Miscellaneous Applications > Special Requests
Special Request Templates
The Narrator:
Special Request Templates---
Special requests cover a variety of requests, including but not limited to requests for: magical objects, magical powers, exceptional levels, unusual or magical pets, unusual occupations/shops, and complicated/unusual plotlines.
Please read the Special Request Guidelines for further information before submitting a special request.
All special requests should be PMed to an administrator. If you have any queries about whether or not you should submit a special request for something, please contact an administrator for further advice.
Templates for each type of special request can be found below. If you cannot find a template specific to your special request, please contact an administrator for further advice on how to proceed with your special request.
Index of Special Request Templates
Exceptional Levels Template
Unusual, Significant, or Non-Human Physical Characteristics Template
Complicated, Dark, Sensitive, or Unusual Plot Template
School Year Repeat Template
Special Ability Template
Dangerous, Rare, or Unusual Pet Template
Unusual or Specific High-Level Occupation Template
Magical Artefact Template
Original Potion Template
Powerful Potion Template
Original Spell Template
Powerful Spell Template
The Narrator:
Special Request: Exceptional Levels
Name of Character:
Age of Character:
Current Magical Levels:
Brief Character History: Please write 1-3 paragraphs briefly outlining your character and their history; alternatively, you can link your character's application if they have one.
Are you requesting extra levels, unbalanced levels, or both?
Requested Charms Level:
Reasoning for Requested Charms Level:
Requested Divination Level:
Reasoning for Requested Divination Level:
Requested Transfiguration Level:
Reasoning for Requested Transfiguration Level:
Requested Conjuring/Summoning Level:
Reasoning for Requested Conjuring/Summoning Level:
Mr. Grunch smirked as he stepped into the shadows beneath the overhanging eaves at the side of the street. There was a sort of alcove here, where two buildings came together, and the wall was set back just a couple of feet to make space for a drain from the battered lead guttering. It made it difficult to see if anyone was standing there until you were almost on top of it, and the shape of the roof up above cast an almost permanent shadow even then.
There were a number of such places along Knockturn Alley and Mr. Grunch knew them all.
Seeing nobody was nearby, he quickly cast the concealment spell that would obscure his features, making him unrecognisable, just a blur beneath the cowl of his thick, but worn, robes. He knew his target, had identified them some time before, as they entered the Alley. He had shadowed them discreetly, and now, he knew, they were heading back out again, towards the safety of the better-lit Diagon Alley.
He heard the footsteps approaching. This was it, then. Just before they reached the alcove, he stepped out suddenly in front of his target, wand raised and ready.
"Give me all yer galleons, and any jewellery ya got! Don't try to hide nothin', 'cause I'll know, right? Do it now!"
Roleplay Response:
Type your response (approximately 3 paragraphs) here.
How long have you been a member of this site?
Which other characters do you play?
--- Code: ---[center][img width=200]http://hogwarts-school.net/images/hogwartslogo.png[/img]
[font=archer][size=25px]Special Request: Exceptional Levels[/size][/font][/center]
[font=archer][size=20px]→ CHARACTER INFORMATION.[/size][/font]
[b]Name of Character:[/b]
[b]Age of Character:[/b]
[b]Current Magical Levels:[/b]
[b]Brief Character History:[/b] [i]Please write 1-3 paragraphs briefly outlining your character and their history; alternatively, you can link your character's application if they have one.[/i]
[font=archer][size=20px]→ MAGICAL LEVELS.[/size][/font]
[b]Are you requesting extra levels, unbalanced levels, or both?[/b]
[b]Requested Charms Level:[/b]
[b]Reasoning for Requested Charms Level:[/b]
[b]Requested Divination Level:[/b]
[b]Reasoning for Requested Divination Level:[/b]
[b]Requested Transfiguration Level:[/b]
[b]Reasoning for Requested Transfiguration Level:[/b]
[b]Requested Conjuring/Summoning Level:[/b]
[b]Reasoning for Requested Conjuring/Summoning Level:[/b]
[font=archer][size=20px]→ SAMPLE ROLEPLAY.[/size][/font]
Mr. Grunch smirked as he stepped into the shadows beneath the overhanging eaves at the side of the street. There was a sort of alcove here, where two buildings came together, and the wall was set back just a couple of feet to make space for a drain from the battered lead guttering. It made it difficult to see if anyone was standing there until you were almost on top of it, and the shape of the roof up above cast an almost permanent shadow even then.
There were a number of such places along Knockturn Alley and Mr. Grunch knew them all.
Seeing nobody was nearby, he quickly cast the concealment spell that would obscure his features, making him unrecognisable, just a blur beneath the cowl of his thick, but worn, robes. He knew his target, had identified them some time before, as they entered the Alley. He had shadowed them discreetly, and now, he knew, they were heading back out again, towards the safety of the better-lit Diagon Alley.
He heard the footsteps approaching. This was it, then. Just before they reached the alcove, he stepped out suddenly in front of his target, wand raised and ready.
"Give me all yer galleons, and any jewellery ya got! Don't try to hide nothin', 'cause I'll know, right? Do it now!"
[b]Roleplay Response:[/b]
[i]Type your response (approximately 3 paragraphs) here.[/i]
[font=archer][size=20px]→ PLAYER INFORMATION.[/size][/font]
[b]How long have you been a member of this site?[/b]
[b]Which other characters do you play?[/b]
--- End code ---
The Narrator:
Special Request: Unusual Physical Characteristics
Name of Character:
Age of Character:
Brief Character History: Please write 1-3 paragraphs briefly outlining your character and their history; alternatively, you can link your character's application if they have one.
What unusual physical characteristic are you requesting? e.g. extensive or magical scarring, extensive or magical tattoos, non-human heritage.
Provide a brief description (1-2 sentences) of this physical characteristic(s):
Is this physical characteristic magical in nature or does it have any associated powers/magical effects? If so, please specify.
How did your character get this physical characteristic?
How does your character feel about this physical characteristic?
How do others (e.g. family, friends, strangers) react to this physical characteristic?
Has your character had any negative or challenging experiences as a result of this physical characteristic? If so, please specify.
Do you have any plans to use this physical characteristic as a plot point in future threads? If so, please provide details.
Roleplay: Write a brief roleplay sample (approximately 3 paragraphs) which focuses on the physical characteristic you are requesting.
How long have you been a member of this site?
Which other characters do you play?
--- Code: ---[center][img width=200]http://hogwarts-school.net/images/hogwartslogo.png[/img]
[font=archer][size=25px]Special Request: Unusual Physical Characteristics[/size][/font][/center]
[font=archer][size=20px]→ BASIC INFORMATION.[/size][/font]
[b]Name of Character:[/b]
[b]Age of Character:[/b]
[b]Brief Character History:[/b] [i]Please write 1-3 paragraphs briefly outlining your character and their history; alternatively, you can link your character's application if they have one.[/i]
[font=archer][size=20px]→ PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS.[/size][/font]
[b]What unusual physical characteristic are you requesting?[/b] [i]e.g. extensive or magical scarring, extensive or magical tattoos, non-human heritage.[/i]
[b]Provide a brief description (1-2 sentences) of this physical characteristic(s):[/b]
[b]Is this physical characteristic magical in nature or does it have any associated powers/magical effects? If so, please specify.[/b]
[b]How did your character get this physical characteristic?[/b]
[b]How does your character feel about this physical characteristic? [/b]
[b]How do others (e.g. family, friends, strangers) react to this physical characteristic?[/b]
[b]Has your character had any negative or challenging experiences as a result of this physical characteristic? If so, please specify.[/b]
[b]Do you have any plans to use this physical characteristic as a plot point in future threads? If so, please provide details.[/b]
[font=archer][size=20px]→ SAMPLE ROLEPLAY.[/size][/font]
[b]Roleplay:[/b] [i]Write a brief roleplay sample (approximately 3 paragraphs) which focuses on the physical characteristic you are requesting.[/i]
[font=archer][size=20px]→ PLAYER INFORMATION.[/size][/font]
[b]How long have you been a member of this site?[/b]
[b]Which other characters do you play?[/b]
--- End code ---
The Narrator:
Special Request: Unusual Plot
Names of Characters Involved:
Ages of Characters Involved:
Is this plot ongoing or part of your character's background?
Plot Premise: Provide a brief description of the requested plot line.
Potential Conclusions: Provide a brief description of how you would like the plot to play out. If you are open to multiple plot conclusions, please list all of these.
Structure: Provide a brief description of how this plot will play out structurally, e.g. will it be a series of threads, one single thread, referenced as background context only, etc.
Other Relevant Details: If there are any other relevant details to this plot that you haven't yet covered, include those here.
How long have you been a member of this site?
Which other characters do you play?
--- Code: ---[center][img width=200]http://hogwarts-school.net/images/hogwartslogo.png[/img]
[font=archer][size=25px]Special Request: Unusual Plot[/size][/font][/center]
[font=archer][size=20px]→ BASIC INFORMATION.[/size][/font]
[b]Names of Characters Involved:[/b]
[b]Ages of Characters Involved:[/b]
[b]Is this plot ongoing or part of your character's background?[/b]
[font=archer][size=20px]→ PLOT.[/size][/font]
[b]Plot Premise:[/b] [i]Provide a brief description of the requested plot line.[/i]
[b]Potential Conclusions:[/b] [i]Provide a brief description of how you would like the plot to play out. If you are open to multiple plot conclusions, please list all of these.[/i]
[b]Structure:[/b] [i]Provide a brief description of how this plot will play out structurally, e.g. will it be a series of threads, one single thread, referenced as background context only, etc.[/i]
[b]Other Relevant Details:[/b] [i]If there are any other relevant details to this plot that you haven't yet covered, include those here.[/i]
[font=archer][size=20px]→ PLAYER INFORMATION.[/size][/font]
[b]How long have you been a member of this site?[/b]
[b]Which other characters do you play?[/b]
--- End code ---
The Narrator:
Special Request: School Year Repeat
Name of Character:
Age of Character:
Brief Character History: Please write 1-3 paragraphs briefly outlining your character and their history; alternatively, you can link your character's application if they have one.
What school year is your character currently in?
What school year do you want to repeat?
Why is your character repeating the year? Please note that we only allow characters to repeat a school year in special circumstances (e.g. poor physical or mental health has required them to be physically absent from school). Failing classes/exams IC or OOC, poor IC behaviour, or failure to check into the returning thread at the end of term does not automatically make your character eligible to repeat a year.
How will repeating a school year help with character development?
Characters who are repeating a year are not eligible to claim any magical levels for the term before the repeat term. This is to ensure that players are repeating a year for IC reasons only and to prevent exploitation of the castle levelling system. Please confirm that you understand you will forfeit any levels earned for the relevant term. e.g. your character is in their fourth year in 1961-62. You submit a request to repeat fourth year in 1962-63, which is approved. You cannot claim any magical levels earned during the 1961-62 term.
Other Relevant Details: If there are any other relevant details that you haven't yet covered, include those here.
Roleplay: Write a brief roleplay sample (approximately 3 paragraphs) which focuses either on the reason(s) for your character repeating the school year or on the point at which the decision to repeat the school year is made.
How long have you been a member of this site?
Which other characters do you play?
--- Code: ---[center][img width=200]http://hogwarts-school.net/images/hogwartslogo.png[/img]
[font=archer][size=25px]Special Request: School Year Repeat[/size][/font][/center]
[font=archer][size=20px]→ CHARACTER INFORMATION.[/size][/font]
[b]Name of Character:[/b]
[b]Age of Character:[/b]
[b]Brief Character History:[/b] [i]Please write 1-3 paragraphs briefly outlining your character and their history; alternatively, you can link your character's application if they have one.[/i]
[font=archer][size=20px]→ SCHOOL YEAR REPEAT.[/size][/font]
[b]What school year is your character currently in?[/b]
[b]What school year do you want to repeat?[/b]
[b]Why is your character repeating the year?[/b] [i]Please note that we only allow characters to repeat a school year in special circumstances (e.g. poor physical or mental health has required them to be physically absent from school). Failing classes/exams IC or OOC, poor IC behaviour, or failure to check into the returning thread at the end of term does not automatically make your character eligible to repeat a year.[/i]
[b]How will repeating a school year help with character development?[/b]
[b]Characters who are repeating a year are not eligible to claim any magical levels for the term before the repeat term. This is to ensure that players are repeating a year for IC reasons only and to prevent exploitation of the castle levelling system. Please confirm that you understand you will forfeit any levels earned for the relevant term.[/b] [i]e.g. your character is in their fourth year in 1961-62. You submit a request to repeat fourth year in 1962-63, which is approved. You cannot claim any magical levels earned during the 1961-62 term.[/i]
[b]Other Relevant Details:[/b] If there are any other relevant details that you haven't yet covered, include those here.
[font=archer][size=20px]→ SAMPLE ROLEPLAY.[/size][/font]
[b]Roleplay:[/b] [i]Write a brief roleplay sample (approximately 3 paragraphs) which focuses either on the reason(s) for your character repeating the school year or on the point at which the decision to repeat the school year is made.[/i]
[font=archer][size=20px]→ PLAYER INFORMATION.[/size][/font]
[b]How long have you been a member of this site?[/b]
[b]Which other characters do you play?[/b]
--- End code ---
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