Application for Hogwarts School
→ CHARACTER INFORMATION.Name: Solanine Serena Joliette de la Roche
Birthday: June 7th, 1955
Hometown: London, England
Magical Strength (pick one):Charms
Magical Weakness (pick one):Conjuring & Summoning
Year (pick two): 5th
Biography:Accident. Calamity. Mishap. Disaster. All words that could describe the moment that her mother, Margaux Hartley, found out she was pregnant once more. After her third child that was supposed to be it, but the universe must have had a different plan because on June 7, 1955 a baby girl was born. Unironically named after a type of poison. Her mother was anything but subtle.
There really wasn’t anything special about the day she was born. There wasn’t a storm or anything really. Just a mediocre day. It was perfectly calm -unlike the baby that had been born. Always crying and soon that crying turned to screaming as she grew. The loudest of her siblings. Seemingly always causing embarrassment to the family. She didn’t really care though.
Growing up she didn’t really have to ask for much. She had her “cousins” and pretty much any toy she could want for. It was a great childhood despite the expectations. She was the daughter of Margaux de la Roche. How could there not be expectations? So she had two sides of her. On one side was her true self -carefree, messy, fearless. On the other side was the side that was expected -controlled, polished, polite. It wasn’t rough by any means, but sometimes she wished that her parents would just accept her.
During her first four years at Hogwarts she has excelled at Charms and dueling, even making it to the finals of the tournament during her second term. With the achievements though there were also downfalls. During her second year, after her parents divorced, her world came crashing down around her. After the man she thought was her father refused to see her it came out that she wasn't even his at all. At this time her relationship with her mother became strained due to lie after lie that her mother told when it came to her father, so Cherry, Moony, and herself took it into their own hands and found her real dad -turns out he wasn't dead after all.
Her third and fourth years were much less exciting unless you count first kisses and first parties as less exciting.
→ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION.Note: This section is optional, and is up to you to complete.House Request: Slytherin
→ RETURNING STUDENTS.Note: This section is only for students who have been previously played at Hogwarts. Please see here for more information about Castle Dropouts levels/how many levels you are eligible to claim.Link to your last levels request (if you never posted one, link to your last accepted student application): I don't have access to the castle to link my last levels request, but
here is the app.
Number of New Levels Requested: 2
New Levels Request: C10D5T6S5
How your character kept up with their studies: They were at Hogwarts.
→ SAMPLE ROLEPLAY.You come across one of these posts on the site. Please select one & reply as your character. Remember, you can only roleplay your own character's actions, not Evangeline's or Hugh's.Option 2:That rat of his was in for it now.
The gray little rascal had disappeared from his clutches at breakfast. Again.
Before Hugh even knew what was happening, Merlin had shot across the floor, somehow managing to avoid all the feet walking across the hall and had escaped through the open doors.
Which meant that Hugh was now stomping through rows of flowers and other various flora, searching for the small creature. It was like the rat knew Hugh was allergic to most flowers. Merlin always chose to run to the gardens whenever he got away from Hugh. It was as if the rat did not want to have him for an owner.
Hugh had named his pet Merlin because he had hoped the powerful name would give the rat more incentive to be more than a rat. Not that he expected Merlin to change into a wizard or anything, but rats were just so...useless, for the most part. With a name like Merlin, Hugh thought it might give the rat purpose.
The only purpose Merlin seemed to have was getting away from Hugh as often as possible.
As the fifth year trudged into the second row of flowers, not taking much care to avoid trampling the first row, he felt the first sneeze building up pressure in his nose and behind his eyes.
"You blasted rat! Where are you?"
He pulled apart a section of bright red flowers; he didn't know what they were called because he despised flowers, and ducked his head low to peer into the depths of the flowerbed. It was moving closer in proximity to the flowers that finally did it. Hugh took in three great breaths and then let out an almighty sneeze. It was strong enough to disturb some of the dirt on the ground before him.
Groaning, he stood up again and wiped his nose on his sleeve. It was as he was turning his head, his nose running up and down his arm, that movement in his peripheral vision caught his attention. Normally one who preferred to put his best face forward, Hugh was a bit embarrassed to be caught wiping his runny nose on his robes.
Nevertheless, Hugh put on his best haughty voice. albeit a bit thickly with his plugged nose and said, "Can I help you with something? It is not polite to stare."
Roleplay Response:
Sola was finally free! Well not exactly free -she still had one more class. That class though was perfectly skippable. Plus the weather would soon turn rotten and the pitiful gardens would turn grey. She needed to be in them as much as possible while she still could, so she ran!
Down into the dungeons for a quick costume change then back up into the daylight to live out the story of her life. She would never spend any more time than needed in that skirt. Why did the boys get to wear pants and the girls have to wear stupid skirts anyways? Did they not think that girls deserved to run, jump, and play just like the boys? It was archaic. Well the skirts were cuter at least.
When she got up into the castle and then back out into the sun she paused and let the sun hit her face. The small freckles on her face absorbed the sun’s rays while they still could. The sunlight felt good as she continued walking.
She didn’t really know why she was drawn to the gardens. Maybe it was because her mother had always kept gardens and greenhouses. Nonetheless the gardens at the castle reminded her of home, though she would never admit it.
Once she stepped foot into the gardens something seemed a bit off. Maybe it was from the yelling. Maybe she should have turned the opposite way and gone on with her business, but that just wasn’t her. Plus what if the person needed help. With the smile on her face she stepped into the area where she heard the yelling coming from and immediately stopped as the boy sneezed. A look of distaste accidentally spreading across her face as the boy used his robe as a tissue. Boys were officially disgusting.
"Can I help you with something? It is not polite to stare."
Sola blinked for a moment before her smile returned to her face. “Staring isn’t half as bad as what you did to those poor flowers.” She teased. “I heard you yelling and just wanted to see if you needed some help.”
Did she actually want to help him now? Not really, but she did decide that it was best not to mind her own business so she had to accept the consequences.→ ABOUT YOU.Please list any characters you have on the site (current and previous):Pilar Reina, Circe Blackwood, Aurelia Blackwood & Co
How did you find us?: Google