Welcome to Hogwarts School :: A Harry Potter RPG! It's 1973!

Author Topic: Join Our Discord Server!  (Read 5062 times)

* Calypso Ross

    (15/04/2019 at 23:29)
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  • Auror - Hit Witch
  • C50D30T30S25
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Join Our Discord Server!

Click 'Connect' to join our Discord Server and chat with other members!

Please ensure that you read the Rules channel first. You can then submit a ticket in the Helpdesk channel to gain access to the full server, including Main Chat. Please note that you must have an accepted application to gain access to the full server. If you're a potential new member dropping by, please feel free to ask questions and to chat with our members in the Visitors channel!

If you have any questions, or if you're struggling to join, please PM an administrator, and we'll be happy to help!

Daring, Determination, Drive
