We're happy to pre-approve high Div levels within reason (Div level not to exceed 14, total levels not to exceed 36) for the first Litchfield alt of any player. This can be noted in the character application as approved and will not require anything further; it'll be on-file as pre-approved with site staff.
Also, just as a reminder, no one family has a monopoly on special abilities, and it would be highly unrealistic for every member of a single family to manifest a power beyond the affinity for Divination. In a lot of cases, the abilities people are requesting are actually things that can be covered by the abilities granted for regular Divination levels under the magical rules. It just requires a little creativity. If you're not sure of how to do this for the abilities that you want or if you have any questions, feel free to shoot one of us a PM and we'll figure it out together.