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Author Topic: Persephone Amberghast - Elsewhere Adult  (Read 157 times)

* Persephone Amberghast

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E L S E W H E R E   A D U L T


Character Name: Persephone Belle Amberghast
Gender: Female
Age: 28
Blood Status: Pure

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, House of Slytherin, Class of 1964

She divides her time between the several Amberghast properties, though she does have an apartment of her own in London, England

Lawyer at the Ministry of Magic, Domestic Magical Law Office

Do you plan to have a connection to a particular existing place (for example: the Ministry, Shrieking Shack) or to take over an existing shop in need of new management?
The Ministry of Magic

Requested Magic Levels:
Adult characters have 32 starting levels to distribute across these four categories (less levels can be used if you so desire, but no more than 32). The number of levels on the lowest ability must be at least half of the highest ability.

If you want levels above the usual 32 total, or a significantly uneven distribution of starting levels, please fill out and submit the Exceptional Levels special request form here.

  • Charms: 10
  • Divination: 6
  • Transfiguration: 10
  • Summoning: 6
Do you wish to be approved as a group with any other characters? If so who and for what IC reason?

Please list any other characters you already have at the site:
The Foxgloves, Parker McCormick, Ophelia Marquis, Duncan McLaughlin etc.


The weight had always been there, resting on slim shoulders and wearing her down. It had been glorious and terrible at the same time, a devastating responsibility to be perfect in every single way.

Persephone wasn’t the oldest child. This dubious honour belonged to Indigo, her favourite brother, her confidante and accomplice. They hadn’t started out that way, of course; for years the talk of the wretched curse had kept her careful. Her young self had only ever regarded him from afar yet she’d been as eager for his attention as all the others were. The passing years blunted the threat of that curse and Persephone had crept ever closer, until her elusive brother was not only that, but also a friend.

Calliope was the first daughter, both forgotten and yet never far from Persephone’s thoughts.Excommunicated and burnt from the tree, Calliope had done little more than leave a black patch of ash in her wake. Persephone owed her banished sister a debt and sometimes, when only the dark kept her company, she smiled into her pillow, remembering the day that the weight had lifted ever so slightly at the knowledge that someone else had sinned before she herself had had the chance.

Of Malachite knew very little. He was alien in the same way that ghosts were and though he was very much an Amberghast, she only had to look at him to realise that her spirit was a shrunken prune compared to his. It was easy to shower him with contempt, to laugh at the seemingly bottomless pit that made him yearn, and pine, and love. She rolled her eyes at his sights, openly pitied his sweet sensitivity. His life was different than hers; fuller, more fragile. She envied him his dreams yet feared those brazen tears.

Then there was Xanthe. Perfect, angelic Xanthe, still unmarred by expectation and wholly innocent. If the youngest wasn’t the fairest of them all she was certainly the gentlest - compassionate and caring almost to a fault. In a kinder world, Seph would have doted on her baby sister. They would have been kin in more than name. Unfortunately the parameters of her life had clicked into place very early on and so Xanthe existed to her only within the narrow confines of the unsullied Amberghast name.

Where did all of this leave Persephone, though?

The second daughter of Edward and Penelope was nervous yet bold, cruel yet committed. Life had handed her a silver spoon yet she ate carefully, far too aware that those edges were sharp and at least one had cut themselves in their haste to feed their desires. She worked hard, yet pretended to indulge in the pleasures of the rich at times. Her own weaknesses were stomped on and crushed to dust, then paved over in orderly fashion, each new rule a new slab in the road.

It was easy for Persephone, in a way. The men in her life had left footprints to follow she and walked after them, her own steps dainty and precise as she drew ever closer to perfection.

Yes, the weight had always been there, but Persephone Belle Amberghast wore it well.

Roleplay Response:

Merlin’s fog watch?” Persephone echoed as she stepped around the disaster of a woman, high heels teasing the cobbles yet avoiding those deep grooves easily. “Madam,” whether she was a Madam or not, because those shoes aged her at least twenty years, “-- you’ve just explained the Prophet’s dwindling readership with three short words.”

She extended no hand, nor did she reach for the shoe still stuck in those dastardly cobbles. There was no need for mercy at all, not here, yet if Amelia Dixon hadn’t fallen, Persephone Amberghast wouldn’t have bothered to slow down for a second.

She hadn’t been in a hurry, not at all, but she held a certain distaste for journalists and those seeking sensation were the worst of the lot. Unfortunately tragedy sold newspapers and by ending up on all fours, the ungainly Dixon might just become news herself. Now, if she was polling the masses on their favourite colour puffskein, no harm could come of the article. Her clumsy slip would serve as an amusing anecdote and cost the writer a new pair of shoes, nothing more.

A wounded, bleeding journalist investigating Ministry practises was of far more concern, though, and Persephone would be remiss if she didn’t at least check that the institution’s name would remain unblemished.

“Perhaps this article of yours was meant to change things, hmm?” she asked, a sharp smile blossoming on perfectly painted lips.

“Tell me, what were you hoping to discover?”


How did you find us? Honestly can’t remember
« Last Edit: 28/12/2024 at 10:44 by Timothy Winchester »

* Roisin Byrne

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