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Author Topic: Ellwood-Luxe, James  (Read 164 times)

* Jack Ellwood-Luxe

    (31/12/2024 at 20:51)
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  • Fifth Year
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Application for Hogwarts School


Name: James "Jack" Cattrall Ellwood-Luxe

Birthday: 19 September 1957

Hometown: Dŵrfynnonplas, Pembrey Forest, Wales

Bloodline: Pureblood
Only child to Marius Ellwood-Luxe and his wife, June. Heir presumptive to the second cadet branch of the Ellwood-Luxe family. Cousin to the head of family (second cousin once removed, to be precise).

Magical Strength/Weakness: Special request in progress, will PM.

Year (pick two): Fifth, fourth


1966, Summer.
At Dŵrfynnonplas, official estate of the second cadet of the Ellwood-Luxe family.

“James, you are behaving appallingly. Sit up straight this instant. You do know better than this.”

Jack dragged the back of his hand over his nose and reluctantly pushed himself up off his elbows, sniffing, and sat up in the sofa, moving his feet down off the table and onto the floor. Great Aunt Aderyn was strict. Mother had always said it was for a reason, but Jack didn’t care what her reasons were. She sat real stiff-like, fanning herself with a black lace fan that she said came all the way from the east, somewhere.

He only listened to her because she was mean. If he didn’t do as she said, she’d double his lessons for the day, and make him write lines.

I must respect my elders, or something. Or, one time, it was I must not desecrate the ancient home of my respected family, which actually meant, I must not toss cold cuts at the windows to see if they’ll stick. It hadn’t been his fault that the sandwiches were inedible and more useful for dissection. He was practically doing scientific inquiry. Cold sliced ham did stick to the windows, if you threw it the right way. Probably no one else knew that but him. And at least he wasn't throwing stones at the windows this time.

But Great Aunt Aderyn had got so cross with him that she’d taken his lunch away altogether, and he wasn’t allowed to go outside to play at all that day. It was terrible.

Today, so far, she’d only scolded him twice, and it was barely midmorning. Once for not actually reading the pages she’d set for him in the histories, and now for the second time, while they were waiting.

It was so boring to wait. But they were supposed to arrive any minute, she said, the guests were. Even mother and father had come to wait, too. They usually had other important things to do, which was why Great Aunt Aderyn flooed over every day to see to Jack's education.

And also because he'd frightened off the governess.

Father checked his pocketwatch, and mother looked over his arm at it, nervously.

"They're late," Father said.

Jack saw mother glance over at Great Aunt Aderyn as she worked her fan, dismissive. "Don't be clucking now, Marius. You've certainly never been known for your punctuality. The boy has been through much in the past months."

This did not seem to make father feel any better. He stood stiffly, frowning, arms crossed, and mother looped her arm into his elbow and patted him. Jack slumped back down into the sofa and crossed his arms.

Just then, the fireplace burst to life in a sputtering of bright green flames, and Uncle Cassius was there. He stooped his head a little to miss the mantle as he stepped through, hand on the back of a dark-haired boy, ushering him forward into the room.

Uncle Cassius nodded to father and mother, then to Great Aunt Aderyn, and to Jack.

"Sorry for the delay," Uncle Cassius said, looking back down at the dark-haired boy, who stared down at his shoes like they were interesting. He was sallow and thin and carried a rumpled looking rucksack over one shoulder, his dark hair brushing into his eyes. "Caius here needed to pack his things."

The boy called Caius looked up briefly to scan the room, then shot right back down to his shoes. His eyes were red and he didn't look as though he had many things with him at all. Mother began to rush forward, as though to gather the boy up, but paused.

"Caius," Uncle Cassius said to him, glancing to mother. "This is your Aunt June. She'll show you your room when you're ready."

"We've made up a room in the south wing for you, Caius," Mother said to him. "Facing the woods, beside Jack's room-- he's just a few months younger than you. I'm sure you'll be the best of friends. Won't you, Jack?"

She looked at her son fondly. Jack scowled. That had been his play-room they'd cleared out so Caius would have his own bedroom. They'd actually made Jack choose which room he'd rather have from now on.

Uncle Cassius gestured at father then. "And you'll remember Uncle Marius."

Father nodded to Caius. "You're most welcome here, Caius. Please treat this place as your home."

From the sofa beside him, Great Aunt Aderyn barked a cackling laugh. "What a formal speech from you, Marius! You've learned some things through the years, haven't you." She stood, leaning on her cane, while father scowled, too. "I'll see to your education from now on, too, Caius. Until you're old enough to go off to school."

The boy called Caius bobbed his head mutely. Jack huffed.

The only thing worse than lessons from Great Aunt Aderyn was sharing lessons from Great Aunt Aderyn.

She must have seen Jack's sour expression, because she reached over and swatted his knee with her fan.

"It'll do you well, James," Great Aunt Aderyn told him. "To have a boy your age about. Boys like you need a bit of competition. Imagine the games you'll play together."

But he looked boring. There wasn't any way that this Caius would play games. From his too-long dark hair and too-thin pale hands, Jack could tell by looking at him that Caius was a bore.

And there was very little that Jack hated more than being bored.


House Request: I had him NPC'd as Slytherin, but feel free to stick him where you think he'd best cause problems thrive! I love a retcon!

Jack is forceful, brusque, and magnetic. He is quite athletic, and was disappointed at the top of his fourth year to be deprived of the opportunity to go out for Quidditch on the heels of an injury over the previous summer. Jack is rough and direct, and more often than not rather indelicate, if not discourteous. He does not care much for academia, and would generally prefer to be participating in some sort of physical activity, ideally outdoors.

With sandy, dark blond hair and grey-blue eyes, Jack skews more toward his mother's coloring than his father's. Rather burly and just a hair taller than his cousin, Caius, Jack often prefers to solve problems with action, and finds his physique to be useful in this regard.

You come across one of these posts on the site. Please select one & reply as your character. Remember, you can only roleplay your own character's actions, not Evangeline's or Hugh's.

Option I:

The dungeons. A place eleven-year-old Evangeline had not yet travelled since her arrival at Hogwarts.

A place she really was just fine with not knowing; but it was too late. The dare had been accepted, even if it had been done in fear of being kicked out of Gryffindor, like the older girls had said she would because Gryffindors were supposed to be brave.

The air changed instantly when she hit the main corridor of the dungeons. The dampness was almost too much for her and she instinctively took a deep breath to avoid the sensation of being suffocated. There was also a sour burning smell which Evangeline assumed was from many, many Potions lessons.

Further and further she walked, her steps so slow and gentle they made no noise against the stone walls and floor. The feeling that she wasn't alone crept up her spine and raised the tiny hair on the back of her neck. Shivering, Evangeline wrapped her arms around herself. Suddenly, she missed the warmth and comfort of the Gryffindor common room. The fire was always going and it made her feel at ease.

Why had she let those girls talk her into this? She was only eleven, she didn't have to be brave. Surely the Headmistress would not kick her out of Hogwarts for not being brave.

If only she had these thoughts while being dared to search for the ghost of one Emma Birch, whom supposedly haunted the dungeons. It was not, Evangeline had learned, the place where the sixteen-year-old girl's life had ended but as she had been from the house with a snake as its mascot, it was the place her spirit had returned to. That common room was down here somewhere, she'd been told.

Something - the small blonde girl wasn't quite sure what - but something made her stop in her tracks suddenly. There was a low, dull thumping noise. Or maybe that was her heart beating so loudly she thought it was coming from outside her body.

"H-h-hello?" Her voice was barely above a whisper.

Remembering that she was supposed to be brave, Evangeline tried again.

"Hello! Is Emma Birch here?"

The sound of her own words bouncing back at her off the walls made her jump.

Roleplay Response:

"Hello! Is Emma Birch here?"

He knew about Emma Birch. Of course he did. She was a normal girl who had died a bit horribly at school.

From what Jack had heard about, dying horribly was a pretty normal thing to happen at Hogwarts. It was a sodding big castle, after all, with lots of dark corners and mysterious staircases and that. The dungeons themselves were pretty creepy, too.

Well, they were called dungeons. That's where they imprisoned people in the olden days, when they'd done crimes like thieving or murder. So of course people died horribly at Hogwarts sometimes, if they had to have a place to imprison all of them. It all made sense.

Idly, Jack wondered if the person who'd murdered Emma Birch had been stowed in the dungeons.

He was hiding behind a statue. Jack made his voice high pitched, like a girl's.

"I ammm Emma Biiiirch!" he called into the gloom. "Whoooo summons me?"


Please list any characters you have  on the site (current and previous): Caius Ellwood-Luxe (and Dacian, Cassius, Anneliesse…)

How did you find us?: it was google, but approximately a thousand years ago.
I’ll find you everywhere
If you don’t exist, I don’t care
I’ll find you everywhere

* Florence Olivewood

    (31/12/2024 at 22:00)
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Dear Mr. Elwood-Luxe,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Term begins on 1 January. Currently, students have gathered at Camp Loki, and we encourage you to spend your summer there. Should you choose, you may also visit our Elsewhere board via the Floo Network to visit or purchase school supplies.

Yours sincerely,

Deputy Headmistress