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Author Topic: Alexaires Savile  (Read 892 times)

Alexaires Savile

    (07/12/2013 at 21:41)
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Application for Hogwarts School

Name: Alexaires Savile

Birthday: January 3rd, 1924

Hometown: Athens, Greece

Bloodline: Unknown

Magical Strength (pick one): Divination though his real strength lies in potion brewing.

Magical Weakness (pick one): Transfiguration (which is ironic)

Year (pick two): 4th-5th



Alexaires was born in Athens, Greece or so they told him. He himself has no recollection of the event. In fact, he has no memories of before he was four years old. It would seem that a wizard or witch had used the spell Oblivion on him when he was a toddler. Whether the spell was an act of love or disgust is still unknown. All that is known is that he was left in an alleyway, completely unaware and carrying a small scrap of paper with one word written on it ‘Alexaires’.

Luckily for him the alleyway was bordering one of the many churches in Greece and even more fortunate for himself a priest happened to be walking by and noticed the young boy standing there with a blank expression on his face. The priest was called Father Ignatius. Father Ignatius took Alexaires in. He fed, clothed and housed him for a year. Alexaires often looks back at pieces of memory from that time and says that it was the only time where he truly felt loved.

When Alexaires was five years old an English couple arrived at the church one day when Alexaires was playing. They stopped when the saw him and started whispering to each other in soft, hushed tones. Alexaires was too occupied with his game to notice the man sneaking up behind him. Snatch! The man had grabbed Alexaires by the back of the shirt and had his mouth and nose covered before Alexaires could make a peep. The struggle as Alexaires tried not only to get a breath, but also to get free. In the end it was a struggle in vain, a futile attempt by a lamb to break free of the lion’s maw. Alexaires vision began to fade. He faintly heard Father Ignatius shouting, but the sound seemed distant as if it was coming from somewhere far away. Then nothing.

Alexaires eyes fluttered open, his head felt like it was splitting. He found that he was gagged and tied up inside some kind of box.  He winced as what he assumed to be a carriage hit a bump. Alexaires had never been a fan of small places –especially ones which were also pitch black save a couple tiny pinpoints of light- and he was soon very distressed, his eyes wide with fear. He struggled to break free of his bonds but no matter what he tried he remained ensnared. He had been captured and caged like a wild animal. His memories of the trip of foggy. He spent most of the trip slipping in and out of consciousness. He doesn’t remember the carriage stopping or being fed, but considering he was still alive when they arrived in England, they must have taken care of him at some point.

The Manor

Alexaires eyes sprang open. The carriage was stopping. The carriage rolled to a stop and Alexaires could hear the opening and then closing of the carriage doors. The muffled tones of human speech and then he was moving. Someone or perhaps more than one someone had lifted the box in which he lay and was taking it somewhere. Alexaires hear the man talking but could not understand what was being said because he didn’t know the language. What the man had said was, “Take him to the cages”. The box continued to move for what felt like ages. Alexaires had heard when a door creaked opened, and then when he started to be carried down a flight of stairs. Then a right, a left, another left, a right and then the box stopped.

A crowbar bit into the top of the wooden box and the lid was pried off. Two pairs of rough looking hands reached into the box. One pair grabbing his arms, the other his legs. They lifted him up and out of the box and tossed him on the hard stone floor. Alexaires craned his neck to look around and found that he was in some kind of dungeon. The room was very large, half of it was dedicated to a holding cell which he guessed was for himself. It had an old beat up desk, a very thin straw-stuffed mattress and a couple of toys. The rest of the room was comprised of what looked like torture devices and weight training equipment. The only sources of light were the torches and a small barred window that opened out to the outside.

One of the men dragged Alexaires across the room to one of the walls where there were shackles hanging down. Alexaires struggled trying to get away. He tried screaming but the gag muffled the sound. The man lifted Alexaires arms and shackled his wrists while the other man procured a whip for himself from one of the many shelves containing such harmful devices. He was spoke to Alexaires and this time the boy could understand for the man spoke in Greek. “Boy, you can curse yourself for your fate. Now know where your place is!” Having shouted that last sentence the man raise the whip and brought it cracking down on Alexaires back. A muffled cry. A rush of tears. Spotty vision.

The flogging continued for a while, and then Alexaires was released from the manacles and tossed into the holding cell, too in too much pain to move or even make a sound. His abuser crouched down and whispered to him through bars, “Tomorrow is the full moon, soon we will have you ready for the dog fights.” Having said this the man turned and left with the other, closing the large oak door as they left and locking it behind them. Alexaires lay on his back, the cold stone somewhat soothing his lashed back.  Pain and exhaustion soon overwhelmed him and he drifted off, his mind dreaming of joyful days lived with priest.

Full Moon

“Get up!” Alexaires was yanked out of dreams and to his feet in an instant. He looked around him groggily and realized his Abuser was grinning down at him with a rather terrifying expression. “Well pup, it’s time you got your claws.” Alexaires was confused, he had no idea what this man was talking about.

That is when Alexaires saw it. Some kind of wolf thing. It was like a wolf but also like a man. He didn’t know it at the time but it was a werewolf. The werewolf was shackled up to the wall and muzzled. The scary thing was that it was looking directly at Alexaires. Alexaires struggled, by this point free of his gag he begged his handler to let him go, that he didn’t like it here. But the man only laughed and dragged him closer to the beast.

Once in front of the beast he grabbed its right forearm and pulled Alexaires towards it. Alexaires struggled, twisting as the claw made contact and thus scratched frop his upper back, around his side towards his abdomen. He cried out in pain and the man, releasing the beast’s forearm, dragged Alexaires away. He brought his hand down on the side of Alexaires’ face.
“Shut it!” Alexaires immediately grew quiet, resorting to muffled whimpering. The man then took Alexaires and tossed him back into the holding cell. Alexaires scrambled to far corner and curled up, whimpering. The beast was tied up and two men dragged it out of the room. The torches were extinguished, the door was locked and Alexaires found himself alone in the dark.

Dog Trains. Dog Fights.

After that Alexaires was trained for “Dog fights”. His trainer did not go easy on him. If he didn’t listen or pay attention he was flogged. If he showed attitude he was flogged. If the man was in a bad mood, he was flogged. Alexaires soon grew to know pain well. He grew accustomed to it, which was part of the training. The rest of the training was getting Alexaires into the best shape he could be in.

From the Age of five he was raised to be a killer, but his mind was one of a victim. He soon learned to seal off his emotions and become like a doll. Listening to orders like a mindless beast. His only relief was that the wife of the man who had snatched him –Alexaires soon learned this man was well known wizard who was part of a fairly prominent family- was very kind and she was the only person to treat him like a human. She taught him to read, told him stories. She was his only ally.

Five years passed of Alexaires brutal training, his harsh conditioning and his dogfights. The dogfights were always held in the manor’s arena. A wizards would come to bet which of the werewolves would win the fights. After five years of this Alexaires, to the awe and dismay of many a gambler, had never lost. It wasn’t like he could control himself in the ring, no werewolf has control. But his brutish human training had gone to strengthening the wolf. It was half way through his fifth year that things changed.

The ministry had somehow found out about the gambling events and staged a raid. They arrested the man and many others, taking them away. But somehow in the raid a spell from a wizard went askew and ended up killing the wife. The only person other than the priest who had really cared for Alexaires, in fact she was planning on helping him escape the next day on Alexaires’ day off. Alexaires was taken by the ministry and sent to a secure housing facility.

He spent a year at the facility and received the last name of Savile. It was, what he described later, a dark place. Nothing really bad happened to him there, but nothing good did either. It was sort of like a dead space where time flows but even so nothing really occurs. Alexaires hated it there and was relieved when, at the end of the year, he got his letter from Hogwarts. He was given leave to go and soon went to Diagon Alley, to purchase his school supplies. He even got a wand! A 10 ½ inch, supple, English Oak wand with a dragon heartstring core.

After his many years of abuse and mistreatment Alexaires finally had one good thing going for him, yet even so there was great discrimination towards his kind especially among the wizarding world. Also it was organized that when the moon was full he was to be locked up in the school’s dungeon, since at this point of time Wolfsbane potion did not exist. And so Alexaire lived on at his new home of Hogwarts.

Note: This section is optional, and is up to you to complete.

House Request: The Sorting Hat Shall Decide


Alexaires is a rather solitary person. It isn’t that he doesn’t want to be close to others. He just feels as though he cannot connect to them. He feels as though he is too different from them. Though if someone took the time to get to know him, and treated him like a normal person there is no doubt that he will become their most loyal ally and friend.

Alexaires has a fear of small places, dark places, whips, manacles, and other such devices. He surprisingly hates fighting, but if provoked he won’t usually back down. He does like nature, forests, large bodies of water, the skies and the great outdoors. He often says “Life is too short to not enjoy the good weather.”

On a good day he is rather reclusive, and introverted, and you would probably find him lazing about outside somewhere where you can see the sky or smell the trees. On a bad day, which is to say a bad night, he chains himself up to keep from hurting himself or others.

Alexaires is rather cheerful person especially considering his past, one would never guess what happened to him without seeing the scars on his torso, arms and legs. He is all about the optimism, and is even more about smiling even when it hurts. However, despite what seems to be very sociable characteristics, he is rather introverted and it requires a bit of prying and hard work to break through his exterior shell and get to the real him.


Is he an angel? How can a boy be so lovely?

 Soft grey eyes –sheltered by brown lashes- that always seem to look right through you, into your soul. Alexaires boasts of being able to tell a person with a good character with a glance. Looking into his eyes is like looking into the eye of a hurricane, they are clear but you can tell there is something strong, willful and possibly disastrous twisting around in there. Above his eyes his brown brows reside.

Alexaires’ hair is one of his more noticeable features. It is as straight as can be and of a blonde-orange colour. It is rather long going down to his shoulder blades at the back. He often ties it in a ponytail when he is reading or making potions

Alexaires stands at 5’ 11” and is covered in lean muscle. His skin is very smooth, fairly tan and barely any hair can be found on his arms or legs. You can however find scars. Scars cover a lot of his body: arms, legs, back and even some on his chest. Memories of his past. As such he can usually be found wearing long sleeves and pants even in the summer months.


Option 2:

“Oh, come now!"

Astrid Bixby’s voice carried down the corridor, the tall blonde girl not far behind. Her interviewee – or victim, depending on perspective – turned a corner and she frowned. They were always so elusive when she needed them. Sure, they would talk as if there was no tomorrow during class, but once she actually needed them to say something, they were nowhere to be found. Gryffindors.

Flustered, Astrid stopped in the middle of the corridor and stared, her parchment hanging limply from her hand. She was a good reporter, really, and she always did her best to make sure that everything she wrote was accurate. She glanced down to the quill, eyeing it with disdain. It wasn’t her fault if her quill misquoted. How was she supposed to know? It made for interesting articles, at least, and if she had misquoted the Head Boy last term as saying he had a love for stuffed animals, then that gave him personality. Astrid sighed.

A pout formed on her lips as she turned away, discouraged. The corridor was mercifully empty, though the doors to The Spellbound – the school newspaper – were ominously closed. Corbridge was a mercifully sweet editor, but Astrid was terrified of disappointing her all the same. She had to come back with quotes.
Her eyes, blue, trailed her surroundings before choosing a new path, and she turned down a new corridor. A figure was ahead, and her eyes lit up, an impossibly rosy smile blossoming across her lips.

“Hey!” Astrid called, her voice light and singsong. She trotted to catch the person, her shoes clicking on the stone floor. “Wait up! It’s for the paper!” Her legs aided her admittedly poor running, and Astrid gasped as she came closer. “What do you think about serving frog legs at lunch? Some say it’s a delicacy, but others think it’s plain gross.”

Alexaires day had started off rather miserably. He had had nightmares yet again, this made the third night in a row and they had only gotten worse and worse. Then to top it all off he had slipped getting out of bed and ended up breaking his bedside lamp. Oh but was that the worst of it? No it wasn’t, tying up his shoes one of his laces had snapped. It was then that Alexaires knew his day was going to be a rough one and he was most definitely right.

Walking to the mess hall to eat a few Slytherins thought it would be a good idea crust him, making fun of his hair and looks. Normally Alexaires would have shoved them and told them to shut up but today was just not his day. The Slytherins however took this to be a sign of weakness and proceeded to circle around him and poke fun of his hair, his looks, anything they could really. Alexaires however could only smile and continue walking.

Finally he was in his Transfiguration class. Of course the only good thing about it was that he had escaped those pesky snakes, considering how badly he sucked at Transfiguration. The professor then decided it would be a good idea to ask him to do a demonstration. Could the day get any worse? He muttered the spell, flicked his wand and the book morphed into a deformed book. A Brodie… Yes, this day could get worse.

With Transfiguration class out of the way Alexaires was finally able to get to his favourite class, potions. He loved potions since it seemed to be the only class he was good at. He went to his seat, set his bags down and listened to the professor speak. Finally it was time to brew. Alexaires got up, pulling a strip of linen from his bag he tied up his hair into his signature ponytail. He made his way over to his cauldron and though of what he wanted to brew that day, got it! With that he brewed himself a potion.

Alexaires left potions class. Perhaps the day was starting to brighten up after all. That’s when he heard it, some dame calling out from behind him. He ignored the call assuming it was for someone else. Yet she called out again. Alexaires slowly turned around and looked at the broad. His blonde-orange hair was done up in a ponytail still from potions class. He had just finished making himself a Dreamless Sleep potion since as the moon was nearing its full form he had begun to have more and more nightmares again.

He looked the dame up and down. She was cute as a bug’s ear with those blinkers looking at him as if begging for his help. She looked doggy however, as if trying to raise herself up using her outfit, but no matter. “Easy there, don’t blow your wig.” Alexaires replied. He really didn’t know how or even wanted to answer her booshwash, but it would be impolite for him to just make tracks. “I guess it’s ok if it tastes ok. Anyway I have to split, I have…something I need to do.” Having said this Alexaires turned and walked away.

→ ABOUT YOU.[/font]

Previous Characters (if applicable): None

How did you find us?: Google is a beautiful thing.

Theodore Beauchamp

    (07/12/2013 at 23:54)
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Hi Alexaires! Welcome to HS.net!

There's some things I'd like to clear up before we proceed - our site rating is 12, which means that whatever is written on the site must be suitable for persons as young as 12. Whilst it's clear that you've put an exceptional amount of thought into your application, it would be more appropriate in terms of the site rating for the details to be left vague when referred to on the site.

However, you will have to submit a Special Request Form for Alexaire's werewolf ability and his scars. Admins will then advise you as to how the school would agree to deal with his condition - it's unlikely that they'd lock him up in the dungeons, because it'd be safer for the other students if he was out of the castle.

(The following is some advice which might help with your character history / site context - it has nothing to do with your application being accepted - I just think it might help to know!)

Firstly, the Ministry is a played entity of the site. Ministry policy, in this case, would place Alexaires in St Mungos. (Of course, this knowledge wouldn't necessarily alter Alexaire's opinion of his experience, but I just wanted to fill you in on a little context which could help you when RPing).

Secondly, wolfbane exists in this universe, however the war made it rare, and extremely expensive. The recent death of the maker will create other complications (but for this, you might want to consider talking to Charlie Kedding!)

Thanks! I hope I haven't confused you, and I look forward to reading your special request,

and we all just entertainers
and we're stupid, and contagious

Alexaires Savile

    (09/12/2013 at 19:58)
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Application for Hogwarts School

I edited the bloodline as well as added the St. Mungo’s portion to the biography which gives a more accurate account, especially when it comes to what the school would do with him on a full moon -since I did chat with Charles Kedding-. I also added another little section to his personality.

I also sent Theodore Beauchamp the Special Application form for the Werewolf and scar portions of my Character

Name: Alexaires Savile

Birthday: January 3rd, 1924

Hometown: Athens, Greece

Bloodline: Unknown (I will probably try to develop this in a later plot line. But if you need to you can choose a bloodline for Alexaires)

Magical Strength (pick one): Divination though his real strength lies in potion brewing.

Magical Weakness (pick one): Transfiguration (which is ironic)

Year (pick two): 4th-5th



Alexaires was born in Athens, Greece or so they told him. He himself has no recollection of the event. In fact, he has no memories of before he was four years old. It would seem that a wizard or witch had used the spell Oblivion on him when he was a toddler. Whether the spell was an act of love or disgust is still unknown. All that is known is that he was left in an alleyway, completely unaware and carrying a small scrap of paper with one word written on it ‘Alexaires’.

Luckily for him the alleyway was bordering one of the many churches in Greece and even more fortunate for himself a priest happened to be walking by and noticed the young boy standing there with a blank expression on his face. The priest was called Father Ignatius. Father Ignatius took Alexaires in. He fed, clothed and housed him for a year. Alexaires often looks back at pieces of memory from that time and says that it was the only time where he truly felt loved.

When Alexaires was five years old an English couple arrived at the church one day when Alexaires was playing. They stopped when the saw him and started whispering to each other in soft, hushed tones. Alexaires was too occupied with his game to notice the man sneaking up behind him. Snatch! The man had grabbed Alexaires by the back of the shirt and had his mouth and nose covered before Alexaires could make a peep. The struggle as Alexaires tried not only to get a breath, but also to get free. In the end it was a struggle in vain, a futile attempt by a lamb to break free of the lion’s maw. Alexaires vision began to fade. He faintly heard Father Ignatius shouting, but the sound seemed distant as if it was coming from somewhere far away. Then nothing.

Alexaires eyes fluttered open, his head felt like it was splitting. He found that he was gagged and tied up inside some kind of box.  He winced as what he assumed to be a carriage hit a bump. Alexaires had never been a fan of small places –especially ones which were also pitch black save a couple tiny pinpoints of light- and he was soon very distressed, his eyes wide with fear. He struggled to break free of his bonds but no matter what he tried he remained ensnared. He had been captured and caged like a wild animal. His memories of the trip of foggy. He spent most of the trip slipping in and out of consciousness. He doesn’t remember the carriage stopping or being fed, but considering he was still alive when they arrived in England, they must have taken care of him at some point.

The Manor

Alexaires eyes sprang open. The carriage was stopping. The carriage rolled to a stop and Alexaires could hear the opening and then closing of the carriage doors. The muffled tones of human speech and then he was moving. Someone or perhaps more than one someone had lifted the box in which he lay and was taking it somewhere. Alexaires hear the man talking but could not understand what was being said because he didn’t know the language. What the man had said was, “Take him to the cages”. The box continued to move for what felt like ages. Alexaires had heard when a door creaked opened, and then when he started to be carried down a flight of stairs. Then a right, a left, another left, a right and then the box stopped.

A crowbar bit into the top of the wooden box and the lid was pried off. Two pairs of rough looking hands reached into the box. One pair grabbing his arms, the other his legs. They lifted him up and out of the box and tossed him on the hard stone floor. Alexaires craned his neck to look around and found that he was in some kind of dungeon. The room was very large, half of it was dedicated to a holding cell which he guessed was for himself. It had an old beat up desk, a very thin straw-stuffed mattress and a couple of toys. The rest of the room was comprised of what looked like torture devices and weight training equipment. The only sources of light were the torches and a small barred window that opened out to the outside.

One of the men dragged Alexaires across the room to one of the walls where there were shackles hanging down. Alexaires struggled trying to get away. He tried screaming but the gag muffled the sound. The man lifted Alexaires arms and shackled his wrists while the other man procured a whip for himself from one of the many shelves containing such harmful devices. He was spoke to Alexaires and this time the boy could understand for the man spoke in Greek. “Boy, you can curse yourself for your fate. Now know where your place is!” Having shouted that last sentence the man raise the whip and brought it cracking down on Alexaires back. A muffled cry. A rush of tears. Spotty vision.

The flogging continued for a while, and then Alexaires was released from the manacles and tossed into the holding cell, too in too much pain to move or even make a sound. His abuser crouched down and whispered to him through bars, “Tomorrow is the full moon, soon we will have you ready for the dog fights.” Having said this the man turned and left with the other, closing the large oak door as they left and locking it behind them. Alexaires lay on his back, the cold stone somewhat soothing his lashed back.  Pain and exhaustion soon overwhelmed him and he drifted off, his mind dreaming of joyful days lived with priest.

Full Moon

“Get up!” Alexaires was yanked out of dreams and to his feet in an instant. He looked around him groggily and realized his Abuser was grinning down at him with a rather terrifying expression. “Well pup, it’s time you got your claws.” Alexaires was confused, he had no idea what this man was talking about.

That is when Alexaires saw it. Some kind of wolf thing. It was like a wolf but also like a man. He didn’t know it at the time but it was a werewolf. The werewolf was shackled up to the wall and muzzled. The scary thing was that it was looking directly at Alexaires. Alexaires struggled, by this point free of his gag he begged his handler to let him go, that he didn’t like it here. But the man only laughed and dragged him closer to the beast.

Once in front of the beast he grabbed its right forearm and pulled Alexaires towards it. Alexaires struggled, twisting as the claw made contact and thus scratched frop his upper back, around his side towards his abdomen. He cried out in pain and the man, releasing the beast’s forearm, dragged Alexaires away. He brought his hand down on the side of Alexaires’ face.
“Shut it!” Alexaires immediately grew quiet, resorting to muffled whimpering. The man then took Alexaires and tossed him back into the holding cell. Alexaires scrambled to far corner and curled up, whimpering. The beast was tied up and two men dragged it out of the room. The torches were extinguished, the door was locked and Alexaires found himself alone in the dark.

Dog Trains. Dog Fights.

After that Alexaires was trained for “Dog fights”. His trainer did not go easy on him. If he didn’t listen or pay attention he was flogged. If he showed attitude he was flogged. If the man was in a bad mood, he was flogged. Alexaires soon grew to know pain well. He grew accustomed to it, which was part of the training. The rest of the training was getting Alexaires into the best shape he could be in.

From the Age of five he was raised to be a killer, but his mind was one of a victim. He soon learned to seal off his emotions and become like a doll. Listening to orders like a mindless beast. His only relief was that the wife of the man who had snatched him –Alexaires soon learned this man was well known wizard who was part of a fairly prominent family- was very kind and she was the only person to treat him like a human. She taught him to read, told him stories. She was his only ally.

Five years passed of Alexaires brutal training, his harsh conditioning and his dogfights. The dogfights were always held in the manor’s arena. A wizards would come to bet which of the werewolves would win the fights. After five years of this Alexaires, to the awe and dismay of many a gambler, had never lost. It wasn’t like he could control himself in the ring, no werewolf has control. But his brutish human training had gone to strengthening the wolf. It was half way through his fifth year that things changed.

The ministry had somehow found out about the gambling events and staged a raid. They arrested the man and many others, taking them away. But somehow in the raid a spell from a wizard went askew and ended up killing the wife. The only person other than the priest who had really cared for Alexaires, in fact she was planning on helping him escape the next day on Alexaires’ day off. Alexaires was taken by the ministry and sent to a secure housing facility.

St. Mungo’s Orphanage

The Ministry saw fit to send Alexaires to St. Mungo’s. It was in fact a wizarding hospital but the second floor’s West Wing was an orphanage. Being 10 at the time Alexaires was one of the oldest boys there. Mrs. Robinson at Reception was nice though, very kind. She would often listen whenever he needed someone to, which wasn’t often because he personally didn’t like to talk to others. His traumatic experiences growing up had left him as a bit of an introvert, closed off from everyone else. He didn’t really like the director, something about his face seemed kind of scary, but maybe that was just him. The director had been told about his…condition and as such every full moon he was caged either in the Spell Damage division or Emergencies and Triage.

The one thing that Alexaires really enjoyed about the facility was that it was a hospital. Alexaires didn’t like being contained and as such he often made daring escapes from the orphanage into other sectors of the building, and sometimes even outside –sneaking past the receptionists on the ground floor was always a challenge-.  But his two favourite places to go were ‘Emergencies & Triage’ as well as ‘Spell Damage’. Alexaires liked these places because he would occasionally get to see a potion or two being brewed. He had discovered quite early on at his stay with St. Mungo’s that he quite liked potions. Within his first week he had snuck a potions book from one of the research rooms and from then on could always be found reading it with his hair tied back in a ponytail, which is if he could be found.  He was rather sneaky, more so to have people leave him alone than anything else.

One area in which he was very sneaky was blood tests. Even the orphans had to go through them. Why adopt a Muggleborn when there could be a Pureblood among them? So the orphanage set up days in which the blood was to be tested. It usually only happened three or four times a year and during his stay at St. Mungo’s , Alexaires managed to sneak out and avoided them all. In this way St. Mungo’s was unable to determine what his bloodline was.

It was in fact St. Mungo’s which gave him the Surname of Savile. They said that it was for his records. Alexaires often says that St. Mungo’s was a dark place. Of course even saying that he smiles at the memory of Mrs. Robinson and sneaking about the hospital. He, however, still shudders at memories of the cage and at memories of the doctors scuttling about the orphanage for blood tests. Alexaires didn’t really like there and was relieved when, at the end of the year, he got his letter from Hogwarts. He was given leave to go and soon went to Diagon Alley, to purchase his school supplies. He even got a wand! A 10 ½ inch, supple, English Oak wand with a dragon heartstring core.

After his many years of abuse and mistreatment Alexaires finally had one good thing going for him, yet even so there was great discrimination towards his kind especially among the wizarding world. The school administration had organized it so that during the night of the full moon he was to be sent to the forbidden forest. Since he was registered at the school they saw to it that he received his Wolfsbane Potion, but just in case there was a cage in the forest as well.

Note: This section is optional, and is up to you to complete.

House Request: The Sorting Hat Shall Decide


Alexaires is a rather solitary person. It isn’t that he doesn’t want to be close to others. He just feels as though he cannot connect to them. He feels as though he is too different from them. Though if someone took the time to get to know him, and treated him like a normal person there is no doubt that he will become their most loyal ally and friend.

Alexaires has a fear of small places, dark places, whips, manacles, and other such devices. He surprisingly hates fighting, but if provoked he won’t usually back down. He does like nature, forests, large bodies of water, the skies and the great outdoors. He often says “Life is too short to not enjoy the good weather.”

On a good day he is rather reclusive, and introverted, and you would probably find him lazing about outside somewhere where you can see the sky or smell the trees. On a bad day, which is to say a bad night, he cages himself up to keep from hurting himself or others.

Alexaires is rather cheerful person especially considering his past, one would never guess what happened to him without seeing the scars on his torso, arms and legs. He is all about the optimism, and is even more about smiling even when it hurts. However, despite what seems to be very sociable characteristics, he is rather introverted and it requires a bit of prying and hard work to break through his exterior shell and get to the real him.

One of his favourite past times is reading books on potions and potioneering. This may be what he wishes to do in his future, but he doesn’t know yet. Unfortunately he can sometimes be stuck up without realizing it, which can further estrange him and cause others to avoid him. Not that it bothers him that much…


Is he an angel? How can a boy be so lovely?

 Soft grey eyes –sheltered by brown lashes- that always seem to look right through you, into your soul. Alexaires boasts of being able to tell a person with a good character with a glance. Looking into his eyes is like looking into the eye of a hurricane, they are clear but you can tell there is something strong, willful and possibly disastrous twisting around in there. Above his eyes his brown brows reside.

Alexaires’ hair is one of his more noticeable features. It is as straight as can be and of a blonde-orange colour. It is rather long going down to his shoulder blades at the back. He often ties it in a ponytail when he is reading or making potions

Alexaires stands at 5’ 11” and is covered in lean muscle. His skin is very smooth, fairly tan and barely any hair can be found on his arms or legs. You can however find scars. Scars cover a lot of his body: arms, legs, back and even some on his chest. Memories of his past. As such he can usually be found wearing long sleeves and pants even in the summer months.


Option 2:

“Oh, come now!"

Astrid Bixby’s voice carried down the corridor, the tall blonde girl not far behind. Her interviewee – or victim, depending on perspective – turned a corner and she frowned. They were always so elusive when she needed them. Sure, they would talk as if there was no tomorrow during class, but once she actually needed them to say something, they were nowhere to be found. Gryffindors.

Flustered, Astrid stopped in the middle of the corridor and stared, her parchment hanging limply from her hand. She was a good reporter, really, and she always did her best to make sure that everything she wrote was accurate. She glanced down to the quill, eyeing it with disdain. It wasn’t her fault if her quill misquoted. How was she supposed to know? It made for interesting articles, at least, and if she had misquoted the Head Boy last term as saying he had a love for stuffed animals, then that gave him personality. Astrid sighed.

A pout formed on her lips as she turned away, discouraged. The corridor was mercifully empty, though the doors to The Spellbound – the school newspaper – were ominously closed. Corbridge was a mercifully sweet editor, but Astrid was terrified of disappointing her all the same. She had to come back with quotes.
Her eyes, blue, trailed her surroundings before choosing a new path, and she turned down a new corridor. A figure was ahead, and her eyes lit up, an impossibly rosy smile blossoming across her lips.

“Hey!” Astrid called, her voice light and singsong. She trotted to catch the person, her shoes clicking on the stone floor. “Wait up! It’s for the paper!” Her legs aided her admittedly poor running, and Astrid gasped as she came closer. “What do you think about serving frog legs at lunch? Some say it’s a delicacy, but others think it’s plain gross.”

Alexaires day had started off rather miserably. He had had nightmares yet again, this made the third night in a row and they had only gotten worse and worse. Then to top it all off he had slipped getting out of bed and ended up breaking his bedside lamp. Oh but was that the worst of it? No it wasn’t, tying up his shoes one of his laces had snapped. It was then that Alexaires knew his day was going to be a rough one and he was most definitely right.

Walking to the mess hall to eat a few Slytherins thought it would be a good idea crust him, making fun of his hair and looks. Normally Alexaires would have shoved them and told them to shut up but today was just not his day. The Slytherins however took this to be a sign of weakness and proceeded to circle around him and poke fun of his hair, his looks, anything they could really. Alexaires however could only smile and continue walking.

Finally he was in his Transfiguration class. Of course the only good thing about it was that he had escaped those pesky snakes, considering how badly he sucked at Transfiguration. The professor then decided it would be a good idea to ask him to do a demonstration. Could the day get any worse? He muttered the spell, flicked his wand and the book morphed into a deformed book. A Brodie… Yes, this day could get worse.

With Transfiguration class out of the way Alexaires was finally able to get to his favourite class, potions. He loved potions since it seemed to be the only class he was good at. He went to his seat, set his bags down and listened to the professor speak. Finally it was time to brew. Alexaires got up, pulling a strip of linen from his bag he tied up his hair into his signature ponytail. He made his way over to his cauldron and though of what he wanted to brew that day, got it! With that he brewed himself a potion.

Alexaires left potions class. Perhaps the day was starting to brighten up after all. That’s when he heard it, some dame calling out from behind him. He ignored the call assuming it was for someone else. Yet she called out again. Alexaires slowly turned around and looked at the broad. His blonde-orange hair was done up in a ponytail still from potions class. He had just finished making himself a Dreamless Sleep potion since as the moon was nearing its full form he had begun to have more and more nightmares again.

He looked the dame up and down. She was cute as a bug’s ear with those blinkers looking at him as if begging for his help. She looked doggy however, as if trying to raise herself up using her outfit, but no matter. “Easy there, don’t blow your wig.” Alexaires replied. He really didn’t know how or even wanted to answer her booshwash, but it would be impolite for him to just make tracks. “I guess it’s ok if it tastes ok. Anyway I have to split, I have…something I need to do.” Having said this Alexaires turned and walked away.


Previous Characters (if applicable): None

How did you find us?: Google is a beautiful thing.

« Last Edit: 09/12/2013 at 20:03 by Alexaires Savile »

Vincenzo Nicolosi

    (10/12/2013 at 00:20)
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Hello Alexaires,

Thank you filling out the special request form. Though we can not accept your profile at this time for just a couple of reasons.

- Until your special request is accepted we can not accept your application. If you want your application to be accepted before your special request is approved, you will need to take out the parts involving Alexaires being a werewolf and having scars.

- As Theodore said before, the site rating is PG-13 site. This means that any reference to extreme violence (such as kidnapping, and torture), should not be given too much focus.

Also, just a note to help you when it comes to bloodline and rping it. The Ministry requires all citizens of Wizarding Britain to register their Blood Status. So in all likelihood if he does not know his Bloodline, then he will be given a badge saying he is a Muggleborn, or Halfblood unless he goes ahead and gets his blood tested.

Once you edit your profile with these things in mind, we will go ahead and read your application again.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and we hope to see your edited profile up soon.

- Kristoffer Carlisle

rise above.
