Archived Applications / Elliot Ridgefield
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an account in your character's full name, and make sure you have read and understand the following:
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Application for Hogwarts School
Name: Elliot Ridgefield
Birthday: 12 December 1954
Hometown: Alfriston
Magical Strength (pick one):
Magical Weakness (pick one):
Year (pick two): First, Second
Frederick Ridgefield didn’t quite comply with his Pureblood family’s beliefs. No, he didn’t believe that tossing galleons out the window and into the hands of sketchy people could solve all their problems. No, he didn’t believe that him and his siblings should be promised to someone they barely knew a thing about. No, he didn’t believe that flashing his title at people should allow him special treatment because of some silly name he never chose.
Which is why when Frederick’s eyes landed on those of Maria Tipper, a Muggleborn whose family couldn’t be more different than his, the young wizard fell in love. Right when they graduated from Hogwarts, Frederick ran away with the love of his life and a year later not only were they married, but their son Elliot Ridgefield was born.
They drowned their child with unconditional love, offering him everything they could with the very little money they had. Everything couldn’t be more perfect until on Elliot’s fifth birthday, his mother tragically passed. It wasn’t easy for a little boy to wrap his head around the sudden loss of a parent even more so when the last one standing could barely look his son in the eyes and couldn’t muster up a drop of affection as the burden of his loss weighed heavy on him. Clouded with depression, Frederick crawled back to his Pureblood family who quickly set him up with a new woman. It didn’t take long for his wife-to-be and the Ridgefields to control the strings and whisper ideas into a saddened man. Manipulated by his family and his desire to cut any ties with the woman he once loved so he could finally move on, Frederick Ridgefield gave his then six year old son for adoption.
Elliot spent two years in the orphanage, desperately awaiting for someone to take him away from this wretched place yet already despising his savior. Then cue Timothy Winchester, lonely and looking to adopt.
Thankfully, the man had the patience of a saint and despite the boy’s attitude throughout the years, Elliot has finally come around to calling him his father. And after spending the past three years at Hogwarts because of Tim’s status as professor, he’s ready to conquer his first year and cause even more chaos!
Note: This section is optional, and is up to you to complete.
House Request: Gryffindor, pretty please!
An easy way to describe Elliot Ridgefield: Good heart, Bad temper. With the sequence of actions occurring rapidly when he was young, from losing his mother to being abandoned by his father and fending for himself in a lousy orphanage, Elliot has never fully taken a moment to deal with his emotions. His deep rooted issues morphed themselves into anger which makes the boy react quite rapidly, and usually not in the best way. Punch first, think later is his motto and he lives by it, much to Tim’s dismay. However, when Elliot isn’t consumed by that blazing fury inside him, he can either be particularly quiet or a ball of energy. He’s a loyal friend and will forever defend the people he loves and those he sees that are in need. He likes to have fun and cause chaos, whether it be going on his own stupid adventures or pranking someone, he’s always ready to have a good time.
Elliot is average height for his age. He has brown curls that are impossible to tame and even if someone tried, he’d run a hand through his hair and ruin all the hard work. His soft hazel eyes and dimples give him a slightly innocent look but you’d be foolish to fall for them. Because of his nasty habit to jump into fights or engage in reckless activities, his body is always sporting some kind of injury, from small cuts to larger ones, to bruises and broken limbs. There’s probably a band-aid or bandage on him, exasperatingly placed there by Tim. His clothes are always a mess: both socks different colors, shirt collar half up, tie crooked, his shirt awfully tucked in.
Note: This section is only for students who have been previously played at Hogwarts. Please see here for more information about Castle Dropouts levels/how many levels you are eligible to claim.
Link to your last levels request (if you never posted one, link to your last accepted student application):
Number of New Levels Requested:
New Levels Request:
How your character kept up with their studies: Whether your character was still at Hogwarts or left school entirely for a while, tell us how they were able to keep up with their studies and learn about magic, which would allow their levels to keep increasing.
You come across one of these posts on the site. Please select one & reply as your character. Remember, you can only roleplay your own character's actions, not Evangeline's or Hugh's.
Option 2:
That rat of his was in for it now.
The gray little rascal had disappeared from his clutches at breakfast. Again.
Before Hugh even knew what was happening, Merlin had shot across the floor, somehow managing to avoid all the feet walking across the hall and had escaped through the open doors.
Which meant that Hugh was now stomping through rows of flowers and other various flora, searching for the small creature. It was like the rat knew Hugh was allergic to most flowers. Merlin always chose to run to the gardens whenever he got away from Hugh. It was as if the rat did not want to have him for an owner.
Hugh had named his pet Merlin because he had hoped the powerful name would give the rat more incentive to be more than a rat. Not that he expected Merlin to change into a wizard or anything, but rats were just so...useless, for the most part. With a name like Merlin, Hugh thought it might give the rat purpose.
The only purpose Merlin seemed to have was getting away from Hugh as often as possible.
As the fifth year trudged into the second row of flowers, not taking much care to avoid trampling the first row, he felt the first sneeze building up pressure in his nose and behind his eyes.
"You blasted rat! Where are you?"
He pulled apart a section of bright red flowers; he didn't know what they were called because he despised flowers, and ducked his head low to peer into the depths of the flowerbed. It was moving closer in proximity to the flowers that finally did it. Hugh took in three great breaths and then let out an almighty sneeze. It was strong enough to disturb some of the dirt on the ground before him.
Groaning, he stood up again and wiped his nose on his sleeve. It was as he was turning his head, his nose running up and down his arm, that movement in his peripheral vision caught his attention. Normally one who preferred to put his best face forward, Hugh was a bit embarrassed to be caught wiping his runny nose on his robes.
Nevertheless, Hugh put on his best haughty voice. albeit a bit thickly with his plugged nose and said, "Can I help you with something? It is not polite to stare."
Roleplay Response:
Elliot didn’t usually venture out in the gardens by himself. Actually scratch that, he just never did. He was heading for the Quidditch Pitch, or anyway he had his mind set to go there until someone ran right past him.
“OI! Look where—” he had started to shout until he saw the state of the kid.
He was deep into the flower beds and working his way through them, tossing dirt around like he was the groundskeeper rearranging the whole garden. He didn’t quite know what he was doing until he caught onto him calling out for a rat.
He should have helped. The poor guy looked miserable searching for his pet but Elliot found it quite entertaining to see this guy older than him working his way through the dirt to find a tiny little rodent. Actually, he kinda looked like those black and white films Tim showed him, those comedy ones where the guys just ran back and forth with that laughing track in the background.
And that sneeze. At that point, he couldn’t contain himself anymore: Elliot burst out laughing. And that stuffy voice the kid spoke with didn’t help his laughter. He only hollowed louder, folding onto himself and holding his stomach.
“It is not polite to stare,” he mimicked in his silly voice, using his fingers to plug his nose to recreate the same effect. “Pretty sure you scared away your pet there, sneezie.”
All mentions of Tim have been approved by the player!
Please list any characters you have on the site (current and previous): Alice Swan and co.
How did you find us?: Google