front of him.

"For Merlin's sake!" Joshua muttered angrily as he hurried to his feet again, red and gold tinsel now decorating his black coat. "I am so sorry! This blasted snow!" He looked apologetic at the person he had crashed into.

Roleplay Response:
Viktoria had seen the incident go down, the young woman and the shoe a wreck upon the cobblestones of Diagon Alley. It had already been a long morning. Trips to the market for supplies, a stop at Gringott's to deposit some money, a quick drink at the Hag's Head; all in preparation for the event at Séance that evening. As much as she wanted to ignore the woman and continue about her way--it went against Viktoria's nature. "Here, let me help!" she called out, scooping down to pick up the broken heel. It had made it way through the feet of those traversing Diagon Alley but she had retrieved it with a little effort.

Carefully she sauntered over to where Amelia was. Hand extending the remnants of the young woman's shoe to its original owner. "I'm sorry about your shoes. They look nice." What a weirdo. Vik mentally kicked herself. "I'm Viktoria. Viktoria Borovsky. And you are?" she inquired, offering her free hand to the young woman. An attempt at returning her upright and perhaps a new friend. One never knew.

* Calypso Ross

    (28/06/2022 at 19:51)
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Daring, Determination, Drive