Archived Applications / Re: Tigran Razi
« on: 03/08/2023 at 02:51 »My bad. I thought there was some sort of weird exception clause, but I must have gotten my wires crossed. I refreshed the app removing that and making the rest of it work with that update...
- Ollie

Application for Hogwarts School
Name: Tigran Reginald Razi
Alias ( not public knowledge ): Reginald Ivansko
Birthday: May 5th, 1956
Hometown: Southend-on-Sea, England
Bloodline: Pureblood
Magical Strength (pick one): Divination
Magical Weakness (pick one): Transfiguration
Year (pick two):. 3 (preferred) or 4.
* Needs to be 3rd year or higher for biography to work…
Number one, the first born and a brother didn’t get a letter to Hogwarts. I wasn’t born yet, so it was only an echo that haunted my life and drove peoples lack of hope in me.
I was hungry so I pushed against the gate between my play area and the more proper living room wanting to go into the kitchen where I knew the cookies were. The fact it never worked didn’t stop me as my tummy rumbled as my nanny paid more attention to my sisters seemingly always putting their hair in different ways. I cried for my nanny and gave the gate a huge push which caused it to fly into a table with a fancy vase on it. Gulag, my families house elf, gave me four cookies before retrieving another gate and putting me back in my play room.
Gulag blamed the nanny for not watching the Kneazle she was nursing back to health, and brought to the house. I only vaguely remember making a gate fly, but I heard how upset my mom was with the nanny so I never said anything. It seemed Gulag never mentioned the gate thing to anyone either.
Number two, the second born and my eldest sister wasn’t sent a letter. The summer was filled with my father almost lifelessly dragging himself to the Ministry to work and sleeping the rest of the time in a depression. My mother and eldest sister weren’t much better. My other sister, third born, had constant nightmares which she couldn’t stop talking about.
It was the worst summer and we had two nannies quit.
We went to Grandpa Razi’s birthday party and my parents and sisters spent the whole party in the corner barely enjoying the food. I joined them for most of it, but when I got to get more cookies deciding to make the most of the situation Gulag appeared with a picture I drew earlier in the week and told me to give it to Grandpa Razi as a birthday present. I went over to Grandpa Razi rather unsure and gave him the picture making my way through my cousins. When I gave the picture to Grandpa Razi, he charmed the picture of a sea dragon coming out of the water that I drew based on the beach near my family home on Southend-on-Sea and thanked me for the present. Grandpa Razi even scolded my cousins for calling me a squid.
My eldest brother started visiting home on the weekends. Apparently when he didn’t receive his letter he was sent to a schooling program for squibs that he’d just graduated from and had set him up with a job at a muggle bank in London that did business with the wizarding world. According to him, our family needed a few people in key muggle places to help smooth things over for various family businesses.
Naturally his name tag didn’t say Razi. Naturally it didn’t mean he was free from the expectation he’d marry a pureblood and remain ingrained in the wizarding world.
Number three, the third born and a sister didn’t get a letter to Hogwarts. She was immediately sent to a small program along with my other sister which was odd as they were two years apart in age. However, Grandpa Razi said it was best to send them together as they were close in age. I got a new nanny named Clementine after a shorter series of interviews than normal nanny switches as I was too young to be sent away.
Clementine was different. It felt oddly like Clementine altered the situation to choose me, not my family choosing her to be my nanny. Then she said something made her think I’d choose to take her up on her option of secretly being enrolled in muggle school so if I too ended up a squib I’d have options my siblings didn’t have. Clementine was right.
My cousin’s new name for me was apparently Squid. As it was a sea creature and I loved drawing sea creatures giving them a reason they could get past most adults. Grandpa Razi scolded them telling them they needed more composure and creativity in their name calling - but Grandpa did nothing.
A month after I’d met Clementine I was looking down at my new identity of Reginald Ivansko as I sat in class the first day of school. I was the shortest in the room, as all the other kids were two years older than me, since Clementine made my fake paperwork say I was 9 instead of the 7 that was my real age. According to Clementine I was smart enough to pull it off and the neighborhood I was in was more a working class neighborhood where that would put me inline with the other kids.
The academics of muggle school weren’t hard. It was getting used to all the other students and muggle culture as I’d been mostly privately tutored by various nannies. I would ask so many questions about what the purpose of things were when I returned to Clementine’s house after school before it was time to floo home.
I found a comeback for my cousins calling me Squid. I told them I was Kracken of squids and since most of them hadn’t gotten their wands yet put dirty water in my play squirt wand and shot it at them. Grandpa Razi laughed after he closed the door to his reading room. Though after the laughter he explained to me that I needed to not outwardly react to such name calling. As with my parents and siblings being squibs, even when I got a letter I’d have to deal with such and be judged more on my reactions considering my family situation.
I was confused why Grandpa was always so positive about me getting a letter. I wasn’t like my cousins all of them had multiple stories of how they did magic. I had one vague memory that I was rather certain was a dream as the story of that day always involved a nanny’s Kneazle destroying that vase.
I thought my previous nanny were strict. They were nothing compared to my teacher who insisted on neat handwriting, quiet, attentiveness, and obedience. Thankfully Clementine had a hand cream for times when I failed to meet the mark and an illusion to put the mark back the next day.
The thing that confused me most about the muggle world was how Troll Dolls were supposed to bring good luck. They looked like brightly haired garden gnomes.
I passed the 11-plus! It was the first thing in my life that I did purely by my own skill, and I was proud. Even better is so did my best friend from my primary school Luca. It was a pity I couldn’t thank my mother for her help with the arithmetic portion due to all the times she had me help her scale prepared potion ingredients for different sized pots than the potions directions called for.
The boys at the third grammar school we did interviews for looked down at me like my cousins and I straightened my posture immediately. Luca didn’t understand the nudge.
My mother asked me if I wanted to go to my posh Razi cousin’s birthday party. For the first time I said ‘Yes’ with a real smile. My cousin and their friends looked down upon me. I watched their movements and tried to mimic them which they found funny. However, there movements, posture, and poise would be the key to getting Luca and a couple of lucky other 11-plus passers ahead in our grammar school interviews.
Luca’s father laughed as I gave walking and posture lessons outside in the street to practice for primary school interviews. Luca’s mother, and a few of the other mothers, took the hint and ironed the collar and sleeves of our uniforms for the rest of our interviews.
How you walked and presented oneself mannered. The few of us who passed our 11-plus all got into good grammar schools around London. I’m rather certain those walking lessons and the extra ironing of our uniforms before interviews was just as important as anything we did or said for our success.
I started over again at my first day in a private grammar school on scholarship, but this time I had Luca.
I was thankful that Clementine had lied about my age by two years as if she hadn’t I’d of gone to Hogwarts instead of grammar school after the 11-plus. Or worse had passed my 11-plus but be sent off to a boarding school like my sisters for not getting a letter. I was certain that grammar school would provide me a better education and opportunities than the school my sisters were sent off to.
As even if my brother worked in a bank from the sounds of it he was a lowly teller not a businessman type.
At a family party my uncle said something to one of my older cousins, on break from Hogwarts, about muggleborns being lesser and my cousin just agreed with an odd sense of superiority. I accidentally chuckled at the exchange which got me dirty looks and my older cousin pulling me to the side. I didn’t debate the superiority part of it, I only asked the question of “ Just because someone started in a lesser place in comparison how does a characteristic like blood status imply there current state in comparison to others without other factors? “ My older cousin responded “ I got a good feeling about you. You’re not a squib yet so keep your head up high and don’t let the rest of your lot pull you down. “ As it was obvious I misstepped with my words I let the conversation go and with that my cousin likely forgot the exchange.
The uniforms for grammar school were expensive. While Clementine just provided me with a couple to switch between my friend Luca wasn’t as lucky and his family could only get him the one. Thankfully Luca and I were able to take jobs around the neighborhood to get him a second uniform by Halloween.
Everything had limits. Even rules given by governments. Pirate radio proved that. It also proved there were likely limits to my own families influence.
The countryside? A farm was the weirdest place for a field trip. I never imagined how dirty it all was and thought it would be more like the sea side. It was funny watching some of my more posh classmates, and thinking of it I expect that some of my cousins would have acted similarly in there place.
When Luca and I talked to our friends that went to the other schools it was night/day the teaching style, and one of them was even allowed to wear jeans. We strictly had to wear blazers and slacks to school. Thought it would have been fun to do some woodworking classes one of our former classmates mentioned.
I almost asked my former classmate if they made brooms in woodworking class, then I remembered muggles just used them for brushing floors.
My Grandpa Razi called me and my cousin over to accompany him on rounds at a party he was hosting with family and his ministry co-workers. My time in grammar school had unknowingly given me better posture and composure than my cousin. The catch was I had no idea who Tigran Razi was, and only seconds to figure out an introduction that I’m certain my cousin practiced his equivalent with his father multiple times. I remember saying for my first introduction “ It is a pleasure to meet you. I’m Tigran Razi and I’ll be starting Hogwarts in a year and a half like my cousin. My mother works as a potion masters assistant which I think is rather neat because of how magic can be channeled thru potion making. Which makes me excited to learn more about applications of magic when I go to Hogwarts and get my own wand. “
Grandpa Razi nudged my cousin as he looked at me and tried to say the word squib with the ’s’ only crossing his lips. Even better to distract his co-worker my grandpa said “ Both of my sons have raised two boys I feel will have great potential. You should bring your daughter to my next get together so I can introduce my boys as they are about the same age. “
My father was shocked when I told him the story of that, and mentioned that I lasted far longer accompanying grandpa than any of my siblings had at an event.
England won the World Cup. I obviously couldn’t get into Wembley stadium, however in the earlier rounds of the tournament Luca’s father took us so we could stand outside the stadium and cheer with other fans. For the final match I watched it in black and white on Luca’s families telly, and as we cheered we could hear Luca’s neighbors cheering from their houses as well.
A week after I started my second year of grammar school one of the boys in the year above me came up to me and gave me two of his old school uniforms as he’d outgrown them over the summer. I was shocked and thanked him as usually that boy barely acknowledged mine or the other lower class boys existence.
The clothes were really nothing to my classmate as after that he hardly acknowledged my existence again. Except for a small smirk I saw the first day I wore his old clothes.
One of my favorite field trips was to the British Museum. It was awesome looking at the sheer number of items from different cultures. There was one armillary sphere that looked just like the picture of a wizarding time turner in a book I read years ago. It was a pity it was behind glass or I’d of tried to give it a spin.
I overheard my parents and Razi grandparents talking about an offer for my eldest sisters hand in marriage to a pureblood that had a bit too care-free a reputation and would need a wife to settle those rumors. It sounded more like a business deal than an arrangement that had any care for my sister.
Was my brother’s marriage arranged similarly? My parent’s? My friends in the muggle primary school had parents with silly stories of how they ended up together. In that moment I realized I’d never heard any such stories just mentions of life before and after marriage there was no in-between in my immediate family. Did squibs have romance?
It was weird visiting Oxford as it was a magnificent and looked like some of the pictures I'd seen of Hogwarts in books and from my cousins. It had castle like architecture and libraries where the books went near to the ceiling. It was just magical. The goal of my schools headmaster was that as many of us would get into Oxford or Cambridge to continue our education.
If I didn’t get into Hogwarts. Oxford was my second choice. I’d won the lottery with my 11-plus, and was confident I could work hard and do it again.
Gulag grabbed one letter from the mail and looked at me with the happiest expression I’d ever seen then disappeared in a snap. I thought nothing of it as I was distracted by birthday presents and cards that Gulag had pushed in my direction before taking that letter.
I was opening my third birthday card and I heard a pop behind me and it was my Grandpa Razi with the biggest smile I’d ever seen. The rest of the day was a blur of celebration and adults buzzing in celebration.
I only got to send a thank you letter to Clementine weeks later which was never replied to ( and was proofread by my parents so I couldn’t truly thank her ). I never got to say any goodbye to Luca and my friends. After all, if I snuck back to that world odds were the memory of Reginald Ivansko would be obliviated from the memories of the people who knew me.
I was placed with my cousin and his nanny who was near drill sergeant with her desire for us to learn about magic from books to prepare for Hogwarts. It was apparent my cousin had no experience with this though I had plenty of teachers similar, especially in grammar school. I was a disappointment as I didn’t have the wizarding knowledge she expected. I wasn’t worried as muggleborns would also be in my classes forcing things to be explained from the beginning - as I could only imagine Luca’s confusion if he got a letter.
I couldn’t hear the sorting hat as I watched the person before me squirm in their chair and whisper words trying to drive it towards sorting them in a particular house. Yet, when I sat in the stool myself I could hear it. Even though I refused to mouth words, as I had zero intention for the eyes watching me to know my responses, the sorting hat seemed to respond in conversation as if I said my thoughts. The realization that magical items could be so personally intrusive to ones mind was enlightening, and a bit scary.
The fashion statement for Hogwarts would be gloves, and avoiding wearing other peoples clothes and hats as the last thing I’d want is my secrets spilled by a less discreet piece of clothes than the sorting hat.
It was surprisingly obvious within the first few weeks just how many of my classmates had never been in a school before, or if they had it was a lower class one like my primary school. As when Luca and I started at our private grammar school it was made clear to us how we were expected to act. Having fun outside of class was one thing, but the behavior inside some of my classes was a shock it was allowed to happen.
I found it easy to say muggles were weird, and predictably my Hogwarts classmate with the comic books defended them ( or likely themselves ). I just wanted them to hand over the version of the Flash they had so I could read it as I used to read them with my old friend Luca from the muggle primary school I could never admit I went to.
I jokingly pointed my wand at a book across the table I was sitting at and said Accio. I was so shocked the book came towards me I did nothing as it hit me square in the chest as it came across the library table. The chorus of laughter was rather fitting and I joined in.
Even though it happened just before the winter holidays I didn’t write home in celebration or even mention it. It was obvious my eldest sister didn’t like the gentleman, and his family was nervous with the record of squibs in my siblings.
Gloves just get messy far wiser to just keep ones hands to oneself in order to avoid touching things that can read your mind like that hat from the beginning of term.
I found it hard in debates with my Hogwarts classmate about the Flash to not mention things from issues I’d read prior borrowing comic books from them. As me and my friends from primary school used to debate them with Luca’s dad - who had accumulated all the most recent run and told us about the issues that had happened in the 40s when he was growing up.
While I studied with my classmates for my first end of year exams I was not nervous. When studying I was confident I knew the material. When I took the exam I made calculated decisions on what to answer correctly which resulted in mediocre grades for my first year. It also resulted in being the final straw for the gentleman that was courting my sister and he went with another option as he figured if my grades were poor my magical abilities were too. Which in the eyes of the gentleman caller increased the odds of if he had children with my sister they would be squibs as even my magic was weak.
I succeeded in giving my eldest sister options. The hardest part was trying to secretly convince my eldest to simply move out and get a job of her own to live an independent life. After all, I doubted our family would choose better with future gentleman callers than they had with the one my purposeful failures had convinced to leave.
I noticed Gulag hidden to the side after one of those conversations but he disappeared with a snap. Surprisingly it seemed like Gulag said nothing.
It was a month into summer and I was at the main Razi estate with some of my cousins of varying ages that also didn’t get the desired grades at Hogwarts. My struggles with spell work had almost become a joke with me failing at most, and occasionally having one enthusiastically cast with a bit more power than expected.
When my grandpa had us all present our wands for yearly polishing my wand failed the basic checks. When the wand smith offered to repair it my grandpa said he’d take me for a new wand.
I found the room of requirement. It was weird how the older years seemed to try to keep the location a secret - at least from me. It made me more determined to find the rumored secret passageways of Hogwarts.
I started having a growth spurt, and apparently one of my cousins wrote home joking about how I no longer fit my clothes. Gulag was told and sent me new clothes along with a note to inform him of future growth spurts, or damage to clothing so it could be replaced. I took care to give the clothes I grew out of to first and second years who had less sets of uniforms from my observations. It was an awkward conversation with a couple of the first years as admittedly I’d never said anything beyond basic greetings to them, and I certainly wasn’t explaining that in the past I had been in there place.
It was likely the same prat of a cousin, who wrote home joking about me, that informed me giving things to lesser bloods wouldn’t make the family look good. I told him to mind his own business.
“ I’m impressed with the improvement of your grades in your second year at Hogwarts. Now there are some things you need to understand, as I’m getting old. After my death a lot less eyes will be on our part of the family as neither you, your cousins, nor any of my children are established enough to become the next head of the Razi family. Your parents and siblings are squibs so that means if anything happens to me you will inherit their homes from me as well as a sum of money meant for you to care for them. “
Grandpa Razi paused and all I could do was nod.
“ Your siblings are not as smart as you. They were sent to a quiet small program for squibs that integrates them into a state school and gives them muggle identities much like the one Clementine gave you. Your eldest brother got job training to work in banking between the wizarding and muggle worlds as people will be watching him as the eldest and will have to remain integrated in the wizarding world. I had your sisters sent to America to begin integrating into the muggle world and potentially disappear after my death. Don’t send any birth announcements for there children and let them be born at muggle hospitals with the muggle identities as parents. Rarely does a wizard show up after the second generation of squibs, and if it does sometimes you let them fall thru the muggleborn cracks as letting there parents assimilate to the muggle world will give them all better lives. “
Grandpa Razi paused with a smirk, and my face was rather shocked and all I could say is “ You’re barely one hundred and ten grandpa. “
“ I’m head of the Razi family and will likely be forced out of my ministry job before you graduate. Many are maneuvering for the position of head of our family, and are amassing the influence required to take it. Being the head of the Razi family put me in a good position to take care of your father and your family though that came at a cost to my influence and reputation. Once a head of the Razi family loses influence, and mine has always been in the Ministry, accidents are known to happen. I’ve had a good life, don’t investigate just take care of your family, and keep a low profile as far as the Razi family is concerned. Gulag and Clementine will assist you. “
Grandpa Razi paused and took a deep breath. I asked “ Have you planned this with my father? “
With a grin Grandpa Razi said “ You are smart, and no. I placed him in a Ministry job as a way to prove my influence, but in such a role far too many Legilimens work at the ministry so your parents must remain in the dark. As of now you’ll need to avoid the Ministry, family parties, Aurors, and any known Leglimens. If you are forced into those places, as you are too young to study occlumency, I want you to concentrate very intently on attempting to recite in your head the name of every potion ingredient you’ve heard of and it’s uses. Also take up dueling it teaches valuable skills in watching for wand movements and most Leglimens need to use a wand. Any other questions?“
With a smirk I asked “ What of Reginald Ivansko? “
With a smile my Grandpa Razi said “ You moved to a farm in America and have been home-schooled. Clementine will be coming the last few weeks of summer so I’ll have you pulled from the summer camp early to work things out with her, and visit your old friends in London to keep some connections here as well. “
* If not sorted in third year reference to ‘ second year ’ in the last section will need to be sorted year minus one. Rest of the apps can remain the same if sorted 3rd year or above.
* If you are curious about the Razi head of family selection process see the application for Oliver Razi ( Oliver voted for Tigran’s Grandpa )
Note: This section is optional, and is up to you to complete.
House Request: Sort!
Personality: Laid-back with a bit of academic ambition
Appearance: He whips his hair back and forth. He hates it when it covers his face, yet he likes it a medium length for those times when having hair in front of ones eyes can be advantageous to him. AKA: When he doesn’t want to make it obvious where he is looking…
In classes he is always well dressed, and presentable. Outside of classes he takes a lot less care of such things unless there is a reason for him to care.
Option I:
Roleplay Response:
Tigran walked thru the dungeons liked he walked thru the rest of the castle - with a bit of confidence and a cautious ear to his surroundings. The dampness was a constant in the dungeons, but he had spent enough time visiting the Razi families main estate in Margate England in the previous few summers that he only missed the sea air.
Looking down at the map he made of the dungeons he made his way to the location where he suspected he’d be on the opposite a wall on the other side. Therefore the knock should sound different as the wall would be thinner. As the goal of this was to prove if another wall segment had something behind it as it sounded thinner than expected based on the map he’d been working on since first year.
"Hello! Is Emma Birch here?”
Distracted from his scientific endeavor he said “ Ghosts usually don’t come when called. “ Then he looked at his map again and the wall he was standing in front of at a weird dead end five feet from the hallway and realized it was three feet wide not the two in his diagram. Still he knocked on it and listened to see how it compared to when he knocked on other walls he was confident were of different thicknesses.
He wished he had some sort of sound measurement device.
Please list any characters you have on the site (current and previous): Zoraida Trowbridge, Jabari Razi, Eliza Mallory, Elijah Thomas Ollie, Paras Pendragon, Nathaniel Ellwood-Luxe, Oliver Razi, Elizabeth Arnett, Cressida Scrivner. ( AKA: A representative sample as I had too many… )
How did you find us?: Too long ago…