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Derek Alder
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Topic: Derek Alder (Read 1917 times)
Derek Alder
(25/06/2019 at 04:46)
Curse Reconstruction & Security
Character Name:
Derek Alder.
Blood Status:
Muggle Born.
Hogwarts graduate, secondary instruction at Gringotts and The Ministry
Portable Dungeon/suitcase
Curse Reconstruction/security
Do you plan to have a connection to a particular existing place (for example: the Ministry, Shrieking Shack) or to take over an existing shop in need of new management?
Type your response here.
Requested Magic Levels:
Adult characters have 32 starting levels to distribute across these four categories (less levels can be used if you so desire, but no more than 32). The number of levels on the lowest ability must be at least half of the highest ability.
If you want levels
the usual 32 total, or a significantly uneven distribution of starting levels, please fill out and submit the Special Request form
Do you wish to be approved as a group with any other characters? If so who and for what IC reason?
Type your response here.
Please list any other characters you already have at the site:
Type your response here.
Biography: (300 words minimum.)
Derek Alder was always Perfectly Normal. As a child he fell often, took things apart and generally acted just like all the other children, with no indication or odd occurrences to mark him as anything other than Perfectly Normal. His Father was an electrician, while his mother was always between jobs and never happy for more than an afternoon. It was commonplace to hear her shouting at Derek or his Father at any hour for almost any reason; but the afternoon a Ministry Officer came for Derek changed everything. Sort of. Derek's father made enough to send him through school rather well off, which his mother would nastily throw at both of them over vacations back home. With a 12.5 inch Rowan wood wand (Dragon heartstring, unbending), he had been sorted into Slytherin house.
With aptitude for Defense against the Dark Arts, Charms and potions he did well in school. Herbology became his favorite hobby, he never tried out for Quidditch (he was an absolute hazard on a broom), he wrote his father often. All too soon his time at school was over, and he set to finding a job with a mad will. Since he had first learned he was a Wizard, he had believed something in this new world had to exist that could help his mother. As the years ground by his hopes had waned. Muggle medicine had failed his mother, and magical treatment she refused vehemently. she "Wasn't going to let someone scramble her mind!" was an oft heard response to his pleas, and the only one suitable to print.
Derek had been hired on by Gringotts as a junior cursebreaker, but quickly showed an affinity for the lingering traces of magic a long standing spell leaves behind. With time and practice he was taught up to be a Reconstruction Specialist, for while the enchantments that protect the treasures within Gringotts are many, varied and powerful; the Goblins were keen to acquire old forgotten magics wherever possible. Doubly so if they could use them to further protect the Vaults.
His father and mother divorced, (a neighborhood scandal that still does the rounds at tea time and reading groups). His father Anthony has hardly any time to write, or visit; Electricity is in high demand and between jobs his father spends his time helping to develop better infrastructure. He sends money to his mother and innocent gifts to his father, but mostly foucuses on his work. Muggles are racing to build everything bigger, faster, more modern; it's led to more than a few interesting curses as the cities grow and urban sprawl creeps like mold over the landscape.
You come across one of these posts on the site. Please select one & reply as your character:
Option Two -
The snow had been falling steadily all morning and it didn't look like it was going to stop any time soon. Joshua Campbell scrunched his face up in a frown as he lifted his gaze to look to the sky. Snow. It really was quite a bother.
And it certainly didn't make it better that Diagon Alley seemed to be getting more and more crowded. Joshua sighed and pointed his wand at the large box that was currently placed on the doorstep of his shop. He had to get going. He had an order to deliver.
"Wingardium Leviosa!" The elderly man muttered and watched the box hover in the air for a moment. Honestly, did St. Mungo's really need that much tinsel? And with glitter of all things? He sighed again. If it hadn't been for the rather convincing stamp on the order, he would have been likely to believe it had been a prank by one of those orphaned rascals living up there.
Oh well, there was no point in waiting. Joshua deftly stirred the box down the doorstep and out onto the street, carefully levitating it above the heads of the crowd.
"Coming through! Coming through!" His voice sounded over the chatter of the crowd. "Keep out! Move ahead! Go on!" This was going way too slow. People were in the way and walking like they had all day! He huffed. Luckily the road was down hill.
"Coming through! Coming th--- arrrgh!" Joshua let out a loud shout as his feet suddenly slipped in the snow and sent him, the box, and several long strands of tinsel tumbling into the person who had been walking in front of him.
"For Merlin's sake!" Joshua muttered angrily as he hurried to his feet again, red and gold tinsel now decorating his black coat. "I am so sorry! This blasted snow!" He looked apologetic at the person he had crashed into.
Roleplay Response:
Derek hurried to his feet, angry at the mud and snow, his now bruised shoulder and all this blasted... Tinsel? he quickly spun to face the prankster, only to find an old man looking up at him, the picture of embarrassed apology. looking himself up and down, Derek quickly burst out laughing, a deep warm sound that caused more than one wizard in the crush of bodies to glance at him as if he were mad. He looked at himself and thought, -Well a laughing man coated in tinsel is a bit strange even for wizards-, and with another chuckle he looked back at the older man.
"I never knew it to snow tinsel in the Alley before," he said with a smile and a grin full of mischief. "And such a sneak attack! You may have caught me unawares, but I assure you I won't back away from a challenge.". He walked a few feet to the nearest snow drift, and abandoned his tinsel jacket.
" I am Derek Alder, what might your name be?" he asked menacingly. "I never liked dueling a stranger!"
Joshua Campbell had gotten through his introduction, just as Derek's first attack hit home. A snowball, trailing a strand of tinsel, had struck Joshua and exploded in a wet cloud.
"Have at thee, Joshua! It takes more than a box of tinsel to fell me!" he cried out with a brilliant smile. He was already hands deep in the snow, forming another snowball when a small ball hit the top of his right ear, splattering slush all through his hair. Quickly targeting the child he let loose, missing by almost a meter. His poor aim struck a bowler hat wearing wizard, who quickly joined the fray.
"Accio Tinsel." Derek managed to say hoarsely. he guided it back into the box that Joshua had repaired. The snow battle had lasted a good twenty minutes, a small mob of children and grown children all dancing in and out of the fight with red noses and huffing great breaths. "Blasted snow indeed!" he croaked as he gently cleaned Joshuas cloak.
"I hope you can forgive me my fun, but everyone was so quiet, busy. It was good to have some people laughing and having fun instead of ignoring one another." he said digging in his pocket. a silver sickle flashed in his gloved hand. "Please come down to the Leaky when you've finished your tinsel run, I'm buying.".
He pressed the coin on Joshua, before making his own way down to the pub, a few strands of tinsel still glinting in his hair.
How did you find us?
Calypso Ross
(29/06/2019 at 11:51)
Auror - Hit Witch
Hi Derek, welcome to the site!
Your application looks good so far, there's just a couple of things we'll need you to edit before we can get you accepted.
Firstly, you mention that Derek lives in a 'portable dungeon/suitcase', which sounds like it might be something similar to what Newt Scamander has in Fantastic Beasts? An object like this is unusual enough to require a special request. You can read through the Special Requests FAQ
(Derek's suitcase would fall under 'magical artifact'), and you can find the Special Request template
(rather than stating the power/position requested, you would state the portable dungeon/suitcase, and so on). You'll need to submit this to an admin via
. Please note that submitting a special request does not guarantee approval, and that your application will not be accepted until after your special request has been approved. If you would rather not submit a special request or if your special request is denied, you can simply repost your application to give Derek a more 'normal' residence instead.
Secondly, whilst your RP sample is really fun to read, it verges on powerplay and moves quite quickly for a standard response. For the purposes of the application, we'd like you to pretend this is a real thread that you are replying to and that Joshua is a played character. This means that whilst Derek can certainly throw a snowball at Joshua, you can't assume that the snowball hit him -- this should be left open for Joshua's 'player' to decide. Similarly, you then go on to further the snowball fight, noting that it lasts twenty minutes. In a typical thread, you would wait for an initial response from Joshua and give him a chance to choose how he wants to respond before moving the thread along by twenty minutes. If you could edit your RP sample to remove any instances where you powerplay Joshua's actions (e.g. where you state that Derek's snowball hit him), this would resolve the issue of powerplay. If you could revise your sample so that the rest of the snowball fight isn't already taking place, that would resolve the issue of moving the thread along too quickly. Ending your sample after 'I never liked duelling with a stranger!' would be fine!
Once you have made the required changes, please repost your
entire revised application
below, and we'll be more than happy to take another look. If you do choose to submit a special request for Derek's residence, please be aware that it may take a little longer to accept your application, as we will need to discuss your special request and reach a decision on that before we can progress your application further. If you have any questions or need any help, either with the application or the special request, please don't hesitate to PM me. Thanks!
Daring, Determination, Drive
Derek Alder
(01/07/2019 at 11:30)
Curse Reconstruction & Security
Character Name:
Derek Alder.
Blood Status:
Muggle Born.
Hogwarts graduate, secondary instruction at Gringotts and The Ministry
Portable Dungeon/suitcase
Curse Reconstruction/security
Do you plan to have a connection to a particular existing place (for example: the Ministry, Shrieking Shack) or to take over an existing shop in need of new management?
Type your response here.
Requested Magic Levels:
Adult characters have 32 starting levels to distribute across these four categories (less levels can be used if you so desire, but no more than 32). The number of levels on the lowest ability must be at least half of the highest ability.
If you want levels
the usual 32 total, or a significantly uneven distribution of starting levels, please fill out and submit the Special Request form
Do you wish to be approved as a group with any other characters? If so who and for what IC reason?
Type your response here.
Please list any other characters you already have at the site:
Type your response here.
Biography: (300 words minimum.)
Derek Alder was always Perfectly Normal. As a child he fell often, took things apart and generally acted just like all the other children, with no indication or odd occurrences to mark him as anything other than Perfectly Normal. His Father was an electrician, while his mother was always between jobs and never happy for more than an afternoon. It was commonplace to hear her shouting at Derek or his Father at any hour for almost any reason; but the afternoon a Ministry Officer came for Derek changed everything. Sort of. Derek's father made enough to send him through school rather well off, which his mother would nastily throw at both of them over vacations back home. With a 12.5 inch Rowan wood wand (Dragon heartstring, unbending), he had been sorted into Slytherin house.
With aptitude for Defense against the Dark Arts, Charms and potions he did well in school. Herbology became his favorite hobby, he never tried out for Quidditch (he was an absolute hazard on a broom), he wrote his father often. All too soon his time at school was over, and he set to finding a job with a mad will. Since he had first learned he was a Wizard, he had believed something in this new world had to exist that could help his mother. As the years ground by his hopes had waned. Muggle medicine had failed his mother, and magical treatment she refused vehemently. she "Wasn't going to let someone scramble her mind!" was an oft heard response to his pleas, and the only one suitable to print.
Derek had been hired on by Gringotts as a junior cursebreaker, but quickly showed an affinity for the lingering traces of magic a long standing spell leaves behind. With time and practice he was taught up to be a Reconstruction Specialist, for while the enchantments that protect the treasures within Gringotts are many, varied and powerful; the Goblins were keen to acquire old forgotten magics wherever possible. Doubly so if they could use them to further protect the Vaults.
His father and mother divorced, (a neighborhood scandal that still does the rounds at tea time and reading groups). His father Anthony has hardly any time to write, or visit; Electricity is in high demand and between jobs his father spends his time helping to develop better infrastructure. He sends money to his mother and innocent gifts to his father, but mostly foucuses on his work. Muggles are racing to build everything bigger, faster, more modern; it's led to more than a few interesting curses as the cities grow and urban sprawl creeps like mold over the landscape.
You come across one of these posts on the site. Please select one & reply as your character:
Option Two -
The snow had been falling steadily all morning and it didn't look like it was going to stop any time soon. Joshua Campbell scrunched his face up in a frown as he lifted his gaze to look to the sky. Snow. It really was quite a bother.
And it certainly didn't make it better that Diagon Alley seemed to be getting more and more crowded. Joshua sighed and pointed his wand at the large box that was currently placed on the doorstep of his shop. He had to get going. He had an order to deliver.
"Wingardium Leviosa!" The elderly man muttered and watched the box hover in the air for a moment. Honestly, did St. Mungo's really need that much tinsel? And with glitter of all things? He sighed again. If it hadn't been for the rather convincing stamp on the order, he would have been likely to believe it had been a prank by one of those orphaned rascals living up there.
Oh well, there was no point in waiting. Joshua deftly stirred the box down the doorstep and out onto the street, carefully levitating it above the heads of the crowd.
"Coming through! Coming through!" His voice sounded over the chatter of the crowd. "Keep out! Move ahead! Go on!" This was going way too slow. People were in the way and walking like they had all day! He huffed. Luckily the road was down hill.
"Coming through! Coming th--- arrrgh!" Joshua let out a loud shout as his feet suddenly slipped in the snow and sent him, the box, and several long strands of tinsel tumbling into the person who had been walking in front of him.
"For Merlin's sake!" Joshua muttered angrily as he hurried to his feet again, red and gold tinsel now decorating his black coat. "I am so sorry! This blasted snow!" He looked apologetic at the person he had crashed into.
Roleplay Response:
Derek hurried to his feet, angry at the mud and snow, his now bruised shoulder and all this blasted... Tinsel? he quickly spun to face the prankster, only to find an old man looking up at him, the picture of embarrassed apology. looking himself up and down, Derek quickly burst out laughing, a deep warm sound that caused more than one wizard in the crush of bodies to glance at him as if he were mad. He looked at himself and thought, -Well a laughing man coated in tinsel is a bit strange even for wizards-, and with another chuckle he looked back at the older man.
"I never knew it to snow tinsel in the Alley before," he said with a smile and a grin full of mischief.
He quickly pulled out his wand and set about summoning the tinsel off of himself and the immediate area. Once he had collected all he could (Accio Tinsel, thank goodness he didn't have to scrabble after it like muggles), he set about cleaning it off with a gentle scourgify.
"Well thats as clean as I'm able to get it, sadly I've never really mastered some of the best household spells." He said sounding sheepish. "If you'll allow it, I would like to accompany you to wherever this cargo is headed. I'm out of things to do today and with luck whoever is taking this tinsel wont mind an extra wand to help hang it!"
He gave a small shake of his head, before holding out his hand, "How rude of me, I must have dropped my manners when we tumbled. I'm Derek Alder, pleased to meet you Mister...?" He trailed off politely, looking at the older gentleman.
How did you find us?
Calypso Ross
(17/07/2019 at 20:15)
Auror - Hit Witch
cherry lips, crystal skies
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Derek Alder