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Author Topic: Chase McKnight [In Progress]  (Read 882 times)

Chase McKnight

    (29/12/2011 at 08:29)
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  • Ravenclaw '74
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Name: Chase McKnight

Former Character's Name (if you had one):

House Request:
*** The character comes from my hexrpg.com account where I'm a Gryffindor and I've always imagined Chase as a Gryffindor and his history includes a lot of his family being Gryffindors. He's brave (stupidly so),  arrogant, and loyal.


Magical Strength (pick one):

Magical Weakness (pick one):

B>Chase was born in America to American parents and when he was still a baby his Dad moved to England to take a job. Both of Chase's parents were Muggles, his Uncle however was a Muggle Born Wizard, a famous Auror to other Wizards and Witches , and a hated Auror by those who practiced the Dark Arts. Nobody knows why, though many opinions have been formed, but when Chase was just four years old, his parents were attacked and killed by Vampires, and Chase's Uncle arrived just in time to save Chase.

Many speculate the Death Eaters hired the Vampires to the attack, while others speculate the Vampires were trying to join the Death Eaters and that was their initiation. But all in all, everyone agrees they killed the McKnights to get at Chase's uncle, Barnabas. Chase's uncle, who then traded in the McKnight's Muggle fortunes for galleons put the money in Gringotts so one day Chase would inherit the money, as the Scion of the McKnight fortune.

He grew up a sheltered life in his Uncle's mansion, with servants and House elves who showered him with gifts and protection, and his Uncle was never around and they rarely communicated. He played Quidditch with the House Elves and servants from a young age, always playing Chaser, which he greatly excelled at. It was when he was 9 he found out he was Magical, and began to wonder about his parents. He found clippings of the Daily Prophet about the Murder that happened when he was an infant and he became depressed and even suicidal and one night sliced his face with a knife before a Servant intervened.
He ran away from his Uncle's home when he was 10 when he was attacked in the woods by a Vampire The Vampire was about to feed on the young Chase when a Grizzly Bear then attacked the Vampire, and a fight broke out and the Vampire fled, very wounded, and so was the Bear who then turned into a Human; An animagus. The Bear revealed to be his father's best-friend, and an ex-Auror, Roderick Thorbernus. He revealed to him that he had met Chase's father, who was aware of the Wizarding world, through Barnabus and befriended him when they were young, and after the murder of his parents, he has roamed the woods around Chase's house as his Animagus form as a Bear, waiting for the Vampire to return. He told Chase that the Vampire who attacked him in the woods was one of the Vampires that killed his parents, and now he would be identifiable by the Bear claw slice he had made upon his face...He also told Chase about Hogwarts, since Chase's Uncle wasn't yet aware of his magic...and as Roderick Thorbernus died, he gave Chase his father's necklace with a Quaffle medallion that grew hot when Dark Magic was around; this was how Thorbernus knew a Vampire was lurking in the woods.

Chase returned home and told his Uncle about his Magic and about the attack in the woods, and Thorbernus and his Uncle then made sure Chase never left the property until he turned 11, then Chase's owl from Hogwarts came...

Please include these sections if they are not addressed in your biography.

Tell us a bit about your character’s personality (likes, dislikes, fears, etc.) What are they like on a good day versus a bad one? Is your character particularly cheerful? Do they hate sunlight?

Briefly describe your character's appearance (hair color, build, stature, etc.) What effect does it have on their personality? For example, does the shy Ravenclaw girl secretly dye her hair black because she hates her natural blonde? Does the curly-haired Gryffindor use charms to hide his freckles?

You come across one of these three posts on the site. Please reply to one only as your character would.
*** Remember, you can only roleplay your own character's actions, not James' or Astrid's.

Option I:

Blimey, the Great Hall was packed. It seemed like everywhere a guy looked there was some clown waving around a House banner or yelling about the game.

'Can you believe it?' 'No way!' 'This must be the biggest upset in Hogwarts Quidditch history...'

Stupid Quidditch.

James flopped into an empty seat at the end of the table, shoved an empty plate out of the way, and let his head sink onto his crossed arms, squishing his freckled nose down flat against the tabletop. He wasn't sure why he'd even bothered to come here, since he definitely wasn't hungry. He'd probably never eat again, in fact. He didn'tdeserve to eat. He hadn't stopped in the locker room to change out of his muddy, sweaty uniform after the game either, because he was pretty sure he probably didn't deserve to be clean too; and anyway he couldn't stand to see the looks on his team mates' faces after he blew their chance at winning one of the biggest games they had ever played.

Just one lousy shot. That's all it would have taken. If he could have just got that one stupid foul shot to go through that one stupid hoop, they could have won and he wouldn't have been the biggest blockhead in the entire school.

As if to prove the point, half the people at the next table suddenly broke into a loud victory chant. James pressed his face further into his arms to hide the bright red blotches he could feel creeping up his cheeks. That was it. He was just going to have to run away and move to Nova Scotia. He'd just cost the three-year-in-a-row Champions the Quidditch Cup! How do you ever live that one down for crying out loud? He was only a second year and he was going to spend the rest of his life as 'that dumb cry-baby kid who dropped the Quaffle!'

It felt like every set of eyes in the room was boring into him, and James couldn't stand it anymore. He jerked himself back up from the table and stomped right back out of the Hall the same way he had come in. As he stormed into the quieter hallway outside, he could hear footsteps somewhere behind him. James rounded on the sound and began to shout, his brown eyes shining with tears. "WHAT! Haven't you ever seen a loser before? Why don't you just take a picture!"

Sample Roleplay Response: Type in your response here.


Option II:

“Oh, come now!"

Astrid Bixby’s voice carried down the corridor, the tall blonde girl not far behind. Her interviewee – or victim, depending on perspective – turned a corner and she frowned. They were always soelusive when she needed them. Sure, they would talk as if there was no tomorrow during class, but once she actually needed them to say something, they were nowhere to be found. Gryffindors.

Flustered, Astrid stopped in the middle of the corridor and stared, her parchment hanging limply from her hand. She was a good reporter, really, and she always did her best to make sure that everything she wrote was accurate. She glanced down to the quill, eyeing it with disdain. It wasn’t her fault if her quill misquoted. How was she supposed to know? It made for interesting articles, at least, and if she had misquoted the Head Boy last term as saying he had a love for stuffed animals, then that gave him personality. Astrid sighed.

A pout formed on her lips as she turned away, discouraged. The corridor was mercifully empty, though the doors to The Spellbound – the school newspaper – were ominously closed. Corbridge was a mercifully sweet editor, but Astrid was terrified of disappointing her all the same. She hadto come back with quotes.
Her eyes, blue, trailed her surroundings before choosing a new path, and she turned down a new corridor. A figure was ahead, and her eyes lit up, an impossibly rosy smile blossoming across her lips.

“Hey!” Astrid called, her voice light and singsong. She trotted to catch the person, her shoes clicking on the stone floor. “Wait up! It’s for the paper!” Her legs aided her admittedly poor running, and Astrid gasped as she came closer. “What do you think about serving frog legs at lunch? Some say it’s a delicacy, but others think it’s plain gross.”

Sample Roleplay Response: Type in your response here.

Optional: If you are new to our site, please let us know how you found us.  (Ex: web search, advertisement, recommended by a site member, etc.)
