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Author Topic: Keziah Zsofka | Elsewhere Child  (Read 1004 times)

Keziah Petrova

    (25/05/2022 at 18:49)
E L S E W H E R E   C H I L D

Character Name:
Keziah Izolda Zsofka




Parents/Guardians (Are they currently played characters?):
Zailey Petrova Zsofka (No)

London, England

Do you plan to have a connection to a particular existing place?
No, Keziah will be residing with her mother until she receives her Hogwarts letter.

Do you wish to be approved as a group with any other characters? If so who and for what IC reason?

Please list any other characters you already have at the site:

Biography: (100 words minimum.)
Keziah Izolda Zsofka was born on November 15, 1954 to Sandor and Zailey Zsofka in Budapest, Hungary during a time when the country was in a state of war. Her father, Sandor, worked in a muggle factory making ammunitions until he was killed shortly after her second birthday. It was at this time that Zailey relocated herself and Keziah to London, England in the former residence of her now deceased twin, Zander.

Most of Keziah's childhood was as normal as possible despite the lack of a paternal parental figure; where Keziah held the advantage was growing up in a magical home that enabled her to learn long before she was set to attend Hogwarts. Despite the difficulties that they often faced in making ends meet, Zailey eventually did find stable employment that provided a comfortable life for both her and her daughter.

Keziah eventually fell in with a group of girls and boys, magcal, where she now spends most of her days roaming the various streets of Diagon Alley. To say the terrorize the district would be fairly accurate as they practice their fledging magical prowess. The youngster is very excited about attending the school of her mother and checks every day for the letter that will change everything.

Godric Park.

Overhead, the sky was a crisp blue, for once clear of the ever-pervasive spongy clouds and rain. The sun was a lemony-yellow presence, high in the Eastern sky, and in front of it zipped three broomsticks in a straight line, or something very like one. One... two..... three... the boys passed, their shouts of excitement echoing as they chased the snitch, a tiny shimmer reflecting the sunlight.

Far below was another, much smaller broomstick.

It trugged along the ground, hugging close to it like a sluggish choo choo train and occasionally shuttering in protest. This was because said stick was currently being occupied by a very small girl who was tugging upward on the front of it with all her might, trying to coax it into doing what it had been expressly designed NOT to do.

"John, I said wait up!" The tiny girl squealed, giving the broomstick another tug.

Begrudgingly, it drifted upward a foot, and then sank, depositing the troublesome girl safely on the ground. Janey Hurst was not pleased. In a huff, she hopped off the toy safety broom, grabbing it firmly and thrusting it handle first into the turf.

Her brother was such a beast. He NEVER let her play! She folded her arms, seething blue eyes fixing on another figure nearby.  "You!" She barked, much more sharply than she meant to.

"...Do you want to play?"

Roleplay Response:
Keziah didn't mind the warmer weather but her heart really preferred the familiarity of winter; nothing could compare to the way the water turned into wands upon the eaves of shops and the feeling of snow in one's hands as it melted back to its original form. There was something about the crispness of the air and the warmth of the sun upon your face as you stood amongst the frigid snow. She craved it and was lost deep in her thoughts of winter as she heard the sharp words projected in her direction.

Carefully she looked beside her, to be sure that the young girl was addressing her, before she slowly began to shake her head. Her brown tresses winding back and forth around her shoulders as she addressed the unfamiliar girl. "I'd rather not." Carefully she bit the inside of her lower lip, green eyes watching her intently as she awaited a poor reaction. It wasn't that she held anything against her, Keziah just had somewhere to be.

Too long had she been caught up in Godric Park and her friend's were undoubtedly annoyed that she lingered too long once again. They were finicky in their own way but Keziah loved them nonetheless. Thick as thieves she had heard her mother remark once. It didn't make sense to her now. Perhaps one day it would. She gave a half-hearted attempt at a smile before she apologized, quickly, to the girl and continued on her way.

Kosova was going to be furious she was late again.

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* Marina Lamont

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Hi Keziah!

Your application looks great! However, there is one small detail to fix in your roleplay sample. At the very end, you have Keziah walk away. We prefer that you treat these samples the same way you would treat a thread, leaving the door open for a hypothetical Janey to respond. By leaving immediately, there is no room for interaction between the characters. This can be fixed by merely removing the last few sentences of your sample.

Once you have done so, please respond to this thread with your entire revised application and we'll be happy to give it another look!
I put my armour on, show you how strong I am
I put my armour on, I'll show you that I am
— I'm unstoppable

Keziah Zsofka

    (01/06/2022 at 20:15)
E L S E W H E R E   C H I L D

Character Name:
Keziah Izolda Zsofka




Parents/Guardians (Are they currently played characters?):
Zailey Petrova Zsofka (No)

London, England

Do you plan to have a connection to a particular existing place?
No, Keziah will be residing with her mother until she receives her Hogwarts letter.

Do you wish to be approved as a group with any other characters? If so who and for what IC reason?

Please list any other characters you already have at the site:

Biography: (100 words minimum.)
Keziah Izolda Zsofka was born on November 15, 1954 to Sandor and Zailey Zsofka in Budapest, Hungary during a time when the country was in a state of war. Her father, Sandor, worked in a muggle factory making ammunitions until he was killed shortly after her second birthday. It was at this time that Zailey relocated herself and Keziah to London, England in the former residence of her now deceased twin, Zander.

Most of Keziah's childhood was as normal as possible despite the lack of a paternal parental figure; where Keziah held the advantage was growing up in a magical home that enabled her to learn long before she was set to attend Hogwarts. Despite the difficulties that they often faced in making ends meet, Zailey eventually did find stable employment that provided a comfortable life for both her and her daughter.

Keziah eventually fell in with a group of girls and boys, magcal, where she now spends most of her days roaming the various streets of Diagon Alley. To say the terrorize the district would be fairly accurate as they practice their fledging magical prowess. The youngster is very excited about attending the school of her mother and checks every day for the letter that will change everything.

Godric Park.

Overhead, the sky was a crisp blue, for once clear of the ever-pervasive spongy clouds and rain. The sun was a lemony-yellow presence, high in the Eastern sky, and in front of it zipped three broomsticks in a straight line, or something very like one. One... two..... three... the boys passed, their shouts of excitement echoing as they chased the snitch, a tiny shimmer reflecting the sunlight.

Far below was another, much smaller broomstick.

It trugged along the ground, hugging close to it like a sluggish choo choo train and occasionally shuttering in protest. This was because said stick was currently being occupied by a very small girl who was tugging upward on the front of it with all her might, trying to coax it into doing what it had been expressly designed NOT to do.

"John, I said wait up!" The tiny girl squealed, giving the broomstick another tug.

Begrudgingly, it drifted upward a foot, and then sank, depositing the troublesome girl safely on the ground. Janey Hurst was not pleased. In a huff, she hopped off the toy safety broom, grabbing it firmly and thrusting it handle first into the turf.

Her brother was such a beast. He NEVER let her play! She folded her arms, seething blue eyes fixing on another figure nearby.  "You!" She barked, much more sharply than she meant to.

"...Do you want to play?"

Roleplay Response:
Keziah didn't mind the warmer weather but her heart really preferred the familiarity of winter; nothing could compare to the way the water turned into wands upon the eaves of shops and the feeling of snow in one's hands as it melted back to its original form. There was something about the crispness of the air and the warmth of the sun upon your face as you stood amongst the frigid snow. She craved it and was lost deep in her thoughts of winter as she heard the sharp words projected in her direction.

Carefully she looked beside her, to be sure that the young girl was addressing her, before she slowly began to shake her head. Her brown tresses winding back and forth around her shoulders as she addressed the unfamiliar girl. "I'd rather not." Carefully she bit the inside of her lower lip, green eyes watching her intently as she awaited a poor reaction. It wasn't that she held anything against her, Keziah just had somewhere to be.

Too long had she been caught up in Godric Park and her friend's were undoubtedly annoyed that she lingered too long once again. They were finicky in their own way but Keziah loved them nonetheless. Thick as thieves she had heard her mother remark once. It didn't make sense to her now. Perhaps one day it would. "Maybe another time? I'm late for something."

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* Calypso Ross

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cherry lips, crystal skies

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