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Author Topic: Esméa Guerin | Elsewhere Adult  (Read 791 times)

E. Guerin

    (19/12/2020 at 05:28)
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E L S E W H E R E   A D U L T

Character Name: Esméa Guerin , though people only know her by her last name.
Gender: Female.
Age: 29.
Height: 6’3 / 190 cm
Blood Status: Pure-blood.

Homeschooled, later Durmstrang Institute.

Previously Sweden, Now looking for a place in the UK

Magizoologist & Dragonologists

Do you plan to have a connection to a particular existing place (for example: the Ministry, Shrieking Shack) or to take over an existing shop in need of new management?
The Dragon Research and Restraint Bureau at the Ministry of Magic and Dragon reserves in Europe. Mainly Sweden

Requested Magic Levels:[/b[
Adult characters have 32 starting levels to distribute across these four categories (less levels can be used if you so desire, but no more than 32). The number of levels on the lowest ability must be at least half of the highest ability.

If you want levels above the usual 32 total, or a significantly uneven distribution of starting levels, please fill out and submit the Special Request form here.

  • Charms: 10.
  • Divination: 6
  • Transfiguration: 6
  • Summoning: 10.

Do you wish to be approved as a group with any other characters? If so who and for what IC reason?
No, but I am open for this possibility

Please list any other characters you already have at the site:

The saying ‘still waters run deep’ applies to Guerin. On the surface she is rather stoic, mainly because she never learned to properly express herself. This is also why she is rather abrasive with her words.

Though direct-she isn’t inherently unkind. Unlike her fellow pure bloods- she doesn't have a sense of superiority over others. She generally just dislikes people as whole but not to a point where she would seek ways to harm them.  Guerin is rather apathetic to the plight of people and rather spends her time working with creatures. Considering she prefers the company of an animal that wants to eat her over the company of fellow wizards and witches - speaks volumes.

Biography: (300 words minimum.)


Esmea Guerin was born to a pureblood family Guerin in France. The family was well known as guardians of magical families, but mainly enlisted in the ministry. But being employed in so many dangerous professions, the family has dwindled to only a few. Therefore her birth wasn’t celebrated by her father since male heirs were the priority. Sadly her mother couldn’t conceive more children so they had to do with what they had. Her upbringing was strict and almost suffocating as there was no room for emotions, just bottle everything up and follow the rules. Any disobience was met with physical punishment.

Despite their brutal parenting- the family was making sure they upheld their family name of being guardians to others, to serve and protect. During the early stages of the Hexenreich, her parents were betrayed by the family they tried to protect during an attack and brutally killed. She would’ve died as well if an Auror didn’t snatch her and brought her to safety. Not only were her parents killed infront of her, her other family shunned her, refusing to give the orphaned girl a home. To them, a Guerin girl wasn’t worth having. This betrayel formed an everlasting scar on her towards people.

* Durmstrang Institute *

She was sent to the Durmstrang Institute since the Headmaster knew her parents and felt an obligation to help. With a small inheritance and a suitcase, she was sent away from her home to a strange new world.

At the institute Guerin didn’t value forming friendships or other relationships since she didn't trust people anymore. She became quite an introvert , only speaking when spoken to. Such a loner would normally be bullied into oblivion but due to her height and upbringing, she fought any bully that tried anything. She might be alone in this world, but she will survive nonetheless. The only connection she had was with animals as they were easy to understand and there was no fear of betrayel.
She was an average student that was able to fit in easily due to her upbringing. Following rules was what she grew up with and in someway it gave her some comfort. She did struggle with some subjects as her grades reflected her interest in them. The need to excel at everything was gone since she didn’t have any parents to impress nor a family name to uphold. The only subject she liked , were those that made her feel something.

Like flying. Being in the sky, made her feel alive again as it gave her a feeling of freedom. With her flying skills and upper body control, she was scouted as a Beater for the team. There she began to lose her icy demeanor  and discovered the joy in hitting her opponents with a Bludger. She became known as a bone breaker- a title she kept for many years. She loosened up and began to engage more with her teammates, but when she overheard her teammates calling her a freak, it was painful reminder that people are not to be trusted. Her love for flying prevented her from retaliating against her own teammates so she bottled it up, until one butterbeer afternoon she had a fight with her captain and lived up to her name.

Next to flying, she had outstanding results with the Dark Arts, especially with dueling as this was a way of directing her frustrations towards others in a ‘legal’ way. To her this was a loophole that got rid of her pent up anger. Her favorite spells came from weather related phenomena – as they reminded her of the sky. A skillset she would later use in her career. Her love for dueling even made her enter competitions until she was briefly disqualified when she lost her composure during a duel and used a lightning spell that set the stage ablaze. People thought she would end up as a Dark Wizard but she merely laughed when she heard that and simply said "don't insult me".

The only thing she didn’t manage to ruin with her anger issues, was working with mythical creatures. If it wasn’t for the Headmaster sending her to a dragon reserve as punishment after her fight and fire incident, she would never have discovered her love for the creatures.  When she came back she focused on becoming a Dragonologist. This new goal in  life, gave her the focus to calm down and control her anger. To keep her anger under control and increase her magical stamina- she began to do more physical excercise . And thus without any fights or accidents, she graduated from Durmstrang.

*Dragon Research and Restraint Bureau*

After Durmstrang Institute she began to work at the Beast Division of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. After many gruesome years and plenty of injuries – she was finally a Dragonologist. One of her successes was introducing a way of incorporating routine patrols that didn’t disturb dragons during nesting. Now as an experienced flyer and duelist , she also taught how to duel on a broom during dragon dealer raids. Among the dealers, she became known with her trademark lightning spells. At the Dragon research and Restraint Bureau, she made great strides in lowering illegal trade of dragon eggs and materials.

However, her directness and hands-on work ethic, didn’t make her particularly well liked. She would rather fly in a storm ,being chased by a cranky dragon than socialize at the bureau for a promotion. Nonetheless, she managed to befriend some colleagues at the Bureau and even became a leader of a small team in Sweden. She finally found a place where she could be herself until the annual broom race of 1960.

* the annual broom race of 1960*

Guerin led a team that kept an eye out for flyers in case they got lost and to prevent them from disturbing the dragons. A few flyers ignored her warning and decided they would go for a short cut. Their shortcut  went through an area with a few breeding dragons. As predicted, a Swedish Short-Snout noticed them and went in pursuit. With her team she tried to hide the contestants with a cloud casting spell but the dragons blue breath evaporated them before it could work. During the chase the wizards and witches began to casts spells to keep the dragon away but when the spells began to come dangerously close to the eggs on the ground, Guerin made a choice.

She lit up the sky with a lightning spell to create a temporary divide between the dragon and the flying idiots. It scared the dragon off, not before its tail smacked her from her broom. As casting such a spell drained her energy levels, she wasn’t able to move out of the way in time. This resulted in a few broken ribs, a leg and a broken broom. Luckily her teammate managed to catch her before she fell to her death. During her spell she also may or may not have fried a few flyers as collateral damage. All in all, not a great day.

During the hearing about this event, things became rather heated. One of the people she fried, was apparently a popular contestant from a well known British family. Somehow the argument went from civil to personal. He stated that it was no wonder that she was so beastly, because she was a Durmstrang and that no Hogwarts alumni would make such an error. Now this ruffled a ton of feathers in the courtroom as there were Hogwarts and Durmstrang alumni in the room. Guerin kept her composure since she never understood this rivalry between schools and frankly she didn’t care about his opinion about her. She knew she would’ve gotten a warning and that was that. That was until he voiced his opinion regarding dragons as pests-which gave her an allergic reaction. This reaction manifested itself in her losing control of her fist until it landed in his face..repeatedly.

When she was pulled of him, she shouted a sentence that would change her life “ Clearly Hogwarts can’t teach you how to fly nor fight, you British pig!”

One of her teammates sighed as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. The juror, being a alumni of Hogwarts stamped the word SUSPENDED quicker than a Golden snitch.

* Suspended*

You come across one of these posts on the site. Please select one & reply as your character:

Option Two -
The snow had been falling steadily all morning and it didn't look like it was going to stop any time soon. Joshua Campbell scrunched his face up in a frown as he lifted his gaze to look to the sky. Snow. It really was quite a bother.

And it certainly didn't make it better that Diagon Alley seemed to be getting more and more crowded. Joshua sighed and pointed his wand at the large box that was currently placed on the doorstep of his shop. He had to get going. He had an order to deliver.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" The elderly man muttered and watched the box hover in the air for a moment. Honestly, did St. Mungo's really need that much tinsel? And with glitter of all things? He sighed again. If it hadn't been for the rather convincing stamp on the order, he would have been likely to believe it had been a prank by one of those orphaned rascals living up there.

Oh well, there was no point in waiting. Joshua deftly stirred the box down the doorstep and out onto the street, carefully levitating it above the heads of the crowd.

"Coming through! Coming through!" His voice sounded over the chatter of the crowd. "Keep out! Move ahead! Go on!" This was going way too slow. People were in the way and walking like they had all day! He huffed. Luckily the road was down hill.

"Coming through! Coming th--- arrrgh!" Joshua let out a loud shout as his feet suddenly slipped in the snow and sent him, the box, and several long strands of tinsel tumbling into the person who had been walking in front of him.

"For Merlin's sake!" Joshua muttered angrily as he hurried to his feet again, red and gold tinsel now decorating his black coat. "I am so sorry! This blasted snow!" He looked apologetic at the person he had crashed into.

Roleplay Response:

The sound of the stamp still echoed in her mind as she stood there, gazing at the falling snow. Suspended for an undisclosed time wasn’t how she would’ve envisioned her future. She was missing her team, the dragons and the sky. The only thing she had to remember her dragon days by, was her scorched coat.

This human giant stood in the alley, holding a piece of parchment with a small drawing of a map. Well, calling it a map was a tad exaggerated since it was a straight line between one X and another, but it still proved to be a challenge for Guerin as she was utterly lost. The innkeeper kindly drew it for her, since she couldn’t remember any of the streets from her previous visits. Maybe the world had changed so much during her absence OR she had taken a few too many blows to the head. With her track record, the latter was more accurate.

Even now, she was walking with a slight limp as her leg hadn’t healed yet from her dragon encounter. She sighed and looked back at the piece of parchment, her face grimace slightly as her ribs hadn’t healed yet either. Snow began to collect on her black coat as she stared at the parchment, getting confused at the minimalistic map. Frankly, she didn’t understand why she had to get a new broom since she wasn’t allowed to fly anyway. She frumpled the parchment in her hand and tucked it away. Well , it beats sitting around doing nothing. She’d just explore the street and hope for the best. She put her hood up to remain as anonymous  as possible since she wasn’t well liked by the dragon dealers that lurked these alleys. As she continued her journey of confusion, she felt something hit her back.

The boots she got in Sweden prevented her from slipping herself as they were suited for snowy weather, though she wasn’t easily moved because of her stature anyway. “hmm?” Guerin turned around, initially not seeing what just ran into her until she heard a boys voice. She looked down and saw a young boy apologize profusely.

When he looked up to see who he ran into, Joshua saw a hooded figure looking down at him. “I-I am so s-sorry!” he moved back a little as he realized he just crashed into a giant, a giant smelling of smoke and sulfur. The added tinsel did not bring any sparkle to this dark figure nor did it lighten the mood. Suddenly a hand shot from under the coat , he reached for his wand that he kept on his side, expecting the worst until a woman’s voice came from this menacing sparkled up figure.

“Take me here.” She  commanded. It took a few seconds for Joshua to register what just happened. “Huh?” He looked down and saw the figure holding out a piece of parchment with a map drawn onto it. He looked back up and saw that this dark figure was just a tall woman wearing a black coat. He sighed of relief and fixed his composure but when he looked back at her, her dark brown eyes glared at him. She looked angry but in reality she was just thinking this boy just came at the right time and could possibly help her.

Guerin looked at him and raised the parchment. “Bring me here and I’ll forgive you” She didn’t ask him kindly, she just told him what to do. With the directness in her voice and towering height- Joshua didn’t really feel like he had any room to renegotiate with this person. Helping this woman on her way was the least what he could do after crashing into her, right? Plus he didn’t really want to know what would happen if this woman didn’t forgive him. His eyes inspected the parchment and recognized a name“ Broomshop?..s-s-ure I know where that is”

Guerin bent down to pick up the boys box, holding it under her armpit and simply said “Perfect, lead the way”. As Joshua walked through the crowd with an uncomfortable look on his face to the Broomshop, Guerin was behind him with a content look on her face, despite looking like a charcoaled Christmas tree.


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« Last Edit: 20/01/2021 at 19:23 by Calypso Ross »

E. Guerin

    (19/12/2020 at 06:12)
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Ignore this application. I haven't finished and didn't know you can't edit an application. I'll post the done application in a new post.

Nobody knows how to get back home.

E. Guerin

    (23/12/2020 at 19:00)
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E L S E W H E R E   A D U L T

Character Name: E.Guerin , First name is Esmeá but only a few know her first name
Gender: Female.
Age: 30.
Height: 6’2.
Blood Status: Pure-blood.

Homeschooled, later Durmstrang Institute.

Previously Sweden, Now looking for a place in the UK

Magizoologist & Dragonologists

Do you plan to have a connection to a particular existing place (for example: the Ministry, Shrieking Shack) or to take over an existing shop in need of new management?
The Dragon Research and Restraint Bureau at the Ministry of Magic and Dragon reserves in Europe. Mainly Sweden

Wand Information
14” inch, Red Oak with a dragon heartstring core , rigid

Requested Magic Levels:
Adult characters have 32 starting levels to distribute across these four categories (less levels can be used if you so desire, but no more than 32). The number of levels on the lowest ability must be at least half of the highest ability.

If you want levels above the usual 32 total, or a significantly uneven distribution of starting levels, please fill out and submit the Special Request form here.

  • Charms: 10.
  • Divination: 6
  • Transfiguration: 6
  • Summoning: 10.

Do you wish to be approved as a group with any other characters? If so who and for what IC reason?

Please list any other characters you already have at the site:

The saying ‘still waters run deep’ applies to Guerin perfectly.
Initially she comes across as a stoic woman with a collected demeanor.  A no-nonsense woman with a rather indifferent personality, observing people more than interacting with them. When she does, she is rather abrasive with her words, using her dry-wit and sarcasm to throw jibes at others in battle or casual conversation.

Though direct-she isn’t inherently unkind. Unlike her fellow pure bloods- she doesn’t share their sense of superiority over others. To be frank,  she dislikes people as whole but not to a point where  she would seek out ways to harm them. In fact, she prefers the company of dragons over the company of fellow wizards and witches.

But underneath the surface, Guerin has a quick temper and a violent disposition, in particular towards those that try to insult her work or harm mythical creatures. It stems partly from her pride as a Guerin but mainly because of her protective nature. She might extend this to her peers- though she’s selective and would deny any involvement afterwards. Though a stickler for rules , she isn’t above finding loopholes as long as it is morally justified in her eyes. As a confident caster and flyer, she is quite the fearless witch .

Physically, Guerin is quite a strong woman due to her build , exercises and history with handling beasts. Being in brawls has given the necessary fighting skills though her talents lie in flying and casting spells. Working in the wild has given her excellent survival skills and she is a quick thinker during stressful situations.

Prolonged exposure to the elements, repeated injuries and dangerous spells has done damage to her body so she is has become more prone to injuries and healing takes allot longer. Despite her risky profession she relies on others for healing as she has no talent in making potions or casting healing spells. She is quite stubborn regarding her own health and keeps pushing her limits, despite knowing it could end her career - which is one of her greatest fears.

Biography: (300 words minimum.)

Esmea Guerin was born to a pureblood family Guerin in France. Like any pure blood family, they were obsessed with upholding their family name and traditions. Their name is derived from the Old French Guaran , meaning ‘to watch or to guard” and for centuries they were well known to be guardians or protectors in the magical world. But being employed in so many dangerous professions, the family has dwindled to only a few. Her birth wasn’t celebrated since male heirs were the priority during the time. Her mother didn’t conceive again so Guerin was all they had. Her regimented upbringing was very suffocating with no room for expressing emotions. Just because she was a girl, didn’t mean she would be treated differently.  Any disobedience was met with physical punishment, ingraining their sense of loyalty and duty early into Guerin’s mind.

During the early stages of the Hexenreich, her parents were betrayed and killed by a family they considered as friends, family even. She would’ve died as well if an Auror didn’t catch a lighting spell to create a diversion in order to snatch her and bring her to safety. This would be the start of her fascinating with lightning as it became a sign of protection and strength. Since she was a girl, the rest of the family broke their own morals and shunned her, stating that she wasn’t good enough to be in the family. This betrayal formed an everlasting scar on her towards people.

* Durmstrang Institute *
She was sent to the Durmstrang Institute since the Headmaster knew her parents and felt an obligation to help. With a small inheritance and a suitcase, she was sent away from her home to a strange new world.
At the institute, Guerin didn’t value forming friendships or other relationships as she developed trust issues towards people. She became quite an introvert , only speaking when spoken to. Such a loner would normally be bullied into oblivion but due to her height and upbringing, she fought any bully that tried anything. For a moment, she even tried protecting others, as it was her nature but found out that the victims would turn against her in the end. Yet, another betrayal. It hardened her against people and soon she wouldn’t even bother. The only connection she had was with animals as they were easy to understand.
 She was an average student that was able to fit in easily due to her rigorous upbringing. Following rules was what she grew up with and in some way it gave her some comfort. She did struggle with some subjects as her grades reflected her interest in them. The need to excel at everything was gone since she didn’t have any parents nor family to impress. This caused an internal struggle within her but she found relief in two particular subjects.
Flying. Being in the sky, made her feel alive again as it gave her a feeling of freedom and gave her that adrenaline rush she craved. With her flying skills and upper body control, she was scouted as a Beater for the team. There she began to lose her icy demeanor  and discovered the joy in hitting her opponents with a Bludger. She became known as a bone breaker- a title she kept for many years. She loosened up and began to engage more with her teammates, but when she overheard her teammates calling her a freak, it was painful reminder that people are not to be trusted. Her love for flying prevented her from retaliating against her own teammates so she bottled it up, until one butterbeer afternoon she had a fight with her captain and lived up to her name.
Next to flying, she had outstanding results with the Dark Arts, especially with dueling as this was a way of directing her frustrations towards others in a ‘legal’ way. To her this was a loophole that got rid of her pent up anger. Her favorite spells came from weather related phenomena – as they reminded her of her savior. A skillset she would later use in her career. Her love for dueling even made her enter competitions until she was briefly disqualified when she lost her composure during a duel and used a lightning spell that set the stage ablaze. People thought she would end up as a Dark Wizard due to her antics but she didn’t care about the plight of others or their need to be superior.
The only thing she didn’t manage to ruin with her anger issues, was working with mythical creatures. If it wasn’t for the Headmaster sending her to a dragon reserve as punishment after her fight and fire incident, she would never have discovered her love for the creatures.  When she came back she focused on becoming a Dragonologist. This new goal in  life, gave her the focus to calm down and control her anger. Finally she found something she could protect , a way to show she is worthy of her name. To keep her anger under control and increase her magical stamina- she began to do more physical exercise and practiced her skills rigorously. Without any friends – she had the time to do so. And thus without any significant fights or accidents, she graduated from Durmstrang.

*Dragon Research and Restraint Bureau*
After the Durmstrang Institute she began to work at the Beast Division of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. After many gruesome years and plenty of injuries – she was finally a Dragonologist. One of her successes was introducing a way of incorporating routine patrols that didn’t disturb dragons during nesting and kept casualties low. Now as an experienced flyer and duelist , she also taught her peers how to duel on a broom during dragon dealer raids. For almost ten years she spent honing her flying skills and casting her trademark spells.Among the dealers, she infamous for her trademark lightning spells . At the Dragon research and Restraint Bureau, she made great strides in lowering the illegal trade of dragon eggs and materials.
However, her directness and hands-on work ethic, didn’t make her particularly well liked. She would rather fly in a storm ,being chased by a dragon than socialize at the bureau for a promotion. Early on, her mentor at the Bureau, Gertrude Tillbott became her supervisor and advisor. This tiny round woman was the only person Guerin would listen to and she managed to keep her out of trouble – most of the time. Since she was a talented witch in a niche field, the bureau overlooked some of her transgressions .In time, she even managed to befriend some colleagues at the Bureau and even became a leader of a small team in Sweden. Despite her accomplishments, her estranged family still sees her as a black sheep but to her, they were the ones that doesn’t uphold the name. After so many struggles, she finally found a place where she could be herself until the annual broom race of 1960.

* the annual broom race of 1961*

Guerin led a team that kept an eye out for flyers in case they got lost and to prevent them from disturbing the dragons. A few flyers ignored her warning and decided they would go for a short cut. Their shortcut  went through an area with a few breeding dragons. As predicted, a Swedish Short-Snout noticed them and went in pursuit. With her team she tried to hide the contestants with a cloud casting spell but the dragons blue breath evaporated them before it could work. During the chase the wizards and witches began to casts spells to keep the dragon away but when the spells began to come dangerously close to the eggs on the ground, Guerin made a choice.

She lit up the sky with a lightning spell to create a temporary divide between the dragon and the flying idiots. It scared the dragon off, not before its tail smacked her from her broom. As casting such a spell drained her energy levels, she wasn’t able to move out of the way in time. This resulted in a few broken ribs, a leg and a broken broom. Luckily her teammate Otto managed to catch her before she fell to her death. During her spell she also may or may not have fried a few flyers as collateral damage. All in all, not a great day.

During the hearing about this event, things became rather heated. One of the people she fried, was apparently a popular contestant from a well known British family. Somehow the argument went from civil to personal when he realized he had been shot down by a woman. He stated that it was no wonder that she was so beastly, because she was a Durmstrang and that no Hogwarts alumni would make such an error. Now this ruffled a ton of feathers in the courtroom as there were Hogwarts and Durmstrang alumni in the room. Guerin kept her composure since she never understood this rivalry between schools and frankly she didn’t care about his opinion about her. Tillbott had coached her through the hearing so she knew that if she just answered the questions, she would’ve gotten a warning and that was that. That was until he voiced his opinion regarding her team and dragons being pests-which gave her an allergic reaction. This reaction manifested itself in her losing control of her fist until it landed in his face..repeatedly.

When she was pulled of him, she shouted a sentence that would change her life
“ Clearly Hogwarts doesn’t teach you how to fly nor fight, you British pig!”

As some Durmstrang alumni laughed, Tilbott sighed as she rubbed the bridge of her nose, knowing she just poured gasoline on a bonfire. The judge, being a proud alumni of Hogwarts stamped the word SUSPENDED quicker than a Golden snitch.

And just like that Guerin went from a field job to a desk job until she had done several anger management courses and kept out of trouble for an undisclosed time. Any trouble during her trial period and she would serve out her punishment in Azkaban. The cherry on top this punishment sundae, was no more flying. The judge had basically clipped her wings by giving her a desk job.

After the hearing, Guerin leaned against the elevator wall, staring blankly at metal gates as they closed. Next to her was Tillbott, charged with being her guard dog as usual. As the lift went past each floor, she had to endure the stares and whispers of others. Her red knuckles still burning of the fight before, a reminder of her mistake yet that wouldn’t deter her from speaking her mind. “I can hear you” she said , causing an uncomfortable silence until they got off. The rumor mill had already spread the news of her latest transgression so until the next big thing happened, this would be her daily occurrence for the time being. At this point, she’d rather be alone in a cell than deal with gossiping idiots. When she was alone with Tillbot she dead-panned “Is Azkaban full?”

Tilbott snorted a laugh “is azakaban full..” before smacking Guerins injured leg with her notebook, which made her grit her teeth in pain “NO! You’re luckily you didn’t end up in that foul place! Why did you have to say..well yell all those things? and fighting?! In a court room?!Honestly Guerin, why can’t you just stay out of trouble?”

Guerin wanted to respond but when Tillbott held up her notebook again, she closed her mouth and looked away like a scolded child. “Just do what they ask until they reinstate you! You could use this time to take care of that body of yours.”
A frown appeared on her bushy eye brow as she looked at the supportive leg cast ,it had become the norm to see Guerin in a cast or bandaged up. In all those years she began to see this stubborn woman as a daughter, fearing that one day she would get a letter of her death each time she went to a reserve. The way Guerin flew and her preference for certain spells had been taking a large toll on her body. The fact that she couldn’t control her spell fully and caused collateral damage was a sign that her body was struggling “ Maybe it’s time to stop and focus on a new life“

The mere suggestion struck a chord with her, being a Dragonologists was all she wanted, it was who she was. Guerin’s  glared down at Tillbott and hissed “And become nothing?” To her the only thing that could stop her , was death. Not retire like a coward. As the lift arrived at the entrance hall, she slammed the door to the side and  stormed out. With a sigh, Tillbott looked at Guerin“..well atleast she didn’t yell this time, so that’s progress”.

 Option Two -
The snow had been falling steadily all morning and it didn't look like it was going to stop any time soon. Joshua Campbell scrunched his face up in a frown as he lifted his gaze to look to the sky. Snow. It really was quite a bother.

And it certainly didn't make it better that Diagon Alley seemed to be getting more and more crowded. Joshua sighed and pointed his wand at the large box that was currently placed on the doorstep of his shop. He had to get going. He had an order to deliver.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" The elderly man muttered and watched the box hover in the air for a moment. Honestly, did St. Mungo's really need that much tinsel? And with glitter of all things? He sighed again. If it hadn't been for the rather convincing stamp on the order, he would have been likely to believe it had been a prank by one of those orphaned rascals living up there.

Oh well, there was no point in waiting. Joshua deftly stirred the box down the doorstep and out onto the street, carefully levitating it above the heads of the crowd.

"Coming through! Coming through!" His voice sounded over the chatter of the crowd. "Keep out! Move ahead! Go on!" This was going way too slow. People were in the way and walking like they had all day! He huffed. Luckily the road was down hill.

"Coming through! Coming th--- arrrgh!" Joshua let out a loud shout as his feet suddenly slipped in the snow and sent him, the box, and several long strands of tinsel tumbling into the person who had been walking in front of him.

"For Merlin's sake!" Joshua muttered angrily as he hurried to his feet again, red and gold tinsel now decorating his black coat. "I am so sorry! This blasted snow!" He looked apologetic at the person he had crashed into.

Roleplay Response:
The sound of the stamp still echoed in her mind as she stood there, gazing at the falling snow. Suspended for an undisclosed time wasn’t how she would’ve envisioned her future. She was missing her freedom, the dragons and the sky. The only thing she had to remember her dragon days by, was her scorched coat.

This human giant stood in the alley, holding a piece of parchment with a small drawing of a map. Well, calling it a map was a tad exaggerated since it was a straight line between one X and another, but it still proved to be a challenge for Guerin as she was utterly lost. The innkeeper kindly drew it for her, since she couldn’t remember any of the streets from her previous visits. Maybe the world had changed so much during her absence OR she had taken a few too many blows to the head. With her track record, the latter would be more accurate.

Even now, she was walking with a slight limp as the supportive leg cast restricted the movement in her injured leg.  She let out a deep sigh as she narrowed her dark brown eyes ,trying to make sense of the minimalistic map. Ask her where to find a doxy in a thick forest and she’d be able to describe the exact tree to the branch, a impressive skillset – which coincidentally disappears the moment she steps foot in a city. She frumpled the parchment in her hand and tucked it away in her coat. Best to start exploring and learning the surroundings the old fashioned way:  walking.

To avoid unwanted attention, she pulled her hood over her head, the partly scorched hood casting a shadow to hide her face. – though standing 6’2 in height in a crowd wasn’t exactly making it easy to blend in. As she twarted black market dealer’s attempts around the reserves multiple times, she wasn’t exactly their person of the year- or decade for that matter. In her current situation with the busted leg and clipped wings, an encounter would be rather problematic.

As she continued her journey of confusion, she felt something hit her back though it didn’t affect her much because of her stature and well chosen boots. As a reflex she reached for her wand that was hidden under her cloak, ready to be drawn. But upon turning around she saw that an apologetic child or a small man was the one responsible. At quick glance she noticed the box, his facial expression and tone in his voice. Conclusion? An idiot, but a harmless one.

Though she looked rather the opposite from harmless. The added tinsel did not bring any sparkle to this dark figure nor did it lighten the mood. In fact she looked more like a charcoaled Christmas tree in the middle of the street. The tree brushed of the tinsel with quick flick with their hand and with a huff, they turned around, muttering “humans” as they walked away.

How did you find us? Google

Calypso Ross

    (04/01/2021 at 18:55)
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Hi Guerin,

Thank you for your patience and apologies for the delay in processing this application! The start of a new school term can be pretty hectic for us.

Your application looks good, there’s just a few things we’ll need you to edit before we can get you accepted.

In your biography, you mention the use of lightning spells, which Guerin favours. You don’t need to edit anything with this, and it’s absolutely fine for her to have particular skill with these, but just so you know, we do currently have a canon lightning conjuring spell, Creo Fulmen. If this is the spell Guerin is good at, that’s great. If you wish to bring other specific original spells into our canon, however, you will need to submit separate spell requests for those for approval. If you refer to lightning spells in general, though, it’s absolutely fine for you to keep referencing them in these vaguer terms.

Secondly, you mention that after the magical accident in the annual broom race, Guerin’s punishment is that she is suspended from her job and given a sentence which states that she is banned from flying and may go to Azkaban for any further poor behaviour. In our canon, this seems overly severe a punishment for a magical accident, even if she did severely injure people. Based on your description, it sounds like the victims would have suffered severe burns, but didn’t die. It’s much more likely that she would have been fined for her recklessness by the court, and that her employer would have been the ones to implement the suspension from field work. If you could change the references in your biography to remove the ban from flying and the threat of Azkaban, and instead give her a fine from the court and suspension by her employer, this would be more logical for our canon.

Lastly, in your RP sample, you end on Guerin walking away from the interaction. If this were a real roleplay, this wouldn’t leave Joshua’s player much to respond to. If you could edit so that Guerin is only turning around and muttering to herself without having her walk away, this would resolve the issue.

Once you’ve made the required changes, please repost your entire revised application below, and we’ll be more than happy to take another look. Feel free to ask myself or another admin if you have any further questions. Thanks!
cherry lips, crystal skies
i could show you incredible things

stolen kisses, pretty lies
you're the king, baby, i'm your queen

E. Guerin

    (08/01/2021 at 03:12)
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  • Dragonologist
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E L S E W H E R E   A D U L T

Character Name: E. Guerin , First name is Esmeá but only a few know her first name
Gender: Female.
Age: 30.
Height: 6’2.
Blood Status: Pure-blood.

Homeschooled, later Durmstrang Institute.

Previously Sweden, Now looking for a place in the UK

Hit wizard & Dragonologists

Do you plan to have a connection to a particular existing place?
The Ministry of Magic; Magical Law Enforcement Squad and the department of The Dragon Research and Restraint Bureau. Dragon reserves in Europe, mainly Sweden.

Wand Information
14” inch, Aspen with a dragon heartstring core , rigid

Requested Magic Levels:
Adult characters have 32 starting levels to distribute across these four categories (less levels can be used if you so desire, but no more than 32). The number of levels on the lowest ability must be at least half of the highest ability.

If you want levels above the usual 32 total, or a significantly uneven distribution of starting levels, please fill out and submit the Special Request form here.

  • Charms: 25.
  • Divination: 20
  • Transfiguration: 20
  • Summoning: 25.

Do you wish to be approved as a group with any other characters? If so who and for what IC reason?

Please list any other characters you already have at the site:

The saying ‘still waters run deep’ applies to Guerin perfectly.
Initially she comes across as a stoic woman with a collected demeanor.  A no-nonsense woman with a rather indifferent personality, observing people more than interacting with them. When she does, she is rather abrasive with her words, using her dry-wit and sarcasm to throw jibes at others in battle or casual conversation.

Though direct-she isn’t inherently unkind. Unlike her fellow pure bloods- she doesn’t share their sense of superiority over others. To be frank,  she dislikes people as whole but not to a point where  she would seek out ways to harm them. In fact, she prefers the company of dragons over the company of fellow wizards and witches.

But underneath that initially calm surface, Guerin has a quick temper and a violent disposition- in particular towards those that try to insult her work or harm mythical creatures. It stems partly from her pride as a Guerin but mainly because of her protective nature. She might extend this to her peers- though she’s selective and would deny any involvement afterwards. Though a stickler for rules , she isn’t above finding loopholes as long as it is morally justified in her eyes. As a confident caster and flyer, she is quite the fearless witch .

Physically, Guerin is quite a strong woman due to her build , exercises and history with handling beasts.Being in brawls has given the necessary fighting skills though her talents lie in flying and casting spells. Working in the wild has given her excellent survival skills. Mentally, she is quite the observer and a quick thinker during stressful situations. Unless you know her trigger points, she is tough to read. 

Prolonged exposure to the elements, repeated injuries and dangerous spells has done damage to her body so she is has become more prone to injuries and healing takes allot longer. Despite her risky profession she relies on others for healing as she has no talent in making potions or casting healing spells. She is quite stubborn regarding her own health and keeps pushing her limits, despite knowing it could end her career - which is one of her greatest fears.

Biography: (300 words minimum.)

*France* 1931 - 1941
Esmea Guerin was born to a pureblood family Guerin in France. Like any pure blood family, they were obsessed with upholding their family name and traditions. Their name is derived from the Old French Guaran , meaning ‘to watch or to guard” and for centuries they were well known to be guardians or protectors in the magical world. Their allegiance differed per family branch , causing quite some friction between each other. Being employed in so many dangerous professions, the family has dwindled to only a few. Her birth wasn’t celebrated since male heirs were the priority during the time. Her mother didn’t conceive again so Guerin was all they had. This resulted with a very regimented upbringing that was suffocating ,with no room for expressing emotions. Just because she was a girl, didn’t mean she would be treated differently.  Any disobedience was met with physical punishment, ingraining their sense of loyalty and duty early into Guerin’s mind.

During the early stages of the Hexenreich, her parents were betrayed and killed by a family they considered as friends, family even. She would’ve died as well if an Auror didn’t cast a lighting spell to create a diversion in order to snatch her and bring her to safety. This would be the start of her fascinating with lightning as it became a sign of protection and strength. Since she was a girl, the rest of the family broke their own morals and shunned her, stating that she wasn’t good enough to be in the family. This betrayal formed an everlasting scar on her towards people.

* Durmstrang Institute * 1941-1950

She was sent to the Durmstrang Institute since the Headmaster knew her parents and felt an obligation to help. With a small inheritance and a suitcase, she was sent away from her home to a strange new world.

At the institute, Guerin didn’t value forming friendships or other relationships as she developed trust issues towards people. She became quite an introvert , only speaking when spoken to. Such a loner would normally be bullied into oblivion but due to her height and upbringing, she fought any bully that tried anything. For a moment, she even tried protecting others, as it was her nature but found out that the victims would turn against her in the end. Yet, another betrayal. It hardened her against people and soon she wouldn’t even bother. The only connection she had was with animals as they were easy to understand.

 She was an average student that was able to fit in easily due to her rigorous upbringing. Following rules was what she grew up with and in some way it gave her some comfort. She did struggle with some subjects as her grades reflected her interest in them. The need to excel at everything was gone since she didn’t have any parents nor family to impress. This caused an internal struggle within her but she found relief in three particular subjects.

Quidditch. Being in the sky, made her feel alive again as it gave her a feeling of freedom and gave her that adrenaline rush she craved. With her flying skills and upper body control, she was scouted as a Beater for the team. There she began to lose her icy demeanor  and discovered the joy in hitting her opponents with a Bludger. She became known as a bone breaker- a title she kept for many years. She loosened up and began to engage more with her teammates, but when she overheard her teammates calling her a freak, it was painful reminder that people are not to be trusted and that she didn’t fit in. Her love for flying prevented her from retaliating against her own teammates so she bottled it up, until one butterbeer afternoon she had a fight with her captain and lived up to her name.

Next to flying, she had outstanding results with the Dark Arts, especially with dueling as this was a way of directing her frustrations towards others in a ‘legal’ way. To her this was a loophole that got rid of her pent up anger. Her favorite spells came from weather related phenomena – as they reminded her of her savior but the more damage a spell could do – the better. A skill set she would later use in her career. Her love for dueling even made her enter competitions until she was briefly disqualified when she lost her composure during a duel and used a lightning spell that set the stage ablaze. People thought she would end up as a Dark Wizard due to her antics but that was met with annoyance since it was an insult to her name.

The only thing she didn’t manage to ruin with her anger issues, was working with mythical creatures. If it wasn’t for the Headmaster sending her to a dragon reserve as punishment after her fight and fire incident, she would never have discovered her love for the creatures.  When she came back she focused on becoming a Dragonologist. This new goal in  life, gave her the focus to calm down and control her anger. Finally she found something she could protect , a way to show she is worthy of her name. During the school holidays she volunteered at the dragon reserve in Sweden and spent the remaining free time, focusing on taking care of the magical creatures at school and practicing her skills.

To keep her anger under control and increase her magical stamina- she began to do more physical exercise and practiced her skills rigorously. Without any friends and family – she had the time to do so.  And thus without any significant fights or accidents, she graduated from Durmstrang in 1950.

*Ministry of Magic * 1951-1961, UK

She noticed she was lacking martial skills so after a year in the dragon reserve in Sweden, she applied to become a Hit wizard (1951), with the aim to use those skills at the reserves.

For 4 grueling years, Guerin learned the ropes, encountered losses and gained injuries but with her dedication and skill, she managed to secure a position on a team that worked mainly for the Beast division Beast Division of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures.

However, her directness and hands-on work ethic, didn’t make her particularly well liked. She would rather fly in a storm ,being chased by a dragon than socialize at the bureau for a promotion. Early on, her mentor at the Bureau, Gertrude Tillbott became her supervisor and advisor. This tiny round woman was the only person Guerin would listen to and she managed to keep her out of trouble – most of the time. Since she is a talented witch in a niche field, the bureau overlooked some of her transgressions .In time, she even managed to befriend some colleagues at the Bureau and eventually commanded of a small team in Sweden in 1955 – though she’d offer help at other reserves if needed. One of her successes was introducing a way of incorporating routine patrols that didn’t disturb dragons during nesting and kept casualties low.

Now as an experienced flyer and duelist , she also taught her peers how to duel on a broom during dragon dealer raids. For almost ten years she spent honing her flying skills and casting her spells as she never stopped studying. Among the dealers, she became infamous for her love for casting lightning spells (Creo Fulmen) and brutal charms. At the Dragon research and Restraint Bureau, she made great strides in lowering the illegal trade of dragon eggs and materials. Despite her accomplishments, her estranged family still see her as a black sheep but to her, they are the ones that don’t uphold the name. After so many struggles, she finally found a place where she could be herself until the annual broom race of 1961.

* The annual broom race of 1961*

Guerin led a team that kept an eye out for flyers in case they got lost and to prevent them from disturbing the dragons. A few flyers ignored her warning and decided they would go for a short cut. Their shortcut  went through an area with a few breeding dragons. As predicted, a Swedish Short-Snout noticed them and went in pursuit. With her team she tried to hide the contestants with a cloud casting spell but the dragons blue breath evaporated them before it could work. During the chase the wizards and witches began to casts spells to keep the dragon away but when the spells began to come dangerously close to the eggs on the ground, Guerin made a choice.

She lit up the sky with a lightning spell to create a temporary divide between the dragon and the flying idiots. It scared the dragon off, not before its tail smacked her from her broom. As casting such a spell drained her energy levels, she wasn’t able to move out of the way in time. This resulted in a few broken ribs, a leg and a broken broom. Luckily her team member Otto managed to catch her before she fell to her death. During her spell she also may or may not have fried a few flyers as collateral damage. All in all, not a great day.

During the hearing about this event, things became rather heated. One of the people she fried, was apparently a popular contestant from a well known British family that also held a position in the ministry. Lovely. Somehow the argument went from civil to personal when he realized he had been shot down by a woman. He stated that it was no wonder that she was so beastly, because she was a Durmstrang and that no Hogwarts alumni would make such an error. Now this ruffled a ton of feathers in the courtroom as there were Hogwarts and Durmstrang alumni in the room. With the help of Tillbott she learned how to endure these tedious hearings but – something began to gnaw in her mind. Maybe it was the dull pain of her leg ,the overuse of her taxing spells or that she hated the bureaucratic nonsense surrounding this spoiled wizard but her patience began to ran thin.

She already knew the laws and protocols so she knew would’ve gotten a warning. Nobody died so all she had to do was to endure. That went well until he voiced his insulting opinions regarding her team and dragons being pests-which gave her an allergic reaction. This reaction manifested itself in her losing control of her fist until it landed in his face..repeatedly.

When she was pulled of him, she shouted a sentence that would change her life
“ Clearly Hogwarts doesn’t teach you how to fly nor fight, you British pig!”

As some Durmstrang alumni laughed, Tilbott sighed as she rubbed the bridge of her nose, knowing she just poured gasoline on a bonfire. The judge, being a proud alumni of Hogwarts stamped the word SUSPENDED quicker than a Golden snitch.

*Suspended* 1961, UK

And just like that Guerin went from a field job in Sweden to a desk job at the Ministry of Magic, until she had done several anger management courses and kept out of trouble for an undisclosed time. The judge had basically clipped her wings by giving her a desk job at the Bureau. The cherry on top of this punishment sundae, was that filling out paperwork and doing mind-numbing controls would be done in the UK. Not to mention the fine she would have to pay to cover the damages she caused to the brooms and wizards.

After the hearing, Guerin leaned against the elevator wall, staring blankly at metal gates as they closed. Next to her was Tillbott, charged with being her guard dog as usual. As the lift went past each floor, she had to endure the stares and whispers of others. Her red knuckles still burning of the fight before, a reminder of her mistake yet that wouldn’t deter her from speaking her mind. “I can hear you” she said , causing an uncomfortable silence until they got off. The rumor mill had already spread the news of her latest transgression so until the next big thing happened, this would be her daily occurrence for the time being. At this point, she’d rather be alone in a cell than deal with gossiping idiots. Being stuck at a desk felt similair to being in a cell anyway. Couldn't she just spend a few weeks in there instead? When she was alone with Tillbot she dead-panned “Is Azkaban full?”

Tilbott snorted a laugh “is azakaban full..” before smacking Guerins injured leg with her notebook, which made her grit her teeth in pain “NO! You’re luckily you didn’t end up in that foul place! Why did you have to say..well yell all those things? and fighting?! In a court room?!Honestly Guerin, why can’t you just stay out of trouble?”

Guerin wanted to respond but when Tillbott held up her notebook again, she closed her mouth and looked away like a scolded child. “Just do what they ask until they reinstate you! You could use this time to take care of that body of yours.”
A frown appeared on her bushy eye brow as she looked at the supportive leg cast ,it had become the norm to see Guerin in a cast or bandaged up. In all those years she began to see this stubborn woman as a daughter, fearing that one day she would get a letter of her death each time she went to a reserve. The way Guerin flew and her preference for certain spells had been taking a large toll on her body. The fact that she couldn’t control her spell fully and caused collateral damage was a sign that her body was struggling “ Maybe it’s time to stop and focus on a new life“

The mere suggestion struck a chord with her, being a Dragonologists was all she wanted, it was who she was. Guerin’s  glared down at Tillbott and hissed “And become nothing?” To her the only thing that could stop her , was death. Not retire like a coward. As the lift arrived at the entrance hall, she slammed the door to the side and  stormed out. With a sigh, Tillbott looked at Guerin“..well atleast she didn’t yell this time, so that’s progress”.

 Option Two -
The snow had been falling steadily all morning and it didn't look like it was going to stop any time soon. Joshua Campbell scrunched his face up in a frown as he lifted his gaze to look to the sky. Snow. It really was quite a bother.

And it certainly didn't make it better that Diagon Alley seemed to be getting more and more crowded. Joshua sighed and pointed his wand at the large box that was currently placed on the doorstep of his shop. He had to get going. He had an order to deliver.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" The elderly man muttered and watched the box hover in the air for a moment. Honestly, did St. Mungo's really need that much tinsel? And with glitter of all things? He sighed again. If it hadn't been for the rather convincing stamp on the order, he would have been likely to believe it had been a prank by one of those orphaned rascals living up there.

Oh well, there was no point in waiting. Joshua deftly stirred the box down the doorstep and out onto the street, carefully levitating it above the heads of the crowd.

"Coming through! Coming through!" His voice sounded over the chatter of the crowd. "Keep out! Move ahead! Go on!" This was going way too slow. People were in the way and walking like they had all day! He huffed. Luckily the road was down hill.

"Coming through! Coming th--- arrrgh!" Joshua let out a loud shout as his feet suddenly slipped in the snow and sent him, the box, and several long strands of tinsel tumbling into the person who had been walking in front of him.

"For Merlin's sake!" Joshua muttered angrily as he hurried to his feet again, red and gold tinsel now decorating his black coat. "I am so sorry! This blasted snow!" He looked apologetic at the person he had crashed into.

Roleplay Response:
The sound of the stamp still echoed in her mind as she stood there, gazing at the falling snow. Suspended for an undisclosed time wasn’t how she would’ve envisioned her future. She was missing her freedom, the dragons and the sky. The only thing she had to remember her dragon days by, was her scorched coat.

This human giant stood in the alley, holding a piece of parchment with a small drawing of a map. Well, calling it a map was a tad exaggerated since it was a straight line between one X and another, but it still proved to be a challenge for Guerin as she was utterly lost. The innkeeper kindly drew it for her, since she couldn’t remember any of the streets from her previous visits. Maybe the world had changed so much during her absence OR she had taken a few too many blows to the head. With her track record, the latter would be more accurate.

Even now, she was walking with a slight limp as the supportive leg cast restricted the movement in her injured leg.  She let out a deep sigh as she narrowed her dark brown eyes ,trying to make sense of the minimalistic map. Ask her where to find a doxy in a thick forest and she’d be able to describe the exact tree to the branch, a impressive skillset – which coincidentally disappears the moment she steps foot in a city. She frumpled the parchment in her hand and tucked it away in her coat. Best to start exploring and learning the surroundings the old fashioned way:  walking.

To avoid unwanted attention, she pulled her hood over her head, the partly scorched hood casting a shadow to hide her face. – though standing 6’2 in height in a crowd wasn’t exactly making it easy to blend in. As she twarted black market dealer’s attempts around the reserves multiple times, she wasn’t exactly their person of the year- or decade for that matter. In her current situation with the busted leg and clipped wings, an encounter would be rather problematic.

As she continued her journey of confusion, she felt something hit her back though it didn’t affect her much because of her stature and well chosen boots. As a reflex she reached for her wand that was hidden under her cloak, ready to be drawn. But upon turning around she saw that an apologetic child or a small man was the one responsible. At quick glance she noticed the box, his facial expression and tone in his voice. Conclusion? An idiot, but a harmless one.

Though she looked rather the opposite from harmless. The added tinsel did not bring any sparkle to this dark figure nor did it lighten the mood. In fact she looked more like a charcoaled Christmas tree in the middle of the street. The tree began collecting the tinsel from their coat .Once collected, they held out their hand filled with tinsel to give it back to the kid.”Here”

How did you find us? Google

Calypso Ross

    (18/01/2021 at 22:51)
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Hi Guerin, I've sent you a PM regarding your exceptional levels request! If you could respond to that, we can progress your application ASAP.

Sorry for the delay and thank you for your patience so far!

Calypso Ross

    (20/01/2021 at 19:32)
  • ***
  • Head of the Auror Office
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Hi Guerin,

Thank you for your PM response regarding your exceptional levels request.

There are still a couple of changes you will need to make to your application before we can get you accepted.

Firstly, you still mention that Guerin is suspended from her job by the judge, rather than her employer:
The judge, being a proud alumni of Hogwarts stamped the word SUSPENDED quicker than a Golden snitch.

*Suspended* 1961, UK

And just like that Guerin went from a field job in Sweden to a desk job at the Ministry of Magic, until she had done several anger management courses and kept out of trouble for an undisclosed time. The judge had basically clipped her wings by giving her a desk job at the Bureau.

You'll need to edit the bolded parts of your application so that the judge only gives her a fine, and the Ministry itself suspends her from her role.

Secondly, if you could edit your levels request to those which we have agreed together via PM (C8D9T8S15), this will match our decision.

Thirdly, you refer to Joshua as a 'kid' in the last line of your RP sample:
Once collected, they held out their hand filled with tinsel to give it back to the kid.”Here”

Given that Joshua is described in the RP sample as an old man, would you be able to edit this accordingly to minimise confusion?

Once you have made the required changes, please repost your entire revised application below and we'll be more than happy to take another look. Thanks!

E. Guerin

    (21/01/2021 at 15:40)
  • *
  • Dragonologist
  • C8D9T8S15
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E L S E W H E R E   A D U L T

Character Name: E. Guerin , First name is Esmeá but only a few know her first name
Gender: Female.
Age: 30.
Height: 6’2.
Blood Status: Pure-blood.

Homeschooled, later Durmstrang Institute.

Previously Sweden, Now looking for a place in the UK

Hit wizard & Dragonologists

Do you plan to have a connection to a particular existing place?
The Ministry of Magic; Magical Law Enforcement Squad and the department of The Dragon Research and Restraint Bureau. Dragon reserves in Europe, mainly Sweden.

Wand Information
14” inch, Aspen with a dragon heartstring core , rigid

Requested Magic Levels:
Adult characters have 32 starting levels to distribute across these four categories (less levels can be used if you so desire, but no more than 32). The number of levels on the lowest ability must be at least half of the highest ability.

If you want levels above the usual 32 total, or a significantly uneven distribution of starting levels, please fill out and submit the Special Request form here.

  • Charms: 8.
  • Divination: 9.
  • Transfiguration: 8.
  • Summoning: 15.

Do you wish to be approved as a group with any other characters? If so who and for what IC reason?

Please list any other characters you already have at the site:

The saying ‘still waters run deep’ applies to Guerin perfectly.
Initially she comes across as a stoic woman with a collected demeanor.  A no-nonsense woman with a rather indifferent personality, observing people more than interacting with them. When she does, she is rather abrasive with her words, using her dry-wit and sarcasm to throw jibes at others in battle or casual conversation.

Though direct-she isn’t inherently unkind. Unlike her fellow pure bloods- she doesn’t share their sense of superiority over others. To be frank,  she dislikes people as whole but not to a point where  she would seek out ways to harm them. In fact, she prefers the company of dragons over the company of fellow wizards and witches.

But underneath that initially calm surface, Guerin has a quick temper and a violent disposition- in particular towards those that try to insult her work or harm mythical creatures. It stems partly from her pride as a Guerin but mainly because of her protective nature. She might extend this to her peers- though she’s selective and would deny any involvement afterwards. Though a stickler for rules , she isn’t above finding loopholes as long as it is morally justified in her eyes. As a confident caster and flyer, she is quite the fearless witch .

Physically, Guerin is quite a strong woman due to her build , exercises and history with handling beasts.Being in brawls has given the necessary fighting skills though her talents lie in flying and casting spells. Working in the wild has given her excellent survival skills. Mentally, she is quite the observer and a quick thinker during stressful situations. Unless you know her trigger points, she is tough to read. 

Prolonged exposure to the elements, repeated injuries and dangerous spells has done damage to her body so she is has become more prone to injuries and healing takes allot longer. Despite her risky profession she relies on others for healing as she has no talent in making potions or casting healing spells. She is quite stubborn regarding her own health and keeps pushing her limits, despite knowing it could end her career - which is one of her greatest fears.

Biography: (300 words minimum.)

*France* 1931 - 1941
Esmea Guerin was born to a pureblood family Guerin in France. Like any pure blood family, they were obsessed with upholding their family name and traditions. Their name is derived from the Old French Guaran , meaning ‘to watch or to guard” and for centuries they were well known to be guardians or protectors in the magical world. Their allegiance differed per family branch , causing quite some friction between each other. Being employed in so many dangerous professions, the family has dwindled to only a few. Her birth wasn’t celebrated since male heirs were the priority during the time. Her mother didn’t conceive again so Guerin was all they had. This resulted with a very regimented upbringing that was suffocating ,with no room for expressing emotions. Just because she was a girl, didn’t mean she would be treated differently.  Any disobedience was met with physical punishment, ingraining their sense of loyalty and duty early into Guerin’s mind.

During the early stages of the Hexenreich, her parents were betrayed and killed by a family they considered as friends, family even. She would’ve died as well if an Auror didn’t cast a lighting spell to create a diversion in order to snatch her and bring her to safety. This would be the start of her fascinating with lightning as it became a sign of protection and strength. Since she was a girl, the rest of the family broke their own morals and shunned her, stating that she wasn’t good enough to be in the family. This betrayal formed an everlasting scar on her towards people.

* Durmstrang Institute * 1941-1950

She was sent to the Durmstrang Institute since the Headmaster knew her parents and felt an obligation to help. With a small inheritance and a suitcase, she was sent away from her home to a strange new world.

At the institute, Guerin didn’t value forming friendships or other relationships as she developed trust issues towards people. She became quite an introvert , only speaking when spoken to. Such a loner would normally be bullied into oblivion but due to her height and upbringing, she fought any bully that tried anything. For a moment, she even tried protecting others, as it was her nature but found out that the victims would turn against her in the end. Yet, another betrayal. It hardened her against people and soon she wouldn’t even bother. The only connection she had was with animals as they were easy to understand.

 She was an average student that was able to fit in easily due to her rigorous upbringing. Following rules was what she grew up with and in some way it gave her some comfort. She did struggle with some subjects as her grades reflected her interest in them. The need to excel at everything was gone since she didn’t have any parents nor family to impress. This caused an internal struggle within her but she found relief in three particular subjects.

Quidditch. Being in the sky, made her feel alive again as it gave her a feeling of freedom and gave her that adrenaline rush she craved. With her flying skills and upper body control, she was scouted as a Beater for the team. There she began to lose her icy demeanor  and discovered the joy in hitting her opponents with a Bludger. She became known as a bone breaker- a title she kept for many years. She loosened up and began to engage more with her teammates, but when she overheard her teammates calling her a freak, it was painful reminder that people are not to be trusted and that she didn’t fit in. Her love for flying prevented her from retaliating against her own teammates so she bottled it up, until one butterbeer afternoon she had a fight with her captain and lived up to her name.

Next to flying, she had outstanding results with the Dark Arts, especially with dueling as this was a way of directing her frustrations towards others in a ‘legal’ way. To her this was a loophole that got rid of her pent up anger. Her favorite spells came from weather related phenomena – as they reminded her of her savior but the more damage a spell could do – the better. A skill set she would later use in her career. Her love for dueling even made her enter competitions until she was briefly disqualified when she lost her composure during a duel and used a lightning spell that set the stage ablaze. People thought she would end up as a Dark Wizard due to her antics but that was met with annoyance since it was an insult to her name.

The only thing she didn’t manage to ruin with her anger issues, was working with mythical creatures. If it wasn’t for the Headmaster sending her to a dragon reserve as punishment after her fight and fire incident, she would never have discovered her love for the creatures.  When she came back she focused on becoming a Dragonologist. This new goal in  life, gave her the focus to calm down and control her anger. Finally she found something she could protect , a way to show she is worthy of her name. During the school holidays she volunteered at the dragon reserve in Sweden and spent the remaining free time, focusing on taking care of the magical creatures at school and practicing her skills.

To keep her anger under control and increase her magical stamina- she began to do more physical exercise and practiced her skills rigorously. Without any friends and family – she had the time to do so.  And thus without any significant fights or accidents, she graduated from Durmstrang in 1950.

*Ministry of Magic * 1951-1961, UK

She noticed she was lacking martial skills so after a year in the dragon reserve in Sweden, she applied to become a Hit wizard (1951), with the aim to use those skills at the reserves.

For 4 grueling years, Guerin learned the ropes, encountered losses and gained injuries but with her dedication and skill, she managed to secure a position on a team that worked mainly for the Beast division Beast Division of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures.

However, her directness and hands-on work ethic, didn’t make her particularly well liked. She would rather fly in a storm ,being chased by a dragon than socialize at the bureau for a promotion. Early on, her mentor at the Bureau, Gertrude Tillbott became her supervisor and advisor. This tiny round woman was the only person Guerin would listen to and she managed to keep her out of trouble – most of the time. Since she is a talented witch in a niche field, the bureau overlooked some of her transgressions .In time, she even managed to befriend some colleagues at the Bureau and eventually commanded of a small team in Sweden in 1955 – though she’d offer help at other reserves if needed. One of her successes was introducing a way of incorporating routine patrols that didn’t disturb dragons during nesting and kept casualties low.

Now as an experienced flyer and duelist , she also taught her peers how to duel on a broom during dragon dealer raids. For almost ten years she spent honing her flying skills and casting her spells as she never stopped studying. Among the dealers, she became infamous for her love for casting lightning spells (Creo Fulmen) and brutal charms. At the Dragon research and Restraint Bureau, she made great strides in lowering the illegal trade of dragon eggs and materials. Despite her accomplishments, her estranged family still see her as a black sheep but to her, they are the ones that don’t uphold the name. After so many struggles, she finally found a place where she could be herself until the annual broom race of 1961.

* The annual broom race of 1961*

Guerin led a team that kept an eye out for flyers in case they got lost and to prevent them from disturbing the dragons. A few flyers ignored her warning and decided they would go for a short cut. Their shortcut  went through an area with a few breeding dragons. As predicted, a Swedish Short-Snout noticed them and went in pursuit. With her team she tried to hide the contestants with a cloud casting spell but the dragons blue breath evaporated them before it could work. During the chase the wizards and witches began to casts spells to keep the dragon away but when the spells began to come dangerously close to the eggs on the ground, Guerin made a choice.

She lit up the sky with a lightning spell to create a temporary divide between the dragon and the flying idiots. It scared the dragon off, not before its tail smacked her from her broom. As casting such a spell drained her energy levels, she wasn’t able to move out of the way in time. This resulted in a few broken ribs, a leg and a broken broom. Luckily her team member Otto managed to catch her before she fell to her death. During her spell she also may or may not have fried a few flyers as collateral damage. All in all, not a great day.

During the hearing about this event, things became rather heated. One of the people she fried, was apparently a popular contestant from a well known British family that also held a position in the ministry. Lovely. Somehow the argument went from civil to personal when he realized he had been shot down by a woman. He stated that it was no wonder that she was so beastly, because she was a Durmstrang and that no Hogwarts alumni would make such an error. Now this ruffled a ton of feathers in the courtroom as there were Hogwarts and Durmstrang alumni in the room. With the help of Tillbott she learned how to endure these tedious hearings but – something began to gnaw in her mind. Maybe it was the dull pain of her leg ,the overuse of her taxing spells or that she hated the bureaucratic nonsense surrounding this spoiled wizard but her patience began to ran thin.

She already knew the laws and protocols so she knew would’ve gotten a warning. Nobody died so all she had to do was to endure. That went well until he voiced his insulting opinions regarding her team and dragons being pests-which gave her an allergic reaction. This reaction manifested itself in her losing control of her fist until it landed in his face..repeatedly.

When she was pulled of him, she shouted a sentence that would change her life
“ Clearly Hogwarts doesn’t teach you how to fly nor fight, you British pig!”

As some Durmstrang alumni laughed, Tilbott sighed as she rubbed the bridge of her nose, knowing she just poured gasoline on a bonfire. The judge, being a proud alumni of Hogwarts stamped an X on the case file quicker than a Golden snitch.

*Suspended* 1961, UK

And just like that Guerin went from a field job in Sweden to a desk job at the Ministry of Magic. The Ministry suspended her until she had done several anger management courses and kept out of trouble for an undisclosed time. The Ministry had basically clipped her wings by giving her a desk job at the Bureau. In addition ,The judge ordered her to pay a fine to cover the damages she caused. The cherry on top of this punishment sundae, was that filling out paperwork and doing mind-numbing controls would be done in the UK.

After the hearing, Guerin leaned against the elevator wall, staring blankly at metal gates as they closed. Next to her was Tillbott, charged with being her guard dog as usual. As the lift went past each floor, she had to endure the stares and whispers of others. Her red knuckles still burning of the fight before, a reminder of her mistake yet that wouldn’t deter her from speaking her mind. “I can hear you” she said , causing an uncomfortable silence until they got off. The rumor mill had already spread the news of her latest transgression so until the next big thing happened, this would be her daily occurrence for the time being. At this point, she’d rather be alone in a cell than deal with gossiping idiots. Being stuck at a desk felt similair to being in a cell anyway. Couldn't she just spend a few weeks in there instead? When she was alone with Tillbot she dead-panned “Is Azkaban full?”

Tilbott snorted a laugh “is azakaban full..” before smacking Guerins injured leg with her notebook, which made her grit her teeth in pain “NO! You’re luckyyou didn’t end up in that foul place! Why did you have to say..well yell all those things? and fighting?! In a court room?!Honestly Guerin, why can’t you just stay out of trouble?”

Guerin wanted to respond but when Tillbott held up her notebook again, she closed her mouth and looked away like a scolded child. “Just do what they ask until they reinstate you! You could use this time to take care of that body of yours.”
A frown appeared on her bushy eye brow as she looked at the supportive leg cast ,it had become the norm to see Guerin in a cast or bandaged up. In all those years she began to see this stubborn woman as a daughter, fearing that one day she would get a letter of her death each time she went to a reserve. The way Guerin flew and her preference for certain spells had been taking a large toll on her body. The fact that she couldn’t control her spell fully and caused collateral damage was a sign that her body was struggling “ Maybe it’s time to stop and focus on a new life“

The mere suggestion struck a chord with her, being a Dragonologists was all she wanted, it was who she was. Guerin’s  glared down at Tillbott and hissed “And become nothing?” To her the only thing that could stop her , was death. Not retire like a coward. As the lift arrived at the entrance hall, she slammed the door to the side and  stormed out. With a sigh, Tillbott looked at Guerin“..well atleast she didn’t yell this time, so that’s progress”.

 Option Two -
The snow had been falling steadily all morning and it didn't look like it was going to stop any time soon. Joshua Campbell scrunched his face up in a frown as he lifted his gaze to look to the sky. Snow. It really was quite a bother.

And it certainly didn't make it better that Diagon Alley seemed to be getting more and more crowded. Joshua sighed and pointed his wand at the large box that was currently placed on the doorstep of his shop. He had to get going. He had an order to deliver.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" The elderly man muttered and watched the box hover in the air for a moment. Honestly, did St. Mungo's really need that much tinsel? And with glitter of all things? He sighed again. If it hadn't been for the rather convincing stamp on the order, he would have been likely to believe it had been a prank by one of those orphaned rascals living up there.

Oh well, there was no point in waiting. Joshua deftly stirred the box down the doorstep and out onto the street, carefully levitating it above the heads of the crowd.

"Coming through! Coming through!" His voice sounded over the chatter of the crowd. "Keep out! Move ahead! Go on!" This was going way too slow. People were in the way and walking like they had all day! He huffed. Luckily the road was down hill.

"Coming through! Coming th--- arrrgh!" Joshua let out a loud shout as his feet suddenly slipped in the snow and sent him, the box, and several long strands of tinsel tumbling into the person who had been walking in front of him.

"For Merlin's sake!" Joshua muttered angrily as he hurried to his feet again, red and gold tinsel now decorating his black coat. "I am so sorry! This blasted snow!" He looked apologetic at the person he had crashed into.

Roleplay Response:
The sound of the stamp still echoed in her mind as she stood there, gazing at the falling snow. Suspended for an undisclosed time wasn’t how she would’ve envisioned her future. She was missing her freedom, the dragons and the sky. The only thing she had to remember her dragon days by, was her scorched coat.

This human giant stood in the alley, holding a piece of parchment with a small drawing of a map. Well, calling it a map was a tad exaggerated since it was a straight line between one X and another, but it still proved to be a challenge for Guerin as she was utterly lost. The innkeeper kindly drew it for her, since she couldn’t remember any of the streets from her previous visits. Maybe the world had changed so much during her absence OR she had taken a few too many blows to the head. With her track record, the latter would be more accurate.

Even now, she was walking with a slight limp as the supportive leg cast restricted the movement in her injured leg.  She let out a deep sigh as she narrowed her dark brown eyes ,trying to make sense of the minimalistic map. Ask her where to find a doxy in a thick forest and she’d be able to describe the exact tree to the branch, a impressive skillset – which coincidentally disappears the moment she steps foot in a city. She frumpled the parchment in her hand and tucked it away in her coat. Best to start exploring and learning the surroundings the old fashioned way:  walking.

To avoid unwanted attention, she pulled her hood over her head, the partly scorched hood casting a shadow to hide her face. – though standing 6’2 in height in a crowd wasn’t exactly making it easy to blend in. As she twarted black market dealer’s attempts around the reserves multiple times, she wasn’t exactly their person of the year- or decade for that matter. In her current situation with the busted leg and clipped wings, an encounter would be rather problematic.

As she continued her journey of confusion, she felt something hit her back though it didn’t affect her much because of her stature and well chosen boots. As a reflex she reached for her wand that was hidden under her cloak, ready to be drawn. But upon turning around she saw that an apologetic man was the one responsible. At quick glance she noticed the box, his facial expression and tone in his voice. Conclusion? An idiot, but a harmless one.

Though she looked rather the opposite from harmless. The added tinsel did not bring any sparkle to this dark figure nor did it lighten the mood. In fact she looked more like a charcoaled Christmas tree in the middle of the street. The tree began collecting the tinsel from their coat .Once collected, they held out their hand filled with tinsel to give it back to the small man. ”Here”

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Calypso Ross

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I've given Guerin the title of Dragonologist instead of Hit Witch, as she's transferring over to that role and can't hold both positions at once.

Daring, Determination, Drive
