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Topic: Calvert Family adoptables (Read 512 times)
Miriam Calvert
(30/04/2023 at 10:28)
The Calvert Family
cordially invites you to join
Lanscombe Hall in Devon is the home of the Calvert family and has been for 5 generations, although the family have been in Devon for centuries.
The current owner of Lanscombe Hall is Tristan Calvert, whose wife died in January.
Their only son, Lucretius, left on his Grand Tour at 21 and never came home. He fell in love with Tuscany, married an Italian woman and still lives there.
But his wife, Olivetta Bianchi, resents him working every hour of every day, so when her mother-in-law died she decided to bring their 3 children back to the Calvert family home.
Their son, Richard, is a rambunctious tyke who loved his Italian home but is excited to learn all about his new one.
Tristan Calvert
61 | Simon Williams | Slytherin | British accent | lives in Devon
The grandfather of Miriam Calvert and her 2 younger siblings, Tristan was quite surprised when his daughter-in-law announced that she was coming to keep house for him after his wife's death. Surprised but grateful. He was excited at the idea of raising his grandson to be a good steward of the family estate but the reality of an under-supervised, bilingual 6-year-old was more than he was prepared to handle. Now, Tristan mostly avoids his grandchildren by taking breakfast in his study and having dinner with his daughter-in-law after they've been put to bed.
Lucretius Calvert
37 | George Harrison | Slytherin | British accent | lives in Tuscany
After Hogwarts, Lucretius wasn't sure what he wanted to do with his life. His father tried to interest him in running the family estate but sheep bored the young man. At 21, Lucretius' mother persuaded him to go on a Grand Tour of Europe. He spent a few months in Paris and Nantes with some third cousins, then stopped for a day in the town outside Beauxbatons before heading to Monte Carlo. Luckily, he doesn't have much taste for gambling and soon moved east into northern Italy. Lucretius fell in love with the countryside and Tristan's love of farming came out in him as a fascination with wine-making.
Lucretius never really returned from his Grand Tour, taking a 2-year apprenticeship on a vineyard in Veneto and only visiting on occasional weekends. Then, he met his future father-in-law, Antonio Bianchi, in Milan and took another 2-year apprenticeship with him before being given a job on one of Antonio's vineyards in Tuscany. And, six years after leaving home, his parents were invited to his wedding to Antonio's favourite daughter, Olivetta.
He set up home with his wife in the villa overlooking Florence that her father gave them as a wedding present. And, once she was occupied with preparing for the birth of their first child, Lucretius turned his attention to planting a vineyard and beginning his quest to make a bottle of wine that he can be proud of.
Olivetta Bianchi Calvert
35 | Giulia Di Quilio | Beauxbatons | Italian accent | lives in Devon
Olivetta grew up on the shore of Lake Orta, the fourth of five children and youngest daughter of Antonio Bianchi and Grazia Fiorucci Bianchi. She and her siblings had both French- and English-speaking tutors before attending Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. She had done her own Grand Tour, visiting the Louvre in Paris and the Parthenon in Athens, and was back home helping her sister prepare for her wedding, when she first her father's protégé, Lucretius Calvert.
During the preparations for their wedding, she joked to her mother and sisters that she was only marrying him because her father intended to give Lucretius her favourite house. In some of her darker moments since, Olivetta has wondered if the only thing that brought them together was their mutual love for that house.
After 10 years of solitary dinners and being excluded from his grand passion (wine-making), Olivetta has had enough of feeling unappreciated. She's taken herself and her children off to miserable Britain, where at least her father-in-law will appreciate her for looking after his home.
Richard Calvert
6 | no FC | no school | bilingual in English and Italian | lives in Devon
Richard (or Riccardo as his mother calls him) has lived all of his life in Tuscany, only occasionally visiting his grandparents in Devon. However, his father has always spoken to him in English and the governess he had in Italy was English, so he speaks both languages pretty well.
In Italy, he enjoyed running around outside, collecting interesting stones and "practicing Quidditch" by climbing up a tree and sitting on a branch as his broomstick.
Now that he's in the UK, where the weather doesn't always let him go outside, he's discovered that he enjoys running up and down inside and exploring for hidden passages. He's also learning to ride a pony.
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