Archived Applications / Finlay McCormick
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an account in your character's full name, and make sure you have read and understand the following:
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Application for Hogwarts School
Name: Finlay Thomas McCormick
Birthday: 12/5/52
Hometown: London
Magical Strength (pick one):
Conjuring & Summoning
Magical Weakness (pick one):
Year (pick two): First, Second
Finlay Thomas McCormick did not like to share.
Unfortunately for him he had to share nearly everything in his life with one person or another. He shared his mum and dad with all his siblings. Siblings that there didn’t seem to be an end to. Sometimes he had to say their names in his head while counting on his fingers to remember how many there were. Sometimes all he knew was that he hadn’t used all his fingers yet to count them out.
All his toys and other possessions were never really just his either. Even when he kept things in his and Joey’s bedroom with a sign on the door that told everyone to KEEP OUT; things would still go missing. He suspected Cherry was behind most of the stealing because she was always following him around and wouldn’t think twice about taking something that wasn’t really hers. It didn’t matter that Fin often, accidentally on purpose, forgot his favourite toys at daycare so he knew where they’d be. Someone always ended up returning them to his mum.
Sharing his face was probably the worst thing he had to share. He was Finlay and did not like when people mistook him for his twin. Fin didn’t think it was so hard to tell them apart, they were very, very different and his temper flared a little every time someone called him Joey. Joey probably found it funny when someone called him Finlay, which just proved Fin’s point of how different they were.
As if all that wasn’t enough, Fin even shared his name. With a ghost, except not a real ghost because then at least he’d have been able to talk to the other Finlay Thomas McCormick. But no, his uncle had died well before Finlay was even born. All the younger Fin had were stories about his uncle being in the war and how heroic he was.
It sounded like a lot to live up to and Fin didn’t mind that maybe his parents expected him to be important because he expected that from himself. He just planned on going about in a way that didn’t mean dying in a war.
Even if he had to share almost everything in his life, Finlay was determined to make sure everyone still saw him and not everyone he had to share with.
Note: This section is optional, and is up to you to complete.
House Request: Slytherin, please!
Outgoing but not always friendly; a person has to be worth his time. Ambitious but he wants most people to like him so he’ll often be mischievous in classes. He likes to lead but isn’t always responsible. Sometimes he just likes ordering people around. He feels almost everything strongly yet he can appear heartless or emotionless. Calculating but makes some decisions quickly enough that might look impulsive to others.
Dark hair that’s usually a mess; average height. Green eyes that usually reveal a hint of whatever he’s feeling even if he’s trying to hide his emotions. Lean with the beginnings of an athletic build. Usually walks with a commanding or purposeful presence, even if he’s about to do something reckless.
Note: This section is only for students who have been previously played at Hogwarts. Please see here for more information about Castle Dropouts levels/how many levels you are eligible to claim.
Link to your last levels request (if you never posted one, link to your last accepted student application):
Number of New Levels Requested:
New Levels Request:
How your character kept up with their studies: Whether your character was still at Hogwarts or left school entirely for a while, tell us how they were able to keep up with their studies and learn about magic, which would allow their levels to keep increasing.
You come across one of these posts on the site. Please select one & reply as your character. Remember, you can only roleplay your own character's actions, not Evangeline's or Hugh's.
Option II:
It wasn’t the best place to practise duelling - the gardens. It presented challenges, sure, with its more enclosed space than the courtyard; swinging his arm around sometimes led to smacking a grouping of flowers or being scraped by some branch of some sort. On the positive side, Fin was able to practise his dodges. The foliage acted as a barrier might in an actual duel, helping him work on aiming around something while staying mostly protected by it.
Defensive duelling wasn’t his style and the only reason he was in the gardens was because Joey was wandering around exploring what the Hogwarts gardens had to offer and Fin felt like he needed to make sure his brother didn’t get lost in all the greenery. Fin wasn’t convinced his twin could make it out of such a new place without Fin’s help.
So he was making the most of their trip. The sound of a bird chirping meant he was turning quickly, twisting his wand in a motion that would release a cloud of smoke toward his opponent if he were in a real duel.
A rustle in a nearby flower patch had Finlay quickly spinning around on one foot to focus behind him, his wand hand high in the air while his wand pointed downward, ready to fire another spell at an imaginary target.
Except the boy just ahead in the flowers was not imaginary. He was real, alive and starring in Fin’s direction. His arm had begun dropping back to his side before the boy spoke and his comment had Fin grinning.
“Actually I could use a target to practise on. Since you’re just skipping through the flowers or something, you don’t mind if I try some spells on you, yeah?”
Right arm rising into the air and his wrist twisting his wand to the right, Fin was about to let a spell fly when he heard Joey call out.
”Fin! Come look at this!”
He closed his eyes for a moment and released a heavy breath before dropping his arm and backing away from his almost-opponent.
“Guess we’ll have to do this again another time. Have fun smelling the flowers, even if maybe you shouldn’t be? With all that going on.”
Fin circled his own nose with a couple of fingers, indicating the other kid’s runny nose.
Please list any characters you have on the site (current and previous): Calla and a few others
How did you find us?: Google