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The Jangletons
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Topic: The Jangletons (Read 1125 times)
Elena Jangleton
(20/12/2020 at 00:01)
Auror - Hit Witch
Nothing is impossible, everything is possible
The Jangletons are a proud, pure-blooded family that hail from the most high-class parts of London. They are heavily invested in Ministry politics and hold ownership of a reputable blacksmithing operation that crafts anything from crude tools to the most luxurious rings and jewlery. A large castle-like estate is the family home dubbed "The Cottage" which resides in Buckinghamshire. However, they are not without their short-comings and affairs as well as this family has been the subject of much scrutiny over the years as well. They are known far too well in the political field for being advocates of pure-blood supremacy as well as their lavish tastes for exotic heirlooms, some of which are considered dangerous and unorthodox. Each member of the family wears a brass ring on their index finger which has the crest of the family engraved into it which happens to be a black coiled king cobra snake poised to strike with the letter J inscribed in the center.
Leonardo Jangleton
59 | Pure-blood | Slytherin | Head of Family | Wizengamot Member
Leonardo or commonly nicknamed Leo is the head of the family originally hailing from Austria. He takes any affairs of the family very seriously though this is a problem due to his views on society. He holds a vast amount of influence within not just the Ministry but those around him as well. A smile is rare for him and his tone is often sarcastic or bored but has been known to be extremely cold or distance to those who displeasure him.
Adrianna Jangleton
12| Pure-blood| Slytherin | Daughter of Leonardo | Unemployed |
Adrianna is the favored child of Leonardo and aids the man in day-to day affairs. Together, Adiranna is the sole child out of four children, one being adopted though Leonardo pays them little attention with the exception of Adrianna who is unusually harsh and dismissive of her siblings due to their rejection of the family's ideals. She is known for her exotic appeals and oversees along with her father the blacksmithing buisness to ensure it is running smoothly. She has a quick temper which can cause her to be confrontional and fiery at times though she proclaims to do it for the other parties best interest and comes off as arrogant. Though, she feels secure and confident with Leonardo around and without him to intervene or butt in, she tends to be more reserved.
Alexander J. Hickens
55 | Half-blood | Hufflepuff | Cousin | Healer
Alexander is one of the few relatives that have cast aside their surname in protest and fear of being seen as one of them and because they did not agree with the family's current state of affairs. After a falling out with Leonardo over his children, he was cast out and disinherited and many refuse to acknowledge him. A relative gentle and quiet man, he works at St. Mungos living out of a small run-down, crime-ridden neighborhood. He interacts little with his relatives wanting nothing to do with them out of fear something will happen and spends the days going about his life making what little money he can. He has also been diagnosed with hypochondriasis that has been affecting him.
Logan Jangleton
14 | Pure-blood | Slytherin | Nephew | Unemployed
One of the strong supporters of the family, he has been regarded as 'the son they never had' in Leonardo's eyes. Blinded by false stories and promises of luxurious incentives, he does his hardest to support the family's cause. Aside from that, he is a relatively gentle soul having been taken in after his father's mysterious death which was quickly hushed up. He has been blinded with loyalty so much so he looks with disdain down upon who would dare to think different than what he was been taught and from time to time, he can get a bit riled up though it is done out of sheer love and protection for the family he works so hard for.
rules for adoptions
If you are interested in adopting any of these characters, please feel free to PM me on-site or on the Discord at Shipmaster334#1201! None of these characters are set in stone so if there is something you want to change or feel like would work better, reach out to me! Many thanks!
coded by ifr
Last Edit: 05/05/2022 at 18:59 by Elena Jangleton
Elena Jangleton
(20/12/2020 at 05:11)
Auror - Hit Witch
Last Edit: 20/12/2020 at 05:17 by Elena Jangleton
Elena Jangleton
(20/12/2020 at 05:13)
Auror - Hit Witch
Faces can change! These are placeholders!
Last Edit: 20/12/2020 at 05:16 by Elena Jangleton
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