Archived Applications / Asher Cole. Captain? 42nd Broom Battalion
« on: 22/08/2013 at 05:40 »Merlin's Order of Defense
Character Name: Asher Max Cole
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Hogwarts Grad of '74
Cheshire, Great Britain
42nd Broom Battalion - Asher was determined to do something, but he didn't want to cause Vera too much worry as they are trying to have a child now. After much discussion and thought the Broom Battalion was a compromise that allows him to take part, but not cause Vera so much worry or stress. Although that won't keep him from trying to take a more active part.
Rank:Captain or Sergeant
Although young Asher is a natural born leader and an amazingly quick learner. These two abilities would allow him to rise in rank quickly. Any responsibilities given to him he would rise too, as he is determined to help the cause in any way possible. His habit of doing so would cause a natural rise to leadership as he would not only relay orders but make sure they were followed through. Asher has an innate ability to make others want to follow him and he is sure to make it known what he expects of those who follow him. Also, Asher's loyalty is unwavering.
If applying for any special skill (Reconnaissance Officer/Signal Engineer/Codebreaker, etc.), please include a reasoning of over 100 words.
Requested Magical Levels: (see here on how to do this)
If you want levels above the usual 32 total, please fill out and submit the Special Request form here.
- Charms: 9
- Divination: 7
- Transfiguration: 8
- Summoning: 8
Please list any other characters you already have at the site:
Tobias Black(Hogwarts), Merida Swanson(Salem), Edwyn Schmander(auror)
Biography: (300 words minimum.)
Asher was born in Oklahoma as a triplet to a African American beautiful woman and a much shorter British man. The triplets grew up in America, Oklahoma and developed the Okie accent. His is cheerful and a shoulder to cry on however he finds himself stuttering when chatting up girls. Asher doesn't have a mean streak in his body and makes friends easy unlike his flaming sister Faith. Asher is like water compared to his sister and he matches her perfectly. Her is the calm boy that gets his sisters out of trouble. He attended Durmstrang until he turned 15 and the three triplets are half african american and half English white so they lived in America until then as well. When he and his sisters were younger(about 9 or 10) they liked to play in the woods outside their ranch and pretend they were going on adventures. One day when their dad was teaching Asher how to do some of the chores on the ranch his sisters decided to go out into the woods by themselves. As they were playing they found a small river and they thought they would jump across the rocks to the other edge and back. They both made it safe to the other side, but on the way back Faith slipped off the second rock and got pulled into the river’s current. Scarlet screamed for help, and instantly Asher jumped on his horse Thistle and rode to Scarlet’s side. Without any explanation he jumped into the river and swam to his sister who was hanging on to a rock in the middle of the river for dear life. He got them both to the shore and since then Asher has always been his sister’s protectors, but he and Faith have a special connection. Their parents recently deceased left the ranch to his the oldest triplet, Scarlet and Asher and Faith live there with her. One of Asher’s favorite pastimes at home is taking care of his horse Thistle. When he isn’t taking care of Thistle he is usually practicing his guitar. His guilty passion is music and he is always up for a jam session. The death of his parents sometimes does weigh heavy on Asher’s mind and he is careful to take extra care of his two sisters. He worries about them when they get into trouble and sometimes wishes they would be more like him and not so fiery, but no matter what he loves his sisters with all his heart. His sisters are Faith and Scarlet Cole! Now grown Asher has all new worries. His failing music career, his wife Vera, the child they loss to miscarriage and the guilt he carries from it.
The sounds of the wizarding war were inescapable; even the bunkers were filled with the crackles and pops of offensive and defensive spell casting. Light from the spells bounced and flashed off of every surface, illuminated everything, making hiding hard, eyes sore, and sleep hard to come by.
Daniel twisted on the thin mattress he'd been laying on, his hands covering his ears as he tried, somewhat in vain, to block out the shouts of his fellow soldiers, of the enemies, drawing ever closer for the last four days. The last meal he'd had, had been some awfully plain mix of rice and beans and it settled, uncomfortable in his growling stomach.
He closed his eyes and thought of Meryl. Of his girl at home, all brunette curls and red lipstick. Her letters sat safe in the pocket of his khaki uniform, by his chest, almost over his heart and his hand flew to them as he wished.
"Man down! Move! Move!"
A good night's sleep was hard to come by on the front; he had a cruel reminder of this more often than not, and his eyes flew open to greet the sight which was far more familiar than he'd like it to be: Two men, dressed as he was in well-starched Khaki, levitating a fellow soldier, a man, a victim in between them.
He sprung into action; Their division knew, by now, to clear space to allow the healer corps to do their work. As he stood, turning to pull away his bedding and leave the surface of his mattress clear, he bumped into someone and fell sideways, spilling a cup of cold, milk-less tea over an important-looking map in the process and his own wand dropped, un-noticed, from his hoister on his forearm.
He groaned.
Asher knew that if Vera knew where he was right now she would blow a gasket, but frankly he didn't really care all too much. True he hated to put her through any kind of torment, but there were people out there dying and him sitting back and doing nothing was just selfish. He had been sent with a map to the front he was supposed to be taking it to one of the higher authorities there at the front. Why they had led him to this bunker to wait for them he had no idea. He seemed to be surrounded by the war. It was inescapable.
There was supposedly some kind of strategy scribbled on the pages he held, and in Asher's ever present curiosity he had opened them to reveal a map that had marking on it that he really couldn't decipher to well. He figured that maybe they were spelled to only be legible to the one they were intended for. Pretty cool he thought, his eyes sparkling at the idea. It had been a while since he had seen a bit of magic like this that had intrigued him so.
Asher was suddenly thrown out of his when he heard the cries of yet another man going down and he was shaken when suddenly he was bumped into by one of the bunker's residents. His eyes widened as the brown liquid poured onto the map. "Bloody hell!!" he said as he immediately reached into his pocket for a hanky trying to pad the map dry. He looked to the source of the mess. "Watch were you're going would ya?" he said with a glare in his eyes. Hopefully the map would be fine and he wouldn't suffer the consequences.