Archived Applications / Esmeralda Alricsson - Student App
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an account in your character's full name, and make sure you have read and understand the following:
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Application for Hogwarts School
Name: Esmeralda Rocio Alricsson Wilding Lyons
Birthday: 30th of April, 1959
Hometown: Valencia, Spain
Bloodline: Pureblood
Magical Strength (pick one): Conjuring and Summoning
Magical Weakness (pick one): Divination
Year (pick two): Firstie! (or second i guess??)
Esme has, for the most part, lived a very charmed life.
Her father, though perennially busy, dotted on her the most. And her mother, while sage-like and stern when she needed to be, made sure she stayed on track to be fulfilled. She grew up without a need that wasn't met or a want that wasn't appeased. She had every sort of doll, toy, and trinket a child could ask for.
And yet, it did not really define her. She had an astute understanding that things were things and, while she did favor and like them, she liked people more. That, and magic.
More than even her brother, she dreamed of the time when she could start her magical journey and become a great witch like in the stories she read growing up. She wanted to fly around on a broom and shoot spells at evil doers, defending those that needed it.
When her letter finally came, she hung it up above her bed to her calendar and started counting down the days.
Note: This section is optional, and is up to you to complete.
House Request: Not Gryffindor
Personality: For the most part, Esme is entirely cheery. She loves to smile and loves to laugh. Rightly as well, she can get vocal and angry and loud when someone is doing things wrong. She is quite social, always having been the one to organize the girls at parties to play or instigating a game. She likes to understand the world around her, and could undercut someone with a sharp tongue without the intent to be malicious.
For the most part, Esme is always here for a good time. Even if that means a little mischief.
Appearance: She is blonde-haired, modestly bronzed skin from living on the beach. She is average height, though much of everything else about her isn't. She has a bright, dimpled smile and takes care to present herself the best way possible with rich clothes and jewelry. Takes very much after her parents.
You come across one of these posts on the site. Please select one & reply as your character. Remember, you can only roleplay your own character's actions, not Evangeline's or Hugh's.
Option I:
The dungeons. A place eleven-year-old Evangeline had not yet travelled since her arrival at Hogwarts.
A place she really was just fine with not knowing; but it was too late. The dare had been accepted, even if it had been done in fear of being kicked out of Gryffindor, like the older girls had said she would because Gryffindors were supposed to be brave.
The air changed instantly when she hit the main corridor of the dungeons. The dampness was almost too much for her and she instinctively took a deep breath to avoid the sensation of being suffocated. There was also a sour burning smell which Evangeline assumed was from many, many Potions lessons.
Further and further she walked, her steps so slow and gentle they made no noise against the stone walls and floor. The feeling that she wasn't alone crept up her spine and raised the tiny hair on the back of her neck. Shivering, Evangeline wrapped her arms around herself. Suddenly, she missed the warmth and comfort of the Gryffindor common room. The fire was always going and it made her feel at ease.
Why had she let those girls talk her into this? She was only eleven, she didn't have to be brave. Surely the Headmistress would not kick her out of Hogwarts for not being brave.
If only she had these thoughts while being dared to search for the ghost of one Emma Birch, whom supposedly haunted the dungeons. It was not, Evangeline had learned, the place where the sixteen-year-old girl's life had ended but as she had been from the house with a snake as its mascot, it was the place her spirit had returned to. That common room was down here somewhere, she'd been told.
Something - the small blonde girl wasn't quite sure what - but something made her stop in her tracks suddenly. There was a low, dull thumping noise. Or maybe that was her heart beating so loudly she thought it was coming from outside her body.
"H-h-hello?" Her voice was barely above a whisper.
Remembering that she was supposed to be brave, Evangeline tried again.
"Hello! Is Emma Birch here?"
The sound of her own words bouncing back at her off the walls made her jump.
Roleplay Response:
The dungeons were wicked.
Esme didn't mind getting lost in them. She had been told they were damp, dark, and icky. During the Opening Feast, she'd even asked what she should expect from going down there and what areas should be avoided. Even more than the Forbidden Forest, she was warned the dungeons were no place to travel along.
Now, she couldn't rightly understand why.
Sure, there was the possibility that she could find a path near the potions lab and a poorly-brewed potion might explode. Or she could fall down a chute and find herself falling into an underground pool. Perhaps one of the older Slytherins would be in a foul mood and decide to leave the wayward first-year dangling by her ankle in the air for the remainder of the day.
The rewards for her outweighed said risks. She wanted to experience everything, which included these desolate, dimly-lit corridors. The thing she hadn't planned for was someone else doing the same thing and not having her same bright outlook.
"Hello! Is Emma Birch here?"
The voice sounded shaky. Esme had been happy to walk around in the darkness, but now she took out her wand and cast a, "Lumos!"
"Hi," she said in greeting, letting the light from her wand flood the space between them. She didn't know this girl, not yet at least, though she looked to be near her age. Esme smiled, hoping to disarm any trepidation that might have come from running into a stranger in the dark.
"Is that a friend of yours? Are you looking for her?" Her offer to help hung in her tone, though she didn't outright say it.
Please list any characters you have on the site (current and previous): Adrian Alric and co.
How did you find us?: Player Rec Eons Ago