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Author Topic: Percival Mcmasters  (Read 1260 times)

Percival Mcmasters

    (23/07/2022 at 00:01)
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Character Name: Percival Mcmasters

Gender: Male

Age: 11years old July 15


Parents/Guardians (Are they currently played characters?):
they are not played characters

Type your response here - where does your character live? Godric's Hollow

Do you plan to have a connection to a particular existing place (for example: the daycare)?
No I dont

Do you wish to be approved as a group with any other characters? If so who and for what IC reason? no I dont

Please list any other characters you already have at the site:
Type your response here.

Biography: (100 words minimum.)
Type your response here.Born in Godricks hollow Percival Mcmasters was quite the little scamp. when he was little he used to steal his fathers wand and try to cast magic something that mostly ended in some furious townspeople because of sparks in the sky in the middle of the night he has a good memory wich have caused him to sucsessfully cast some easy spells. the problem was that he tried out spells he cant read too wich mostly ended up with something burned and he with house arrest. Percival is a happy little boy with a dream to become an auror after he graduates from his dream school Hogwarts. Percy likes candy. Hope to gather some friends And to become a seeker.

Reply as your character to the following:

Godric Park.

Overhead, the sky was a crisp blue, for once clear of the ever-pervasive spongy clouds and rain. The sun was a lemony-yellow presence, high in the Eastern sky, and in front of it zipped three broomsticks in a straight line, or something very like one. One... two..... three... the boys passed, their shouts of excitement echoing as they chased the snitch, a tiny shimmer reflecting the sunlight.

Far below was another, much smaller broomstick.

It trugged along the ground, hugging close to it like a sluggish choo choo train and occasionally shuttering in protest. This was because said stick was currently being occupied by a very small girl who was tugging upward on the front of it with all her might, trying to coax it into doing what it had been expressly designed NOT to do.

"John, I said wait up!" The tiny girl squealed, giving the broomstick another tug.

Begrudgingly, it drifted upward a foot, and then sank, depositing the troublesome girl safely on the ground. Janey Hurst was not pleased. In a huff, she hopped off the toy safety broom, grabbing it firmly and thrusting it handle first into the turf.

Her brother was such a beast. He NEVER let her play! She folded her arms, seething blue eyes fixing on another figure nearby.  "You!" She barked, much more sharply than she meant to.

"...Do you want to play?" Yes he yelled back I would love playing with you

* Calypso Ross

    (30/07/2022 at 20:42)
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Hi Percival, welcome to the site!

Your application looks great so far, there's just one thing we'll need you to edit before we can get you accepted.

In your RP sample, you only include one line from Percival in response to Janey. We typically ask that players write at least 9 sentences per post if responding to a thread which is written in a longer format. Sometimes, players do post one-liner threads, but for the purposes of the RP sample, we ask that you write a slightly longer response.

If you're unsure what else you could include in your response, you could write about how Percival is feeling that day, why he is in the park, whether he has ever ridden a broomstick before, what he thinks about Janey, etc.

I also want to flag that you mention Percival successfully cast some spells prior to Hogwarts. Whilst this is supported in HP canon, please bear in mind that we have very specific magical rules and Percival's magical levels will be limited as an incoming first year to Hogwarts. You don't need to amend anything in your biography, but I just wanted to make sure you were aware of our magical rules for future posts.

Once you've made the required change to your RP response, please repost your entire revised application below and we'll be more than happy to take another look. If you need any further help, please feel free to PM me or contact me via Discord (Yas#4887). Thanks!
cherry lips, crystal skies

Percival Mcmasters

    (03/08/2022 at 00:41)
  • Ickle Firstie!
  • C2D1T1S0
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Character Name: Percival Mcmasters

Gender: Male

Age: 11years old July 15


Parents/Guardians (Are they currently played characters?):
they are not played characters

Type your response here - where does your character live? Godric's Hollow

Do you plan to have a connection to a particular existing place (for example: the daycare)?
No I dont

Do you wish to be approved as a group with any other characters? If so who and for what IC reason? no I dont

Please list any other characters you already have at the site:
Type your response here.

Biography: (100 words minimum.)
Type your response here.Born in Godricks hollow Percival Mcmasters was quite the little scamp. when he was little he used to steal his fathers wand and try to cast magic something that mostly ended in some furious townspeople because of sparks in the sky in the middle of the night he has a good memory wich have caused him to sucsessfully cast some easy spells. the problem was that he tried out spells he cant read too wich mostly ended up with something burned and he with house arrest. Percival is a happy little boy with a dream to become an auror after he graduates from his dream school Hogwarts. Percy likes candy. Hope to gather some friends And to become a seeker.

Reply as your character to the following:

Godric Park.

Overhead, the sky was a crisp blue, for once clear of the ever-pervasive spongy clouds and rain. The sun was a lemony-yellow presence, high in the Eastern sky, and in front of it zipped three broomsticks in a straight line, or something very like one. One... two..... three... the boys passed, their shouts of excitement echoing as they chased the snitch, a tiny shimmer reflecting the sunlight.

Far below was another, much smaller broomstick.

It trugged along the ground, hugging close to it like a sluggish choo choo train and occasionally shuttering in protest. This was because said stick was currently being occupied by a very small girl who was tugging upward on the front of it with all her might, trying to coax it into doing what it had been expressly designed NOT to do.

"John, I said wait up!" The tiny girl squealed, giving the broomstick another tug.

Begrudgingly, it drifted upward a foot, and then sank, depositing the troublesome girl safely on the ground. Janey Hurst was not pleased. In a huff, she hopped off the toy safety broom, grabbing it firmly and thrusting it handle first into the turf.

Her brother was such a beast. He NEVER let her play! She folded her arms, seething blue eyes fixing on another figure nearby.  "You!" She barked, much more sharply than she meant to.

"...Do you want to play?" Percival was looking at the blue sky. Feeling like this is the best time to play. And while he is thinking that Janeys brother should let her play with her Percival is felling sorry for her and he wants to play himself. So he is thinking that this should be fun. He takes the broomstick and yells back yes I would love to. Percival is thinking i hope this is going to be finnerCHARACTER INFORMATION
Character Name: Percival Mcmasters

Gender: Male

Age: 11years old July 15


Parents/Guardians (Are they currently played characters?):
they are not played characters

Type your response here - where does your character live? Godric's Hollow

Do you plan to have a connection to a particular existing place (for example: the daycare)?
No I dont

Do you wish to be approved as a group with any other characters? If so who and for what IC reason? no I dont

Please list any other characters you already have at the site:
Type your response here.

Biography: (100 words minimum.)
Type your response here.Born in Godricks hollow Percival Mcmasters was quite the little scamp. when he was little he used to steal his fathers wand and try to cast magic something that mostly ended in some furious townspeople because of sparks in the sky in the middle of the night he has a good memory wich have caused him to sucsessfully cast some easy spells. the problem was that he tried out spells he cant read too wich mostly ended up with something burned and he with house arrest. Percival is a happy little boy with a dream to become an auror after he graduates from his dream school Hogwarts. Percy likes candy. Hope to gather some friends And to become a seeker.

Reply as your character to the following:

Godric Park.

Overhead, the sky was a crisp blue, for once clear of the ever-pervasive spongy clouds and rain. The sun was a lemony-yellow presence, high in the Eastern sky, and in front of it zipped three broomsticks in a straight line, or something very like one. One... two..... three... the boys passed, their shouts of excitement echoing as they chased the snitch, a tiny shimmer reflecting the sunlight.

Far below was another, much smaller broomstick.

It trugged along the ground, hugging close to it like a sluggish choo choo train and occasionally shuttering in protest. This was because said stick was currently being occupied by a very small girl who was tugging upward on the front of it with all her might, trying to coax it into doing what it had been expressly designed NOT to do.

"John, I said wait up!" The tiny girl squealed, giving the broomstick another tug.

Begrudgingly, it drifted upward a foot, and then sank, depositing the troublesome girl safely on the ground. Janey Hurst was not pleased. In a huff, she hopped off the toy safety broom, grabbing it firmly and thrusting it handle first into the turf.

Her brother was such a beast. He NEVER let her play! She folded her arms, seething blue eyes fixing on another figure nearby.  "You!" She barked, much more sharply than she meant to.

"...Do you want to play?" Yes he yelled back I would love playing with you. Percival is saying that while thinking that her brother is a total doushbag. Hopefully Percival thinks I hope this girl will be happy again after this. Percival thinks i hope this is going to be fun even though this isnt going to go so fast. And while taking the broomstick and kicks off from the ground he feels great. He takes some time getting in the feeling and waiting for Janey to start playing. And while playing even though it dosnt go so fast Percival have verry fun and hopes that Janey have it too.

Percival Mcmasters

    (03/08/2022 at 20:11)
  • Ickle Firstie!
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Character Name: Percival Mcmasters

Gender: Male

Age: 11years old July 15


Parents/Guardians (Are they currently played characters?):
they are not played characters

Type your response here - where does your character live? Godric's Hollow

Do you plan to have a connection to a particular existing place (for example: the daycare)?
No I dont

Do you wish to be approved as a group with any other characters? If so who and for what IC reason? no I dont

Please list any other characters you already have at the site:
Type your response here.

Biography: (100 words minimum.)
Type your response here.Born in Godricks hollow Percival Mcmasters was quite the little scamp. when he was little he used to steal his fathers wand and try to cast magic something that mostly ended in some furious townspeople because of sparks in the sky in the middle of the night he has a good memory wich have caused him to sucsessfully cast some easy spells. the problem was that he tried out spells he cant read too wich mostly ended up with something burned and he with house arrest. Percival is a happy little boy with a dream to become an auror after he graduates from his dream school Hogwarts. Percy likes candy. Hope to gather some friends And to become a seeker.

Reply as your character to the following:

Godric Park.

Overhead, the sky was a crisp blue, for once clear of the ever-pervasive spongy clouds and rain. The sun was a lemony-yellow presence, high in the Eastern sky, and in front of it zipped three broomsticks in a straight line, or something very like one. One... two..... three... the boys passed, their shouts of excitement echoing as they chased the snitch, a tiny shimmer reflecting the sunlight.

Far below was another, much smaller broomstick.

It trugged along the ground, hugging close to it like a sluggish choo choo train and occasionally shuttering in protest. This was because said stick was currently being occupied by a very small girl who was tugging upward on the front of it with all her might, trying to coax it into doing what it had been expressly designed NOT to do.

"John, I said wait up!" The tiny girl squealed, giving the broomstick another tug.

Begrudgingly, it drifted upward a foot, and then sank, depositing the troublesome girl safely on the ground. Janey Hurst was not pleased. In a huff, she hopped off the toy safety broom, grabbing it firmly and thrusting it handle first into the turf.

Her brother was such a beast. He NEVER let her play! She folded her arms, seething blue eyes fixing on another figure nearby.  "You!" She barked, much more sharply than she meant to.

"...Do you want to play?" Yes he yelled back I would love playing with you. Percival is saying that while thinking that her brother is a total doushbag. Hopefully Percival thinks I hope this girl will be happy again after this. Percival thinks i hope this is going to be fun even though this isnt going to go so fast. And while taking the broomstick and kicks off from the ground he feels great. He takes some time getting in the feeling and waiting for Janey to start playing. And while playing even though it dosnt go so fast Percival have verry fun and hopes that Janey have it too.

* Calypso Ross

    (14/08/2022 at 15:50)
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Hi Percival,

Thank you for making that change to your application!

There's just one more thing we'll need you to edit before we can get you accepted.

As stated in our site rules:
1. Please write in third person past tense (e.g. 'she walked in').

Your current RP sample is written in the present tense. Please could you rewrite your RP sample so that it is written in the past tense?

On a slightly separate note, our student applications are now open. If you would like to apply as a student instead, please feel free to create a new application in the Student Applications forum using this template instead and we can process your application through there.

If you would like to stick with an Elsewhere Child application, please repost your entire revised application below, and we'll be happy to take another look. Thank you!
cherry lips, crystal skies

* Calypso Ross

    (22/08/2022 at 16:35)
  • ***
  • Auror - Hit Witch
  • C50D30T30S25
  • [1946] Site-Wide Superlative Winner! ['45-'46] Duelling Finalist ['45-'46] Queen of the Hospital Wing ['44-'45] Duelling Finalist ['44-'45] Quidditch Champions [1945] Superlative Winner [Winner!] HSNet 30-Day Challenge Biggest Teacher's Pet ['43-'44] Duelling Finalist ['42-'43] Queen of the Hospital Wing
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Archiving this thread, as the player has submitted a student application instead.
cherry lips, crystal skies

Tags: elsewhere child