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Topics - Astraia Hunt

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Suggestions & Questions / A Mistake With My Name...
« on: 19/12/2011 at 05:56 »
My computer was lagging when I registered and didn't enter the 'Hunt' part in my name... Could someone fix my name and make it Astraia Hunt?

Archived Applications / Astraia Hunt
« on: 19/12/2011 at 05:37 »

Name: Astraia Hunt

Former Character's Name (if you had one):

House Request:

Astraia would fit into Ravenclaw fairly well because she loves reading and getting good grades. She's also a perfectionist and is very hardworking and studious. If not, Slytherin could suit her because of her determination to do well and fit in.

Fourth year, and if not, Third year.


Magical Strength (pick one):
Charms. Astraia is a natural at it, just like her mother.

Magical Weakness (pick one):
Divination. She finds it unreliable and inaccurate, but that may be because she could never understand why you had to look into shiny balls to see the future. She hates not understanding things.


The Hunt family was an old Pureblood family that had been located in the United States until now. Five years ago, it had consisted of Jason Hunt, his Muggleborn wife, Harmonia, and their eight-year-old daughter Astraia. One day, Harmonia was killed in a tragic accident while trying to save a drowning little girl. She'd forgotten her wand, and had desperately jumped in in an attempt to rescue her. Neither survived.
Jason was devastated, and became depressed. Oh, he still laughed and smiled, but his laughter was forced and his smiles were rarely genuine. Astraia had convinced herself that someday, he would revert back to his old self. Her hopes seemed to be a lost cause.
Five years after Harmonia's death, Jason was transferred to the British Ministry of Magic. He brought Astraia with him, and she transferred from Valle del Sol High School to Hogwarts. That brings us to where we are now.
On the 31st of December, Astraia Hunt could be found in her room paging through her copy of Hogwarts: A History. Beneath her calm demeanor, she was panicking. Tomorrow was the first day at Hogwarts. What if she didn't fit in? What if she failed to reach the standards? Back at Valle del Sol, she had had few friends, and she was not social. And Hogwarts? What kind of a school name was that? Astraia attempted to console herself by petting her barn owl, Artemis. It didn't work.
It was at that moment that it started to rain outside. The girl couldn't help but groan. A storm. She had never liked storms, and more storms occurred in England than California. It was perhaps her worst birthday ever.
"So much for a happy birthday," Astraia muttered under her breath. On a sudden impulse, she yelled, "Tillie!"
The Hunt house elf for the past fourteen years, Tillie, appeared in the room. However, before Astraia could make a request, she revealed a birthday pie from behind her. Astraia had never liked cake as much as pie, and she was delighted.
"Master Jason requested I make you a pie before he left for work," said the little elf.
The fourteen-year-old was pleasantly surprised and experienced a brief sense of euphoria. Perhaps her father had stopped mourning? It was most likely a lost cause, but she grinned anyway and reached for the pie.


Astraia is very intelligent and studious. She is a perfectionist and somewhat shy and seclusive. She's not a very social person and hates storms. While she is a bit shy, she can also be fierce if insulted. Astraia cares very much about her father and worries about him. She constantly hopes that he will get better. Astraia is also a bookworm.

Astraia is a gray-eyed girl with a small build and long jet-black hair. She holds herself erect(no slouching here!) and has fairly pale skin from staying inside more often than not. She's sometimes frustrated with her build because the two highest shelves of her bookcases are just out of her reach.


Option I:

Blimey, the Great Hall was packed. It seemed like everywhere a guy looked there was some clown waving around a House banner or yelling about the game.

'Can you believe it?' 'No way!' 'This must be the biggest upset in Hogwarts Quidditch history...'

Stupid Quidditch.

James flopped into an empty seat at the end of the table, shoved an empty plate out of the way, and let his head sink onto his crossed arms, squishing his freckled nose down flat against the tabletop. He wasn't sure why he'd even bothered to come here, since he definitely wasn't hungry. He'd probably never eat again, in fact. He didn't deserve to eat. He hadn't stopped in the locker room to change out of his muddy, sweaty uniform after the game either, because he was pretty sure he probably didn't deserve to be clean too; and anyway he couldn't stand to see the looks on his team mates' faces after he blew their chance at winning one of the biggest games they had ever played.

Just one lousy shot. That's all it would have taken. If he could have just got that one stupid foul shot to go through that one stupid hoop, they could have won and he wouldn't have been the biggest blockhead in the entire school.

As if to prove the point, half the people at the next table suddenly broke into a loud victory chant. James pressed his face further into his arms to hide the bright red blotches he could feel creeping up his cheeks. That was it. He was just going to have to run away and move to Nova Scotia. He'd just cost the three-year-in-a-row Champions the Quidditch Cup! How do you ever live that one down for crying out loud? He was only a second year and he was going to spend the rest of his life as 'that dumb cry-baby kid who dropped the Quaffle!'

It felt like every set of eyes in the room was boring into him, and James couldn't stand it anymore. He jerked himself back up from the table and stomped right back out of the Hall the same way he had come in. As he stormed into the quieter hallway outside, he could hear footsteps somewhere behind him. James rounded on the sound and began to shout, his brown eyes shining with tears. "WHAT! Haven't you ever seen a loser before? Why don't you just take a picture!"

Sample Roleplay Response:

Astraia blinked, studying the crevices in the stone wall and looking everywhere but the Second year.
"Well... I hope you don't feel too bad about the game. I don't think that you're as bad a player as you probably think you are. Not that I know, anyways. I'm not a big fan of sports, really."
Inwardly, the girl was kicking herself. Stop being so nervous, the sensible side of her argued. He's two years younger than you, for crying out loud! She couldn't fathom why she had decided to go after the boy in the first place. Comforting others was definitely not her forte.
She finally blurted, "Um, just don't dwell on it too much, alright?"
With that, Astraia shoved the book that she had coincidentally brought down with her, The Chaser's Guide to Quidditch, into his arms. She then promptly rushed off, burning with embarrassment as to how she had handled the situation. She really needed to find a good book on comforting others.

Optional: I was browsing the web randomly and I found it.

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