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Author Topic: Application for Aurelie Chevalier  (Read 842 times)

Aurelie Chevalier

    (26/12/2011 at 13:06)
  • 5th Year
  • C5D4T6S5
    • View Profile
 Name:Aurelie Chevalier
Former Character's Name (if you had one):None

 House Request:
 Aurelie is best suited to the Hufflepuff house because she is easygoing, friendly, and loyal to her friends.
Year:5th or 4th
Magical Strength:Transfiguration
Magical Weakness:Divination
 Descending from one of the oldest and finest pureblood families in Luxembourg, Aurelie had it all. She lived in a fine house with over two hundred acres of land, twenty maids, and a wonderful puppy named Gigi. If there was ever anything at all that Aurelie needed, she would receive it right away. Despite this seemingly perfect way of life and a vast miscellany of possessions, she craved something. Even with all she had, she found herself unsatisfied and forlorn.
Aurelie had a large circle of friends and was incessantly tailed by a following of not-so-secret admirers. This was more a result of her excessive charm and magnetic personality rather than the extent of her beauty. A social butterfly, she was a lot of fun around those she was comfortable with. People were very drawn to her, and she was popular during her years attending Beauxbatons. There, she studied hard to perfect her skills; also she excelled in languages. Therefore, she can speak Luxembourgish, French, and English fluently. Aurelie's parents were proud of their daughter, but they had little time to spare for her. Her father was a high-ranking politician and worked long hours; her mother, an artist, was so wrapped up in her craft she often forgot about Aurelie. Thus, she was raised a gentle child who was not spoiled.
Private issues and dealings within the family led Aurelie's father to send her to live at her auntie's in London. For now, she must leave her contented life behind and start anew at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Although Aurelie does not want to go, she has no choice. Because her parents insist that it is for her own good, she has no choice but to obey.
Even though she seems a little shy at first, Aurelie is actually very outgoing once you get to meet her. From her father, she inherited her natural beauty and the love of language, and from her mother came her attitude and funky spirit. Because of her talent in learning foreign languages, Aurelie's accent is not heavy, but dainty instead. Although she is very friendly and sweet, she tries to keep only a few really good friends and likes to keep to herself. Loyalty is very important to her, and she values the friends that have high ideals and whoever she judges to have admirable character. At all costs, she steers clear of enemies and rivals, and is a peacemaker. Many boys are after her, but she doesn't seem to notice or care. Why? She's waiting for the right one. Working and studying very hard is important to Aurelie. She has great hidden talent and was born to soar to higher places and aim to fulfill her hopes and dreams.

Appearance wise, Aurelie is not only charming and charismatic, but she is also very, very pretty. She has a gorgeous fair complexion, glossy blond hair and sparkling brown eyes framed with long lashes. At 5'4" she is somewhat petite, thin, and surprisingly athletic in stature. With her wide, bright smile and contagious laugh, she is the ultimate friend who would stand by a person until the end.

Hm… what should I do? I don't think I have a class right now, but I have no one to talk to, Aurelie thought as she walked through the hallways of her new school. It was not as if she had chosen this kind of life, for her parents had forced her into it. They had assured her that she would make friends easily and quickly enough, but their claims did nothing to suppress her anxiety. Oftentimes, she had confidence in her social skills. However, her fluency in English was another story.
Drawing some of her schoolbooks up to her chest, she reminded herself to stay positive. Just then someone called out to her, and she could hear the click of someone's footsteps as he or she rushed to catch up. "Hey! Wait up! It's for the paper!"
Aurelie smiled warmly and waited as a female student drew in a gasp and approached her.“What do you think about serving frog legs at lunch? Some say it’s a delicacy, but others think it’s plain gross.”
"That doesn't sound terrible, so I'll say go for it! But you know I'm French. We have escargot, which people from here think is gross. Still, I think people should be open to trying all new kinds of foods, from all different places."
She offered her hand. "It is very nice to meet you. My name is Aurelie Chevalier, and I am a transfer student from Beauxbatons. How about you—what is your name?"
Chuckling, she said to Astrid, "I heard briefly about this school newspaper. Spellbound is the name, correct? Incidentally, I am quite interested in Journalism. Is there a way I could participate, as well?"
So far her luck was not failing her—participating in such an activity was a perfect opportunity to familiarize herself with the other students in this strange and foreign place.

I found this website because my friend Rhys Namgung told me about it and convinced me to join.
