Application Resources > Resources

Face Claim


Calypso Ross:
Face Claimplease read carefully!
If you would like to claim a face, please use the code below. To use the code, click 'select' and then copy the highlighted portion. Paste the code into a new reply, fill out the form and click post.

Note: If you are retiring a character (i.e. having the account deleted), you no longer need to request a face claim to be deleted from the list. Once the account is deleted, the face claim is automatically removed.
Face Claim Rules
• You must have an application accepted at the sorting hat.
• You must include a link to the accepted application when claiming a face for a new character. This application must have been accepted in the last two terms (i.e. the last eight months).
• You must include a link to a completed thread if you missed the face claim check in and are reclaiming a face. This thread must have been completed in the last two terms (i.e. the last eight months).
• You must include a link to a completed thread if you are changing your face claim. This thread must have been completed in the last two terms (i.e. the last eight months).
• Please ask the original owner of the claim before making double claims. You must note in your post that you have received permission from the original owner.
• You may only have one face claim per character.
• A completed thread is a thread that contains at least three posts by your character. Each post must have at least three paragraphs of three sentences each.

Failure to follow these rules will result in your post being deleted, and your face claim will not be added to the face claim page.
Useful Links
• Face Claim List
• Face Claim Check In Information
• FAQ: Avatars
Face Claim Code(s)
When claiming a new face, use this code:

--- Code: ---[b]Character name:[/b]
[b]Face claim (first name last name):[/b]
[b]Link to accepted application/completed thread:[/b]
--- End code ---

When changing your face claim, use this code:

--- Code: ---[u][b]CHANGE OF FACE CLAIM[/b][/u]

[b]Character name:[/b]
[b]Old face claim (first name last name):[/b]

[b]New face claim (first name last name):[/b]
[b]Link to accepted application/completed thread:[/b]
--- End code ---

If you have any questions, please contact Roisin Byrne. Thanks!

Elric Grimme:


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