Archived Applications / Raven Evangeline Reinhardt
« on: 08/10/2012 at 15:44 »
Application for Beauxbatons Academy
Name: Raven Evangeline Reinhardt
Birthday: June 18th, 1960
Hometown: Reinhardt Manor, West France / the Private Estate in England
Bloodline: Pureblood
Muggleborn / Halfblood / Pureblood / Unknown
Magical Strength (pick one): Divination
Divination / Transfiguration / Charms / Conjuring & Summoning
Magical Weakness (pick one): Transfiguartion
Divination / Transfiguration / Charms / Conjuring & Summoning
Year (pick two): 4th (5th) – 3e (2de) Annee?
For as long as she could remember her name had been Raven Evangeline Aliyev. She knew of course that Alexei and Maryana weren't her parents by birth and Stanislav and Viktor not her biological brothers, but it had never really mattered to her. They were nice and treated her well. They loved her and she loved them. They were her family. To her it had never really mattered that her true name was Reinhardt.
Alexei and Maryana had known about Raven's heritage and the magic flowing through her veins from the moment they had accepted the baby girl into their family. It was a favor to a man they had know for a lifetime, a man they respected and even had come too see as a member of their family, despite their differences. They held Sergio Melachontes in high regards and his strange disappearance after the birth of Raven both saddened and puzzled them. They had thought he'd come back for his child.
But years passed and Sergio never as much as sent a letter. Soon Alexei and Maryana stopped discussing it. What little they knew of the magical world scared them, and they wanted to spare the fragile child Raven was of such fears.
When Raven turned 11 she received a letter of acceptance to Durmstrang, and if the Aliyev family hadn't already known of the magic flowing within her, they knew now. The letter was discussed, even Raven's opinion was heard, but in the end a small note was returned with the owl declining the offer.
Alexei and Maryana were concerned that, bright as she was, Raven would suffer away from the family. She had always been a physically fragile child and especially during the long winters her asthma was severe. And she was happy at home. She'd attended the small local school and was fine there. She had a few friends, though her brothers always remained her closest allies. They really did not see much point in sending her as far away as Durmstrang and thus she stayed at home.
They did, however, have frequent contact with an old lady living in the village. Sofya was a witch, and she was able to teach Raven the basics of magic. She soon discovered the girl's interest in Divination and the weekly lessons often concentrated on that subject above anything else, leading to a rather uneven education. But Raven was happy and never grieved about not being at Durmstrang. She felt safe and comfortable in her home in the small village in central Russia.
In the winter of 1974 when Raven was 14 and a half, she celebrated the last New Year with the Aliyev family. The entire village gathered at the village square just before midnight and the anticipation of the arrival of 1975 was great. As the clock at the town hall struck 12, Raven cheered with her family and shouted her 'Happy New Year!'
Then everything went quiet and darkness settled around her. She looked around the previously buzzing town square, but now there was nothing. Nothing and no one but the old witch Sofya. Everyone else had disappeared.
After the time warp Raven is left alone with nothing but a name she's never used and the friendship of an old woman. Sofya helps her to use the Floo Network and travel to London where she tracks down the Reinhardt family. Her family.
She's accepted into the family, but not without struggles, and before long finds herself on yet another journey, this time to the famous French school, Beauxbatons.
Note: This section is optional, and is up to you to complete.
Ecole Request: Studio Art
Raven has always been rather timid and shy, but she values friendship and the closeness that her adoptive family has always provided her with. When you first meet her, she might seem like quite a pushover; she lacks physical strength, she's shy, she hates arguments and often tends to shy away from any discussions or confrontations, but when you get to know her better she can be surprisingly strong. Especially if someone threatens the people she loves.
Raven is an observer more than a doer, and through her observations of people she sees a lot. She seems to have an understanding of people and their feelings that not many 14 year olds have, but then again, she's also grown up surrounded by adults and brothers who were quite a bit older than her.
Raven is of average height, slender and has dark brown hair and blue eyes. Her Russian heritage shines through, and if you didn't know it, you wouldn't guess she had Latino blood running through her veins as well.
Please reply to the Sample Roleplay below.
Raven sat in the middle of the dining hall, surrounded by students. There was talking and laughter, giggles and squeals. Even an argument seemed to have erupted towards the back of the hall where a group of boys were seated. Raven kept her eyes on the blond girl next to her, who was telling a very animated story.
Somehow she had managed to join a group of students. They all seemed nice and she knew a few of them from her classes. They seemed to be a fun, albeit large, crowd, and Raven was quite happy to be able to sit with them. She smiled slightly as the girl chattered away excitedly.
The only downside was that they all spoke French. And she didn't.
Concentrating on the facial features of the speaker, Raven did her best to read whatever she could from the girl. She was happy about something, that was clear from the smile and the giggles as well as the glint in the bright blue eyes. The tone of her voice also spoke of excitement. Maybe she'd done well at a test, or received a present. Everything was possible.
Suddenly, while sitting deep in her own thoughts, Raven felt something land in her lap. Surprised, she looked down, only to discover what looked like someone's dinner all splattered over her clothes.
"Oh! I'm so sorry!"
Light blue eyes moved from the spilled food to the girl standing behind her. “That's...” Raven blinked and she could feel herself blushing, while warm gravy seeped through her white blouse. Embarrassing.
“It's okay, don't worry,” Raven said quickly, her voice hushed. With a napkin she began picking up the pieces of vegetables and placing them carefully on a spare plate. She was sure she could feel the entire hall looking at her, and she held her head low.
Previous Characters (if applicable): Daniel Marcus Reed
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