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Author Topic: Fairweather, Harman, Murray, Spellbody, Thatch, and Von Stein Family Adoptables  (Read 981 times)

* Cordelia Von Stein

    (28/07/2023 at 04:10)
  • ******
  • Sixth Year
  • C10D6T12S7
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Walk with meaning


Try try again

Penelope (Penny) Harman
 Janurary 11, 1961 | Peyton List | Playful | Curious | Loyal

Penny is one of the youngest children of Jonathan Harman and Edith (Spellbody) Harman. The other is her twin brother Percy. While Percy is more the adventurous type Penny is usually the kind who will follow along on his ideas of adventures. Penny is fiercly loyal much like her older sister Esmerelda and will do anything for her friends. Penny thinks her new cousin Cordelia is fun and likes to visit her and let her read them stories. She makes the stories come to life! Penny also has a pention for collecting things. From flowers to "pretty rocks" to odd looking twigs anything is game to become a collection for her.


Life is a game.

Fredrick Murray
 April 16, 1960 | Finn Wolfhard | Friendly | Jokester

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Fiona Murray
 January 18, 1962 | Reagan Revord |Twin | Friendly | Daddy's Girl

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Heath Murray
 January 18, 1962 | ian Armitage |Twin | Friendly | Bookish

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Jeremiah Murray
 July 8, 1965 | Maxwell Jenkins |Curious | Friendly | Daredevil

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always kindness

Delilah Spellbody
 Feburary 16, 1957 | Rowan Blanchard| Hufflepuff | Friendly | Daddy's Girl

Delilah is the youngest child of Phillip and Ellen Spellbody and is just as mischievous as her older brother, Jasper Spellbody. She loves a good prank, but only when it is in good fun. She loves sweets and loves making friends. Her favorite pastime besides pulling pranks is baking with her father whom she adores. Her and Jasper are on good terms mostly, but she is always trying to get a prank pulled on him. She hasn't surprised him yet, but soon maybe. Delilah is also the new cousin to Cordelia Von Stein due to the marriage of thier aunts to each other this past summer. Deliliah thinks it is great as it is another kid her age she can get to know, but Jasper is not so sure about the kind of attention the coupling may bring. Regardless young Delilah is more focused on preparing for all the new friends she will have when she starts at Hogwarts! Back in New York she and her brother had private tutors and there where no kids her age in the apartments. She can't wait to get to know other kids her age, and with her new cousin there she was sure to meet the right ones!


Make it better than it was found

Lindsay Thatch
  September 6, 1962 | Ayla Browne | Friendly | Tomboy | Adventurous

Lindsay Thatch was born on a brisk autumn morning in 1962, the eldest child of Quentin and Bridget Thatch. Quentin, a charming but absent-minded historian, and Bridget, a skilled herbalist with a knack for gardening, lived in a cozy but somewhat chaotic flat in North London. From an early age, Lindsay was an energetic whirlwind—a bright-eyed girl with a shock of golden hair who loved climbing trees, chasing after stray cats, and exploring every nook and cranny of her neighborhood.

Lindsay’s boundless energy made her a hero to her younger brother Wally, born when she was three. She affectionately dubbed him her “little explorer,” and the two were nearly inseparable. Together, they built forts, dug holes in the park in search of “hidden treasures,” and made up grand stories of knights, dragons, and brave heroines. Seven years after Lindsay’s arrival, Ciara was born—a tiny, red-cheeked bundle. Lindsay took one look at her baby sister and declared, “She’s mine to protect.”

As Lindsay grew, her penchant for adventure and a kind heart endeared her to everyone around her. Though she was often covered in mud or sporting scrapes from her latest escapade, Lindsay was the first to comfort a hurt friend or share her lunch with someone who’d forgotten theirs.

When Lindsay was around seven, strange things started happening. Once, while playing in the garden, she tripped and fell, only to find herself hovering inches above the ground. Another time, she accidentally turned the neighbor’s ginger cat bright blue after an argument about her “borrowing” its favorite spot. Her parents, who had always suspected magic in the family but kept it quiet, exchanged knowing looks and decided it was time to prepare her.

It wasn’t until the summer of her eleventh birthday that Lindsay’s magical heritage became official. On an ordinary afternoon, she heard a strange tapping at the window. Peeking through, she saw an owl—a magnificent tawny creature with a scroll clutched in its talons. As Lindsay opened the window, the owl dropped the letter into her hands and hooted once before flying away.

Her hands trembled with excitement as she unfolded the thick parchment, her bright blue eyes scanning the elegant green script:

Dear Miss Thatch,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Lindsay let out an ecstatic whoop, startling her mother, who dropped a watering can. Quentin burst into the room, and Wally came running, clutching his wooden sword. Lindsay waved the letter triumphantly, unable to contain her joy. “I’m a witch! I’m going to Hogwarts! This is the best adventure ever!”

The next weeks were a blur of preparation. Bridget and Quentin took Lindsay to Diagon Alley, where she gazed in awe at the shops selling robes, potions, and spellbooks. She nearly passed out from excitement when she chose her wand—a sturdy length of chestnut with a phoenix feather core.

As the summer days melted away, Lindsay eagerly told Wally and Ciara all about what she imagined Hogwarts would be like: secret passageways, grand feasts, and, of course, magical creatures. Though Wally pretended to be unimpressed, he listened intently, already dreaming of his own letter in a few years.

When the day finally arrived, Lindsay boarded the Hogwarts Express with her new robes, wand, and a head full of dreams. As the train pulled away, she waved wildly at her family, feeling a mix of exhilaration and nervousness. Hogwarts was calling, and Lindsay Thatch couldn’t wait to answer.

Von Stein

Honor above all

Adoption note: A lot of the individual plot lines and Face Claims, and even names are negotiable! You can send a PM to me either on this account or on discord as Asher Cole on the main server.

(All adoptables are of school age or younger, they will be removed once they reach 18)
« Last Edit: 14/12/2024 at 06:07 by Cordelia Von Stein »
The problem with
books is that

The problem with
books is that

* Cordelia Von Stein

    (12/12/2024 at 04:43)
  • ******
  • Sixth Year
  • C10D6T12S7
    • View Profile
Updated with added adoptables!
The problem with
books is that

The problem with
books is that
