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Author Topic: Deidre Sable  (Read 716 times)

Deidre Sable

    (05/05/2014 at 08:50)
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E L S E W H E R E   A D U L T

Character Name: Cyber Deidre Sable-Vaelbe
Gender: Female
Age: 17

Gryffindor dropout '39

Hogsmeade London

Unemployed Free Spirit

Do you plan to have a connection to a particular existing place (for example: the Ministry, Shrieking Shack) or to take over an existing shop in need of new management?

Requested Magic Levels:
  • Charms: 9
  • Divination: 7
  • Transfiguration: 9
  • Summoning: 7
Do you wish to be approved as a group with any other characters? If so who and for what IC reason?

Please list any other characters you already have at the site:
L Azuriah, et al.

Biography: (300 words minimum.)
30 August 1940

She had skipped school last year. And this year too.

She had been so tired. So tired.

The Vaelbes had been so understanding, and she felt like crap. She was a terrible adoptive daughter. She should repay them, somehow, for their generosity, their kindness, their understanding.

She didn’t know what to do. She was so tired. So tired.

23 December 1940

Christmas was coming.

Her adoptive grandparents were just downstairs. She’d started eating regularly, properly, again a few months ago, after the Blitz happened.

It had been one of the most frightening experiences in her life. She’d realized, as the bombs fell, she didn’t want to die. She didn’t want to die.

She had her whole life ahead of her to make everything right. That’s what Wolfe would have wanted. That’s what Father would have wanted. That’s what Mother would have wanted (probably).

That’s what her new family would have wanted. Probably.

As she looked out the window of her room (hers, not Wolfe’s; she’d moved out of his room that September too, for the first time ever), she smiled. She would make her family (both sets of them) proud of her. She would go out and do something. But she won’t go back to school. Not yet.

Not yet.

She wasn’t ready to face people yet. She wasn’t ready to go out of the house again, just yet. Not just yet.

But she would wait herself out, give herself time. And spend that time with the family she had.

19 April 1941

Dei left Hogsmeade on the day of her 17th birthday.

She'd been told that was the age of an adult in the Wizarding World, a year earlier than that of Muggles'. She hadn’t minded. She embraced it, in fact. It meant she could finally repay the Vaelbes, for everything.

But to do that, she wanted to be her own self. A new self.

To achieve this, she’d cut her hair short and dyed it brown. And, she was going to lose the Vaelbe at the end of her name. She was going to repay them as a Sable, a new Sable, while wholeheartedly embracing the fact that she’d been taken in by Vaelbes.

She’d written to her adoptive mother about it, after speaking with her adoptive grandparents about it. They all accepted her decision and supported her, in more ways than one. She’d cried, happy and sad both, but determined now. Determined to live, to be alive.

So, with a pouch of wizard money, some advice, and a satchel full of her worldly possessions, she set out to London, hoping for the best.

You come across one of these posts on the site. Please select one & reply as your character:

Option Two -
The snow had been falling steadily all morning and it didn't look like it was going to stop any time soon. Joshua Campbell scrunched his face up in a frown as he lifted his gaze to look to the sky. Snow. It really was quite a bother.

And it certainly didn't make it better that Diagon Alley seemed to be getting more and more crowded. Joshua sighed and pointed his wand at the large box that was currently placed on the doorstep of his shop. He had to get going. He had an order to deliver.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" The elderly man muttered and watched the box hover in the air for a moment. Honestly, did St. Mungo's really need that much tinsel? And with glitter of all things? He sighed again. If it hadn't been for the rather convincing stamp on the order, he would have been likely to believe it had been a prank by one of those orphaned rascals living up there. 

Oh well, there was no point in waiting. Joshua deftly stirred the box down the doorstep and out onto the street, carefully levitating it above the heads of the crowd.

"Coming through! Coming through!" His voice sounded over the chatter of the crowd. "Keep out! Move ahead! Go on!" This was going way too slow. People were in the way and walking like they had all day! He huffed. Luckily the road was down hill.

"Coming through! Coming th--- arrrgh!" Joshua let out a loud shout as his feet suddenly slipped in the snow and sent him, the box, and several long strands of tinsel tumbling into the person who had been walking in front of him.

"For Merlin's sake!" Joshua muttered angrily as he hurried to his feet again, red and gold tinsel now decorating his black coat. "I am so sorry! This blasted snow!" He looked apologetic at the person he had crashed into.

Roleplay Response:
She looked up at the falling snow with a smile.

Winter used to make her cry. Remembering all those times when she was a little girl, with her whole family with her, alive and happy. Now she remembered that memory with fondness and nostalgia, and a hint of newfound acceptance. Acceptance of how things are, and a determination to continue on to the future.

She had a new family now. This was how Wolfe had felt, before. This was what Wolfe had been trying to make her see. Being adopted wasn’t all that bad, she’d realized, too late. Too late, only for her brother. Because he wouldn’t get to see her make this realization. But not too late for her.

She had been blessed to be adopted by such a kind, understanding family. Purebloods weren’t all that bad, after all. Even one that was a family mostly of Slytherins.

She had been blessed, and she hadn’t realized it, until it was too late.

Sighing, she closed her eyes, letting the snowflakes kiss her lashes, her cheeks, her nose.

So many things happened during winter. But she wouldn’t let that make her hate the season. Not anymore.

"--- arrrgh!"

She hadn’t heard the man call out, immersed as she was in her own thoughts, until it was too late.

With a yelp of surprise, she tumbled down onto the snow, face-first.

Like that time when she was a second year (if her memory served right), when she’d been so upset, she’d made herself fall flat on her face in the snow, and just laid there for what felt like hours. Frostbite was a terrible thing.

She got to her hands and knees, shaking her head of cold, melting snow. It didn’t feel that good anymore.

With an angry grimace, she turned fiery eyes towards the person who’d bumped into her.

"I am so sorry! This blasted snow!"

Her anger dissolved.

With softened eyes, she said, “’M sorry too, sir.” She had been standing still right in the middle of the road, so she was also partially at fault.

Her grimace turned apologetic, and she got to her feet, dusting herself off.

“L-Let me help you with that, sir,” she said, cringing at the sight of all the scattered decorations. Oops.

She crouched down and started to help gather up the stray tinsel.

How did you find us? Recommendation (many-ish years ago, oh my)
hundreds; thousands, even;
everybody has a secret world inside of them.

* Martin Hawksworth

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