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Author Topic: Resources Directory  (Read 4803 times)

* The Narrator

    (30/04/2018 at 19:32)
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Resources Directory
A Masterlist of Helpful Links

Below is a directory of potentially useful links covering all areas of the site for players to refer to. Bear in mind that players whose applications have not yet been accepted will not be able to view all the links provided. All credit for this idea goes to Euphemia Vane. If you have any questions (or suggestions on other pages to link), please PM an Admin.

Application-Related Pages

Relevant resources for: players who are about to apply or are in the process of applying for a student, adult, professor, or shop.

Rules & Guidelines. please read carefully before applying.
  • Welcome To HS-net: a brief introduction to our site.
  • Site Rules: code of conduct, character policies, character creation guidelines, posting & roleplaying guidelines.
  • Site Rating: this must be followed at all times.
  • FAQ I: further information about the site's structure, our universe, applications, character creation.
  • FAQ II: further information about general roleplaying, character creation, and our online chat system.
  • Shops & Subforums FAQ: information about applying for an Elsewhere shop.
Application Templates.
Other Useful Resources.

Character-Related Pages

Relevant resources for: face claims, special requests, the HS-net Wiki, retirement requests, blood status registration, rosters, wandlore.

Face Claims.
Special Requests.
HS-net Wiki & Retirement.
  • HS-net Wiki: there's tons of information on here, so search for a keyword & see what you find.
  • Wiki How-To: a step-by-step guide on how to create a wiki page. Wiki character templates can also be found here.
  • Retirement Process: see 'deleting a character' section.
  • Retirement How-To: a step-by-step guide on how to retire a character.
Other Useful Resources.
  • Blood Status Registration: register for a blood status badge here. This is not mandatory, but many players enjoy having blood status badges on their character profiles.
  • Hogwarts Roster: a complete list of current Hogwarts students & professors.
  • Shops & Shopkeepers Roster: a complete list of our Elsewhere shops & shopkeepers.
  • Wandlore: a list of wand woods, cores, lengths, and flexibilities.

Magic-Related Pages

Relevant resources for: magical rules, our levelling system.

Magical Rules.
  • Magical Rules: a comprehensive guide to what your character can/cannot cast.
  • Portkey FAQ: information about Portkey creation & use.
Levelling System.

Player-Related Pages

Relevant resources for: player & staff information, suggestions, the Gringotts Exchange, subscriptions.

Player & Staff Information.
  • Memberlist: a complete list of every character. You can use this to search for specific members.
  • Player Directory: a list of players and their characters. Players must add their player name to their characters' profiles to be registered on the Player Directory.
  • Staff Directory: a complete list of our current staff & the areas that they work in. Please contact the relevant staff member or an administrator if you have any questions.
  • Suggestion Box: send us your ideas, comments, & concerns.
The Gringotts Exchange.

Site Canon-Related Pages

Relevant resources for: Camp Loki, Elsewhere institutions, Hogwarts.

Camp Loki. open in april, august, & december for 10-18 year olds.

Site Plot-Related Pages

Relevant resources for: complete site plots, including the Time Warp and the Hexenreich/Resistance, current site plots (Social Reconstruction Committee).

Complete Site Plots.
  • Time Warp I: a summary of our Time Warp site plot.
  • Time Warp II: further information on the Time Warp & its effects.
  • Hexenreich: a summary of our Hexenreich site plot.
Current Site Plots.

Miscellaneous Pages

Relevant resources for: further character creation/development, graphics & coding, social media.

Character Development.
Graphics & Coding.
Social Media. run by our site promo team!
  • Tumblr: our official Tumblr page. Former tumblrs can be found here & here. Our Spellbound Student Newspaper archives can be found here.
  • Facebook: our official Facebook page.
  • Pinterest: our official Pinterest page.
  • Twitter: our official Twitter page.
« Last Edit: 09/08/2024 at 04:00 by Roisin Byrne »
