Gender: Female
Age: 10, possibly 11 depending on site time. (Born on September 20, 1961, will be attending Hogwarts next term.)
Bloodline: Pureblood
Parents/Guardians (Are they currently played characters?): Gerard & Serafina Fox (NPCs)
Residence:London, England
Do you plan to have a connection to a particular existing place (for example: the daycare)?No.
Do you wish to be approved as a group with any other characters? If so who and for what IC reason? No, thank you.
Please list any other characters you already have at the site:I registered as Willa Truman (Elsewhere Adult), but decided to make Zelda my primary. Once this application is approved, I’ll put one through for Willa.
Biography: (100 words minimum.)Gerard Fox and Serafina Emory probably shouldn’t have gotten married. Not that anyone had tried to stop them. They were a beautiful couple, after all, and on equal footing in everything that mattered. Both came from magical families with international roots -Sarafina’s mother was Italian, Gerard’s great-grandfather a German who slid from Wilhelm Voss to William Fox upon settling in London -and a limited risk of producing squibs. They were well-off separately and very well-off together. They even loved each other. Had done since they met at Hogwarts all those years ago.
There was just one problem: Gerard and Serafina were idiots. Truly stupid. Their combined intellect was as shallow as a half-drunk puddle. Between them they shared about a quarter of the common sense bestowed upon an average human being. Highly suggestible and always eager to be on the ground floor of the next big invention, the couple waft from one party to the next, cutting checks for cauldrons that change color in sunlight and rings that turn your fingers blue when it’s about to rain. If it hadn’t been for their iron-clad trust funds limiting withdrawals, the pair would’ve lost everything a thousand times over.
And if they shouldn’t have gotten married, well, then they absolutely should not have had children. And yet, six years into their marriage, along came Zelda. Griselda, technically, though her parents never called her by her full name. Relatives would speculate that it was because they didn’t know how to spell it. Or, perhaps, that they had forgotten it altogether. Ambrose came next a little over two years later, then Hadriel-called-Heidi three years after that.
The family took up residence in a townhouse tucked away in one of London’s more magical neighborhoods. Zelda and her siblings had a happy childhood filled with love, their parent’s parties, and a veritable hoard of well-meaning relatives. When Zelda got her Hogwarts letter, everyone heaved a massive sigh of relief. Until they realized they would need to find someone else to help balance the checkbooks.
Roleplay:Reply as your character to the following:Godric Park.
Overhead, the sky was a crisp blue, for once clear of the ever-pervasive spongy clouds and rain. The sun was a lemony-yellow presence, high in the Eastern sky, and in front of it zipped three broomsticks in a straight line, or something very like one. One... two..... three... the boys passed, their shouts of excitement echoing as they chased the snitch, a tiny shimmer reflecting the sunlight.
Far below was another, much smaller broomstick.
It trugged along the ground, hugging close to it like a sluggish choo choo train and occasionally shuttering in protest. This was because said stick was currently being occupied by a very small girl who was tugging upward on the front of it with all her might, trying to coax it into doing what it had been expressly designed NOT to do.
"John, I said
wait up!" The tiny girl squealed, giving the broomstick another tug.
Begrudgingly, it drifted upward a foot, and then sank, depositing the troublesome girl safely on the ground. Janey Hurst was not pleased. In a huff, she hopped off the toy safety broom, grabbing it firmly and thrusting it handle first into the turf.
Her brother was such a beast. He NEVER let her play! She folded her arms, seething blue eyes fixing on another figure nearby. "You!" She barked, much more sharply than she meant to.
"...Do you want to play?"
Roleplay Response:It was the nicest weather they’d had in weeks; sunny and warm with just the lightest touch of a breeze. Ambrose and Heidi were off in another corner of the park with their newest nanny, and Zelda was finally,
finally free to read in peace. She’d spent the last ten minutes curled up with a dog-eared copy of
Little Women, losing herself in the story even as broomstick shadows swept across the pages. It was an utterly perfect afternoon.
Save for the screaming little girl, that is. It wasn’t Heidi -Zelda knew the sound of her baby sister’s indignation all too well, and that was definitely not it -so, really, it wasn’t any of her business. She read on, forcing herself to focus on Jo’s adventures instead of the sound of a toy broom javelining into the turf.
The bellowed ‘You!’ was a lot harder to ignore.
Zelda sighed. If her siblings weren’t annoying her, then someone else’s were. It was almost as if everyone under the age of nine could tell that she was a good big sister, not one of the rubbish ones who shouted and played their music too loud. All the same, she most definitely was not in the mood to play. If she had been, she would’ve let Heidi talk her into another twelve course tea party; at least then she’d have a chance to read during the constant changing of place settings.
“Me?” Zelda asked, more to stall for time than anything, “Oh. Um. No, I wouldn’t, but thank you for asking.” Her eyes darted over to the impaled broom. Another tantrum from the girl might end with the toy smacking into her shins, or worse, her book. “I know someone who would, though!” She pointed to the stretch of green where Ambrose and Heidi were sprinting circles around Nanny Celeste. “That’s called dizzy tag,” she explained, “and it’s ever so much more fun with three players. I know they’d just love to have you.”
OTHERHow did you find us?