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Cassian McCormick - Student Application


Cassian McCormick:
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Application for Hogwarts School


Cassian Thomas McCormick

August 6, 1959

Godric’s Hollow


Magical Strength (pick one):

Magical Weakness (pick one):

Year (pick two):
Fourth (fifth but pleeease be fourth <3)

Cassian McCormick had always been a happy child. The youngest of four siblings, he enjoyed his position as the 'baby' of the family. His natural curiosity had him taking an interest in the lives of those around him from a young age. Many would have noticed his uncanny perception that stemmed from learned habits of people watching. As he grew older, the boy became more hands-on with his observations, viewing life as one big stage upon which one could present many shows and enjoy the performances of others.

When his mother died, the wonder seemed to disappear from the overly inquisitive boy's eyes. His incessant questions of 'why' became more subtle inquiries into the ways of the world and how it all connected. With the blame for his mother's death being passed around, Cassian didn't know what to believe or who to hold accountable. His life grew all the more confusing when his sister Kora up and left them all behind.

It took years for him to reconcile her decision and lingering threads of abandonment remain despite their otherwise strong relationship. The situation is less certain where the larger circle of his immediate family are concerned as Cassian believes his family has unravelled at the seams.

At Hogwarts, Cassian found a kind of sanctuary in the towers or spending hours wandering the library, writing short stories, screenplays or composing music for said screenplays. Though he lacks the effortless charm of his eldest brother Jace or the quiet intensity of his sister Kora, Cassian has a quiet confidence in his own peculiar interests. Magical history and obscure charms fascinate him far more than quidditch or duelling ever could.

Cassian’s uncanny ability to notice details others overlook is a talent that makes him a good listener and a perceptive friend. Though he isn’t one to seek the spotlight, those who know him best appreciate his passion for spouting obscure and often useless facts with the enthusiasm of a child in a candy store. When not indulging his love for the arts, he can be found bouncing around ideas in his head or diving into his next read.

Note: This section is optional, and is up to you to complete.

House Request: Ravenclaw, please.

Tell us a bit about your character’s personality (likes, dislikes, fears, etc.) What are they like on a good day versus a bad one? Is your character particularly cheerful? Do they hate sunlight?

Cassian is both an easy-going and intense boy. The duality of his personality stems from the passion with which he pursues his interests—and the resulting enthusiasm—juxtaposed against his preference for taking things as they come. The boy is not easily rattled by the high emotions of others, whether negative or positive, nor is he flustered by the unexpected—unless it involves one of his plays. Rather, he relishes them all, enjoying the colour they bring to an otherwise dull world. Cass is of the belief that nearly anything could offer inspiration.

Following the death of his mother, the boy needed a means of processing the big emotions that filled him and found his outlet in the theatre, losing himself in the emotions of all the characters he has played. Now, the boy is a glutton for drama, enjoying the way it distracts him from his own inner hurt.

Cassian’s thrill for the dramatic is paralleled only by his thirst for knowledge. His obsessive nature often leads him into deep dives into considerably obscure topics that most might look past or find too heavy/dull. He’s never met a topic he couldn’t muster even a little interest for and his photographic memory helps him retain the bulk of what he’s read. Not one to keep his knowledge to himself, his friends are typically on the receiving end of whatever facts he’s most recently excited about.

That said, the boy is also a fan of lighter reads. He enjoys escaping into a good book for a few hours and following along the emotional journey of the characters found within.
The boy is led by his imagination, often seeking newer and newer inspiration to fuel the stories he writes. He’s also a bit of a hopeless romantic, having spent too much time on or behind the stage. This is balanced only by his practicality from having seen what lies behind the magic of every play. He understands that when the final curtain falls, things aren’t as neat and perfect as they are presented to be. This doesn’t prevent him from dreaming, it merely tempers his expectations.

At the end of the day, he’s here for a good show and certainly won’t complain after getting one.

Briefly describe your character's appearance (hair color, build, stature, etc.) What effect does it have on their personality? For example, does the shy Ravenclaw girl secretly dye her hair black because she hates her natural blonde? Does the curly-haired Gryffindor use charms to hide his freckles?

Cassian is a boy of average build and height for his age. His frame speaks to the hobbies in which he chooses to indulge; a bit thin with no noticeable muscle. He has a curly mess of hair that is often left just that way but there are times—typically when he is trying to become every bit the serious director he believes himself to be—in which he will put in the effort to have it sleeked back. While he believes wholeheartedly that these add to his boyish charm, he believes these same features will make it a little more difficult for others to take him seriously. He has dark brown eyes and a bridge of freckles running along his nose and cheeks. The boy is actually quite delighted by his freckles, thinking they help him stand out just a bit more in a world of so many faces.

You come across one of these posts on the site. Please select one & reply as your character. Remember, you can only roleplay your own character's actions, not Evangeline's or Hugh's.

Option 2:

That rat of his was in for it now.

The gray little rascal had disappeared from his clutches at breakfast. Again.

Before Hugh even knew what was happening, Merlin had shot across the floor, somehow managing to avoid all the feet walking across the hall and had escaped through the open doors.

Which meant that Hugh was now stomping through rows of flowers and other various flora, searching for the small creature. It was like the rat knew Hugh was allergic to most flowers. Merlin always chose to run to the gardens whenever he got away from Hugh. It was as if the rat did not want to have him for an owner.

Hugh had named his pet Merlin because he had hoped the powerful name would give the rat more incentive to be more than a rat. Not that he expected Merlin to change into a wizard or anything, but rats were just so...useless, for the most part. With a name like Merlin, Hugh thought it might give the rat purpose.

The only purpose Merlin seemed to have was getting away from Hugh as often as possible.

As the fifth year trudged into the second row of flowers, not taking much care to avoid trampling the first row, he felt the first sneeze building up pressure in his nose and behind his eyes.

"You blasted rat! Where are you?"

He pulled apart a section of bright red flowers; he didn't know what they were called because he despised flowers, and ducked his head low to peer into the depths of the flowerbed. It was moving closer in proximity to the flowers that finally did it. Hugh took in three great breaths and then let out an almighty sneeze. It was strong enough to disturb some of the dirt on the ground before him.

Groaning, he stood up again and wiped his nose on his sleeve. It was as he was turning his head, his nose running up and down his arm, that movement in his peripheral vision caught his attention. Normally one who preferred to put his best face forward, Hugh was a bit embarrassed to be caught wiping his runny nose on his robes.

Nevertheless, Hugh put on his best haughty voice. albeit a bit thickly with his plugged nose and said, "Can I help you with something? It is not polite to stare."

Roleplay Response:

Was he staring? The boy hadn’t taken much notice. One minute, he was matching the properties of the unidentified plants against the list provided in his copy of Botany for Beginners and the next, half the row of flowers was being uprooted by the boy on an obvious warpath who now stood before him. It was enough to get his attention though the other boy’s nasally words made it clear he’d have preferred that weren’t the case.

Cass straightened from his crouched position, giving Hugh a brief once over before breaking into a lopsided grin. ”Don’t reckon you can.” Not an insult by any means and said amicably enough. Cassian had simply seen the boy around and doubted he could tell the difference between a dandelion and a daisy. Earnest as he may have been to offer his services—and in truth, it was obvious he wasn’t—Cass preferred to remain unburdened by additional ignorance.

He slammed his book shut, understanding that anyone who stomped their way through a flower garden the way Hugh did would probably make it difficult for him to continue his work. It was just as well, he was due a break and thought it better to save what remained of the flowers in this part of the garden.

Some had properties that spoke to his... personal interests.

”But it looks like I could help you. Your…rat, right?” How often did the boy lose that poor thing anyway?

”You’ll only startle him cutting through the garden the way you are. He might be long gone already. We’ll need to set a trap.” Cass shoved the book into his shoulder bag before returning his full attention to his company. ”Grab some of the flowers you’ve already ruined; we’ll twine them together. The purples over there release a sweet aroma when crushed. Is he a fan of that sort of thing or will you need to fetch a snack of sorts?”

It was time to see who was smarter, Hugh or his rat.

It was a worthy distraction from his current pursuit and would provide the boy the opportunity to put some of the other readings he’d done to good use.


Please list any characters you have  on the site (current and previous): Ruth Elliot, Persephone Grimsbane, Maddox Barlowe

Roisin Byrne:
Dear Mr. McCormick,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Term begins on 1 January. Currently, students have gathered at Camp Loki, and we encourage you to spend your summer there. Should you choose, you may also visit our Elsewhere board via the Floo Network to visit or purchase school supplies.

Yours sincerely,

Hufflepuff Head of House


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