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Messages - Sanja Waldemar

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Archived Applications / Re: Sanja Lizbet Waldemar
« on: 27/04/2014 at 03:55 »
Thank you for the speedy response and the acceptance! Looking forward to it! :)

Archived Applications / Sanja Lizbet Waldemar
« on: 27/04/2014 at 03:21 »

Application for Hogwarts School

Name: Sanja Lisbet Waldemar

Birthday: September 7, 1927 if she becomes a fourth year, September 7, 1926 if she becomes a fifth year

Hometown: born in Heidelberg, Germany but now lives with distant relatives and her father and younger siblings just outside of Oxford, England


Magical Strength (pick one):

Magical Weakness (pick one):

Year (pick two):4, 5

”Schnell, schnell! Schneller! Quick!  Quick! Faster! Ruhig! Quietly! Grab only what you can carry! Wir müssen jetzt gehen! We have to go, now!”

Those words, both in English and German, still echoed incessantly in Sanja’s mind on a daily basis it seemed. 

The brash, stern, frantic voice of her father all wrapped up in one as he gathered everything he could carry in a frenzy, only a couple days after Kristallnacht, November 9-10, 1938, the night of broken glass as he tried to escape from Heidelberg, with his daughter Sanja and her three younger siblings, the only home Sanja had ever known.

Sanja didn’t understand why they HAD to flee.  After all, they weren’t Jewish, and honestly according to what she had been learning in school, and in her all female youth group, both her and her father, and three younger brothers were considered to be the ‘ideal” Germans with their blonde hair and blue eyes. Sanja was confused, disoriented, and defiant during that night all at once. She stamped her feet as she threw down a bag her father had levitated to her, and threw a fit.

„Warum müssen wir gehen? Why do we have to go? Ich werde mich nicht! I am NOT going! Was hast du, Vater zu tun? What did you do, Dad?”

It was no secret to anyone that knew Sanja that she loathed her dad. He was overprotective, and stupid in Sanja’s mind.  Why did he always seem to insist on not using common sense when it came to those inferior to them? Who cared about those inferior people’s plight anyway? They WERE dangerous and the reason for the problems in Germany after all!  Or so she had been taught and indoctrinated with the past several years outside of her home.

So why did her father insist on sympathy for them and others that were threats to the Vaterland? The only reason Sanja and her brothers weren’t were because unlike their dad, they had common sense.  Their grandparents did too, hence why the compliance with German law. Yet somehow the common sense gene skipped a generation when it came to their idealist father. At least that was Sanja’s opinion.

The only things that raced through her mind that night were: what did HE do?  And I can’t believe I am HIS daughter and I’m being forced to leave my home because of what HE did.

Up until now, HE had been pretty discreet in his foolish actions.  Sanja had disapproved of them, but he hadn’t done anything so radical that required him to flee the Vaterland, his homeland AND insist on dragging his children with him to some foreign place to some foreign relatives that Sanja had only seen in wizarding photographs. She sighed and scowled vehemently as she looked and contemplated for a way OUT of this ridiculous idea.

Though Sanja and her brothers couldn’t recall exactly a lot that happened before their mother’s disappearance, one thing they DID know was their father hadn’t been THIS stupid when their mother was still around.  She had been the real rock of the family, and had made sure her family members didn’t do stupid things like go against powerful governments, make fools of themselves, and didn’t do anything to shame their family name.   

So why the 180 of her father, now?

The reality was Sanja’s father became so anti-muggle and magical Germany because he blamed them both for the loss of his beloved wife that evening a few years ago, and he resented them for never being able to find her or give her an answer as to what really happened to her.  Consequently, anything that was against the mainstream governments, Sanja’s father embraced.  Did he really honestly care about the inferior people’s plight? Honestly, no, but it was against the mainstream governments’ opinions so he embraced it.  The reality was, Sanja’s father only really cared about two things, his family’s well-being and the vitality and success of his magical sporting gear and equipment business.

Sanja’s father hadn’t wanted her to go to the muggle or magical schools in Germany at all, but he lost that battle to his own mother and father after Sanja, her three younger brothers, and her father moved in with them after the unexplained disappearance of his sweet, patient, dedicated, caring wife that New Year’s Eve years ago.  They had moved in with them because quite frankly Sanja’s father had NO idea how to cook, clean, or really do any wifely duties at all AND raise four children on his own. Sanja of course knew how to do womanly duties as she had been brought up homemaking skills, charms, etc. so she would be a good mother and wife, but she was far too young to take care of her three siblings AND her father all at once.

After all she was only about 10 at the time of her mother’s disappearance. Consequently, that was why they moved in with Sanja’s grandparents. Truthfully, all Sanja’s father knew was how to be the breadwinner for the family, do handyman things such as fixing pipes, etc. and if he hadn’t ever gotten married, he would be as hopeless as a newborn baby when it came to meals, etc.  He may have been successful in the wizarding business world of selling and creating wizarding sporting gear and clothing, including broomsticks and Quidditch sets, but he was hopeless when it came to anything considered wifely and motherly duties.

It actually took a stunning spell by her father to get Sanja out of Heidelberg, before he got arrested, and to this day, she resents him for it because it meant leaving her friends and the way of life she knew and liked behind. She had no desire to leave Germany behind and go to England, which is an enemy of the Vaterland in her mind, still, and if she could she would go back to Germany in a heartbeat. But that wish and dream can only remain just that, a longing dream with borders closed and the war waging on.

Sanja has resided with her father, Dieter Heinrich Waldemar (39 as of September 1941), her brothers Gunter Ehren Waldemar (12 as of September 1941), Hugo Dieter Waldemar (11 as of September 1941), and Nicklaus Karsten Waldemar (9 as of September 1941) just outside of Oxford with distant elderly paternal relatives since they had fled from Heidelberg in November 1938, before the border closure. The distant relatives are comprised of a retired Auror by the name of Wilhelm Gunter Helmfried and his dedicated wife Karalee Isis Hartmann Helmfried.

Since they had arrived in Oxford in November, even though Sanja had turned eleven by then, she did not attend Hogwarts for her first year of magical schooling.  Her father kept her at home, and Karalee tutored Sanja in magic while her father hired an unemployed muggle Oxford grad to teach Sanja and her brothers Math, English, French, Science, History, Writing, Philosophy, etc. Magic was used in the home when there were no muggles around that could expose them, and besides the unemployed Oxford muggle, there were very few muggles that actually ever came to the home.

The reason for that was simply because Sanja’s father wanted it that way. Dieter thought he might have a better chance of undoing the indoctrination his children had received back in Germany that had been the doing of muggles mostly.  Upon the relocation, Dieter simply moved the headquarters of his successful magical sporting gear and equipment company to a small wizarding area near Oxford. He had planned on having it in Diagon Alley originally, but he feared London would be a major target for the Germans, the very people he had fled, so he decided against it.

Sanja attended Hogwarts after that initial year, but has not adapted very well.  She hasn’t made a lot of friends because she has not been the most approachable person to put it mildly.  She does slightly above average in her classes, simply because she has pretty much buried herself in her studies because doing so has helped her cope with being an outcast, and she hopes by dedicating herself to her studies she might be able to find a way to use them that will get her back home, and that she can find a way to get back at her father.

House Request: Anything but Hufflepuff. Sanja is only really loyal to her brothers, and her homeland.  She is loyal to her homeland because she had been indoctrinated to be so before being forced to uproot, and move because of her father’s action to try and help a Jewish family escape. Sanja doesn’t know that is the reason they had to flee.  As far as she knows it was simply  because her father had gotten too outspoken. Sanja also is not a warm person, nor very happy, or carefree, so she wouldn’t get along with the jovial, carefree, Hufflepuffs at all.  Also, she is not very patient except when it comes to her brothers.

Cold, aloof, and unapproachable. That is how most people would probably describe Sanja at this point in her life.  She harbors much animosity toward her father for uprooting her, and going against their homeland, and desires more than anything to simply grab her brothers and go back to Heidelberg with her brothers and reside with her paternal grandparents.  She has been indoctrinated to frown upon certain groups of people, and that they are the reason for the woes Germany faced, but she is incredibly quiet about that because she honestly doesn’t want to attract any undue attention from local authorities that would put her and her brothers in danger.  The reality is, underneath all the layers of indoctrination, Sanja is not as cold, aloof, and cruel as she might come off as. 

She simply wants to go back home, take excellent care of her brothers and family (except her father, who she sees as a traitor),  make her grandparents proud, and is someone who misses her mother desperately and wants answers too as to what really happened to her.  She does not have as much of a callous heart as one might think.  Honestly, it simply has been broken one too many times, and is a conflicted one.  Part of it says she should be kinder and more open-minded, but the other part says if Sanja was kinder, she’d become weak like those that brought woes to her homeland and she’d become corrupted and a failure that would bring shame to her family.

She is a proud girl, no doubt about that, and wants to be the perfect wife and mother.  She is an intelligent girl when she applies herself, and passionate about traditional gender roles. She sincerely wants to get back at her father, and is somewhat obsessed with that, which is why she is so passionate about her studies.

Her hobbies include sewing, reading, writing, cooking, knitting, and playing the piano. She is extremely protective of her younger brothers, and she fancies reading about useful herbs, although she would not willingly get dirty.

Sanja is not a patient person, except when it comes to her brothers, and can be rather nasty when pushed past the boiling point.  She will not let people in her life easily, and when seeking out companions looks for people that are intelligent, logical, and who values traditional gender roles and values like she does.  She is halfblooded, but acts more like a young lady from a traditional, aristocratic, upper-class pureblooded family than more progressive halfblood ones.  If it weren’t for the stupid H badge donned on her robes, one that just met her would most likely think she was from a traditional, upper-class, pureblooded, elitist German family because of her mannerisms, and haughtiness. 

Appearance: The ‘perfect’ German Woman.  That was how she was often described by her teachers back in Germany and her youth group leader.  She had the coveted long, blonde, hair and Traditional in dress, and mannerisms, are the best ways to describe Sanja’s physical traits.  She is about average height for her age, and is slender.  However, ever since she had been uprooted from Germany, she rarely has been found smiling.  She has an aura of being unapproachable, and haughty, but really if anyone could get past her indoctrination mentality, they would simply find a girl that loves her brothers and grandparents dearly, a girl that wants to make them all proud and see to it they are taken care of, a girl that is misunderstood, and finally someone homesick beyond belief. She never wears anything but long, traditional, dresses, skirts, blouses, conservative shoes, and only pulls her hair back for formal occasions like a fancy dinner/dance or if she is cooking a meal.

Please reply to one of the Sample Roleplays below.

Hogwarts.  Sanja was still stuck here among enemies of the Vaterland, and even though it had been a few years since she had been uprooted from her happy life in Heidelberg, she still hadn’t accepted it.  She was still miserable and unhappy, but her loyalty to Germany never wavered. Honestly, if her homeland had asked her to be a spy for them, she would have welcomed the chance with open arms. Of course she would have been discreet, she wasn’t as foolish as her father.  But the chance never came, and instead she found herself as an outcast among enemies, and trapped.

Damn her dad’s stupidity and boldness. Sanja was a quiet one, one that distanced herself as far away from the ‘enemies’ as she could.  She had to. It was the only way she could keep the promises made at home. She sighed as the Great Hall seemed to fill up with people in seconds. The final Quidditch Match for the championship must had finished, and though her father made a living by supplying the wizarding world with wizarding sporting clothing and sporting equipment, she never had any desire in watching Quidditch.  It was a barbaric sport anyway, and a proper lady should not be seen enjoying such barbarism.  At least that was her mentality.

A proper lady enjoyed more civil sports like gymnastics, track and field, golf, ice skating, swimming, and Pegasus Polo. Those sports required grace, not brute strength. Grace was what should be valued by proper ladies so that meant to be a proper lady Sanja was to enjoy any of the graceful sports as a spectator or live performances such as plays, concertos, recitals, ballets, operas, and symphonies.

Knowing how big a deal Quidditch apparently was here at Hogwarts, Sanja had purposefully entered the Great Hall early for her evening supper.  That way there would be less ‘enemies’ around and she could enjoy the peace and quiet while she brushed up on Charms for her exam coming up.

But apparently that peace and quiet became short-lived as people seemed to pile into the Great Hall at an alarming amount and some twerp plopped down and moped while a bunch of people at a nearby table broke into some sort of victory champ.

Barbaric.  Both of them.  Seriously, did these people have ANY manners at all?  Sanja rolled her eyes as she took one last sip of some hot tea and ventured out of the Great Hall in an attempt to find a refuge from the idiocies of the British people, only to find that apparently the moping boy had already arrived in the quieter hall and seemed to snap at Sanja for no reason with tears in his eyes.

She cursed under her breath in German. This was one of many reasons she hated Great Britain, they were all so overly dramatic it seemed when it came to such a barbaric sport. Sure there had been Quidditch in Germany, but there German players were far more tactful and didn’t see losing a damn match as the end of the world, or so her brothers claimed. Sanja had never personally witnessed a Quidditch game, because it was so very unladylike anyway.

“Why would I want a picture of a pathetic boy anyway?  Other than to burn it for warmth on a frigid winter night?” she said sarcastically and coldly.

Seriously, this boy was beyond pathetic.  If any of her brothers ever acted this pathetically, she’d knock some sense into them, literally.  Boys were supposed to be the stronger gender, the breadwinners, not pathetic crybabies and whiners like this kid. If he’d ever acted like this back home in Germany, the kid would have brought tremendous shame to his family and the Vaterland, not to mention probably have the snot beat out of him. What a pathetic weakling!  No wonder the world had to be purged of incompetents like these.  People like these would poison strong, German genes, and destroy her people, or so the indoctrination Sanja had received said and still accepted without question.


Previous Characters (if applicable): Amity Addison, etc.

How did you find us?: Oldy wanting to come back and try, yet again! Hopefully, rl won’t keep me from being active, again.

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