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Messages - Seamus OBrien

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Archived Applications / Seamus Aidan O'Brien
« on: 07/08/2014 at 03:34 »

Application for Hogwarts School

Name:Seamus O'Brien

Birthday:October 12, 1925

Hometown: Galway, IE

Muggleborn (registered Pureblood)

Magical Strength (pick one):
Conjuring & Summoning

Magical Weakness (pick one):

Year (pick two):5th or 6th

Biography: Seamus O'Brien was born Seamus Barrow to Aidan and Siobhan Barrow on October 12, 19641925 in Bantry Ireland. He was the youngest child, and the only son. Being the youngest had its perks. His older sister, Ashling, couldn't get away with anything, and frequently got blamed or punished for things he did. He could have gotten away with murder. Life was good for him as long as Ashling was around. She protected him.

Then, one day, his sister got a letter from a boarding school called Hogwarts, and everything changed. If he were to be honest with himself, he was glad that she went to the school. Mostly so that she didn't see what he did. It was bittersweet. He missed his sister terribly,  and as the first year progressed, he began to wonder if he would ever see her again. He watched as their parents told lie after lie about where she was, or denied her existence outright.

It didn't take him long to figure out that he was the only one that ever returned her letters. When their parents found out that they were keeping in touch, he was told to stop writing immediately, and to ignore any future letters. Seamus disobeyed, blatantly. He had no intention of abandoning his sister as their parents had. He didn't see her all summer, but he wrote letters to her at the Summer camp that had been provided for students from her school. He loved reading about his sister's adventures, but he still wondered if he would ever see her again.

It was after Ashling had gone back to the school for her second year there, funded by someone other than their parents, that he received a letter from the same school on his eleventh birthday. For fear of his safety, or being cast out by their parents, he hid the letter from them. However,  that night, he replied to the invitation to attend Hogwarts, and sent it off with the owl that was carrying his latest letter to his sister. The letter in which he told her everything about how their parents were acting toward her, and confessed his own fears should they discover that he had gotten a letter as well.

Seamus had excused himself from a party to ring in the New Year to pour over his sister’s latest letter. As the clock struck midnight, the world seemed to swirl around him. Feeling dizzy, Seamus found himself standing outside a much smaller version of the cottage he had lived in. The boy, knelt, waiting until the spinning feeling stopped. Suddenly, there was a hand on his shoulder, and he looked up to meet the eyes of an Irish lady.

The lady introduced herself as Maeve O’Brien, and explained that she was sent by his sister to ensure his safety. He tried to explain that he couldn’t leave, that his parents would be there any moment, but the woman just shook her head. She explained that she was a cousin of theirs, on their mother’s side, then took him to safety at her home in Galway. The following fall, both he and his sister attended Hogwarts.

During Seamus second year, the political climate of England led Maeve, whom he now referred to as Ma, to send him to a school in France instead. This went on until the war made it more treacherous to remain in France than in England. At which time he was brought back to the home in Galway where he received private instruction.

The end of the London Blitz signaled that it was likely to be safe for him to return to England to stay with Maeve and Ashling, and to finally spend a decent amount of time with the newest addition to the family: Etain. This also meant that he would return to Hogwarts, though his sister had now graduated.

Note: This section is optional, and is up to you to complete.

House Request:Gryffindor (it's where he was sorted when he was an NPC, but since he started being a PC at Beauxbatons, I suppose this is really up for grabs)

Personality:Seamus is, generally, a smart cookie. He's good at making plans, but tends not to follow them in the heat of the moment. More than anything, though, he is protective of the women in his life. He tends to be a little reserved and wary around men, just because he isn't sure of the motives and intends to protect the woman that is now his mother. Likewise, he is protective of his sister, particularly since she is all that he has left of their family.

Seamus firmly believes that there is a fine line between courage and stupidity. He likes to walk with one foot on either side. He is pretentious, has a short fuse on a large temper, and is generally prone to rash action. However, the boy has a good head on his shoulders, and his heart in the right place.

Appearance:Somewhat short in stature, with brown hair and blue eyes. He is lean, but not skinny, more like hidden muscle.

Please reply to one of the Sample Roleplays below.
Ashling had warned him about Astrid Bixby. she had also warned him about the question that was asked...every year....like clockwork. Seamus stopped as soon as he heard the voice calling for attention. The question was asked, and he had an answer.

"I think it would be a good idea to have them at lunch. I would certainly eat them," he offered.

After all, he had lived in France. He had eaten frog's legs, and they weren't half bad. They rather tasted like chicken, in his opinion. Besides, it was really fun to salt them before cooking.

"Do you happen to know the way to the kitchens?" He asked. For some reason, he had the strongest craving for a cupcake he had ever encountered.


Previous Characters (if applicable):Charlotte Cavendish(most briefly), Maeve O’Brien(most notably), Andromeda Sorin, Ashling O’Brien(most recently)

How did you find us?:I’ve been here on and off for 8 years, but Google was my original pointer.

Archived Applications / Seamus O'Brien
« on: 17/05/2013 at 06:47 »

Application for Beauxbatons Academy

Name: Seamus O'Brien

Birthday: 4 October 1925

Hometown: Bantry, Co. Cork, IE (though he does not remember living there)

Pureblood (according to the census in Wizarding Britain)

Magical Strength (pick one):
Conjuring & Summoning

Magical Weakness (pick one):

Year (pick two):2nd or 3rd (preferably 2nd for plot line's sake)

Seamus O'Brien was born Seamus Barrow to parents he can't recall. He was the second born child in his family, and the only boy. He remembered well the events that changed his life, despite the passage of time. He had found himself, at the stroke of midnight, surrounded by strangers in his own home. They looked at him as though he had crashed their New Year's Party, instead of the other way around. It didn't take more than a moment or so for him to be shooed out of the house. In that same space of time, another person had seemed to have come out of nowhere. The woman introduced herself as Maeve O'Brien, a friend of his sister, Ashling. He was taken to a Homestead outside of Galway, IE, where they stayed for roughly a week until Maeve said it was likely safe.

She then escorted Seamus, by Muggle means, more or less, to the village of Hogsmeade, where he spent the remainder of the year with Miss O'Brien. By the end of the school term, Maeve had managed to adopt Seamus and his sister, Ashling. At one point, shortly after the adoption was complete, Maeve had left them both with a rather intimidating Russian man by the name of Demetri, in order to retrieve their personal belongings from the house that she had rescued Seamus from. As he sorted through his things, he came across his letter to Hogwarts, and there he attended his first year of schooling in the house of Gryffindor. Shortly after the start of his second year, and some of his first successful attempts at causing trouble, he learned that his mother had orchestrated a transfer to Beauxbatons. He never got a strait answer as to why he was being moved, but he guessed it might have been the fact that he'd had a hand in a rather spectacular prank pulled on Professor Draginoff, his mother's suitor-turned-fiancé.

Note: This section is optional, and is up to you to complete.

Ecole Request: Performing Arts
See here for more information.

Communaté Preference: Orange
See here for more information.

Seamus is generally optimistic, but far more of a realist than his sister could ever be. He is gifted in any sort of magic that pertains to the element of fire. He also holds a secret that he has yet to share with any but one particular person.

Seamus is a bit short, with light brown hair, and ice blue eyes. His features, in general, are softer than most other boys, earning him the nickname of "babyface" at Hogwarts. Being short of stature and fair in visage, he compensates with ferocity and cleverness.

You come across this post on the site. Please as your character. Remember, you can only roleplay your own character's actions!

The dining hall was a loud, calamitous thing. Students sat scattered through the vast room, speaking various languages, laughing, and simply having a gay old time. A group of students towards the front of the hall sat huddled over a pile of sheet music. Black notes melted on to the off white parchment, splaying out a secret language, only readable to those who carried the gift. Another group sat watching a tall, thin upperclassman parading around her new ballet point shoes in awe. There seemed to be a group in the hall for everyone.

Everyone except Hilary, that is.

Poor Hilary stood soaking in the scene before her with a slight grimace on her face. Before coming to Beauxbatons, she had been overjoyed to begin studying magic, but now as she waded through her third week at the school, she felt lost in a sea of strangers. It wasn't that she was shy, no. Indeed, she even tried to reach out to some students. It was more that everyone seemed to already have their own clique, and Hilary felt so very unwelcome in all of them.

On her plate, she fidgeted with an assortment of vegetables and a delicate pork chop. That was the nice thing about Beauxbatons. Despite the many cold-shouldered students, the food was still incredible.

With a hefty sigh, Hilary strode into the dining hall. As she did, she let her mind wander to what life at the academy might be were she royalty. The students would bow at her feet! And of course she would only ever don the most elegant of robes, decorated in sequins, rhinestones, and laced with frills. All of the girls at the school would fawn over the level of grace she exhibited. Hilary would make wonderful royalty, yes that was certain.

Though, lost in her fantasy, Hilary failed to notice the leather bag lying at the center of the walkway. Failing to notice the bag in her path, naturally caused her to trip, spilling the contents of her plate all over the student sitting just beside the bag.

"Oh! I'm so sorry!"

Seamus was showered by peas without warning. He would have said something snide, had it not been her. He had only just arrived at the school himself, not even having been there a week. Starting the term at Hogwarts had made for a difficult transition.

Over the past couple of days, Seamus had taken his mother's advice, and simply watched the people around him with great interest.  It hadn't taken him long to notice a girl that sat apart from everyone else and ate alone. Unfortunately, he hadn't been watching her too intently today, or he might have seen to move his bag and save her from tripping.

"Oh, no, it's entirely my fault for leaving this old thing in the way," Seamus apologized as he pulled his bag out of the way and stowed it under his seat. A slight flush reached his cheeks at the thought of what Jo-. He stopped the thought there, forcing himself not to burn at the unrealized injustice.

"You're new here too, aye?" He looked at the girl, not wanting to embarrass her. "Why don't you sit by me, and we'll eat together. I'm Seamus, by the way," he smiled to her as he introduced himself and gently patted the seat next to him.


Previous Characters (if applicable): Maeve O'Brien, Ashling O'Brien

How did you find us?: I have been here for many moons, just not in this form.

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