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Author Topic: Loring Reinhardt  (Read 687 times)

* Loring Reinhardt

    (14/10/2012 at 07:23)
  • Junior
  • C5D8T5S4
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Name: Loring Ebony Reinhardt

Birthday: January 3, 1923   (1961 before slide)

Hometown: Middleburg, Virginia

Bloodline:  Pureblood

Magical Strength (pick one): Divination

Magical Weakness (pick one): Transfiguration

Year (pick two): 4th or 5th  (prefer 4th maybe)

The sun shone through the panes of glass, adding elegance and mystery to an otherwise boringly structured room. Everything was cast in a glowing yellow tint. She enjoyed these mornings best because she was allowed to take them in the privacy of her room, away from expectant tutors and far from pushy aunts. This was her time, where contemplation and imagination was hers. The girl took a seat at the bureau. In a neat array around her was a pile of crisp pages, blank and soft, a glass pot of the blackest ink, her favorite tea cup with its tiny flowers twisting around the handle and a stack of envelopes awaiting their target’s address. Today however, she opened a leather bound book to its first page where gold lettering cast her name on the linen paper: Loring Ebony Reinhardt. She would forego her weekly correspondence. They could wait, and wait they shall.

Dear diary, mother has confirmed it, I will be leaving for boarding school in three weeks’ time. She tells me that it will provide the perfect opportunity to show off my elegant strengths. I am to excel in my studies, as she expects me to, and practice the finer arts of socialization. It should be fun. I wonder what the other students will be like.

I will miss my brothers, but since they have had the chance to school elsewhere, and constantly bring stories home of their follies, I think I shall like being the one to bring my own stories home. Father has warned me away from certain behaviors and tells me that I should present myself well. He tells me that there are few families attending Salem that are worthy of interest, but that it shouldn't stop me from befriending other purebloods. Apparently, friends are power. I don't really understand what he means but I told him I did. I hope I do not disappoint him.

I'm to write weekly. My list is as follows:

Aunt Cheresey – I must always note my artistic endeavors.
Aunt Asmanda – I am to mention little of studies and more about the families I meet
Aunt Anthea – she only wants an accounting of overall performance. Simply put my grades.
My brothers – I suppose anything written will be sufficient, I think I am writing them just to force my own penmanship, but mother does not realize that I enjoy correspondence. It is not a chore for me, as it seems to be for mother.
Father – I am to only send monthly accounts of everything, grades mostly, but I think he will like to know more.

I do not have many others to officially add to the list, but I think I might add my music tutor, Ms. Lindale. She is curious and wonderful and speaks in such a poetic way. It makes me smile because no one in my family behaves like her. Yes, I do think I will write to her, it will be fun.

Loring ceased her careful penmanship, closed the leather bound book and waved her wand over its latch. She uttered a few words under her breath. She enjoyed voicing spells, even those simple ones that required little skill. She thought she might enjoy the boarding school too, for its diversions. Lori smiled to herself. In three weeks she would be sitting on the edge of a different bed, staring at different walls and meeting new people. Focusing on that thought was very intriguing.

Loring Ebony Reinhardt, a very sweet, very quiet girl, easily misjudged as being shy but more correctly coined as being at peace with the world -- her world. Whether in a classroom setting, on a jaunt through the city or taking a stroll through the park, Lori always smiles at the goings on around her as if little can change her mind about the past or present or even future. Beneath all of the outward pleasantries however, Lori is very reserved and private and getting to know the girl might be challenging, as she maintains her perfect little world by keeping people at bay.

At any given moment Lori may be surrounded by friends or be walking beside a prospective boyfriend, but such behavior never leads to anything solid or close. Never hand in hand with anyone, never prone to hugging or outward affection, Lori doesn't allow a friendship to become personal. The control she exerts over her world affects people in a subtle way initially, not always in a bad way, but for those that need a shoulder to cry on, a supportive hug or god forbid a loving kiss, Loring will always come up short.

The girl can't be blamed however, it is just her way. She grew up with few examples of such outward shows of acceptance, few pats on the back were offered when she'd accomplished something grand and fewer hugs received when she felt scared or hurt. She didn't know what she was missing though, not completely save for a feeling of remiss somewhere deep in her heart, because she spent more time with her tutors than any of her family. As a young child, she and her siblings were allowed to spend time playing together but after a certain age, even that changed and she and her brothers were required to study separately from each other and only interact in the presence of adults.

Lori was the youngest of her siblings and by the age of twelve she'd been schooled in the arts, she'd been given dance and singing lessons, she knew how to present herself in public and she'd been told that a woman's objective in the world was to do whatever was necessary to support her family and continue a new one. A portion of her schooling had also been directed at the sciences and history as well, so as to fuel a conversation during parties and gatherings. All of her tutoring had been extremely structured, and every moment of her day occupied, but it didn't bother the girl, because she had nothing to compare it to.

By the time her parents, practically strangers to the girl, decided on boarding school, Lori was a budding woman of 13. A child in most respects, but trained to feel like she deserved the respect that a young woman might receive. She knew how to conduct herself around adults, she knew how to present herself amicably, and she knew how to converse on a multitude of subjects. As for her studies in the arts of magic, she was decently proficient in potions and charms, but she had been especially intrigued with Divination. According to her mother however, she was terribly average when it came to wielding and controlling any form of magic. This meant that boarding school was in Lori's future.

A girl with long dirty blond hair, hazel eyes, a demure smile and soft features will always greet a prospective acquaintance with kindness. Her training dictated as much.

Goofy shows by fellow students would receive a pleasant smile, hard work and struggle received a thoughtful upturn of understanding and even bullying might receive a smirk. She had a reaction for almost anything, the impartial viewer in a large game, and it was merely that, a game and everyone around her were only players in an act meant to entertain her. They were her happy distractions as she traveled into adulthood, lived through her studies and sought out the husband that would make her life complete.

Lori, in general, was pleased with her life so far. She'd missed out on much of what childhood was good for, exploration, outright fun and the adventures that nick and carve at young stone, releasing the personality of an art piece, but she didn't know that.


Only time will tell what friends will be made, how diverse the interactions will be, and how they will affect Lori's bubble of a world. Will she hold true to her tiny future, or will she allow walls to fall and exploration to be had?

And will her parent allow it...

Note: This section is optional, and is up to you to complete.

Society Request: Rook

Personality: Friendly for the most part, but distant, knowing that her time at school is only a stepping stone in life. She enjoys the pursuit of friendships but doesn’t do what is necessary to maintain them. And because of a childhood filled with structured visits and education with little physical interaction, any childish fancies or sweet romances will be one-sided and dashed as she edges away from a pleasant lean, avoids hugging and pulls away from handholding.

Appearance: Straight dirty blond hair down to her back, soft features and hazel eyes set off a girl of average height and build. She prides herself on being graceful and lovely because her mother places so much weight on outward appearance. On an especially good day, Lori’s head might be in the clouds as she plans her future down to the wedding ring. On a bad day she could easily turn against the lesser deserving students, allowing an underlying education in prejudice shine through.

Please reply to the Sample Roleplay below.

Lori thought little about the pairing the professor had made. This was part of school, and although she was terribly unpracticed at working with another young person, she knew there would be little she could do about it. Loring watched as the young man, seemingly more disturbed about the partnering than she, flipped through books. He was entertaining. Most of the students she had the pleasure of speaking with had entertained her.

Loring hadn’t realized how boring it had been with all those tutors. Just her and books and the subjects and the tutor for each piece, this was much better.

"How about I write the essay and stuff? You can just put your name on it. Sound good?"

She couldn’t help it. Honest. Lori giggled and before she could stop the bright sounds bounce around the big room and were absorbed only by the dusty books at the top shelves. Lori clapped her palm to her mouth, eyes sparkling, before whispering, “Oh dear, do you think the Librarian heard?”

Lori didn’t entirely mind however, it was a Library, not a morgue. “And if you want to do all the work, who am I to stop you?” She smiled politely, “I’ll tell you something though, I do like writing, and you won’t be disappointed if I write a paragraph!”

She casually reached for and re-opened Understanding America and leafed through its pages, mimicking Simon. She did so almost egging him on, daring to say no to her offer. She didn’t think she had anything to prove, more than likely she would graduate and not connect with another soul from this school again, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t going to have fun and show off her skills while she was here.


Previous Characters (if applicable): Michael and Elizabeth Woods-Taylor

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« Last Edit: 14/10/2012 at 07:30 by Loring Reinhardt »

* J.Q. Winchester

    (16/10/2012 at 03:28)
  • President, Salem Institute
    • View Profile
Dear Miss Reinhardt,

We are pleased to inform you that your application to Salem Institute has been accepted. Please report to Ms. Lenore Bixby in Admissions (Main Hall, Room 206) at your earliest convenience. Currently, it is winter in our universe, and we recommend bringing appropriate attire for the climate as well as your necessary coursebooks.


J.Q. Winchester
President, Salem Institute
