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Messages - Eira North

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Archived Applications / Eira North - Student Application
« on: 09/12/2023 at 22:08 »

Application for Hogwarts School


Name:  Eira North

Birthday: December 12 1958

Hometown: Cardiff

Bloodline: Unknown

Magical Strength (pick one): Charms

Magical Weakness (pick one): Conjuring & Summoning

Year (pick two): first or second

Eira grew up in an orphanage in Cardiff. She never knew her parents or why she ended up there. The only thing the staff bothered to tell her, was that someone had dropped her off at the back door at the age of 24 months (that's what the doctors estimated anyway) and that she's been there ever since. She grew up surrounded by children with similar fates and hated every moment of it. The orphanage never provided any love or comfort in the nine years she's lived there. The staff didn't mistreat any of the children but they never exceeded their efforts either.
Everything about Eira was uncertain. Her age, her name, her parentage, her birthday. The orphanage simply pronounced the day of her arrival, a snowy December morning, as the day she was supposed to celebrate herself year after year. Forever linking it to the date of ending up in this cold and lonely place. The name they gave her meaning 'snow' in Welsh. Ironic.
Eira mostly kept to herself, not wanting anything to do with the other children who seemed so different from herself. Weird things kept happening around her, getting her into trouble more times that she would have liked. Of course the staff never believed her when she claimed she didn't know how things kept catching fire or how people got smacked in the head by a mysterious force when she walked past them. Little did she know all this was due to her magic showing itself. So when her letter finally arrived, turning her entire world around in a matter of minutes, she couldn't wait to leave this miserable place behind.

Note: This section is optional, and is up to you to complete.

House Request: Slytherin

Eira always felt different from the others, never fitting in, never able to form a connection. So eventually she stopped trying and kept to herself, managing on her own. Everything she's ever done, she's done alone. Because of that it's hard for her to except help from others, not being able to admit she can't do everything on her own.
Having never known real love or friendship, trusting others and opening up to people doesn't come easy, if at all. Always saying what she thinks directly into peoples faces doesn't help the fact Eira sucks at making friends. But it does have her exceed at getting herself into trouble for not being able to shut her mouth. Interacting with others mostly happens to serve her own purpose, to better her position, to make it out one day. But maybe now that she finds herself among children that are like her, entering a new world, she might find that she needs others help to find her way. Reluctantly.
Eira has long blonde hair and very fair skin. She is rather small for her age. Her eyes are a mossy green. 

You come across one of these posts on the site. Please select one & reply as your character. Remember, you can only roleplay your own character's actions, not Evangeline's or Hugh's.

Option I:

The dungeons. A place eleven-year-old Evangeline had not yet travelled since her arrival at Hogwarts.

A place she really was just fine with not knowing; but it was too late. The dare had been accepted, even if it had been done in fear of being kicked out of Gryffindor, like the older girls had said she would because Gryffindors were supposed to be brave.

The air changed instantly when she hit the main corridor of the dungeons. The dampness was almost too much for her and she instinctively took a deep breath to avoid the sensation of being suffocated. There was also a sour burning smell which Evangeline assumed was from many, many Potions lessons.

Further and further she walked, her steps so slow and gentle they made no noise against the stone walls and floor. The feeling that she wasn't alone crept up her spine and raised the tiny hair on the back of her neck. Shivering, Evangeline wrapped her arms around herself. Suddenly, she missed the warmth and comfort of the Gryffindor common room. The fire was always going and it made her feel at ease.

Why had she let those girls talk her into this? She was only eleven, she didn't have to be brave. Surely the Headmistress would not kick her out of Hogwarts for not being brave.

If only she had these thoughts while being dared to search for the ghost of one Emma Birch, whom supposedly haunted the dungeons. It was not, Evangeline had learned, the place where the sixteen-year-old girl's life had ended but as she had been from the house with a snake as its mascot, it was the place her spirit had returned to. That common room was down here somewhere, she'd been told.

Something - the small blonde girl wasn't quite sure what - but something made her stop in her tracks suddenly. There was a low, dull thumping noise. Or maybe that was her heart beating so loudly she thought it was coming from outside her body.

"H-h-hello?" Her voice was barely above a whisper.

Remembering that she was supposed to be brave, Evangeline tried again.

"Hello! Is Emma Birch here?"

The sound of her own words bouncing back at her off the walls made her jump.

Roleplay Response:
She really had tried. Honestly. After all, she only arrived at Hogwarts a short while ago. She should at least attempt to not get in trouble. But, well. She just couldn't help it. It simply seemed to run in her blood. Curiosity had taken the better of her and next thing she knew she had found herself deep, deep in the dungeons.

The walls were damp with moisture, the air chilly, the corridors murky. Eira liked it. It all seemed so mysterious and full of secrets waiting to be uncovered. A small and rare smile crept over her face.

Not entirely sure what she was looking for, Eira mindlessly started wandering down corridor after corridor, trying door handles whenever she came across a door.

Closed. All of them closed.

She cursed under her breath. There had to be something here to discover! Checking her watch she cursed again. She's been here for almost an hour now and hadn't found anything to still her hunger for adventure.

Her eyes landed on the door in front of her again. Should she? Biting her lip she took a look around her. No one to be seen. And who would come around here at this time anyway?

Shrugging once she tried the handle again, a little harder this time. It just wouldn't budge. It seemed like this operation would require some more force. Taking a deep breath Eira took a step back, determination settling in her gaze, locked on the place where the lock of the door met the frame. With one more deep inhale, she put all the strength she could muster and slammed her shoulder into the firm wood in front of her. As much strength an eleven year old girl had to offer anyway.

Nothing happend except for a dull pain appearing in her shoulder. But she wouldn't give up that easily. After a moment of collecting herself, she tried again. And again. Right when she was about to do it once more, a voice sounded from afar. Stilling in her motion Eira strained her ears, not daring to breathe. Had she been caught after all?

"Hello! Is Emma Birch here?"

Confusion crossed the first years face. Emma Birch? Never heard the name. Should she announce herself? The voice most definitely didn't sound like a teachers. More like someone her age. Gnawing her bottom lip Eira quietly swore again. There really wasn't any other choice. Whoever that voice belonged to would discover her anyway if she didn't take her legs and run. And she had never liked physical activity.

So, trying to look as innocent as possible, now rubbing the ache in her shoulder, she called back: "I don't know about Emma Birch. But this is Eira. Who are you?"


Please list any characters you have  on the site (current and previous): None

How did you find us?: Google search

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