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Author Topic: Edna Vincent, Witch Extraordinaireeeee  (Read 1006 times)

Edna Vincent

    (03/01/2012 at 18:43)
  • C7D12T7S6
    • View Profile

Character Name: Edna Melissa Vincent
Gender: Incredibly Female
Age: 21

Ravenclawwwww Class of '70. Best seven years of my life. The last two have been way less exciting.

Knockturn Alley. Don't judge. Everyone has to start somewhere and the rent is way cheaper there.

Okay so right now I work as a drudge serving ice cream to people like some sort of poor person. I'm way better than that and this is just a stopping point, I swear.

Do you plan to have a connection to a particular existing place (example St Mungo's, the Ministry, Shrieking Shack) or to take over an existing shop in need of new management?
The Ice Creamery, shop request at the bottom.

Requested Magic Levels:
  • Charms: 13
  • Transfiguration: 13
  • Divination: 14
  • Summoning: 12
Do you wish to be approved as a group with any other characters? If so who and for what IC reason?
Doris McKenna. They'll run the ice cream shop together.

Please list any other characters you already have at the site:
Daisy Corbridge and everything attached to her account :/

Special Phrase: Tibbles Beard of Power

Biography: (300 words minimum.)
Everyone always has this vision of Ravenclaws as studious, smart, and above all successful. This... is not always the case. I mean, take me. I DID EVERYTHING RIGHT. I went to every class, I studied really hard, I did ALL my homework, and I even got good grades. So where's my success? The thing they don't tell you about Ravenclaw when they put the Hat on you is that it is the hardest House to stand out in.

Gryffindor is full of drooling machismo, so you can just arm wrestle there and you're a star. If you get good grades in Hufflepuff, the other badgers probably kneel down and worship you as some sort of demigod. And Slytheirns... well everyone knows they pay their way through life. But Ravenclaw actually has all the best people by default. And it is -really- hard to be the best of the best of the best.

I mean, I used to be really good at Charms. But what the hell is the point when you're in the same class as Esme Bloody Faracy and she scoops Val every. single. year? It’s just not fair. So you have to try to be the best at other things. Spellbound? Oh wait, Esme. Quidditch? Hah yeah okay maybe but who wants to break a nail or get smacked in the face with a metal ball? Pass.

Ravenclaws are supposed to go far in life. At least, that’s what I was always told. But so far it’s been a load of crap. Doris and I got jobs at – not kidding – the ice cream parlour. Like, even The Daily Prophet wasn’t interested in hiring me, so it was the last thing available. I can’t even describe how annoying that is. You know what the highlight in life is right now? We heard it from the grape vine ( ooh baby) that Miss Perfect Esme and Mr Luscious Timothy are on the outs. Hahahah. Guess he wised up. Finally.

Maybe you don’t get everything in life you want, but at least you can work with what you have.


Edna stretched her hand out and examined the result critically. Being lefthanded had its perks sometimes but this was not one of them, because now her left hand fingers looked all crooked. She could tell the gloss wasn't in a perfectly straight line. Ugh. Scourgify and try again? Maybe rose wasn't a good colour. Maybe she should have gone for peach.

Oh god peach. She left one of the ice cream tubs out in the back room.

Edna dropped her ankles from the counter hastily and leapt off her stool, dashing down the aisle to the back room and swinging through the door to survey the damage. Oops liquid.

She picked up the tub and immediately regretted it because it was no longer solid, and a huge wave of orange goop slopped over the side of the tub from the pressure of her hands and all down her fingers. Grossssss. Would anybody notice if she scooped it back up and scraped it back into the tub? She pondered that as she quickly raced over to the walk-in and shouldered it open, depositing the sticky mess inside and closing the door hastily. Uhh, all better.

Maybe it would refreeze and she could just get rid of the rest later. Edna wandered back to the front staring at her hands. And nearly tripped over something. "Oh gods, what?" She wrinkled her nose. "Get that thing away from me, I'm sticky."

It was a child. And it was probably some sort of ploy to get free ice cream. Aww I'm lost boohoo. Right. She wasn't going to fall for that one again. Last time they docked her paycheck.

Answer these questions only if you are applying to be a shopkeeper as well.

Shop name: The Ice Creamery
Shop Description (200 words minimum): Going first down a set of three stairs, and then entering through the glass-paneled door, the entire shop becomes immediately visible. To the left is enough room for a small corner table and two chairs before the wall appears, but to the right is a large window with three tables large enough to accommodate four chairs each. In the center of the room is a long table that seats twelve (five on each side, one on each end), and on the far wall is a small buffet table that holds cherries, nuts, whipped cream, sprinkles, and chocolate chips to top sundaes off with.

Directly opposite the door is a gray marbled countertop that stretched the length of the back wall. Pink-cushioned stools with cherry wood legs (that match the tables and chairs around the room) are lined up along one side of the countertop, while the other is complete with a variety of supplies including two blenders, spoons, and basins for the ice cream to sit in. Behind the countertop is a large menu on a black chalkboard, handwritten in white chalk and decorated with little flowers along the edges.

Some of the chairs and stools have chips on their legs, and the black and white checkered floor gets muddy after a long day, but the ice cream parlor is seemingly significantly cooler than some of the other shops, whether it is from being slightly lower than street level or from the large freezers in the back is unknown.

What purpose will this shop serve other than selling things and being the home of your character? Why would people want to RP there just for fun?
Children love sugar. It's like a fact of life.

Esme Vartan

    (03/01/2012 at 18:53)
  • *
  • Lead Researcher, Supra Mortalitas
    • View Profile
C7D12T7S6 is what you're getting, yo.

Accepted. I love you too.
I'm the opposite of moderate
immaculately polished.

