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Application for Hogwarts School
→ CHARACTER INFORMATION.Name: Anaximanda Emilia Hawthorne
Birthday: 13 October 1949
Hometown: Lyon, France - the family moved to grandma's place in Wizarding London some years ago to help her out with health issues
Magical Strength (pick one):Transfiguration
Magical Weakness (pick one):Charms
Year (pick two): 4th, 3rd
Biography:Anaximanda Emilia - to which Ana, Mandy and Millie were all accepted nicknames - was, like her name implied, a handful.
It wasn't that she wanted to be trouble, or that she was mean or wanted to sabotage. Most of the situations she got herself into were innocent - it wasn't that she refrained to put the lid back on the jar on purpose, or that her clothes tended to be abandoned in a heap because she wanted people to fall over them. Or unfortunate - she did not tell the story of the haunted house because she wanted Roger not to sleep, did not climb higher in that tree challenge because she wanted Lily to fall and break her leg. (The fact that her mother was a nurse often came in handy, though the person covered in scrubs was usually Millie - which was what her family called her - herself.)
Rather, Mandy was a handful due to two distinct traits:
1. She would lie a lot. Constructing a world around her that did not always comply with reality, she had a tendency for placing herself on top of the hierarchies, equipping herself, and her family, with all kinds of amazing positions and capabilities. For instance, there was no limit to the things that her brother was capable of, something that merged with her admiration and love for him, though not necessarily without also getting him into trouble. It was not impossible that this trait related to:
2. She would not let anyone tell her what she could not do. This often put her at odds with what was expected from her, especially as a girl. Sometimes, it also made it harder for her to make friends. She had a tendency to challenge people straight on, which often gained her a somewhat-deserved respected position among them. At other times, it did the exact opposite, as they were able to call her out on her stories, or just did not accept the conditions on which she'd win (or lose). Yet, this meant she had long since discovered that a lot of the restrictions placed on her were due to other people's prejudices, or norms.
In several ways, the combination was explosive. On one end, it built up under an unwaning sense of confidence. On the other, it was a recipe for disaster. Coupling the curious shortsightedness with an almost calculative determination made for all kinds of interesting situations.
Like the time she bet that she would be able to glue Larry to the blackboard and succeeded. Or when she got the children in the street to join her in transporting, and then decorating, a Christmas Tree on the roof of the school building. (The tree fell down and landed on top of her teacher the next morning, who did not suffer any harm other than getting profoundly startled - she ran off shrieking, entangled in shining lights.) Or when she introduced a couple of plimpies (a magical fish) to the public pool, who turned out to enjoy the stay so much they multiplied and turned into a bit of an infestation. Or when she managed to convince the children in her street that Roman was actually an Indian prince, and that her father was a robot that flew from the house every morning by means of in-built propellers.
To many, her mannerisms was a great sorce of comedy and she enjoyed her own ability to entertain - it served as a way for her to be on the receiving end of positive attention. As she grew older, however, it turned into a main source for trouble, as she found it hard - or just tremendously boring - to follow other people's rules. In time, the lies would grow more sophisticated, more adapted to what they were initially designed to and drawing attention away from the real issue of things - that she was essentially aimless, uprooted, in a sense, impulsive and careless. As though she never had anything to lose, rushing into things without looking neither forward nor back.
Hidden beneath was a sense of abandonment. And where her adoptive parents - though she loved them dearly - had not been entirely successful in filling the hole that came with the awareness that you ultimately did not belong, she clung to her brother - Roman - the one person that she loved unconditionally.
At the graduation of her brother, Mandy found herself more confused than ever, and with the need to start building stable relationships outside of her family. Would she manage?
→ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION.Note: This section is optional, and is up to you to complete.House Request: Re-sort into Gryffindor
Personality:If anything, Mandy was highly creative. She would design worlds in her mind and, no matter how odd they appeared to others, they would have their own intricate logic.
And she was unafraid - walking straight into situations that she might or might not have prepared for, oftentimes falling hard, but always picking herself back up. The times that she did not fall were plentiful enough to make her headstrong.
She could be crude and stubborn, yet lacking in aim, and holding on to a carelessness that could, at times, be destructive both to herself and to her peers. Though she had everything in place in order to succeed and get good grades, these were entirely dependent on whether or not she actually bothered to put in any work.
Her parents did, however, do a good job at inspiring her, and she would not shy away from reading books under her duvet late into the night, whether they be on fiction or non-fiction (which she combined with enthusiasm), as long as they interested her. Locking herself into a bit of a shell also did not mean she did not care for others. On a good day, she was posivitely bright, carrying the energy and enthusiasm to match her fighting spirit. She also loved her family and friends dearly, and when forming proper bonds, could get fiercely protective of her friends (even though they might turn on her for saying untrue things about them).
If she would only figure out how to channel her determination into some sort of goal, she could become a force to be reckoned with.
Appearance:Mandy was of average size, and with a dark complexion. She was not usually one to care much about appearance and would often come accross as tomboy. She did not, however, mind playing up her femininity, though she preferred doing so on her own terms.
→ RETURNING STUDENTS.Note: This section is only for students who have been previously played at Hogwarts. Please see here for more information about Castle Dropouts levels/how many levels you are eligible to claim.Link to your last levels request: LevelsNumber of New Levels Requested: 6
New Levels Request: C2D2T4S2
How your character kept up with their studies: Mandy remained at Hogwarts, though largely unfocused, which is the main reason why she has been lagging behind her peers in terms of levels.
→ SAMPLE ROLEPLAY.You come across one of these posts on the site. Please select one & reply as your character. Remember, you can only roleplay your own character's actions, not Evangeline's or Hugh's.Option I:Mandy wasn't homesick at all. She loved the way that the sheer size of the Castle wrapped out before her, inviting her into all the secrets of its halls and crooks - an eternal canvas of stone and space and
smell, a well of mysteries around every corner, at the top of every moving stair. It was the way that the floating chandelier of a thousand lonely candles had welcomed her into the Hall on her first day, the way that the darkness of these Dungeons just went on and on, how there was always
more - big and small, black and white - assembled and contradictive. She breathed it into her lungs, spreading her arms open to embrace as much of it as possible.
And Mandy wasn't homesick. She thought of the warmth of her mother, and the absence of warmth of her other mother. She thought of her father, in her mind placed on a pedestal, with all his wisdom and all of the air around him that she never quite seemed able to penetrate. She though of that other father, engulfed in an entire universe of inaccessible space, whose name or age or figure she had never known. And she thought of herself, fingers slipping softly over the rough texture of another dungeon wall inside of which she belonged and didn't. Dark hair knit up in a ponytail, expression relaxed yet exploring another niche, another nook of the undiscovered. Her sweather, nicked from her brother - he had hung it over his chair one morning during breakfast - reached almost to her knees.
She wandered through these dark cells smelling like Roman, a little less alone.
(Mandy was homesick. For the most part, she was homesick to
France. But at least Roman was around for her to pester.)
"H-h-hello?"The sound of another presence had her stopping dead in her already-slow track, pulling her hand back from the wall, small fingers curling against her palm as though in instant need of its warmth. She turned, trying to locate from where it had come. Eyes narrowing - though she was not afraid, there was an edge to the other's voice that had her reconsider.
"Hello! Is Emma Birch here?""It's Mandy," she said, right off the bat and without putting much thought into the statement. Then, waiting a beat, the thoughts followed, then reorganised, falling into what she conceived had to be the most logical manner.
"Are you afraid?"
The question escaped from her lips in a way that was not entirely innocent, but carried a layer of challenge, one of which she was not entirely aware.
"I heard there are some weird things down here," she continued, not quite able to stop her own words. And while some story had already started unravelling in her mind, the adventurous part of her really
wanted for weird things to be here, for them to discover, together.
(The chill that had run down her back at the other girl's stutter had not been entirely unwelcome.)
→ ABOUT YOU.Please list any characters you have on the site (current and previous): Altair, with friends.
How did you find us?: Can't remember...