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Barlowe Branching Family Adoptables
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Topic: Barlowe Branching Family Adoptables (Read 163 times)
Maddox Barlowe
(15/11/2024 at 09:18)
Dragonologist and Care of Magical Creatures Professor
Integrity. Duty. Decorum.
The Barlowes can trace their roots back to a pureblood lineage spanning centuries. While, in the beginning, the founding patriarch and his family followed beliefs steeped in elitism, the family's views have mellowed out in the later generations. The importance once placed on blood status has long since disintegrated but the values that keep the family bonded have not.
The majority of the family is firmly established in the middle class with some teetering closer to the upper-middle class. There has been a long-standing expectation of propriety but with the fading away of the older beliefs that once dictated the behaviour of its members, the younger generations have begun displaying a level of recklessness that the older members of the family have been forced to take notice of.
Scarlet Barlowe
September 26, 1940 | FC: Paige Butcher | Slytherin | Age: 33 |
Scarlot is the older sister of Maddox and Cassidy Barlowe and always took that role seriously. She has always been the least approachable of the three but those who knew her understood it was only smoke and mirrors to hide the care she actually felt for those who earned her trust and affection. She was sorted into Slytherin for her overwhelming ambition and drive to excel. In her earlier life, she fell for a man who promised her marriage but who ended up leaving shortly after the birth of their daughter, Phoenix Barlowe. Stubbornly she pushed forward, systematically removing every trace of him from her life and that of their daughter. She's openly unimpressed with the return of her old flame, and does all she can to freeze him out while she focuses on family who remained by her side after he ruined her life the first time.
Scarlet was the first of the Barlowe children to break tradition and take home a child who didn't have a father. The circumstances softened the blow and she found some relief when her younger sister ran off to France and returned with two of her own.
Cassidy Barlowe
May 23, 1943 | FC: Brooke Castillo | Gryffindor | Age: 30 |
Maddox's twin sister and the most spirited of the Barlowe trio, Cassidy has always danced to the beat of her own drums. Despite being sickly all her life, she never allowed her condition to dampen her spirit. It came as only a small surprise when she turned up at home with two children (Avery and Luka St. Croix) who spoke not a lick of English, trophies from her time spent living it up in France. She's recently been given a terminal diagnosis that has sent the close-knit family into a tailspin however, the former lioness has never been one to give up. She still searches for specialist--anyone who might have a better understanding of her condition that can be debilitating some days and almost not there the next. On her good days, she remains the life of the party believing life is for living and there's no need to mourn if no one is dead.
Phoenix Barlowe
January 12, 1962 | FC: Maisie De Krassel | house: TBD | Age: 11 |
Phoenix has grown used to being the oldest kid. For what seemed like the longest while, she was the
child. She's quite attached to her mother (Scarlet Barlowe) and adores spending time with her family the most. Around her 8th birthday, her father made a sudden reappearance. While she was, at first, wary of the man, he has since won her over with his showering of gifts and long trips to far-off places as he's a man of means. Over time, he managed to spoil her. Phoenix hasn't realised that her father's overzealous attempts are nothing more than a means to ingratiate himself with her mother once more.
Avery St. Croix
March 1, 1968 | FC: Alisa Bragina | House: TBD | Age: 5 |
Avery is a bubbly child who loves to dance. She's officially enrolled with a child ballet company where she has been showing tremendous promise. Her level of English is still very low as she was raised all her life in France. Following her mother's final, terminal diagnosis, she and her brother were whisked away in the middle of the night and taken back to England so her mother could be closer to the rest of the family. She's still very young and while she understands her mother (Cassidy Barlowe) is sick, she has largely not yet realised how serious this is. Her life is full of wander and adventure though she does wonder when her papa will come join them.
Luka St. Croix
October 19, 1970 | FC: TBD | House: TBD | Age: 2 |
Luka is the more reserved of Cassidy's children. He follows behind his sister Avery and enjoys being read to. Around his family, he can become a ball of energy and giggles but he has a tendency to shut down around strangers. While its's normal behaviour for a child of his age, Luka seems exceptionally withdrawn when introduced to new people and will take an unusual amount of time to thaw.
rules for adoptions
A lot of the individual plot lines and FCs are very flexible! You can send a PM to my
Ruth Elliot
account or on discord with the same name.
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Last Edit: 29/11/2024 at 23:30 by Maddox Barlowe
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